Why Are You Here? "What am I doing?" I asked myself once more. I was standing outside of the movie theater at 12:00 in the morning, openly defying my parents for the first time ever, and suddenly I feel guilty. Fuck. I hate that feeling. Especially when I want my parents to be pissed at me more than they already are. They still just refuse to realize that I'm not just their little girl anymore. I may be young, but I'm a grown fox. I don't deserve the crap they give me. Fuck it. I'm gonna see the damn movie whether they come looking for me or not. "One please." I said, holding out a fresh twenty. "That'll be 7 dollars." said the tiger in the ticket booth. I handed him the twenty. Shit. I remember when a movie ticket was cheap and now they're so damn expensive. I took my change and ticket and walked to the designated theater. It was packed! Jeez! I made sure to come early and it's still almost full. The only seats were way up front where I'd be surrounded and boxed in. Ah, fuck it. Like it really ever matters. I walked down the isle and passed the creatures in the rows. I sat down next to a lonesome looking fox. He was wearing all black and a spiked collar around his neck, his hair was dyed black and spiked up. Hey, ya never know. Things just happen sometimes. He glanced over at me and sighed. "Um. . ." I started fumbling with my words. "Hm?" He asked. "Nothing." He shrugged and turned to the screen. The lights dimmed and the screen lit up, no previews, straight to the movie. Thank god. I couldn't stand those fucking previews taking up about twenty minutes before a movie. It was a new horror movie. One of those types that's funny, not scary. The opening scene was some female buxom blonde haired. The killer played a few games with her mind before firing his shotgun into her face. Boring. . . Besides, it's been done before. "God this movie sucks." I muttered, half-way through the movie. "I agree with you there." came a whisper from the fox next to me. "Heh, guess we've both seen one too many horror movie, huh?" "You could say that." "Besides," I whispered, "killers aren't very creative these days." "I know!" He exclaimed, in a hushed voice. "I'm Kora." "I'm Jacob." "Interesting name." I remarked. "Yeah, everyone seems to think so." There was a pause. "Why are you here?" He asked, "you have a family at home right?" I paused. "Yeah I do, but my parents have me grounded right now and I'm sick of them governing my entire life. I just needed to get away." I said. "Hey, wanna get out of here?" He asked. "Um, I don't. . ." I stammered. He waited for a full reply. "Ah fuck it. OK, you lead." We got up, walked up the isle, and out of the theater, leaving behind the shitiest horror movie on the face of the Earth. When he brought me to his car, I should have felt creeped out, but I realized that I've seen the same guy in one of my classes at school. "Now I remember you!" I said, realizing who he was. "Huh?" "You're in my English class. Remember yesterday, I got a suspension for talking back to the teacher and saying ‘Fuck You' when she pissed me off?" "Oh yeah! Psycho Vixen!" He exclaimed. So we did know each other, just never really met. "Any ways, my place is empty, folks just left one day to go to Hawaii and said they have no plans of coming back. Actually I said I didn't want to move and they've just been sending me a steady money supply to aid me." "Cool." His car was very comfortable, though it looked like a piece of shit from the outside. It had leather seats, lots of leg room, climate control, and even a CD player. He started it up after and started driving. The drive wasn't long, only lasting for about 15 minutes before we were at his house. It was right in the bad area of the city. "This part of town sucks. The gang wars are frequent, yet they always happen when least expected. I nearly died when a stray bullet caught me in the stomach. Doctor said it was a miracle, the bullet didn't touch any of my vital areas. It just went in and out, causing a sh*t load of blood to spill." He told me. "Wow." I replied. I was at a loss for words. This guy had survived a gunshot wound and was able to talk about it easily to me, without flinching at all. That takes a lot of nerve and guts. We were nearing his house when the gun fire broke out. Bullets were flying across the street from both sides and we were caught in between. He yelled something I couldn't understand and a bullet flew right passed his face. He gunned the engine, but something was wrong. We couldn't move! I frantically tried to get as low to the floor of the car as a could, hearing the bullets were like angry killer bees on a set course. The gun fire all stopped for a second. "Get the fuck out of here!" Someone yelled from outside. I opened my door, he opened his. "You guys just killed my fucking car," He yelled back, "I can't move it, the transmission is shot." "We'll take care of it, just get out of here asshole before we fill you and your bitch up with holes." Said a voice from the other side. "Fuck you!" I yelled at him, Jacob was right next to me and walked stood in front of me. "Come on. Lets just get out of-" A shot rang out and I heard it's sickening thud. Jacob gasped feeling his back. He fell to the ground. Sirens were blasting by that time, the cops were on their way. "Shit!" Someone yelled. The gangs disappeared through the alley ways. The cops had just pulled up by then. An ambulance was also with them. But it was too late. "I guess. . .they f-finally got m-me," Jacob wheezed, "I'm sorry." With a final gasp, Jacob died. I knew the medics couldn't save him. They came to late. Even though I didn't really know him, I cried for him as a friend would. My parents were happy to see me. No, they were crying with joy that I wasn't shot like Jacob. In a sense, Jacob saved me when he stood in front of me. I owe him my life. I hope he went to a better place, where the air is clean and nobody's shooting at each other. Just wait Jacob. I'll see you ‘round, eventually. This was written for a reason. Just because someone looks funny doesn't mean they aren't gentle. It's odd to see the Gang's as Cool and the strange looking as bad.