Episode1: In The Swing Of Things Preface -- Revision 1 COPYRIGHT NOTICE This story and all characters herein copyright (c) 1998 Paul A. Hinchberger III. All rights reserved. All characters in this story are fictitious. Any similarities to anyone, either real or fictitious, are purely coincidental. Distribution is permitted as long as (1) no fee is charged for distribution (including charges for the medium this work is distributed upon) and (2) the content is not changed in any way. If the medium that the distribution occurs in is a mass medium and/or distribution is charged for, you must also obtain permission from the author prior to distribution. CONTENT NOTICE This work contains mild-to-strong language some may find offensive. (Oh well...) This work covers sensitive topics that may not be appropriate for all readers. (Again, oh well...) You are not being forced to read this. The author will not be held responsible for any damages, physical or psychological, that may result from anyone reading this as everyone has been forewarned. A long time ago a war ravaged this land. Not much is known about this war, for, with the sands of time, so has gone the history. What knowledge remains of this war is told through legends. Many are uncertain of the truths about the legends. As with all stories, over time they are faded and washed with exaggerations and the occasional forgotten memory. On the cusp of becoming just another story, many are already forgetting the lessons the past holds for them. And as history has taught us, those that forget it are doomed to repeat it. From the legends of this war long forgotten arises an unsuspecting hero. His role: to save a world from repeating the past.