The Christmas Eagle.
Copyright © 2002
Skipai Da Otter

Please see, Copyright.txt in the stories main directory on instructions on getting permission on posting this elsewhere.

Warning:  Contains:  Puma Otter/Bald Eagle M/M: Vore, Anal, Plucking, Water-sports.

To comment on this story send me a email to: skipaiotter at  (replace at with @)

Snow began to fall onto the ground outside, leaving a thick white blanket.  The river was frozen solid, leaving a few otter cubs running along the length before sliding about on their bellies.  Not far from there, in a small holt on a hill further down the river was some smoke billowing out.  Jad lived here.  He was a male otter that lived by himself and wanted to keep it that way.  No one came near him for there were tales and rumours on his strange ways.  This was one of them.


Jad huffed as he pulled the heavy log from the outside; the top covered in snow as it fell to the floor and melted away leaving little puddles of water.  His coat shimmered as the cold water ran off from his coat.  Stopping and wiping away the water from his brow, he panted slightly before moving the log into the fireplace.  Kneeling down and rubbing his paws together, the log crackling as the flames danced over in pretty patterns.  Getting back up again he closed the door and stretched moving over to his chair and sat down gently, letting his tail curl about him to his side and picked up the book that he was reading.  A glass of red wine with a corked bottle stood to the side on a small table and as he flicked over a page, he reached over and took a sip of the wine, which warmed up his throat and body.

His eyes moved slowly across the page, reading every word and letter.  Slowly he stretched out his foot paws and with a slow motion, he stretched his toes and wriggled them in the direction of the fire.  Slowly he gave a deep breath and on his release a loud, soothing chirrp escaped from his muzzle lips, making them vibrate gently.  All the while the fire continued to heat the den up, with it crackling and sparking as it worked it's way into the new log.

A faint knocking sound came to his ears as he was still reading the book in its blurriness.  Again the knock came and Jad shock his head as well as blinking his eyes, bringing up the text in his book back to focus.  He looked up on the third rapping on his door and sighed, moving the book to the side and getting up slowly, his paws pushing him up, using the chairs arms for leverage.  Jad padded over to the door and opens it to the onslaught of a new storm blowing outside, the snowflakes being blown in.  Blinking a few times he looks out and see's a dark shadow standing outside.

"What do you want?"  Jad says slowly, while trying to see who was at his door in the first place.  "You do know that you're on my territory."  A slight low growl tone was mixed in with his last sentence.  Seeing the shape shake itself before replying back.

"Sorry to bother you.  My name's Ga'ial and I am a bit lost you see.  Was flying for hotter climate down south but this storm had arrived and I was wondering...."

Jad moved his head to the side before asking slowly.  "You were wondering what?"

Ga'ial blinked before clicking his beak.  "I was wondering if it was at all possible in having shelter until the storm passed."  The eagle looked about and shivered.  "I pay of course if you want."

Jad shook his head and moved to the side.  "No.  Of course not, please come in."  He watched as the eagle moved into the den and shook himself again as Jad closed the door and the cold outside wind behind it.  Padding past Ga'ial he turned and looked at the eagle up and down.  He was tall and his head nearly touched the ceiling.  The feathers were wet from the glittering snow that had melted.  "Please.  Sit by the fire and warm yourself up and I get you something warm to drink."

Nodding his head, Ga'ial moved over and sat down on the floor next to the fire, his eyes blinking before replying softly.  "Thank you."

Jad nodded and slowly padded out of the room with a smirk of good fortune that he wouldn't have to go out later and hunt something for lunch.  As he entered his kitchen area, he slowly began to prepare the drink that he would need.  Picking up the jar of hot chocolate drink, he put two teaspoons into the mug and began to boil some water on the stove.  As he waited for that to boil, his whiskers twitched slightly from the dust of the fine chocolate powder and he sneezed.  Opening the cupboard, he pulled out a small jar of white powder and grinned to himself as he padded back to the counter, and carefully sprinkled some of that into the mug.

His ears twitched as the kettle began to whistle and moving quickly now, his breath beginning to speed up as he thought of what was about to happen, he stood still at the front of the cupboard, put the two jars back inside and closed the door.  Picking up the kettle, with steam billowing from the spout.  He poured the hot liquid into the mug and picking up a teaspoon on the side, stirred the mixture up.

Ga'ial looked up as Jad came back in with the mug of hot chocolate and handed it to him with a smile.  "That should warm you up.  Nasty weather though I admit."

Ga'ial nodded and took a sip of the chocolate before drinking more of the hot drink.  Jad had moved back to his chair and sat down again, picking up his glass of wine and sipping it.  Ga'ial sat crossed legged and smiled, his eyes beginning to get that spark of life again.  "Thank you once again.  I should've gone home before this storm hit.  Was unexpected though.  Came with no warning."

Jad nodded and chirrped softly.  "I know.  Seems like winter is with us for a long while this time."  He ran a claw over the brim of the glass in thought before asking again.  "Mind if I ask, why you were out on Christmas Eve?"

Ga'ial squawked gently while ruffling his feathers.  "Was out hunting.  Got to catch something for tomorrow's lunch you see.  But what with this storm, no rabbits would be out and about."  He took another drink of the chocolate and seeing that he was nearly finished, drank it all.

Jad watched and nodded with a smile before taking a sip of his wine.  "I doubt anything would be out now in this storm.  So why not stay here for the night and when it has passed, you can get on your way."  He placed the glass back down onto the small table.  "And if you get up early, you be able to catch the rabbits in the dull morning light."

In the coming hours, they had talked about the weather, what was happening about in the area and also they found out much about themselves and how they hunted.  All the while Jad had kept an eye on the eagle, watching slowly as his speech began to get slurred.  Slowly he saw the eagle yawn and begin to leave him to it for the time being and returned back to his book.

A short while later, he looked over the top of his book and grinned looking at the sleeping eagle on the floor, next to the fire.  Placing the book down, he got up and began to get to work...

Moving over to the eagle, he prodded the bird a few times and got no response at all.  He moved his head to the side and perhaps he gave a bit too much of the drug, but shrugged.  He got back up again and moving to a chest in the corner of the room, he knelt down and blew the dust off the top.  His paws wiped away the rest before his clapped them, getting rid of the dirt and finding the key hidden beside it against the wall, he unlocked the padlock and opened it.  Inside were ropes; chains and a ball gag in which he pulled out and got back up, carrying the ropes and made his way back to the sleeping eagle.  He rolled him slightly away from the fire, some of the back feathers had been sighed, but that wouldn't matter, not with what Jad had planned anyways.


Ga'ial's head thumped in pain as he heard dripping water nearby, which was at the time too painfully loud for his ears.  His whole body ached all over as he slowly opened his eyes, before a chilly breeze blew over him.  Trying to get up, he found that he was restrained somehow and squawked out loudly.  "Hey.  What's going on?"

Jad looked up from where he was sitting and got up, he padded up to where the eagle lay on the table, strapped down on his back and looked over. "Ah, so you're awake.  Good.  I didn't want to start while you where still asleep."

Ga'ial snapped his beak at the otter.  "I show you what I can do while awake *SQUAWK!!! *"

Jad ran a paw along Ga'ial's chest feathers, making the claws push them aside slightly as he smiled.  "I don't think so.  You see, I am not letting you free and no one can hear you either.  It's still snowing heavily.  No one is out and they're sheltering from the bad weather and well.  You do owe me for the shelter."

Ga'ial blinked a few times and struggled for a moment, before relaxing again.  "What have you in mind?"  Jad in response just smiled as his paw continued to scritch his chest.  "Oh, it's a secret."

Ga'ial, not having any choice in the matter right now, decided that it was best to play along as he watched the otter standing beside him, before he moved off to the side and came back.  With one paw, he punched the eagle in the lower belly area and while Ga'ial was screeching in pain, he rammed the ball cock into his beak and quickly tied it behind his head.

Jad rubbed his paws together and took a look at the clock on the wall.  "Well, we have all night together me and you."  He moved out of the eagle's view as he stood right behind him and with his paws, he began to take hold of the white head feathers in his fingers and slowly began to pull them out, letting them float to the floor.  Ga'ial tensed up as he murmured about the table, feeling the feathers being pulled from their roots, the skin being left behind, bleeding slightly.

Jad mrrrr'd as he smelt the eagle\x92s blood as well as the rich pink coloured bare skin underneath.  Soon he had the whole head bare as he moved slowly downwards, plucking feathers out as he went.  Every now and again, he stopped to wipe the bare areas with a sponge, which made Ga'ial shudder as it was with cold water.  He sometimes did the plucking fast, sometimes slowly and on sensitive areas, very slowly.  He smiled as he pulled a feather out from it's root, feeling it rub against it's root walls, the skin pulling up as he watched as the eagle closed it's eyes tightly.

Taking a break he stepped back and found that he had plucked half of the feathers away.  The wings had been done, leaving a skeleton as his chest and head.  He looked really pathetic right now.  Much skinnier than when he had feathers and Jad laughed.

Ga'ial frowned and squawked again loudly on hearing this and turned his head with utter disgust and unimaginable rage.  "Stop laughing!  STOPPIT!!!" The thoughts were clearly shown in his eyes.

Jad shook his head and padded back to plucking the eagle, "You're nothing but a small bird.  Not even worthy of my work as I pluck your feathers.  But I have to have something for my dinner tomorrow and by rights you're my prey."  He chuckled as he began to pluck away the feathers around his most sensitive area and where the maleness was.  This made the eagle squirm, arching his back up into the air as the restraints held him down, but only just.

Eventually he plucked the last feather from the body and looked at the unfeathered bird in all of its pink glory.  Getting the sponge again, he dipped it into the cold water and began to clean the skin from any fluff from the feathers as well as any blood oozing out from the wounds.

Ga'ial swallowed a bit as his head turned side to side, feeling the icy cold-water nip all over his skin, making it sting and tingle.  As he watched the otter clean away what was left, he saw his own featherless body and he felt himself blushing, finally feeling vulnerable and naked.  Especially as the otter ran over the sponge over his ball sac and sheath.

Blinking he saw it twitch slightly and he lolled his head back, trying to force out the feeling of being ashamed to be like this, the cold wind blowing over his body from the wet skin, making the sensations more enhanced.  He couldn't believe that it felt so good.  Everything felt different than what he knew....

He jumped and looked down as he felt a paw rest upon his featherless sheath, squeezing it gently, the warmth of the paw sent shivers right up the bald eagle.  Jad looked down and continued to rub the length of the skin gently, feeling it starting to come to life as he pulled back the skin, showing the very red eagle-cock into the cold air.  Ga'ial shuddered and gasped out around the ball cock inside of his beak as Jad took hold of the glistening eagle-cock and began to stroke his paw up and down the length.

Jad began to rub the pre around the head of the cock, before transferring the pre along the length as he squeezed the head, making more pre drip down onto the featherless body.  He rubbed up and down the shaft quickly, seeing the chest of the eagle rise and fall quickly.  With a muffled squawk he came, sending his cum all over his pink front in spurts as the otter continued to milk him.  As he had finished and resting from the experience, he face now brightly red in being treated in this manner, his whole self confidence had been kicked, punched into oblivion.  He felt the otter begin to rub his cum into his skin, all over.  The skin began to tingle all over on where the otter had rubbed and he could smell his own musk fill the air.

Jad who found that he couldn't get all of the body covered, got up on top of the table and began to fondle himself.  He had covered all of the legs and lower half of the eagle\x92s body but he had to finish off the braising.  So he began to rub himself, his own cock beginning to swell up before coming out of its dark furred sheath.

Ga'ial blinked and watched as the much brighter red cock slipped out and bobbled just a short distance away from his head.  The webbed paw, grasped about the shaft as he murrred, the tail rubbing at the eagle's bare legs, the new sensation of prickly fur touching the bare skin, sending new waves of unimaginable sensations to his head.

With a loud chirrp and raising of the head, the otter shuddered as Ga'ial saw the first spurts of otter cum hit his face, dripping down his beak before other spurts hit him on the top of his head, slowly dripping down into his right eye as the remaining spurts hit him on the chest.  Jad then moved his paws rubbing his own cum into the upper body of the eagle as well as the beak and head.  He looked down at the smelly eagle, the skin glistening with cum that was rubbed on him and he slowly went down and grasped hold of the eagle\x92s hips.

Ga'ial blinked watching him and he shuddered feeling the hot otter-cock begin to slowly push into his rear end, the tight ring muscles giving away to the thick shaft, sending sharp pains that sent the loud murmurs as Ga'ial shook his head with closed eyes.  Jad mrrr'd feeling the tight hot insides as he pushed his whole length deep inside of the eagle and he lolled his head back as he began to feel himself relieve himself as his piss began to fill up the eagles insides.

The soothing warm sensation swept over Ga'ial who hadn't experience this before and his cock began to bounce about on it's own as he came for the second time.  Each spurt hitting his bare skin, the face around his beak was bright red as he lay there tied down, unable to do anything about this humiliation.

Jad slipped out as he placed a big butt plug in its place, keeping everything from spilling out.  He jumped down from the table and moved again beyond the eagle\x92s site.  Pushing the table around he then moved it to the open doorway of the large oven that was now open.  Slowly he pushed the eagle into the large room and Ga'ial was soon surrounded by darkness as the doors shut closed.  The sound of hissing came before a bright blue light replaced the darkness.

Jad licked his paws as he padded away into the other room, sat down in his chair and uncorked the wine bottle before pouring a glass.  Re-corking the bottle, he took a sip and placed the glass back onto the table.  Then he picked up his book and began to read, as the smell of slowly cooking eagle would reach his nose in the next few hours...
