A Week under a Paw - Part Two.
Copyright © 2002
Skipai Da Otter

Please see, Copyright.txt in the stories main directory on instructions on getting permission on posting this elsewhere.

Warning:  Contains:  M/M Otter, Ferret, Masturbation.

Day one (Continued)

*click*  Keeva turned the key in the lock and pushed the door open, the familiar scents of the flat coming back to the otter as he sniffs the hallway.  Feeling himself relaxing again he felt a paw rest on his shoulders.  "Well, we going to stand out here all day or are you going to show your master your home?"  Keeva smiled as he bent down again to pick up the suitcases and nodded his head.  "Follow me.  He just barely got down the hallway, feeling the suitcases scraping against the paintwork before kicking open a door to enter the main part of his home.  Moving one suitcase through and side stepping to get the other case in, he smiles and puts the case down before turning around to face where Tibor who was closing the door behind him and putting it on the latch on the other end of the hallway.

Smiling he watched Tibor pad towards him before moving the suitcases out of the way from the doorway and felt the ferret move past him as he turned around to see him sitting down on the sofa, slipping off his shoes before putting his foot paws on the wooden coffee table.  Keeva smiled as he padded over to sit down on the sofa next to the ferret and sighed.  "Well, it's not much but it's my home."  He smiled and turned to face the snow-white ferret.  "So welcome to my humble home."

Tibor smiled and leaned over to hug the otter next to him, pulling Keeva towards him as he wrapped an arm about the slim otter and nuzzled the cheek fur.  "Well, pet.  Glad that I was able to get over to see you?"  Licking the soft brown fur of the otter leaving a slight damp patch.

Keeva churred softly before nodding his head.  "Yes.  I can't believe this is happening though."  Turning his head around to give the ferret a lick on the nose.

Tibor smiled back before pulling away from Keeva and looked at the otter for a moment.  His paw dropped down to rest on the otter's thigh.  "Are you ready pet?"  Looking at the otter for a reply and feeling the leg shaking slightly.  Moving his head towards the otter's ear, he whispers softly the warm breath moving the furs about as he spoke.  "Don't worry.  I won't do anything apart from what we agreed on.  I won't harm you."

Seeing the otter nod, he smiled and pulling away from Keeva and getting up slowly, he stretches and turns to face him.  Moving his paws across his chest.  "Good.  First thing is first."  Keeve blinked and looked up at Tibor as he continued.  "Get undressed.  You didn't wear clothes while I was online with you, so I don't think you should start now."

Keeva nodded as he got up from the sofa, pushing himself with his paws as he halved turned and straightened up.  Tibor made a move towards the suitcases and lifted them up.  "Where's your bedroom?"  Looking back at Keeva as he began to pull on the jumper he had on.

Keeva replied back.  "That door over there."  Pointing with the paw that had the sleeve half pulled out and swinging from his arm movements.  "Sir."  He saw Tibor nod and padded past the otter, dropping one suitcase to the floor and opening the door.  Keeva watched as he saw the ferret slip inside, the door closing behind him and he smiled.  Moving to sit down on the sofa again, he continued to pull off the red jumper, feeling the fabric pull against the flow of his fur on the neck and head and began to fold it up neatly.


Tibor looked about the bedroom and smiled.  Leaving the suitcases where they were for the time being, he pads towards the double bed and smiled at the brass headboard and feetboards, placing a paw on the large sphere at the left corner.  It felt cold under his paw and he moved his paw over it, feeling the smooth surface.  "Hmmm.  Nice setup."  Sitting down on the edge of the bed, feeling the soft firm mattress move down under his weight.  Taking off his socks, to become bare pawed, he looked down and saw a thick imitation fur rug on the floor and smiled, placing his black socked paws down and began to knead the fur between his toes and churrred softly.

As he did this, he took a closer look about the rest of the room.  In the corner was a small red rocking chair, some clothes resting on the headrest.  Continuing to move his head to the right, he saw several photos of Keeva, some other otters.  Chuckling he continues to move his head around the room, his paws continuing to kneed the rug as he felt the travel tiredness aches drift away from his body.  He saw the chest of drawers; the top drawer not closed properly and moved to see the tall wardrobe.  Nodding his head slightly before getting up from the bed, he moved and took off his watch, placing it on the small bedside cabinet and made his way to the suitcases and began to unpack his stuff.


Keeva slipped off his t-shirt, feeling the slight coolness of the room he was in at the time, brush past his body and turned his head to see the front door and the cold wind blowing through.  Getting up from the sofa, he made for the other door and closed it, blocking out the cold draft and looked to the other door, some noises were heard from inside.  Shrugging his shoulders, he began to look down as he padded back to the sofa and tugged on the cords of his jogging pants, undoing the knot.  Slipping his paws around inside of the waistband, he pulled and bent downwards as he felt the pants moving down his pointing down tail, the fabric brushing down the fur as he let go, letting the pants fall to the floor and tried to step out of them but felt them still stuck to his ankles, with his white briefs visible as he looked down to see what the problem was still about his waist.

Placing a paw to the side of his muzzle.  "Come on.  Think clearly..."  Muttering to himself as he shuffled to the sofa and flopped down onto it backwards, hearing the springs groan slightly.  Shrugging, he moves forwards and pulls up his jogging pants to his knees and taking hold of his laces, he pulls and tugs at them, before frowning at his lack of co-ordination at this time, his head turning to face the bedroom door and turning back to the trainers in question.  Gripping hold of the back of the trainers, he pulls down as he lifts his foot, wriggling it side to side until he felt his paw coming free.  Repeating the process with the other foot and sighs, leaning back on the sofa again.

Leaning down again to pull off his jogging pants, picking them up from the floor and neatly folding them up to place in the same place he had placed the jumper and t-shirt before picking them up to put on the coffee table.  Lifting one leg up, he tugged at the sock and sniffed at it, shrugging, he left them in a ball and eventually placed the second one next to the first and stood up again.

Slipping off his briefs, making his sheath spring forwards slightly after feeling the fabric brush past the sensitive area, he chrrs softly, stepping out of them and drops those onto the coffee table and with a look to the bedroom door, he sat down and waited, paws resting on his thighs, running his fingers against one another and swallowed.


After what seemed like a while, Keeva saw the bedroom door open and jumped with a start as he blinked to see Tibor's white head come around from behind it.  "Pet, you can come in now."  His head slipping out of view again as Keeva pushed himself up and padded to the door, each step becoming heavier as he neared his own bedroom, the stomach beginning to churn, twist and turn as he felt the need to pant.  Swallowing to get rid of the feeling, his webbed paw gripped hold of the doorknob and pushed the door open all the way.

Stepping inside, Keeva looked and saw Tibor lying on top of the bed, resting his head with a propped up pillow.  Moving his paw to pet the side of the bed next to him, he smiled and spoke softly.  "Come lie next to me, pet."  He petted the bed once more and placed it on his chest.

Keeva nodded his head and moving around the bottom of the bed, his paw taking hold of the metal rail at the bottom, his eyes looking around the room, seeing the suitcases stacked up against one another in the corner of the room on top of the rocking chair and a small paddling pool inflated in the other corner and his room.  Slipping onto the bed, shuffling to lie down next to Tibor, he smiled slightly facing the ferret and gave him a longer look.

Noticing, Tibor was slim for a ferret, lithe and agile, without huge muscles showing through his fur but looking clean, well groomed and pure white, the small sheath looking visible, just with a slight raise from the rest of the belly fur, the small pink opening barely showing through by the strands of fur.  The ballsac looking well formed, the round orbs showing through under the fur, resting down between the legs as the tail sticks out slightly, curling upwards as the white fur gave way to a black tipped end.  The thin muscled legs with black tipped paws, showing sharp claws at the end.

Tibor smiled before moving a paw to touch Keeva's cheek fur gently on the side and leaned forwards with his warm tongue and licked over his muzzle, brushing past his whiskers.  Moving his paw to touch the otter's chest, giving it a gentle scritch.  "So how are you really feeling?"  Looking into Keeva's eyes softly.

Keeva blinked and churred softly to the paw scritching on his chest and swallowed.  "A bit scared."  He had to admit it, as he felt himself tensing up slightly, which came and went in waves.

Tibor nodded as he opened his paw to go flat and stroked the otter's chest gently.  "Don't be.  I won't harm you.  You do believe me, don't you?"

Keeva nodded his head as he saw Tibor smile and came closer, the feeling of his warm breath washing over his muzzle, the scent filling up his nose, sent a warm fuzzy feeling over the whole otter's body, before feeling the ferret's lips press against his own and he gasped in shock, his muzzle opening slightly before feeling the warm ferret tongue slipping in, rubbing against Keeva's tongue.  The flavours intermixed as the otter tasted ferret and murred softly, moving his own paw to wrap around the ferret's head and pressed his own muzzle deeply, exploring the ferret's muzzle, eyes closing over.

Tibor smiled as he watched the otter's eyes closing over, his paw slipping around to the otter's side and gently stroked downwards, lifting up and repeating the process over and over again in a slow motion.  Breaking from the kiss he licked the otters nose and muzzle, before licking his own and churred softly.  "I love you pet."  Keeva smiled back and felt the scared feeling drifting away from his body as he replied back.  "I love you to, sir."

The black gloved ferret paw, moved down to the otter's hip area and felt the strong muscled walls and smiled, licking at the otter's muzzle and whiskers with his warm tongue.  Slowly he slipped his paw inwards, tracing the outline where his hipbone met the leg and his fingers drifted over to where the smooth feeling of otter scrutum lay.

Keeva arched forwards, feeling a mix set of sensations coming from his sheath and ball area, the tip of his sheath beginning to get a little cold as pre began to form around the opening, the feeling of the whole sheath shrinking around his cock as he gasped loudly.  Tibor smiled and continued to fondle the two small balls in his paw, rolling them about, enjoying the warm soft feeling as he licked at Keeva's muzzle again, moving down in small nibbles along the front of his neck.

Moving his head backwards, Keeva shuddered and felt his cock swelling up inside of his sheath painfully, stretching the tube of skin and moaned in pleasure.  Tibor smiled as he slowly moved his other paw to slip under Keeva's head to help in the support and whispered in his ear.  "Does pet want servicing?"  He saw the otter nod and smiled.  "You know what I want in return, don't you?"  He saw the otter nod again and he kissed the otter's muzzle again.  "Okay, pet."

Tibor slipped his paw from the ballsac to grip around the tightly stretch sheath and ran a paw up the entire length.  Keeva shuddered and arched forwards feeling the whole area explode with sensory overload and moaned in pleasure again, his head lolling to the side, allowing more neck area for the ferret to lick and nibble on, which he did.  The small sharp teeth, raking through the fur, feeling the neck vibrate from the otter's murring.

With a slow motion, the ferret's paw gripped the sheath at the uppermost end and began to pull it back, allowing the throbbing bright red otter cock to slide out, glistening in the light with well-lubed pre.  Carefully he slipped the sheath back to allow the full length of the otter's member to be exposed into view and licked his lips, his nose flaring from the increased otter scent wafting in the room, his own sheath thickening out now, the small head of the ferret cock pocking through.

Taking hold of the warm moist otter cock, Tibor began to stroke along the member slowly, each time, Keeva thrusted as he felt the soft paw pads of the ferret move over his sensitive area, sending more intense information to his brain, the pre dripping freely now onto his belly fur, leaving thin ropes hanging down as more oozed out as Tibor squeezed the head, making Keeva moan loudly.

Keeva felt the ferret licking at his ears now, the warm tongue slipping inside of the ear, before the lips suckled gently on the tiny bits of skin, making Keeva's other ear twitch, still rocking his hips to Tibor's steady stroking of his member, gasping and moaning as he thrusted upwards, the need to expel increasing with each tug on his cock, each squeeze of the head, the pre oozing onto his belly fur as Tibor's paw started to spread the pre all over the member.  With a huge gasp he thrusted upwards and felt his cock swell up.

Tibor noticed how far along the otter was but didn't stop or slow down, wanting to see the otter climax, his head slowly turning to look down now at his paw, stroking at the otter's member, his own slipping out of it's sheath to spring forwards and slap the otter on the hip and he groaned feeling the fur rub against his sensitive member, but continued to move his paw up and down the slippery, hot otter cock, the scent of the otter beginning to mingle with his own arouser.

Keeva moaned again before arching upwards, pressing his head and neck down against Tibor's arm and felt his balls contract within his body, his member swelling up as the head began to feel as if it would explode.  A few seconds later and the first loud moan escaped from Keeva's muzzle, while a thick rope of white ottercum sprang forth in front of Tibor's eyes, watching more spurt out onto the otters belly and chest, his paw continuing to stroke, feeling some roll onto his fingers.  The warm wet feeling slipping in between each digit as he stopped and watched as Keeva relaxed again, before letting go of the throbbing cock, some cum still oozing out and lifted his paw to his muzzle, a tongue coming out to lick up at his sticky paw.  "Mmmmm.  Pet tastes good as well."  He turns his head and with the slightly damp paw, turned around onto his side and allowed Keeva to do the same.  Pressing his front body against the otters back he churred into Keeva's ear.  "Sleep now, pet.  We do more tomorrow."  He yawned and felt the jet lag wash over him, his paw slipping around to caress the still erect otter cock as he pressed forward, poking his own maleness against the back of the otter and churred as he closed his eyes.  "My wonderful pet.  So glad to be with you finally."

Together they both drifted off to sleep, lying naked on top of the bed sheets, the otters cum, slowly dripping down along his belly and chest to land on the bed.  He smiled and whispered back.  "So am I, master.  So am I."

To be continued?