A Week under a Paw - Part Three.
Copyright © 2002
Skipai Da Otter

Please see, Copyright.txt in the stories main directory on instructions on getting permission on posting this elsewhere.

Warning:  Contains:  M/M Otter, Ferret, Scat.

Day two.

Keeva sighed softly as he turned around slowly to face the ceiling, a large smile forming on his muzzle.  With a soft breeze coming in from the open window, making the curtains wave about slightly casting shadows over the whole room.  Opening an eye, the otter yawn and blinked a few times, the feeling of his eyes being sticky from the residue of sleep.  Moving his paws up to rub his eyes, removing the sticky-ness, something came to him and he turned his head to the right and saw that Tibor was not in bed.

Sitting up now, the smell of old cum still in the room from last nights activities, Keeva swung around to place his feet onto the floor, the carpet tickling his pads for a quick moment and he pushed himself off the bed, giving another stretch and a yawn.  Moving towards the curtains, the thin ray of sunlight showing through as another cool gust of air came into the room.  Watching the fabric flow with life, Keeva reached out and grabbed one of the curtains and pulled it aside gazing at the nice summer day outside.

Several birds were flying from tree to tree, a small bee buzzed past the window as it went off to vanish in the distance and looking down at the grass outside, thinking he should actually cut it at some point.  Keeva took a deep breath in and stretched with another yawn, not bothered that his whole naked body was being shown to the whole world.

Tibor padded into the room with a smile as he munched on a brown piece of toast, several crumbs fell to the floor as he saw Keeva turn to face him and nodded his head before swallowing.  \x93Morning, pet.  Had a good night\x92s sleep?\x94  He was still naked from last night and Keeva thought he was more handsome in natural daylight.

Keeva nodded his head and glanced out of the window again before replying.  \x93I slept wonderfully last night, thank you sir.\x94  He turned his head back and churred softly.  \x93Looks like it will be a good day as well.\x94

Tibor pushed the last piece of toast into his muzzle and licked at his buttered paw fingers, while swallowing his breakfast down.  \x93I know, I was watching the weather report while you were still sleeping.  Something I have to fix in time.\x94

Keeva\x92s head tilted slightly.  \x93Fix?\x94

Tibor padded over and nodded his head slowly.  \x93Well, usually I would like to have pets awake before I do to welcome me to a new day but I let this go just this once mind.\x94  He stopped right in front of the otter and licked his muzzle before giving Keeva a small kiss on the nose.  Pulling away slightly he smiled before hugging Keeva tightly, wrapping his arms about the otter, pressing his body against the otter and churred before whispering back.  \x93I had a good night sleep as well you know.\x94

Keeva churred back and hugged Tibor, wrapping his paws about the ferret, rubbing his head against the side of the ferrets.  \x93Very glad to hear that sir.\x94  The otter ran his paws along the back of Tibor, stroking the fur that made the ferret churr loudly as another cool breeze blew into the room, the curtains billowing about softly around them as both the otter and the ferret slowly moved their tails to wrap around each others legs, just happy to stay in that position for the moment, hugging with their eyes closed, their paws stroking each others backs gently as their claws combed through the fur.

Slowly they pulled apart as Tibor looked at Keeva with a new fondness for the otter.  Both of them looked into each other eyes closely.  Keeva admired those bright clear blue eyes, so perfect with a blue orb in the middle with a small shine about them from the light reflecting from them.  Tibor stared back at the brown eyes from the otter, matching the colour of his fur before he spoke softly.  \x93Pet, you remember what I said to you last night?\x94  He saw the otter nod before continuing.  \x93Well, I want to do something with you now.  You know what it is?\x94

Keeva paused for a moment before nodding his head again slowly.  \x93I think so sir.\x94  Looking back at the ferret that placed a paw onto the otter\x92s chest, the heart beat thumping hard and fast before he felt the black-gloved paw begin to rub the area softly.

\x93Relax.\x94  Tibor spoke gently, licking at the otter\x92s whiskers.  \x93You do just fine.\x94  Moving away slightly, he took hold of Keeva\x92s paw and slowly led him back to the bed.  Slipping one knee to rest on the edge of the mattress he hopped onto the bed.  Letting go of the otter\x92s paw, he shifted over to the other side just as Keeva placed his first knee on the mattress.

Keeva smiled as he slipped onto the bed and with Tibor\x92s help in guidance who moved to place all of the pillows against the headboard, pointed to where the otter should lie on his back, leaning up against the headboard.  Following the ferret\x92s silent instructions carefully, he felt the soft pillows against his back, the cool breeze blowing in from the outside as Tibor raised a paw to gently stroked the side of the otter\x92s cheek fur.  Speaking quietly he whispered into the otter\x92s small ear.  \x93When you do something I will do something.\x94  Grinning slightly as he saw the otter nod his head to indicated that he understood.

Once seeing Keeva relaxing, Tibor moved closer and kissed the otter on the nose, giving it a lick with his moist warm tongue before pulling away again.  Turning around as he straddled over the otter so that his small ferret tail lay down against his small white furry ball sac in front of the otter who smiled, sniffing slightly before moving his tongue out to lick his own nose, tasting the taste of ferret on his nose as he sniffed again, churring softly.

Keeva saw that the ferret stayed where he was, not moving and slowly he began to shuffle about on the bed, his paws reaching up to caress the ferret\x92s bum cheeks gently, feeling the fur as he placed his both paws flat against the firm fleshy surface.  Tibor shivered slightly as Keeva continued to explore with his webbed paws about the rump, giving each area a gentle squeeze.

Moving inwards, Keeva slipping his paws around the small tail, which jerked slightly with the gentle touch.  Feeling the well-groomed fur in his paws he played with it slightly, moving it within his fingers, the claws combing the fur as he felt Tibor begin to lift it upwards.  Leaving the tail to move from within his grasp, he looked at the tiny pink pucker staring back at him.  It quivered slightly whenever the otter blew his warm air from his nose against it.  Moving his head slightly forwards until his cold nose pressed against the warm tail hole muscle making Tibor move away and squeal in shock.   Waiting until Tibor had recovered again, he again press his nose against the warm tail hole as he felt the ferret tense up but relax again and sniffed.

Strong ferret musky smell reached the otter\x92s nose as he breathed in deeply, his whiskers twitching slightly tickling the bum cheeks of the ferret that made Tibor giggle slightly.  Moving his muzzle up slightly, he began to lick at Tibor\x92s tail hole, getting the full taste of ferret.  Keeva shuddered as he felt the ferret move before a tingling feeling of moist warm breath washing over his furry sheath.  Moaning against the ferret\x92s tail hole, he continued to lick in long, slow motions.

Tibor shivered as he felt the warm wetness of the otter\x92s tongue lick as his tail hole and closed his eyes, his arms shaking slightly as his black paws press down onto the lower part of Keeva\x92s legs.  Bending down, he slowly begins to lick at the ball sac, hanging there in between the otter\x92s legs, rolling them about in his tongue as he leaves dampness in the fur that shines in the light before disappearing again to a new pattern after he re-licks that part again.

Keeva arched slightly as he felt the warm tongue wrapping about his ball sacs.  Keeping to his task he continues to slip his tongue about the pink spot, licking about the white fur around it as his paws keep holding onto the sides.  Slowly he pushes forwards and with a slow motion, the otter tongue slips into the depths of the ferret.  Keeva carefully places his lips about the pucker as he licks inside of the ferret, feeling the tail hole muscles tighten about his tongue and relaxing to tighten again.  With each push of the tongue, Keeva manages to squeeze in more of his tongue, stretching the muscles at each thrust.  Slowly and carefully his tongue presses against something hard as the tip trails about the edge of it before realising just what he had found, the bland taste reaching him as he murrs into the ferret, his tongue vibrating.

Tibor\x92s arms shuddered as he felt the otter\x92s tongue continue to sink deep within him and lifted his head again to let out a loud moan of pleasure, his muzzle dripping with his own saliva, licking his sharp teeth before gasping again.  \x93Oooooh, pet.  Yes, that\x92s it.  Just like that.\x94  His eyes slowly close over as he grips onto the otter\x92s legs, his claws pressing into the skin but not breaking it.  With a frown, the ferret\x92s head concentrates for a moment and pushes backwards, feeling his anus beginning to open up.

Keeva blinked slightly as he felt the tail hole beginning to open up slightly and the mass against his tongue beginning to move towards him.  His body began to shake again as he fought against pulling away with the desire to see what this be like.  So pulling back his tongue into his muzzle the otter pressed his lips onto the opening of the tail hole and began to suck slightly, his fast breath blowing over the fur under the tail as he felt it rest onto his eyes and head.

Tibor continued to push, feeling the otter suck about on his tail hole, the feeling of the otters leathery lips feeling so good, so warm and he felt himself getting excited, his sheath slowly beginning to hang a bit more as it thicken out, letting the air about it waft his musky aroma.  Slowly he shivered as the cool breeze blew past his tip, the pre cooling off quickly as it formed about at the sheath slit, glistening in the morning sunlight as both shadows slowly continued to move about the wall opposite the window.

Feeling the ferret make another push again, he felt the tail hole opening wider about his muzzle and followed suit.  Slowly with the hot dampness, the first log touched his lips as it slid onto his tongue.  Closing his eyes, Keeva felt the big lump move over his tongue, parts of it brushing against his teeth.  Feeling the need to gag, Keeva swallowed before feeling the last part of the first lump slip into his muzzle as the tail hole closed over and slowly he closed his muzzle and began to chew the lump as it broke down into a squishy mess that stained all of his mouth with the bland warm-ness that wasn\x92t that bad to the otter at all than he first thought.  Swallowing it down, he felt it slip through his throat as he opened his muzzle again just as the second lump began to show from the inside.

Tibor shuddered as he tensed up again to push more of his waste into the otters muzzle feeling the tongue slip in again as he pushed the second part out of his body, the otters paws were gripping his ass cheeks tightly now that he gripped the legs of the otter tightly, pressing down as he felt his tail hole closing again.  Waiting for a moment until the otter had dealt with that, he moans feeling the need to push some more out and gradually he presses against the otter\x92s head, enjoying the feeling of passing into a warm moist hole.

Keeva had only just swallowed the second batch as he felt the ferret\x92s tail hole begin to open again, his lips brown with mess as he pressed them again to the filthy ring of flesh, feeling the third hard lump move out of the ferret, steaming hot and sloppy as it passed out effortlessly into the otter\x92s warm open maw, that took it in as far as it could go.  Pulling his head away from the ferret, Keeva opened his eyes to see part of it sticking out of his muzzle as Tibor turned his head around to look as the otter\x92s head rose above to show the brown lump sticking out of his closed muzzle wrapped about it.  Moving a paw away from Tibor\x92s cheek fur, he moved it to hold onto the end and bit it off.  The ferret watched as the otter chewed slowly, before sticking in the second part into his muzzle and chewed again while swallowing occasionally.

Before Tibor could say anything to the otter, Keeva\x92s head disappeared to begin licking at the dirty brown tail hole, his tongue licking it clean.  Eventually he found nothing else to clean and leant back against the pillows again, his tongue licking at his muzzle lips and whiskers.  Tibor moved about before lying beside the otter a black paw was resting on the belly and gave it a gentle pat.  \x93How you like breakfast?\x94

Keeva smiled and replied back slightly his breath smelling from ferret mess.  \x93Unusual but filling.\x94  He churred back and nuzzled Tibor as they both lay on the bed with the ferret\x92s paw kneading the otter\x92s tummy and licking at the Keeva\x92s whiskers as the morning sun continued to rise just as another cool breeze blew in.

To be continued?