Copyright © 2002
Skipai Da Otter

Please see, Copyright.txt in the stories main directory on instructions on getting permission on posting this elsewhere.

Warning:  Contains:  M Masturbation.

To comment on this story send me a email to: skipaiotter at  (replace at with @)

The sound of hammering echoed throughout the forest as Joshia held a stake in one paw and a small hammer with the other and continued to whack it into the ground.  The arctic hare was happy.  There was no one else around for miles and that's how he liked to spend his holiday away from the bustle of civilisation that always resulted in the end with a headache.

Grabbing the guideline, Joshia pulled and brought up the tent slowly and made a quite tie up with a knot, the last one in place as he sat back and took a look at his work.  "Well, that's that done."  Smiling to himself, his whiskers twitching around his small pink nose.

Getting up to his full height, Joshia stretched and looked like any other young hare of his type for his age.  His long ears flopped about of course on top of his head, giving that cute pink look inside that shone from the light coming through the thin layer of skin.  The small blue lines of veins, visible through the faint layer of white fur.  Lower down, his young head giving off subtle curves with large blue eyes at the side, blinking now and again as he refocuses his vision on the surroundings that outline the edge of the clearing and the lake spanning out in front of him.

His long whiskers twitch, glowing in the sunlight, the pink nose opening and closing as wisps of small pollen seeps in as every time the hare takes a breath in.  The head moving to a thin short neck, with a small lump barely visible from the thick body fur.  His shoulders are short keeping the body as thin as possible for less air resistance.  Further on down, his bare chest is viewable to the world.  Sleek and firm, the white fur nicely combed through, his pink nipples barely showing through the white coat.  Sticking out as both react to the cool breeze blowing through his body.

Wearing a pair of red shorts that hang loosely apart from the elasticised waistband that grips tightly about the lean hips of the hare.  A slight bulge sticks out in the groin area and around the back is a small flap that has a white fluffy tail sticking out.  With long strong muscular legs and big hare feet that he uses to get up to a standing position.

Looking about him with a happy smile, his ears twitching to the late afternoon bird song.  Joshia made his way to the edge of the bank and took a deep breath in, letting his ribcage expand to its fullest position.  Moving his arms above his head and with a slow arc outwards he lets the air out through his open mouth.  Taking another look about, he nods his head to himself and hesitates before moving his paws to the front of his shorts and slips his paw fingers in, the claws catching the cords and slowly he pulls the out with the shoe style knot in place.

Padding back again to where his tent is as he looks about again, his ears straining for any other noise in the area, moving side to side.  After a few moments of this and to relieve his own tension of feeling that someone is watching him.  Joshia looks down and begins to pull at one of the cords, letting it undo the bow as he pulls again at another cord and lets the whole thing untie.

His head looks about again as the leaves above and around his rustle, then with a relaxed look on his face the wind hits him and he sighs.  "Come on.  No one's about."  Talking to himself sends more relax feelings through his body and he slips one of his paws into his shorts and pulls it away from his body.  That part of his body feeling hot from the day's exercise in getting to this secluded place.  One that he had used about twice now, the first time was with a friend that he wish he never brought with him but now, he was alone and feeling very comfortable with himself and his surroundings.  So much so, that he slowly began to pull down his shorts.

Letting the fabric slip from his waist to arrive on the grassy ground a few moments later.  He looks about again, his blue eyes scanning the region and he shrugs, coming to the conclusion that he is naked now and that there would be nothing he could do about it if anyone was around.  Stepping backwards a step, the hare bends down, showing off his white bums.  Smooth and round as they tail stands up, letting in the view of his pink tail hole to the cold wind blowing on it.  Giving a slight shudder, the hare smiles to himself and stays there for a moment, letting nature continue to blow on his sensitive muscle ring with the cool breeze.

Moving back to a standing position, Joshia slowly begins to move his paws over his body.  Beginning with wrapping his arms about him, each paw arriving at the opposite arms and he digs the claws in gently, brushing his fur.  After that he lets go and allowing his left arm to come out in front of him, the right paw comes along and ever so gently begins to stroke the fur, the short black claws raking through the fur before he runs his entire paw, allowing the paw pads to stimulate stroking.

With a happy purr, Joshia continues and repeats the same thing with his right up out and using his left paw to comb through the fur with his claws.  His skin feeling all the sensation of the combing, making the hare shudder a bit with a smile coming from his muzzle at each ticklish point he passes by.  Again, using the flat of his paw, the paw pads help to smooth the fur over.

Moving to his neck as the head rolling back as both paws comb through the fur downwards, the paws feeling his throat vibrate with the purring.  Allowing his ears to fall back against his back, tickling the region that makes his eyes shut over on themselves to replace the view of the leaves and sky above him with that of shadows playing about.  Moving his paws up further and moving his head back again, he slowly begins to explore his face.  The fingers feeling the nose, allowing it to twitch before sliding slowly along his whiskers.  Both of his eyes blink rapidly to the sensation of him touching his highly sensitive part of the face.

Continuing onwards in a sideways motion, Joshia's paws comb through the cheek fur that puff out in a smile, his eyes still closed as he see's his paws run over his eyelids, the feeling of the paw pads pressing gently over the thin layer of skin then upwards to feel for the base of his ears that twitch before he reaches there.  Wrapping his fingers about the thin base, he slowly closes his paws into a fist and moves up along the ears.  The sounds changing slightly to muffled effect as he does this, making him open his eyes again as he reaches the top and lets go, allowing his hearing to return to normal at the same time as he brings down the arms to his sides.

The sound of leaves rustles again as he feels the wind rush through past his body, sending a chill right through him as his nipples give a little ache, a cry for attention as his paws reach up and with careful motion of testing now and again and to let the nipples get used to his slightly cold paws on touching them, he begins to fondle each one slowly.  Allowing one finger to rub at the tips, sending waves of pleasure through his body.  Slowly turning around, he pads over to the bank edge as he continues to stimulate his nipple and sits down onto the grass, which feels cool from being in the shade and out of the sun.  His blue eyes scan out to the relaxing rhythm of the water and carefully, his footpads slide into the water, making small ripples that flow out away from him, getting weaker until they vanish to be mixed up with the other subtle waves.

Leaning back to lie on the grass, the hare's paws move downwards to feel the rest of his chest, the smooth fur flowing through his fingers, the tingling sensation of his claws brushing against the flesh of his skin, sending ripples of pleasure through his body, his mouth left open slightly as he feels the grass tickling the ears now and again.  With a happy sigh and going back to purring again.  Slowly his paws reach his lean belly, the fur getting a bit softer in this region.  Hearing a slight hungry growl coming from his stomach, he pauses and within a few moments, continues with his exploration.  The bumps of his muscles, the slim line that is the side curving inwards as he reaches his hips and the increasing need from his groin increases, demanding that those paws come to them as he tenses up for a moment.

Giving into their demands, the paws move across his thighs as he wriggles his foot paws in the cool water, the tingling feeling increasing as he continues to look up into the sky, the wind continuing to blow past, making pretty shapes with the different shades of green, blue and white.  Feeling his ballsac, the sensation making him tense up and purr loudly, the whiskers giving a quick twitch as he looks down and with a happy sigh, lets his head flop backwards again.  Rolling the balls about in his fingers, feeling them roll about as his sheath continues to swell up, small trickle of pre oozing out of the tip onto the belly fur and sparkling in the orange sunset light, the hare turning from white to a glowing orange as he moves his paws to stroke about the pulsating sheath that jumps up towards the paws and relaxing again against the belly fur.

With his right paw now, Joshia slowly begins to wrap his fingers around the sheath, exploring the bumps and throbbing semi-hard member that lies underneath.  Each movement sends waves and waves of intense physical sensations to his brain.  Pulling back at the sheath the first signs of the hare's cock begins to poke through.  Shining brightly with pale pink, some spots of deep red and blue vein pulsating as more of the sheath moves back.  With a shudder, that makes his entire belly region tense up, the cock leaps forwards from it's sheath as it slowly begins to turn a deep red, the pink areas vanishing as the cock begins to swell bigger as it grows longer.

Slipping his paw over from the furred sheath that covers part of his shaft onto the moist hot shaft, Joshia tenses up and lifts his footpads out of the water for a moment before they disappear back under as his body relaxes again, a new stream of pre, hangs from the cock head, sparkling brightly in the sunlight that comes about as it gets lower into the sky, the shadow moving on again as the hare finds himself in bright orange light.  With a slow motion, his paw moves up along the shaft feeling each vein, bump and throb of his member, the slickness of the shaft making his paw pads feel slippy before arriving at the head, his thumb catching the hanging pre and with a smooth motion, he runs the thumb around the head, sending intense waves throughout his body.

Slowly he begins to move his paw up and down the shaft, each time arriving at the head and giving it a squeeze to get at the pre lingering about inside and to distribute it along his shaft, his paw beginning to feel the wetness as the motion becomes less restrictive as time goes by, each stroke becomes easier and the hare begins to pick up a little bit of pace, his grip tightening about the shaft at the same time.

Joshia takes a deep breath in, feeling his ears throb from the increased heart-rate thudding away in the ears, his whiskers twitching away as slowly his eyes begin to close over to block out the sun climbing lower into the sky, each second making the orange tint begin to grow darker and redder.  His cock shines and sparkles bright red in the direct, the white paw moving along the shaft now quickly as the hare humps into the air, pressing his footpads against the bottom of the lake, digging the claws into the muddy bed, feeling it squelch between the toes as he purrs loudly, eyes shut tightly, blocking out all light from his vision.

With clenched teeth, Joshia humps upwards into the air and stays there, his footpads sinking into the muddy lakebed, the edges of his toes vanishing from the force of his strong legs pushing.  Feeling his cock swell in his paw that continues to rub along the length.  Stopping his movements, he feels the need rush through his entire body, air escaping from his lungs in a loud gasp as the first streams of white sticky cum shoots up into the cool evening air, sparkling with life from the sunlight as it rains down on the hare's belly and chest.  Humping forwards again sends some raining down on Joshia's face, splattering his nose and left side of his whiskers.  Leaving small droplets clinging for dear life.

Moving back down again to the ground, Joshia pants heavily, his tongue coming out to lick away at the cum on his nose and slips back in for a moment.  Opening his eyes again he gives his throbbing shaft another squeeze and purrs happily, the tongue coming out again to lick away at the cum on his whiskers.  Sitting up slowly, using his paws that eventually stand at an angle behind him, he looks at the lake in front of him and smiles.  Feeling the warm cum roll down his chest and belly, the cock throbs with each passing second.  Standing up, Joshia pads into the water and lowers himself down to his knees and begins to clean himself off.

The cold water refreshes him completely as he feels his fur getting heavier from the water.  Not staying in there for long, he climbs back out of the lake and pads back to where his camp lies and begins to take out a towel from his backpack, his erection now back into the safety of his sheath.  Rubbing his entire body down, the towel collecting water quickly, Joshia smiles and pads over to where a low hanging branch lies and places the towel to dry itself off.  Turning around again to face the sun, slowly vanishing from the tall hill on the other side of the lake, he yawns and his body begins to feel tired from all of the travelling and his recent activities.  Not bothering to pick up his shorts from the ground outside of his tent, he slips inside, bending down as his tail hole flashes again into view from his up-raised tail and vanishes from site.  Bringing the zip down, the sound breaking the silence of the night, Joshia leaves a bit open at the bottom to allow a bit more air in and settles down on top of his sleeping bag, his eyelids closing over quickly and before long, the hare is fast asleep with a happy smile on his face and spread out within the tent.
