Actions bring Consequences.
Copyright © 2002
Skipai Da Otter

Please see, Copyright.txt in the stories main directory on instructions on getting permission on posting this elsewhere.

Warning:  Contains:  ?/M : ?/Squirrel : Has suggested sex scene.  i.e.  Mild

You look down slightly as the paw shakes slightly in the air away from the door handle.  Slowly wrapping your paw around the cold metal handle, you pull the door open as your head lifts back up to see the waiting room that lies before you.

Looking about, you see other furs of various species, some alone, some in groups but looking as pensive and afraid as you are feeling at this time.  With a small swallow you move inside fully, letting go of the door to swing shut as you move slowly towards the female receptionist who is busy talking on the phone.

Rubbing a paw along the back of your neck, which the skin feels hot under the fur, you notice that your tongue is sticking out before giving your dry lips a run over before it slips back into your muzzle again.

The receptionist looks at you as you begin to feel another knot tying up inside as she stares over the spectacles that she is wearing.  You can hear her speak to you in the soft tones of a cat, purring away and you begin to reply back, your voice wavering slightly or just nodding to the questions.  The receptionist in front of you, points and you turn around with a nod and slowly sit down in a chair as the old tiger talks on the phone again.

Closing your eyes, you begin to remember about what had happened to bring you to this situation you are in right now.  The feeling in your stomach increases as you swallow back, recalling in your mind the events that had happened.

It was a few months back that you had met a partner during a large gathering, a cute male red squirrel as you form the shape in your eyes, standing there in just his t-shirt at the bottom of the bed as you feel yourself smiling, feeling the excitement of the moment as in your vision the squirrel slowly moves his paws and pulls off the white garment, letting it slip to the floor.

You see the squirrel climb onto the bed in front of you, his face getting bigger slightly as it approaches your face and the nose of yours begin to smell the scents of both him and you in the air.  You jump slightly as the feeling of his fur brushes against your legs and gasp out slightly before feeling his warm muzzle wrap against yours in a deep kiss.

You feel the squirrel move his paws around to your sides, the claws combing through your red fur, the warmth of the paw pads pressing against your body as your tongue slips around the warmth embrace of the squirrels small tongue.

Feeling the squirrel pull away as you see him move downwards with a smile and speaks gently to you as you understand on what he wants to do and slowly getting up, you turn around, feeling your knees press into the soft quilt covers.  Your arms shake as you hear the squirrel move about behind you.  The feeling of his paws wrapping about your tail, lifting it up out of the way before the feel of a warm object begins to prod on a sensitive part that make you moan slightly, pushing back your hips in readiness.

With a loud grunt behind you, the feeling of your rear opening up to allow the hard object slip inside, the feeling of being filled as a sharp pain shoots up your spine, making you gasp out slightly, your arms shaking as the sound of your heart races through your ears.

A cough comes to your right as you come out of your daydream and take a deep breath in.  You hold it in for a few moments and let it go slowly in relief but then the realism of where you are again hits you hard and you look around as a female skunk went through the door, which closed behind him.  Your eyes blinked and remembered seeing a lion walk in before and never came back out yet.  With a slight tremble moving throughout your body, you feel your eyes starting to close over again as you begin to recall on why you were here, now at this moment.

You remember being at another gathering several months later, some friends of yours had invited you out for a day at the local zoo and it was when you were having lunch while inside a cafe as the rain poured outside later that afternoon that you heard what made you dread.  It came just as you were biting into a burger that you had bought and then it came to you.  The name that you had been seeing a few months ago had only found out that he had found out he had HIV.  Not able to swallow your food, you continue to listen as you feel the bread bun melt in your muzzle, as you want so much to find out when.

Then it hits you.  He had the test a few weeks after seeing you and you cough feeling the food slip into your throat without you swallowing.  You remember everyone asking if you were okay and you nodded that you were, after spitting out your meal into a napkin and from then on the rest of the day at the zoo was just a haze.  The thoughts of having unprotected sex with the squirrel runs through your mind time after time and panic begins to seep in.  Why didn't you play safe is the question being asked in your head.

Why didn't you?  You find yourself asking as your eyes open again to the waiting room that you are now sitting in.  You know you've been asking that question a lot lately.  The feeling in your stomach lurches again as you swallow, breathing deeply to bring down your anxiety again as the door opens to your left and a German Shepard's head pops around the door and calls out your name.  Blinking as you stare at the nurse, the dog repeats your name and you nod, getting up and finding your foot paws don't want to move.

Slowly you feel your legs move as you approach the nurse who is holding the door open for you and you slip past, slightly brushing past the uniform on your right arm.  Looking back you see the nurse point towards a door, telling you that the doctor is waiting to see you and you nod, trying not to pass out as your mind continues to play tricks, come up with all sorts of horrible possibilities that you wobble slightly but your paw grips tightly against the round door knob and you steady yourself before stepping in.

Closing the door behind you as you turn around to see a large lion sitting at his desk.   The full-blown mane billows slightly from the air conditioner in the corner.  Sitting in a chair next to him is a rat that nods for you to sit down.  The lion speaks as you move to the chair, sitting down and glad to do so as your legs want to give way again.

Hearing that the rat is a counsellor, you see the doctor open up the folder and your whole body begins to feel extremely hot as he begins to speak.  "Your results are in and I have to say that you....."


How things go from there on is up to you.  Be safe, play safe and have fun over the holidays and any other time of the year.  Take care my readers and have a Happy Thanksgiving, Christmas and a New Year. But more importantly take care any day of the year.