Going home David stood near to his sire's borrowed car, anxiously scanning the sky for the 757 that he knew was coming. It contained his mate, who, after weeks of waiting, had finally scraped the money toghether to come. the situation in the States had been an anxious one since the destruction in New York. Prices had shot up through the roof, and David had been called home by a combination of that anxiousness and his vindictive Ex, who had repeatedly sent consorts and toys to his sire's address in a desperate bid to get him back. David shook the long flares of his warm grey mane, as he looked anxiously towards the sky, fingering tthe ring his mate had given him over there please, let him be on time he thought. He braced against the car, claws clacking on the glass, and stared down his muzzle at the sky, wishing and hoping mightily for his mate to come. His ears alerted him long before he saw the plane, with its familliat marks. Checking the watch he wore, he confirmed that it was indeed his mate's plane, and that it was early, to boot. he couldn't stop smiling at the thought of him being here, with him, possibly forever. He sprinted eagerly toward the terminal as fast as his lupine legs would carry him, statling several furs with his sheer burst of speed, his mate's rung bouncing in it's chain iff his snowy-furred chest with every stride. He burst into the terminal, panting with excitement and effort, and raced for the gate he knew. He could sense him, feel him. David looked around anxiously for the thin brown wolf that was his man. * * * * * * * * * * * Kyle had been asleep in his seat when the plane finally touched down. The jarring of the landing woke him from sleep immediatelyhis brain still insisted it was four in the morning as he stretched and yawned. When the plane had taxied up to the gate, he gathered his on board bag, stuffing a couple paperback novels inside with a carton of duty-free smokes he had bought before leaving. The flights had been long and boring, and he had slept half of the time, trying to get thru the inevitable nicotine withdrawal symptoms that came with air travel. He was rather anxious to get off the plane, and sitting so long had put a major cramp in his tail as well. as he began to get out of his seat, he practically ran into the cute stew letting people off. "Oops, sorry, dearie..." "No problem, sir" The cute Vixen replied, smiling brightly. He moved past her, trying to properly get in line when he felt a paw fondle his ass. He yipped slightly, and looed back to see the cute vixie blushing a little. "Sorry, darlin', I'm taken. He's waiting for me" The blush disappeared fast, replaced by startled eyes. "But it's nice to know I attract the females, too." He winked at her, then started toward the exit, missing the fresh blush on her face. "Damn, Deena, what was that all about?" The question startled her out of her fanasy, and she turned to the other stew. " A hunk of wolf like that would have to be gay..." she sighed The other perked her equine ears "You mean the one with the cute little ass and the gold tail?" "Yeah." she sighed. The bay mare shook her head "How do you always find the gay ones?" "Just my luck, huh?" "Yeah" the vixie chuckled "You thought he had a cute ass, too, huh?" "DIANA!!" * * * * * * * * * * * David had arrived at the gate just as the plane hit the gangway. He danced from paw to paw in anticipation, hardly noticing various furs staring at his antics or the obvious male bulge in his way out of season short-short cutoffs. Several women and quite a few men were licking their chops at his powerfully built bod. David scanned the quay anxiously, looking for the male he had been waiting ages for. At the end of the line, he saw the face he was lloking for, and started elbowing his way through the crowd, causing several stares and frowns. Kyle heard the various annoyed yelps, and looked up to see what the commothin was all about. Someone was pushing throught the crowd, and from the flashes he caught of grey mane, he knew who it was. He waved a golden colored paw. "DAVID!!" David scooped him up in a tremendous hug, dying to kiss his mate, but holding back his display of affection, and trying to contain the bulging, swelling sheath in his short-shorts. "Gods, luv, I missed you so much" Kyle smiled, holding back tears. "I'm home, Baby..." Kyle hugged back, nuzzling his mate's shoulder. * * * * * * * * * * * They stopped at the luggage carousell and picked up his single bag, Then David waited as Kyle went thru the intense customs inspection without a hitch. They exited the facility, clutching each other's paw tightly. At the car, David could no longer stand it, and pulled his mate into a deep, tounge whipping kiss, caressing his mate's bottom and rubbing his maleness anxiously against Kyle. "I've waited so long!" "Just a few more minutes, my husband..." Kyle smiled down at David's bulging shorts "Well have to take care of that, now won't we", he said, as he rubbed his mate's bulging sheath. David murred, and pulled him into another kiss. All through the car trip, they chatted back and forth about websites, cars, and their mutual love of art. Both were anxiously controlling their raging hormones, anticipating the lovemaking to come and the tie that would soon bind them together as partners. When David pulled into the drive of the house, they kissed their way out of the car, up the pavement, and into the house. They made a beeline for the bedroom at the top of the house, enfolding each other in a passionate embrace all the way up the stairs. They held each other and kissed for several minutes, fondling each other's bottoms and rubbing their cocks together under their pants. Eventually, David's paw wandered up to Kyle's tailstrap, unsnapping it. He plunged down the back of Kyle's pants and began to play with his tailhole. Kyle moaned in delight, pressing hard on David's bulging sheath. He peeled David's belly-shirt off, then plunged a paw down the front of his short-shorts to play with the pre-soaked cocktip peeking out of his sheath, his own wolfcock soaking his fly. David undid Kyle's pants completely , letting his cock spring free of its confinement. as they dropped to the floor, Kyle laid him down, kicking off his pants, and pulling David's apart. David rucked Kyle's shirt up, and lapped his nipples, causing Kyle to squeal excitedly and drip pre-cum on him. David stripped Kyle's shirt off completely, and they lay, naked as the day they were whelped, fondeling and rubbing each other. They were both coated with pre, and starting to knot, when David turned over onto all fours. "Make me yours, my love..." he said, lifting his tail. Kyle places his paws on hus mate's ass, licking his ring and pressing his tounge inside while pulling on David's wolfcock, bringing him to full knot. David arrffed loudly, dripping pre on the carpet. Kyle dropped a paw to his own cock, stroking himself to full knot. Moaning loudly, Kyle rimmed his mare's ring with his wet cocktip. Taking a grip on David's wolfcock, he pressed his way in, pumping David's maleness in rhythym with is own thrusts. As they began to build to climax, David suddennly had his nape in Kyle's jaws as he thrust hard, shoving his knot inside. David responded bu squeezing the knot inside him. Kyle gave a startled yelp, then squeezed his mate's knot hard as he came. They howled together, David feeling his mate's hot wolfcum splash his prostate, adding to the extasy of his own release, which was squirting into the carpet. They finished close together, panting heavily. Kyle was fully tied it David. They looked at each other, loving being close. "You're mine, now, luv." Kyle told him "Now and forever, my husband." David replied, and twisted for a kiss that lasted forever.