Chapter 6: Complications...

Snowhawk awoke in Legacy's arms several hours after she had drifted off to sleep. She looked up at him and smiled, nuzzling him. "So sweet..." she whispered, gently scratching his cheek. She then attempted to slip away, only to discover her left leg, from the hip down, was asleep. She fell off the couch and landed, fairly hard, on her left hip. Regardless, she still tried to stand.

Legacy chuckled. "Having problems?"

"Uhm... Yeah," she said, feeling her face flush. She smiled and looked away. "Didn't mean to wake you."

"It's all right, Snow, " he said as he stood. He leaned over her and easily picked her up, setting her on her hooves. "Can you walk?"

"I think I can manage," she replied, limping into her bedroom.

Legacy followed as she vanished through the doorway. He caught sight of her as she turned into her large closet. "So what's the game plan?" he inquired, sitting down on her bed.

"I need to talk with Jerome and Sophie," she began, her words muffled as she searched for a change of clothes. "Find out what they're up to." She paused in her searching. "I know Sophie'll be up to something..." She vanished behind a row of long dresses.

"You sure about that?" Legacy asked as he walked to and leaned on the door frame.

"Yep..." she replied as she pulled off her pale green shirt and threw it playfully at Legacy.

"Tease..." he mumbled.

"Oh, I can be much worse," she grinned.

He walked to the bar the dresses hung on and attempted to look over. Snowhawk, in mock surprise, exclaimed "Peeping Tom!" and held the crimson dress she had chosen up, covering herself.

Legacy could not help but to laugh. "Very well, ma'am," he sighed. "I shall let ye change." He walked out of the closet in mock dejection and sat back down on the bed.

Snowhawk grinned and flipped her hair over her shoulder. Most guys would not have left. She lightly shook her head and slipped into the sleeveless, Asian - styled dress she had chosen. Wandering out of the closet, she walked over to Legacy and sat down on the bed next to him.

"Almost ready?" he asked.

"Almost," she replied, leaving over to tie the deep amethyst ribbon anklets she was rarely with out. They matched the trim of her crimson dress.

She had chosen her "signature color" as crimson long ago. The red was vibrant and alive. It was also a reminder of her past. As much as she hated it, she refused to forget it.


Janus grinned. He had heard that Snowhawk was around. He ran his fingers across the sleeping Nytehawk's cheek. "Might as well make it a pair." But before anything else, he needed to move. That damn guardian was getting too close. The game wasn't any fun now. His location had been discovered too soon.

He had another mansion across town. Not too far from where Snowhawk's apartment was, as he had been told. The last place they would think to look would be there and it would aid him in capturing Snow.

I'll have my two birds back... he thought with a grin. He brushed Nytehawk's forelock off her face and gently scratched above her brow ridge. "Well," he whispered, "time to find that cousin of yours."


Snowhawk and Legacy walked to the mansion she knew to me Nytehawk's home. Along the way, a limousine slowly cruised past them. Snow could sense another delphin... a familiar one. She blinked once, then shook away the nagging feeling to follow the vehicle.

Legacy touched her shoulder. "You okay?"

"Yeah," she replied, then walked on to the mansion.

She stopped at the door. "They already know we're here." She lifted her hand to knock on the great oak door when it swung silently open, a golden delphin standing behind it. "Hello, J."

"Sn - Snowhawk..." Jerome stuttered. "I thought I sensed you last night."

"Smart boy." She paused for a moment. "Hello, Sophie," she directed at a grey female coming down the stairs.

Sophie stopped and waved.

"Please, come in," Jerome requested.

"Thank you," Snow responded, stepping inside. "J, I'm sure you know Legacy."

"Only slightly," Jerome smirked. "How you doin', Leg?"

"As well as possible," Legacy replied.

Jerome motioned them into the living room. The sat down to discuss what was going on and what plans were being made.

"Any idea of Janus's next move?" Jerome asked.

"Actually, yeah," Snow began. "He has Nyte. He knows I'm around. That son of a bitch called us a 'set'. My guess is, he's coming after me next."

"How long do you think you have?" Jerome inquired.

"Dunno. Couple days. Couple months." She glanced at Legacy, who sat in shocked silence as he had just heard this for the first time.

"What about his location?"

"My guess is he's already moving. If I know him, he thinks this is just a game. You found his hiding place, so he's changing. He can't have his fun if you know his hideout."

Legacy's shock numbed mind idly noted she was maddeningly calm.

"So," Jerome began, "what are you going to do?"

"Only thing I can do. Wait."

"You sure he'll come?" Sophie asked.

"If he wants his other bird badly enough he will," Snow replied.

They discussed what they knew for a couple hours more, then deftly changed subjects when Hunter appeared. He couldn't know they had found her. He'd overreact and go off to get her and end up dead.

Another couple hours passed before Snow and Legacy left to return to her apartment.

"I don't want him to capture you," Legacy whispered, wrapping his arms around Snow.

"Neither do I. Because I know damn well what he'll do."

"Then let's leave. Go somewhere else. Away from him."

I can't, Leg. I can't leave Nyte in his grasp."

"But," he began, possessively grabbing her mane, "But there has to be another wa---"

"Janus won't let anyone that doesn't work for him onto his property," she stated, cutting him off. "Not even a damn delivery person."

Legacy sighed then lightly touched her shoulder. "Well..." he whispered, "he's not getting you tonight." His hands slipped around to the frog closures on her dress as he gently nipped at her neck.


Three weeks later, as Snow slept in Legacy's embrace, a call came in over his phone. "Yes?" he said upon answering. "Really? Yeah... Yeah... Ok, be right over."

"Mmm... what is it?" Snow asked sleepily.

"Don't worry, I can take care of it. You need your rest." He nuzzled her, then left.

Snow stretched slightly and turned onto her other side. She thought to herself in her half - sleeping daze, Need to find that idiot Janus... get Nyte back... after sleep.., then drifted off to sleep again.


Janus watched Legacy leave. "Perfect," he whispered. "Now I can retrieve my bird."

Over the past two weeks, Janus had been working on a way to mask his scent and mimic that of another. He had accomplished this and successfully mimicked Legacy's scent. Fifteen minutes after Legacy left, Janus walked inside.


Legacy knocked on the door of Nyte's home. Hunter answered. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. Jerome appeared behind him.

"Something happen?" Hunter asked.

"No," Jerome replied, "go back to bed. I called Legacy over to ask his opinion on another matter."


"Unrelated matter," Legacy added.

"Oh..," Hunter yawned, then wandered away.

After he was gone, Legacy looked at Jerome. "So, what's this about two new dels?"

"Come on back and I'll show you."

They walked back to the small library and Jerome showed Legacy several photographs he had just received. "Two females. Neither Sophie or I know either one."

Legacy looked at the pictures. One female was grey green furred with sea foam green, bat like wings, similar to Snow's, and she had ram like horns. Her mane and tail were bright green, and her eyes were bright blue. A small patch of white fur could be seen on her right forearm. She wore a necklace with a blue stone that matched her eyes.

The other female appeared younger and had a coat of yellow cream with red orange appaloosa spots all over. Her muzzle and and right hand were grey, her left hand was white, the white continuing half way up her forearm. Her hooves were white with raspberry colored stripes. She had a coronet on her right leg, her left had a stocking. Her mane was lilac in color and her tail was white with orange red stripes. In two braids and hanging on either side of her head, her forelock was similarly colored.

"Think they're connected?" Legacy asked?

"Possibly," the golden guardian replied.


Janus crept into Snow's room. She stirred when she sensed him but never fully awoke. Her sleep - fuzzed mind told her, from scent, this was Legacy. It appeared to Janus that his scent mask had worked. He paused for a moment to look at her slight figure. She had changed forms in her sleep and now dozed as a human. He walked to the bed and climbed across to her. Janus placed one hand low on her exposed hip and turned her head toward him with the other. he leaned down to kiss her. As he did, the hand on her waist moved to coax her into turing onto her back. She complied, not realizing who he was.

Janus pulled the sheets off her and straddled her. "Mine," he whispered in a low growl, then leaned down to kiss her again.


"By the way, Leg," Jerome began as they looked through various documents, "how's Snow? I haven't seen her out much lately."

"She's doing quite well," the younger guardian replied.

"So what's keeping her in?"

Legacy looked at him questioningly. "You haven't heard yet?"

"Heard what?"

Legacy looked down and paused for a moment. "Snow's almost a month pregnant."

"She's what?!"

"Yeah," Legacy nodded. "It was that night that we came over to to speak to you and Sophie."

Jerome sighed. This had just become more complicated than he'd ever feared. "I just hope she doesn't have the same problems her mother did."