Howl Three Times By Midnight - SonicBlu all content within this story is (c) 2001 SonicBlu Any similarities with characters past or present, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The aroma of fresh pine needles filled the air as the morning sun touched the planet with its radiance. Making his rounds for the morning, Aaron Spiegel cast his gaze across the distant forest as he walked along the streets of Agatha Creek. Aaron was a tall wolf and also quite thin for most wolves of his height and age. He stood exactly six and a half feet tall and no matter how much he seemed to eat, his stomach never increased in size. He always wore his favorite warm, red and black flannel shirt whenever he would go out on his early morning walks. Aaron lived a life in the big city most of his life and he had just arrived to the silent, sleepy town of Agatha Creek. He had always enjoyed taking trips into the forest with his father when he was just a cub and he taught him everything he knew about nature and the roots of his very existence. Ever since his father passed away, Aaron never felt the same. He found himself taking constant trips into the forest to remember the times that they used to share together, now only visiting the forest alone with not having a single soul to share his memories with. Aaron had only just arrived to Agatha Creek just a couple weeks prior and never really fully explored Agatha Forest, which was located five miles away from the town of Agatha Creek. As Aaron set foot upon the forest grounds, Aaron knelt down before the congregation of trees that stood before him. "Hello, father. I know that you have given your life so long ago it seems, I still feel your loss weighing heavily upon my heart. You have always been there for me when I was just a cub and I feel that nobody can ever take your place. How I miss the touch of your fur against my paw and the tickle of your whiskers against my nose. I will always keep the memories we used to share within my heart. Fare thee well, and may you find happiness beyond the gates of the afterlife." Aaron whispered the same dialect each time he set his paws onto the soils of the forest, but now that the forest was near his home, he decided to press onward and do a bit of exploring. Upon entering deep into the heart of the forest, his eyes froze at a large rock which appeared to have an indentation upon its surface. Aaron got a closer look and was able to read the etchings more clearly. "With the third howl on the changing of the day, I shall wait for thee." Aaron placed his paw over the rock and felt the inscription of the lettering, but could not tell just how long those words have been embedded within. "Changing of the day? What's that supposed to mean? And who's third howl?" Aaron asked himself aloud. He shrugged and slowly went about his way until he found his way back to the roadside that led into Agatha Creek. His stomach began to rumble with hunger as he approached the many restaurants along the way. Aaron opened his wallet and counted his allotted funds. "Why not? I can spare it." Aaron said to himself as he placed his wallet back into his pocket. He pushed the door to the restaurant open and slowly entered. Taking a good look around, he saw that the place was occupied by some of the more high-classed beings that he's ever seen. Each one within the restaurant were all species of foxes, some were quite older than others and most of them were vixens. Aaron felt nervous about being underdressed to appear in such a restaurant, however the head waiter was dressed quite differently than everyone else, which set his mind more at ease. He appeared to be a short tabby cat, standing about five feet six inches tall. His eyes were deep yellow and reflected the overhead lighting quite nicely, giving his eyes a gentle sparkle. He was dressed in a white polo shirt bearing the restaurant's logo and a pair of khaki pants. His tail had the habit of swishing merrily to and fro as he approached the hungry wolf. "Yes, can I help you?" the waiter asked. "Table for one, please." Aaron whispered. The waiter grabbed a single menu and proceeded to lead Aaron to a vacant table. "Is there something that I am missing here?" Aaron asked while the waiter stood at his table. "Why do you say that, sir?" the waiter said as he stopped swishing his tail. "Well, look at them. Are you sure this is okay?" Aaron asked and pointed to his flannel shirt and blue denim jeans. "Oh! No, don't worry about that. They all came in together. You're fine, sir." the waiter said with a smile and commenced his happy tail swishing. "Well, in that case, bring me the finest steak your restaurant has to offer, medium rare. Baked potato with sour cream and green onions, and the steamed broccoli for my vegetable. To drink, I'll have a coffee." "Yes sir." the waiter said and disappeared into the kitchen. As Aaron waited for his food to be served, he pondered over the significance of the rock and the meaning of the words etched within. "Third howl...changing of the day...." Aaron said aloud, not sure whether or not he was heard through the restaurant. A few heads turned and gazed into Aaron's direction as he repeated the words he read. "Excuse me..." one of the vixens spoke. Aaron looked up to face the one that the voice belonged to. "Yes? What can I do for you?" Aaron said with a gentle smile. The vixen approached the table slowly and Aaron invited her to a seat. She smiled and slid into the booth, staring directly into Aaron's brown eyes. "Hi, my name's Christie. I couldn't help but notice the words you were reciting a while ago. You weren't up in Agatha Forest by any chance, were you?" "As a matter of fact, I was, by the way I'm Aaron." he whispered. "Do you know of the legend that lives within the forest, Aaron?" she asked. Aaron shook his head swiftly. "Nope, can't say that I do. I'm new to Agatha Creek myself." Aaron replied, getting a feeling that there was more to Agatha Forest than what met his eye. "Legend has it that if you enter the heart of the forest at midnight, you'll hear the sound of a beautiful wolf howling three times. A few of us never saw where the howl had come from, only heard. We're still not quite sure what the wolf looks like, but her existence remains a mystery to us all." "Christie, we're ready to leave now." one of the other vixens said as the group of foxes rose from the table. "Oh. That's my family over there. Nice to meet you, Aaron." Christie said with a gentle smile and rose from the booth. Aaron watched silently as they filed out of the restaurant and shortly afterwards, Aaron was greeted by the waiter whom was bearing his food. "Here you go. If you need anything, let me know. I'm Jerry." "Thanks, Jerry. This is just fine." Aaron said with a smile. As Aaron consumed his meal, thoughts of Agatha Forest crossed his mind. The more he thought about the mystery that Christie spoke of, the more interested he became. Midway through his meal, Jerry returned to Aaron's table and handed him the bill for his meal. "How is everything so far?" Jerry asked. "Just fine. Say, have you ever explored Agatha Forest?" "Not really. I never had the time to venture out that way myself. Why do you ask?" "Just curious." Aaron said as he raised the coffee mug to his lips. His blank expression showed Jerry that his mind was fixed on a subject of a different sort other than the conversation he had started with the feline waiter. Aaron continued eating at a rather slow pace, not knowing how much time had passed, for his thoughts about the forest was all he could think about. Somehow, he must discover the mystery of the forest closer. As Aaron placed the last bite of food into his mouth, he rose from the table and left his money at the table for Jerry to pick up. As he exited the restaurant, Aaron checked his watch and counted the hours before he would go back into Agatha Forest in search of the mystic howl that Christie spoke of. "Seven hours to go." Aaron whispered and contemplated on which direction to take. He could either return home and wait for the midnight hour to approach, or he could take the time and learn the structure of the forest until it was time for the mysterious howling to begin. Aaron stood on the corner of the Agatha Creek entrance and cast a gaze into the direction of the road leading towards the forest from whence he came from. With a quick beating of his heart, he began to slowly walk into the direction of Agatha Forest, knowing that an early arrival to the heart of the forest will bring about sheer boredom. The feeling of nervousness in his heart kept Aaron on his paw pads as he waited for the midnight hour to approach. Upon arrival to the rock he saw earlier, he decided to wait out the remainder of his time to explore the forest grounds. "I don't know if I'm really up to this." Aaron whispered to himself. "From what Christie told me, it sounds rather eerie." Aaron checked his watch periodically as he waited, out of nervousness not knowing what to expect. At the eleventh hour, he lay his tired body down on the ground and rested his back against a large pine tree. He had to admit that the stars were twice as beautiful out in the woods than they were in the city where he used to live. As he fixed his eyes to the brightness of the moon, a shooting star shot across the sky. His eyes quickly followed its trail and he whispered a gentle wish before it faded. "Please let this not be a nightmare come true." Aaron uttered as he heaved a sigh. During the final hour, Aaron had a bit of difficulty remaining awake for the mystic howling. He checked his watch one final time as the time turned over into the midnight hour. There was a breath of a cold breeze that brushed through the forest and shortly after, the sound of the first howl rang out. The sound was very loud and clear as if it had come up from behind him. Aaron had to cover his ears to muffle the sound. The second howl sounded out much like the first. By the third howl, he uncovered his ears and called out into the darkness. "Hello? Is someone there?" Aaron called out. The smell of Rosepetal Perfume began to permeate in the air. "Art thou the one from my dream?" she answered back. The voice sounded so gentle and seemed like an angel's whisper. "Your...dream?" Aaron replied, his eyes still looking around trying to pinpoint where the voice was coming from. "I...I'm not sure. Where are you?" Aaron quickly turned his head and noticed a gentle set of foot paws approaching him and there before him stood the most beautiful wolf he had ever laid his eyes upon. She wore a dress of sheer silk and was flowing in the gentle breeze of the forest. Her eyes sparkled a light shade of blue and her fur was very nicely groomed. Aaron noticed at first that the wolf's dress was blowing gently in the breeze, yet her fur seemed untouched by the breath of the wind. Aaron didn't seem to think of that fact, but was more in awe from the appearance of the sheer beauty that stood before him. "Please do not be afraid." she said in a soft voice. "My name is Gwendolyn. I have been waiting for thee to arrive." "Me? Why me? I...I don't even know you." Gwendolyn reached out to touch the face of the nervous wolf and smiled softly, seeming to put Aaron more at ease. Gwendolyn took in a deep breath and in a soft tone, began to sing a gentle song. "Whilst thou wait for me beside the old pine tree. Meet me there at night and thou shalt be alright. I will chase the dark away if thou shalt chose to stay. Is it thee I have seen within the depths of my dream? From my fondest of lore, art thou the one I hath been waiting for?" She finished her song by humming the melody of what she had just sung and the voice was unlike anything Aaron had ever heard. Gwendolyn stopped humming long enough to look deeply into Aaron's eyes. As Aaron gazed back and smiled softly, Gwendolyn placed her paw over Aaron's heart. "It is thee my heart doth yearn." she whispered. She turned her head swiftly and then slowly started to back away. "Wait, where are you going?" Aaron called out and began to follow her. "It is time I must depart. Meet me tomorrow." "Must you go so soon? You just got here." "I must leave." "Take me with you!" Aaron shouted as he picked up speed trying to catch up with the fleeting beauty. "Thou cannot go with me. Not now. Please wait for me tomorrow. I shall return to thee." "I will wait for you, Gwendolyn." Aaron said as he stopped running and rested against a nearby tree. "Goodbye." Gwendolyn whispered, her final departing word echoing through the heart of the forest. Once the wolf was completely gone from sight, Aaron attempted to follow along in the dirt for her pawprints, but was unable to identify them from the rest of the prints that were already there. "Gwendolyn." Aaron whispered. "Such a sweet name." Aaron smiled as he remained seated against the tall pine tree and hummed Gwendolyn's song under his breath. He decided to make camp where he sat in case Gwendolyn came back around. His wait was rather extensive as the midnight hour approached once again. Just as it had happened the previous night, the sound of a wolf's howl rang out three times. After the third howl, Gwendolyn returned to the heart of the forest at Aaron's side. The aroma of Rosepetal Perfume grew strong as Aaron drew in a gasp of breath. "Gwendolyn!" Aaron smiled and reached out for the beautiful wolf. Gwendolyn smiled and sighed happily as she took Aaron's paw and kissed it ever so softly with her muzzle. "Thou hath returned to me." "Please, stay with me this time." Aaron begged. Gwendolyn sat down in front of Aaron and sang her gentle song once again. Aaron had remembered the words and the melody to the song from the previous night and joined with Gwendolyn's serenade. Once the song was finished, a smile parted Aaron's gentle muzzle. "I missed you, Gwendolyn. What are you doing out here?" "I come here seeking the one from within my dreams. Each night, I dream of the same soul, the soul that lives within thee. Thou hast cometh unto me seeking likewise, indeed?" "Yes...Yes, I have. When first I gazed upon your gentle body, I knew you had to be someone special. When I heard your gentle voice, my heart leapt within my chest. When I heard your song, my heart grew fond of you. Gwendolyn, I would love to be with you. I....I want to love you too." Aaron whispered as he held a loving gaze within the eyes of the beautiful wolf before him that many before him have only dreamed about. "I am so very happy thou hast accepted. Forever thine, my heart shalt be. May thou ne'er lose thine spark of light from within thine heart. Thy soul shimmer with the radiance of beauty this mind of mine hath but an entire lifetime spent within a dream to envision. Now, thy spirit, thy heart, thy soul appear before me. Ne'er again doth mine spirit wander lost, for I hath found my one true love." Gwendolyn's gentle words and soothing whisper became more enticing to his ears and his heart could no longer contain the feeling of certainty within his heart that perhaps their meeting was meant to happen. "I wish to see you again, my love." Aaron said with a smile. "I shall wait for thee. I shall howl three times at midnight. Whilst thou wait for me?" "I will, Gwendolyn. I will." Aaron replied. Gwendolyn gave him a soft brush against his face with her paw as she slowly backed away from sight. Aaron took one final look around the silent forest around him before making his way back to the roadside that leads into his new home town. The walk home seemed quite short, for the only thing on Aaron's mind was the beauty of Gwendolyn's smile, the softness of her touch, and the sweet sound of her voice. For the first time, Aaron's world seemed full of life and his heart felt aflutter with peace. He hummed the gentle melody that Gwendolyn sang for him, unaware that as he sang, he entered into a carefree absorption and failed to notice the reaction of a bystander walking in the opposite direction. "Hey. Hey YOU! Stop!" a voice called out behind him. Aaron came out of his trance and noticed a young raccoon running up to him. He appeared to be in his mid-teens and his black fur across his face made him look like that of a thief, however his intelligence gave his facial expressions the outlook of a very mature creature. His head fur was grey and quite dirty, which blew softly in the late spring breeze. His tail swished swiftly back and forth as he approached Aaron and as he got a closer look, the raccoon's clothes appeared quite mangled and soiled from having slept on the streets. "Whoa, what's up?" Aaron said and noticed the young raccoon's eyes slightly widened with surprise. "You look like you've seen a ghost. Is something wrong?" "Mister, I'm not the one that saw a ghost." "What are you talking about?" "You came from Agatha Forest, right?" the raccoon said as he took a seat at the nearby bus stop. Aaron took a seat next to him and continued his conversation. "How did you know?" "You were singing her song, weren't you?" "Yeah, so why the questioning?" "You're obviously not from this town, are you mister?" the young raccoon said. "Not really. I just arrived here last week. What's your name?" "Ah, how silly of me. I'm Mitchell. You?" "Aaron. Aaron Spiegel at your service." he said as he extended his paw for him to shake. Mitchell smiled and gladly accepted the gesture. "Now, explain what you mean. What's this about a ghost?" "Gwendolyn Markie lived in Agatha Forest long ago, but in the year of 1842, her home burned down while she was trapped inside. Unfortunately, nobody was nearby to rescue her since she lived alone her whole life. According to the legend, Gwendolyn lived in isolation of the forest just waiting for her true love to come around. She always lived her life in a dream back then. Now that she's passed on, her spirit roams free every single night, still looking for that one true love. If you ask me, she's living a fable." "How did you hear of this?" Aaron asked, now holding his undivided attention with the young raccoon. "Are you kidding? Mothers tell this story several times to us kids to help us sleep at night. They even sing that very song you were singing just a little while ago. They say it's called Gwendolyn's Song. It's all over the town. Several of us even ventured into the forest, just like you have. Several of us heard her howling and then heard her singing the same song over and over again, but many of us never saw her. She only appears when she's alone with someone she thinks might be 'the one'. Those that have seen her face say that her appearance is so beautiful, that it would bring a tear to the eye of the most savage of beasts." "It can. I've seen it." Mitchell's eyes widened to twice its original size. "WHAT?'ve seen it?" "Yes, I've seen it. She's the most beautiful creature these eyes of mine had ever seen." "She's not a creature. She's a ghost." "She can't be a ghost. I've felt her touch." "No, you felt the tingle of her touch. It's a spirit. She has not a lock of fur of which to feel. She has but no emotion of which to portray. She is a mere spirit wandering in the heart of the forest night after night in search of her one true love." "I could've sworn that..." Aaron tried to recall the feeling of Gwendolyn's touch against his face and placed his paw aside his furry cheek to compare the feeling. "Take my word for it. She's a ghost." Mitchell cut in. "She said I was the one." "The one? What, she actually thinks that you are this creature from within her dreams?" "It's obvious. She told me to meet her again tomorrow." "No. Mr. Spiegel, you must listen to me. Do not go back to meet her. She will only get to you. Don't let that happen. She will try to make you do something you don't want. Don't do it." Aaron began to rise from the bench and waved a gentle farewell to the young raccoon. "Wait, don't leave! Come back! DON'T TRUST HER!" Mitchell screamed, but Aaron had already departed and was not hearing a word of the adolescent creature that continued shouting after him. Mitchell gave up trying to reason with him and decided to keep a safe distance and followed him home instead. Aaron never once looked back, but continued on his way until he reached his cabin and closed the door behind him, locking it immediately. He flopped his exhausted body onto the mattress of his bed and gazed up at the ceiling. "A ghost. He's crazy. Gwendolyn is no ghost...It's impossible." Aaron said as he yawned. He dimmed the lantern that stood at his bedside and watched the faint light as he slowly began to fade into a gentle slumber. "Just an old fable...a child's tale." Aaron said as his sleep slowly began to overcome him. As Aaron slept, the sound of light rapping constantly drummed against his window. Aaron tossed in his sleep as the rapping sounds became louder. He sprang awake and rubbed his eyes with his paws. "Someone there?" Aaron called out, but heard no reply. The rapping sound now became the sound of light scratching which traveled from one side of his room to the other. He gazed out of his window to see where the scratching was coming from, but the only thing he saw was the darkness of the night. "It's impossible." Aaron whispered. "Gwendolyn couldn't have followed me home, I would have seen her. Maybe Mitchell is right. Maybe she is a ghost." Aaron thought to himself. Just then, the sound of a hideous moaning erupted and Aaron sprang back in shock. As he took another look out of his window, he could barely see a patch of grey fur darting by. Aaron immediately grew suspicious and donned his dark blue robe. He quickly made his way to the front door without turning on any of his lights to illuminate his path and flung his door open just in time to see Mitchell racing by. "Hey! Stop right there!" Aaron hollered as he ran after the mischievous raccoon. He started to pursue him, but decided to cut him off by running around to the back of his cabin where Mitchell collided with the angry wolf. With a quick motion of his paws, Aaron grabbed onto Mitchell's shoulders and held him in a seated position on the ground. "Alright, what's the big idea? Why have you come here?" Aaron asked angrily, flashing a nasty stare into Mitchell's eyes. "I'm sorry, Mr. Spiegel. It's important that you listen to me this time. I did not mean you any harm. You must believe me." "I believe nothing. Your story about Gwendolyn is hard for my mind to comprehend as being true." "I speak the truth, you must believe me! You'll die if you go into those woods!" "What proof have you?" Aaron asked. "I do not have proof of this except for the fact that I know what Gwendolyn can do. She will get to you if you let her. Please, mister. Do not venture into the woods. Gwendolyn is meant to haunt those woods until she gets what she wants. If proof is what you need, you will find it in the Agatha Creek Public Library. There, you will get your proof. Can I go now?" "I don't know if I can trust you anymore. What makes me think you won't return to cause more trouble?" "I only did this to warn you in hopes that you would think Gwendolyn is haunting you. I did this to protect you." "I do not need anybody to protect me. I am a full grown wolf and I do not need to be protected. Please leave me be." "Very well, but don't say I did not warn you." Mitchell said as he slowly walked away, not even taking a single glance back at Aaron, who was returning inside his cabin. For the remainder of the night, Aaron tried to sleep, but could not return himself to his realm of slumber. He tossed and turned violently and his fur became tousled in disarray. Aaron remained awake by fixing himself a pot of strong coffee and read through the morning paper which arrived on his doorstep promptly at six each morning. Finding the news uninteresting, he sipped the last bit of coffee from his mug and then proceeded to groom himself for the day's routine. His first errand was to the town library where he intended to find the rightful solutions from a more reliable source. He took up an entire slide of newspaper articles from the year 1842 and started at the beginning. As he scrolled through each month, he got a rather incisive view of the town's history, but his interest mainly focused on Gwendolyn Markie. He stopped scrolling when his eyes caught the Markie name mentioned in the front page of an article from March 12, 1842. Aaron's emotions leapt as he gazed at Gwendolyn's picture. To Aaron's surprise, she looked exactly the same as when he remembered seeing her the previous night. With trembling paws, Aaron began to read the article. "Gwendolyn Markie, age 24, was found deceased early yesterday morning inside her house. She was the only being inside the house when it caught fire, trapping young Markie inside. According to authorities, young Ms. Markie was found lying on her bed with a can of combustible fluid nearby. She appeared to have lived alone in her cabin in Agatha Forest at the time of her death. There are no known relatives or offspring. Funeral services for Gwendolyn Markie will be held at the Agatha Creek Cemetery at eleven o'clock on Friday morning. This will be a closed casket ceremony." "No, I still don't believe it. I felt her touch. I heard her speak to me." Aaron whispered. He rewound the spool of newspaper slides and returned it to the librarian and quickly left the library. His next step was visiting the tombstone in Agatha Creek Cemetery. As fast as his paws could carry him, he traveled across the town and into the main entrance to the cemetery. He slowed his pace down as his eyes panned across the row of tombstones. He suddenly froze with shock as his eyes cast themselves upon the very tombstone bearing the name of his only love. The etching within the tombstone read: "Gwendolyn Markie - 1818-1842. May you find what you are looking for beyond Heaven's gate." "I don't think she's found it yet." Aaron said to himself as he read the caption within the tombstone. "She seems to want me. I know now that she is a spirit. I know now what I must do." Aaron said as a lonely teardrop trickled down his cheek. As he wiped the tear away, he felt a sudden whisper of wind rushing over him and through the chill of the air, he could have sworn he smelled a hint of Rosepetal Perfume. Aaron looked around to see if anyone else was occupying the graveyard nearby, but found himself alone. Aaron decided to make an immediate retreat back to his cabin. As he walked, he took several glances around himself to see if he was being followed. The chilling breezes subsided and the smell of perfume was replaced with the familiar aroma of fresh pine needles. Aaron set his emotions at ease once he was nearby his cabin, however when he arrived to his doorstep, he noticed that a note had been pinned to the woodwork. He tore the note from the door and opened it. In fancy, cursive lettering, the following words were written: "Dearest Aaron, fear not, and let not the discovery of my existence become an obstacle between us. Meet me at midnight in the heart of the forest. I shall await thine presence. Fare thee well, my love. Sincerely yours, G." "NO!!!" Aaron shouted and crumbled the note in his paws and cast it aside. He ran into his cabin and immediately closed and locked his front door. "He was right. That crazy 'coon was right! I was a fool not to have seen this coming. I cannot return to the forest, for I know not what will become of me. She wants me. No! She wants to haunt me, that's what she probably wants. Why is she after me? What did I do?" Aaron asked himself. "I cannot meet with her again. My mind is made up. I'm going to do what I can to forged about her." With that, Aaron proceeded to lie upon his bed and attempted to catch up on some much needed rest. His walk into town was quite an exhausted one indeed and sleep came to him rather quickly. Aaron was awakened by the light of the moon shining brightly through his bedroom window. He gave a prolonged yawn and stretched his arms as he slowly rose from his bed. Suddenly, he heard the sound of a light tapping outside of his window. "Mitchell, I thought I told you to leave me alone!" Aaron called out. He quickly dressed in his robe and tied it tightly around his waist. As he flung the door to his cabin open, Aaron immediately circled his house trying to find the young troublemaker, but he was nowhere to be found. After making his third trip around his cabin, he called out into the night. "What do you want from me? Leave me alone!" The sound of the chirping crickets was the only sound that came back to him in response. "I mean it, Mitchell!" he shouted as he entered into his cabin. Just as soon as he closed his door, a loud knock was heard upon the front door. Aaron quickly spun around and opened his door once again. The next thing he knew, he was swept over by a strong breeze and the smell of Rosepetal Perfume filled his cabin. "Leave me alone!" Aaron screamed, which made the wind seem much stronger than before. He was then being pelted by a stream of rose petals that blew into his cabin. As he listened closely to the wind, it sounded as if it was saying the words "I love you." over and over again. "Leave me be, Gwendolyn, please!!" Aaron shouted again and slammed his front door closed. He looked around the den of his cabin and noticed the many petals of roses that accumulated upon his hard wood floor. Aaron anticipated cleaning his floor, but went straight to his room and closed the door tightly. Upon gazing at his bed, he noticed a note lying atop his pillow. He opened the note and read the hand-written message aloud. "I shall howl three times at midnight for thee, the only one my heart doth yearn for. My love for thee shalt ne'er perish." "YOU'RE ALREADY PASSED ON! YOU DON'T NEED ME!" Aaron shouted and crumbled the note, casting it aside with a mighty fling. He raced through his cabin and fled in sheer fright, not even bothering to lock the door behind him. As he made his way through the small town, he constantly felt a gentle brush of wind blowing against the fur on his neck. Aaron sought refuge within the local police station and entered quickly through the double doors. "I need help here!" Aaron said nervously. The officer on duty appeared to be a large mountain cougar and wore a dark blue uniform. She glared at the frightened wolf with a sheer look of concern in her eyes. "Calm down, sir. What happened?" "Gwendolyn Markie ring any bells with you?" Aaron asked in a sarcastic tone. "Yes it does, but that is merely a legend. What right have you to come in here with your spooky stories?" "It's no story, lady. She's chasing me. I need help!" "Look, Gwendolyn Markie is dead! She's been dead for hundreds of years. Now you're telling me that she's chasing you?" "Not exactly. It's her spirit. Her spirit lives and it's haunting me everywhere I go. Please, you must believe me." "Well, I don't see her now." she said as she emitted a gentle chuckle. "Look, I don't know where you came from, but you had better make your way back to where you came from before I have you escorted away." "Then to hell with you!" Aaron grunted and stomped out of the police station. From a distance, he heard the sound of the moaning breeze and the rustling of the leaves in the nearby trees and as Aaron began to run away, the breeze continued to pursue him. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" Aaron screamed as he fled through the town. "I have to find Mitchell." he uttered. He looked around every alley he could come across and stopped at every corner bus stop trying to track down his whereabouts. "Where are you? Mitchell! It's Aaron! Where the hell are you?" he shouted as he ran. From far down the road, he saw the appearance of a young raccoon standing against a street light and lighting a cigarette. "MITCHELL!" Aaron called and continued racing towards the only friend he knew he could turn to. When he reached the corner where Mitchell was standing, Aaron heaved and tried to catch his breath. "Mr. Spiegel. What's wrong with you?" "She's after me. She's haunting me. You have to help me!" Aaron said as he grabbed Mitchell's shoulders and gave him a rough shake. "Ow! Hey, cut that out! What's after you?" "Gwendolyn! She's found me. She's following my every move! You have to help me!" "You're talking crazy! There's no way she could leave the woods. She only comes out at midnight, you fool." "I don't know how, but she's found me. She must have been following me the entire time! Please, tell me there is a way to be free of this!" "You didn't believe me before, so what makes you think you'll take my words seriously even now?" "I realize that I have been a fool for not listening to you before, and for that, I deeply apologize, but she's back and she has been following me." "Alright, alright, come with me." Mitchell said and began racing along the roadside that lead into a dark alleyway behind an old laundromat. "Sit down." Mitchell said. Aaron nodded and took a seat against the wall of the laundromat. Mitchell took a place directly in front of the terrified wolf. Just as Aaron opened his muzzle about to speak, a small sheet of paper blew into the alleyway and clung to the side of Aaron's head. Soon afterwards, the cold chill of the frightening wind slowly dissipated. "There, see this? This is what I've been getting ever since this whole thing started!" Aaron said as he raised the note in his clenched paw. Mitchell took the note and read the cursive handwriting aloud. "On the changing of the days, I shall wait for thee. I shall howl three times at midnight. Wait for me there. -G." "Now do you believe me?" Aaron said as he crossed his arms across his waist. "Yeah." Mitchell said in a nervous tone. The sound of fear rose strong within the adolescent raccoon and he heaved a shaken sigh. "I believe you, Mr. Spiegel." he said as he handed the note back to Aaron. He held his paw up in refusal to accept it. Mitchell shrugged and placed the note in his shirt pocket. "What are you going to do now?" Mitchell asked. "I don't know. I was hoping you would have an idea." "Well, it's obvious that she has in fact chosen you. The only thing to do now is to give her what she wants. Meet her there at midnight. It's the only way she will be kept at bay. You do still love her, don't you?" " don't know. I don't know what I want anymore. I wanted it to work out between us, but as long as she remains a spirit in this world, I have no chance of gaining her companionship. What good is having a true love when the wolf of your dreams is a spiritual figment between life and the afterlife?" "Well, whatever you do, don't fall into her traps. As long as you see her each night at midnight, she will be kept in the heart of the forest where she belongs." "Come with me. Please?" Aaron said desperately. "I...I don't know if I can do that." "Please! You must do this! I can't go back there alone." "Alright. If it means that much to you, I will accompany you. I will have to stay out of sight, but I will accompany you. Meet me at Agatha Forest. We'll venture there together." "Do I have your word?" Aaron asked as he grabbed Mitchell's shoulders tightly with his paws. "Ow! Yeah, you have my word." Mitchell replied and jerked his shoulders free of Aaron's tight grasp. "My apologies for acting out too forceful. Each night that I live, I hate to think that I will continue to be haunted until my dying breath." Aaron departed from the darkness of the alleyway and even though he would regret doing so, he decided to return to his cabin to wait nervously for his next meeting with the enchanting wolf. He noticed that the rose petals still remained on the floor of his cabin and the room still smelled of Rosepetal Perfume. He spent the entire day sweeping the floor of the rose petals and cleaning the dust from his furniture. He kept his windows open the entire day, allowing the fresh air to shroud the aroma of the sweet perfume from Gwendolyn's unseen presence. He spent the remainder of his waiting time pacing frantically back and forth in the den of his cabin until his clock struck the eleventh hour of the day. Aaron hurried through Agatha Creek hoping to make the time of tryst with Mitchell. He noticed the young raccoon siting at the roadside, impatiently awaiting Aaron's arrival. "Let's go." Aaron said as he approached and the two creatures entered into the forest. As they ventured deeper into the woods, Aaron and Mitchell engaged in a quick conversation. "Okay, while you're meeting with Gwendolyn, I'll be at least ten feet out of the way. If you need anything, you'll need to give me a signal." "I'll whistle. Like this." Aaron said and brought his fingers to his muzzle and blew a thunderous whistling sound. "Or I will call your name out loud." "That'll work. I'll stay right here. It's almost time, are you sure you know what to do when Gwendolyn starts howling?" "I....I think I'm ready." Aaron said with a sudden nervous quiver. He proceeded through the heart of the forest until he came to the rock that marked the meeting place where he once found the love he was looking for. The howls rang out at exactly midnight and upon the third howl, the apparition of Gwendolyn's figure appeared before him. "Thou hast returned to me." she whispered. "Yes, Gwendolyn. I must ask you why you were chasing me like you did." Gwendolyn reached for Aaron's cheek and gave it a soft stroke. Aaron felt a cold tingling feeling from the touch of her ghostly paw. "'Tis thee this heart of mine doth seek. 'Tis thee my heart beat fondly for. Thou be the spirit within thine shell of flesh and fur thou doth possess. Come stay with me, lest not my song be true." Gwendolyn whispered and began to sing her gentle song. Aaron couldn't help but to allow a stream of teardrops to fall from his eyes as the very beauty before him was singing the very song that Aaron had fallen in love with. He placed his paws to his head and held one final thought of how his own life of loneliness had overtaken his very soul. Deep within his heart, Aaron needed companionship. He stretched his arm out to gather a paw full of the poisonous berries that grew wild in the forest and held them in his paw. With a great display of sorrow in his voice, he spoke. "Gwendolyn. I love you. This is the only way it can be right. I shall put an end to my living existence upon this world so that I may be a part of yours for all eternity." With those very words, Aaron began to ingest of the berries, which were quite bitter to the taste. Aaron gave out a few heavy coughs as he began to feel weakened of the effects of the poison within his system. "M....mitch.....MITCHELLLLLL!" Aaron screamed as the poison became more unbearable. Mitchell, having heard Aaron's call, ran to investigate, only in time to see Aaron's body drop to the ground. "AARON!" Mitchell cried out and raced up to assist him. "Aaron, what happened?" Mitchell asked, but needed no answer, for Aaron had opened the palm of his paw to reveal the unfinished portion of poisonous berries and threw them aside. "Oh, no. Aaron, tell me you didn't...." Mitchell pleaded with saddened eyes that began to fill with moisture. "Mitchell...I did...what I had to do." Aaron said weakly. The poison had begun to take its toll and was starting to overcome him as he spoke onto the very last living soul that he would ever see. "Please...don't feel is ended ....yours...has only just begun. Don't make...the same mistakes...I have made. Make life...your own....and never question...that what your heart...yearns....for....choose your fate...wisely friend." As Aaron breathed his last, Mitchell broke down and shed tear after endlessly-seeming tear over the loss of the newest and only friend he had ever had the pleasure of knowing. From above, the apparition of two spirits joined hand in hand and slowly faded away into the night, leaving behind the only remains of the body that once belonged to a lonesome wolf named Aaron Spiegel, now free of its spirit, joined forever with his true love within the spirit world, only to return again to bid ohmage to the place where he had met the beautiful creature that was now his companion in the afterlife. Mitchell often made several trips into Agatha Forest to where Aaron's body had been laid to rest and pays his respects to his only friend he had ever known. Aaron and Gwendolyn shall always return to the heart of the forest and howl three times in unison at the changing of the day...when the clock strikes the midnight hour. Whenever a howling of three is heard, a wolf may have found his or her place, be that within a world of the spirit or of the living. With this tale in mind, cast your eyes into the direction of the stars and make a fond wish from within your heart that every being within your own world receives what they need in life, in hopes for a better eternity. The End