The Life and Times of Jeffrey Gordon - Part 1 written by SonicBlu all content within this story is (c) 2001 SonicBlu. Any similarities with characters past or present, living or dead, is purely coincidental. I never thought for a moment my life would take me to such unexpected areas, but all I wanted was to be happy. My name is Jeffrey Gordon. I just turned forty years of age last week and I can honestly say I have never felt happier in all my life. I once spent my younger years as a heterosexual fox until Randy came into my life and stayed there forever. I feel that my tales may help anyone that has been in a similar situation that had turned out to be my life thus far. This is my story. I've never been a popular fox in my younger days. I was always being turned down when I asked girls to go out with me and I hardly had any friends around me. I did have a few hang-out places I went to during my high school years, but even there, I felt I was invisible towards others. My father passed away by the time I reached fourteen years of age and he ended up leaving everything he owned to my mother and I. There were no other siblings that I shared my life with, so I lived a rather isolated lifestyle. My life started to change a bit back when I was in my teen years. I met this lovely vixen named Sandra. Her fur was colored the lightest shade of orange with white chest fur. Her white-tipped tail was as fluffy as the clouds of angels. Her paws were also white and they were always gentle and soothing. Her head fur was soft and flowing with silky, white fur which showed everyone that she took great care in her daily grooming. I've often dreamed of running my own black-tipped paws through her fur and let the strands fall through my fingers. I never had enough courage to ask Sandra for a date since she was the talk of the entire school and I didn't have many friends to begin with. I did have Randy. He's been my best friend in the entire world since we met in grade three. I've often talked about Sandra with Randy ever since I started school and how I was always ignored by her every time she walked by me. Of course, it would've helped if I didn't lock up with sheer nervousness whenever I tried to say "Hello". Sandra practically made all the other females very jealous with the way she walked, talked, dressed, looked, and even ate. Guys everywhere attempted to ask her for a date, but she turned them all down after being around them...except for that one fateful day the both of us came together. I noticed Sandra walking around the back of the school and when I got a closer look, I saw more clearly that she was limping. I had to inquire what happened. I mustered my courage, placed my fox instincts on hold, and decided to come to her aid. I wasn't the least bit interested in asking her to go out with me or even being noticed by her as an attractive member of the opposite sex. I saw that she needed help and I wasn't about to let my nervousness get the best of me. "Are...are you alright?" I asked in a rather concerning tone. "I'll be fine." she replied. "What happened to you?" "One word of advice, never try to become popular. Everyone will either mob you or they will get jealous of you. Either way, you're screwed." "Is that what happened to you?" "Yes. I'm still trying to figure this out myself. One day I'm the queen of the school. The next day, I get shoved down the concrete steps." "What? Who would do such a thing?" "My so-called 'friends', that's who. I never want to be seen around here again." she said and started to cry. My arms were shaking like mad when I reached out for her, but I managed to calm myself down and held her close to me. "W...what are you doing?" she stuttered. "Shhh, everything is okay. I'm here for you now." "I don't even know you, how can I trust you?" "You don't hear me complaining at all about your popularity, do you?" "Well, no, but..." "Alright then. Rest your head upon my shoulder. Cry all you need to. Let me be the friend you've never had to you." I said as I lightly stroked her head fur. It felt so silky and smooth as my paw gently brushed against the nicely-groomed fur atop her head. She didn't say one single word as she cried. The bell rang to announce the end of the lunch period, but I didn't care. This was the only chance I would have ever gotten to be anywhere close to this vixen, and she needed someone now. I was not going to leave her alone just to attend a stupid class. After her tears shed, we spoke of what we had both gone through in our lives thus far and she didn't seem that much different from me after all. We both had the same attitudes, wishes, and dreams, so our first conversation together set her mind at ease and made my nervousness seem nonexistent. I noticed that the time was going by quickly and the bell was going to ring again soon. "Listen, it's obvious that we missed the rest of our classes, so what's the point of staying around here? Would you like me to walk you home?" I asked. She shook her head slowly and lightly sniffled. "There is nobody home at my house and I don't want to be alone. Will you stay with me?" she asked as she turned her head, gazing deeply into my eyes. I gazed back and could notice a distinct sparkling emanating from the loveliest shade of blue I have ever seen in a pair of fox eyes. My nerves started to rise and my heart felt as if it skipped a beat. "I would love that." I said in a shaky voice. I took her with me to my house and introduced her to my mother. Granted, she was worked up when she noticed I came home early from school, but I just told her the truth and that we had an emergency and was sent off campus early with her to make sure she would be alright. I just didn't tell her that Sandra was the one that sent me home early. We made it upstairs to my room and I set my books down on my desk. Sandra looked around my room as if she never saw an organized living quarter and then she raised her small, black nose and sniffed the air around her. "What is it, Sandra?" I asked, turning to face her. "This is the neatest room I've ever been taken to. What is that smell anyway?" I shrugged and sniffed the air but didn't smell anything out of the ordinary. "I don't smell anything." Sandra smiled over at me and winked. "Exactly." she said with a grin. "You wouldn't believe some of the slobs I've dated. Always smelling like they came out of a sewer somewhere. They all seemed to want sex all the time anyway, but I'm just not that type of vixen." "That really bites. Sex is the least worry on my mind right now." "What is on your mind right now, if I may ask." she said, stepping a little closer to me, holding that gaze in my eyes that made my heart leap. My mouth opened slightly ajar and I stammered my next reply. "W...well, when I saw you crying, everything else in my life froze. My mind was set on making you happy. I still want to make you happy and comfortable. I don't want to do anything that you don't want to do." "I....I need that so much." she replied and reached out her arms. I wrapped mine around her softly and held her close, giving her nose a gentle nuzzle. "I can make you happy." I whispered. I never wanted to let her out of my grasp as I continued to hold her close. As I leaned forward, I hesitated a bit. She met me halfway and our muzzles got dangerously close. My heart leapt again which gave me enough energy to thrust my head the rest of the way, closing the gap of space between our lips. We engaged in the deepest and most gentle kisses that I had ever given. My heart was racing and was pounding against her breast as I held her in my arms. We held the kiss for what seemed like hours. I never wanted it to end at all. She murred softly as we kissed and I could tell right then and there that my life had started to take a turn for the better. I felt that my future with this vixen would be as bright as the blazing summer sun in the sky and I was willing to share it with Sandra until death I did part...or so I thought. We graduated from high school and ended up moving out together. The sex between us was always gentle and immaculate. I was only twenty-one years old when we settled down, got married, and was blessed with a beautiful baby boy. I loved him dearly, for he was the most lovely creation I had ever seen. I saw every bit of Sandra and myself intertwined together within this child which is what I loved about my son so much. He had the deepest blue eyes that resembled the eyes of my loving vixen, while his black-tipped paws and tail reminded me of the way I used to look as a baby. Everything about my son made my heart beat in a gentle, soothing pace with every gaze I cast upon him. Everything from the tips of his ears to the pads of his paws were precious in my eyes. I named him Brandon. Three years into our relationship, we started having quite a few bad times. She started taking to drinking and her appearance at home became more and more scarce. When she was at home, we fought most of the time, but we always made up later. She would always go out for a few hours and then come home. As each year went by, her time away from home increased and so did our arguing. Her drunken state gave her an entirely different attitude towards both myself and Brandon as well. She started forgetting birthdays, anniversaries, and other days of importance. After eight years of being together, she didn't even seem like the same Sandra I once fell in love with. She got to the point of coming home whenever she felt like it and didn't care about my feelings. I spent a lot of time raising Brandon as my own child and we developed a very tight relationship from father to son. I looked at the clock and noticed it was getting very late. I started pacing back and forth. "Where is she? She's never been gone this long before." I muttered. I was not worried anymore, I felt more upset and angry. Sandra became very careless and I could never believe she would turn out this way after all I have said and done for her. Brandon came downstairs and rubbed his eyes softly. "Daddy, where's mommy at?" he asked. "Brandon, you should be in bed." "I'm sorry, Daddy. I can't sleep. Is mommy going to come home angry again?" My heart always went out to Brandon every time he felt uneasy or hurt. He would come home with a scraped knee and it wasn't long before I had him in my lap to doctor his wound. "Come here, son." I said as I held my arm out to him. He ran into my embrace and we sat on the couch just holding each other. I wiped Brandon's tears from his face as he continued crying and I gave him a gentle kiss upon his forehead. "It'll be okay, kid. Mommy will be home any minute...." my words were cut short as I noticed a pair of headlights approaching the driveway. I rose from the couch to peek through the curtained window and sure enough, Sandra came staggering out of one of her friends's car. I noticed the driver of the car was a male husky and he seemed to have a concerning look on his face when he let Sandra out of his car. "Damn." I whispered. My heart sank to an all-time low. How could she do such a thing? I was always faithful to her, always gave her everything she needed. What in her right frame of mind would cause her to do such a thing? As I watched Sandra step away from the car, I noticed that the husky didn't even hug or kiss her so I felt a little more at ease, but she still came home drunk. I didn't even care if they did have an affair behind my back, the fact of the matter is that she's deteriorating inside and I felt I had to do something about it. I returned to the couch to pick Brandon up in my arms to take him upstairs when the doorknob slowly opened. She staggered in and gave a playful giggle until she saw that I was holding our son. My gaze upon her changed from worry to anger in an instant. "Jeffrey, what is Brandon doing awake?" she yelled. "Please, Sandra. Lower your voice." "Don't tell me what to do! Brandon, get your no good tail up to bed NOW!" That did it. Nobody talks like that to my son, not even my wife! "Give him to me, Jeffrey! Give him to me right this instant!" "No, Sandra. You're drunk. I'm taking him up to bed so that he won't have to look at you this way." I said and scooped Brandon up in my arms about to carry him up the stairs. I got up to halfway when I heard a swift-moving object pass by my ear. I didn't even wait around to see what it was, but I knew what Sandra was doing. She's losing her mind thinking that she can throw something at me while I had Brandon with me. This has got to stop and I intended on making it right. I heard a crash as I reached the top of the stairs that sounded like a stack of dishes hitting the bare kitchen floor. Brandon started screaming loudly and I only hugged him tighter. "Shhh, it's okay, Brandon." I said as I tried to comfort my frightened son, but I was getting nowhere fast. "Shhh, Brandon, quiet. It's okay. I'm here now. You're safe." I said as I stroked his head fur gently. His screams of terror slowly turned to heavy sobs and he started to hyperventilate. I thought to myself that Sandra can not keep doing this, but I needed to be here for Brandon. "You'll be okay here, Brandon. Just stay in here. Don't move from this bed." I said as I rested his quivering body in his bed and tucked him in. I heard another crash from downstairs which made Brandon cry that much louder. "Daddy...I...I'm scared." he shouted through his screaming. He quivered in my arms like a leaf in the Autumn wind and his screams were like clasps of thunder in my ears, but I didn't care. Brandon can blow my eardrums completely away if he wanted to but my son's safety came first. "I know, son. Daddy will only be downstairs. Please stay here." "Stay here with me, please?" he said, still sobbing heavily. "I can't, son. I have to calm your mother down." "Come back when you're done then." "I will do that." I said as I held Brandon tightly in my arms. His tears fell in great quantities from his blue eyes and mingled with my own tears as I gave him a comforting nuzzle. I rose from the floor and tucked Brandon in his bed. He curled up tightly into a ball and quivered with fear as I walked towards his bedroom door. "Try to sleep now." I said as I turned his light off. "No, leave it on, please?" Brandon pleaded. I flipped the light back on and he curled up under his covers. I almost broke down crying into heavy sobs just seeing the sight of my only son too scared to go to sleep. I silently made my way downstairs to where my wife was standing and tapping her paw on the floor. She ended up breaking three sets of my good china. "Sandra, what is wrong with you? Why are you acting this way?" "You know Brandon has to be awake for school the next day! You are so careless!" "Me?" I yelled. "Look at you! For heaven's sake, LOOK! You go out getting drunk all the time. You are hardly home and I end up having to cook for our son!" "Well, I am sorry, but you just don't seem to understand that I need to be away from here too, Jeffrey!" "Away from here? Why?" "Maybe you can deal with Brandon crying all the time and yelling his lungs out, but I can't." "He only does that when he sees you like this and he thinks he's in danger. He's scared of you, Sandra!" "I'm his mother, why does he need to be scared of me?" "THINK ABOUT IT! He's only eight years old! How would you feel if you were eight and saw your own mother becoming a grotesque monster?" "You think I'm a monster now?" "No, but Brandon does." "Did he say that about me? I'm going up there now to..." "STOP RIGHT THERE!" I yelled and grabbed Sandra's arm, holding her from moving another step. "Let me go, Jeffrey!" she yelled. I held her arm a little tighter. "I can't let you touch one single bit of fur on him. We're going to work this out." "I'm his mother, Jeffrey! You must let me go." "You're not going up there in your present condition. You're too drunk and angry. Who knows what you will do to him? You need to stop this going out all the time. You can get help you know! I've tried to help you but you always went off and left the house. You never give me a chance anymore. You know I love you. I will do anything to keep you happy. Please, Sandra. Don't do this." I beckoned onto her. She dropped to her knees, coming close to cutting her knee on a broken piece of china, but I picked her up and held her tightly in my arms. She sobbed heavily as I held her close and I felt that there just may be a bit of help for her after all. "What am I doing, Jeffrey?" "You're looking for answers that aren't there. You're looking for solutions in a bottle instead of your heart. You can't keep doing this. Come on, let's get some sleep, okay? I'll clean this up. You need your rest." I said and kissed Sandra gently. Her lips tasted salty of tears that fell from her furry cheek and I wiped it clean with my paw. I placed Sandra on our bed and she fell instantly to sleep. I looked down at her as she slept and decided to pay a visit to Brandon's room before cleaning up the mess in the kitchen and then turning in myself. I cracked Brandon's door open slightly, just enough for me to peek inside. Brandon's back was turned towards me and his entire body was curled up tightly under the covers, save for his bushy tail which stuck out of the sheets. I noticed its quivering and I knew he still needed to be comforted. "Brandon? Are you alright?" I asked as I entered slowly, speaking in the calmest tone possible. "D...daddy?" he stuttered and turned slowly to face me. I noticed his tear-stained eyes and his fur was matted to his cheeks. I placed my hand on Brandon's forehead softly and whispered. "It's okay, Brandon. Mommy will be just fine. I do need to be with her to make sure she will stay that way." "B...but you promised...." "I said I would come back, son. I never promised I would stay with you the entire night. I need to be with her to make sure she will be alright. Sometimes you need to decide which is the right thing to do. I will be right across the hallway. If you need anything, I will be right there, okay?" Brandon nodded as he sniffled and I smiled and rubbed his furry head. "You're a good boy, Brandon. I couldn't be prouder of you than I am now. Just keep being strong, okay?" I said and rose from his bed. I touched my paw pad to the light switch and glanced over my shoulder. "You want this on?" I asked. Brandon shook his head and laid his head on his pillow. I flicked the light off and closed the door softly. I turned to head into the direction of the room where Sandra was sleeping and held her close to me through the night. As I thought I started to make progress, I got the impression that it was all just an act. She actually enjoyed going out and drinking every night and used an excuse like needing to be away from home to allow her to keep going out, but as gullible as I was, I believed her every time. She didn't care what she said to me or Brandon and she didn't care about whether or not we had a decent meal. I cooked a lot for Brandon and myself and each time Sandra came home, I felt obligated to try and snap her out of it. I tried everything and I feel that the more I tried, the more she slipped further from my grasp. I needed advice. I made a determination to get in touch with my best friend Randy. He's a very wise and generous tiger that always made some time to keep me company when I needed someone to talk to. I never once saw him with a girlfriend and he ended up moving out of his parents' house right after graduation. He seemed to have been doing quite well as a single tiger and got by with the many friends he had. I often came to him for advice and he was always there for his friends, which was a very rare trait about him. While Brandon was at school, I decided to take the day off from my job to visit Randy. "Jeffrey! I haven't seen you in awhile. How have you been?" "Well, that's what I need to talk to you about." I sighed in a low tone and sat down at the edge of his couch. "Aww, what's wrong?" "I need your advice. Do you have time?" "Of course I do, how long have you known me?" I nodded in agreement and sat down. He came from the kitchen bearing a can of soda. I gladly accepted it. "What's on your mind?" he asked as he sat in front of me. I placed my paw upon my forehead and lightly massaged my head. "It's Sandra. She's getting worse. I've tried everything and now I've run out of ideas." "Then you came to the right place." he replied. "She's drinking hard and she's getting very careless about her home life. Brandon is frightened of her and I feel I'm losing a battle I just can't win." "Oh wow. Well, I'm sorry to hear that you are in such a predicament. Tell me something, how does it make you feel inside when she does these things?" "Hurt, disgusted, angry, concerned, worried..." "Okay, that's fine. Do you love her?" "Yes, I do." I said as I lowered my head. "...But I don't know if she loves me anymore. With the way she goes on with her life all the time, it's like I don't even exist in her world." "So you're saying that she needs her space a lot, and you love her enough to keep her happy and do what is best." "Yes, that's right." "Leave her." "What? I don't know if I can do that. Who knows what could happen to her if I did that." I said, raising my head quickly. "Let me put it to you this way. She obviously feels the need to get away from the house, so there must be something there that makes her feel trapped. She finds an escape when she goes out to parties and bars, so it's obvious that she's always around other species." "Yes, technically speaking..." "So do what you feel is right...let her go. You're only going to be holding her down from her happiness and it's obvious that she's just not happy at home." "Randy, I can't believe you're telling me this. I've been married to her for eight years!" "I'm saying this because it's the right thing to do. Wherever she goes, you can't be her shadow all the time. You can't hold her down from wanting to escape from the house. She will find a way to leave the house no matter how hard you try. Face it, Jeffrey. She's crumbling in your paws. Are you going to sit there and watch her wither away into nothing?" "I've tried to help her..." "Answer the question! Are you going to watch it happen?" ", I guess not." "Then let her go. She's not worth the troubles and hardships you're going through. It's hurting you a lot more than it's hurting her and I can't stand to see you hurt." "Alright. I'll do just that. Thank you, Randy. In your own special way, you've helped me out again. I owe you one, buddy." I said and extended my paw. Randy gladly returned the gesture. "Actually, you owe me several." he said with a chuckle. I rose from the chair and headed for the door. On the way home, my head filled with many questions. "How am I going to tell her the news? How will she take it? What will happen to Brandon? Will she be safe wherever she goes?" My mind continued asking questions that can only be answered in time. I know that my time is short and there is a lot I have to do. End part 1