The Life and Times of Jeffrey Gordon - Part 2 written by SonicBlu all content within this story is (c) 2001 SonicBlu. Any similarities with characters past or present, living or dead, is purely coincidental. I sat at my desk trying to think of the words to say to Sandra. From seeing Brandon cowering in fear and from what Randy told me recently, I felt that I needed to do this. I stared at the blank sheet of paper for a long while before I picked up my pen. I heaved a heavy sigh as I began to write: Dear Sandra, It has come to my attention that you are getting way too out of control. You are hardly home to help raise our son and all you care about is your own activities. I wish there was another way to work this out, but I tried everything I can think of. The bottom line is that you don't seem to care about what goes on at home and you don't seem to care about my feelings. I will be contacting my lawyer about a divorce and custody of Brandon. As far as I can tell, you are in no condition to continue raising our son as a family. I can't have that happen anymore. I am sorry for this. I hope you find it within your heart to forgive me, but this is something that needs to be done. It's the right thing to do. Regards, Jeffrey I folded the letter, placed it in my coat pocket, and waited for Sandra to come home. To pass the time, I contacted my attorney, Frank Garrett. He's one wolf I never want to get on a bad side with. He always wore a three-piece suit, even when he went shopping. His head fur was always nicely groomed, as opposed to the mess of tousled fur I've seen on other wolves of his breed. Even his tail was clean and seemed smooth to the touch. As neat as he looked, his attitude around the office was just the opposite. I've seen him handle other cases before where there was quite a lot of growl in his voice and when he flashes his teeth at you, you better be either quiet or be gone from the room or else you may be his next meal. Being a mellow and timid fox, I learned to tuck my tail between my legs and not intimidate Mr. Garrett too much. Although he never would dream of doing that in the courtroom, Mr. Garrett always did what's fair and what's right. He's honest as the day is long and that's one thing I admire about him. All I wanted now was for him to help me with this divorce. I dialed the phone number and reached his secretary. She told me that he had left the office for the entire day. I left my message with her and decided to head to any of the local bars in the area to see if I could track Sandra down. I must've spent over four hours going from place to place, but nobody seemed to know where she was. I shook my head and finally gave up. Once I got home, I figured that the best thing to do was to wait for her to arrive. I had the neighbors watch Brandon for the weekend because I didn't want him around to see this. One thing I take great pride in is protecting Brandon in any given moment and I was not going to put up with watching Brandon get scared. Not after what happened last time. The front door eased open and Sandra walked slowly inside. She didn't seem as drunk as I expected her to be, but she entered the house as if nothing ever happened. "Where were you today?" "With Jessie. We went to the mall." "Uh-huh. Why did you just now get back?" "I had dinner with her." "I see. Ten o'clock. Pretty late dinner isn't it?" I asked, folding my arms and tapping my paw on the floor. "Jeffrey, please. Don't start." "I can't handle your going off anymore. You're never home when you need to be and I'm not going over this with you again." I pulled the sheet of paper from my pocket and handed it to her. She took it gently with her paw and opened it slowly to read it. Once she finished, she lowered the paper and looked at me with a blank expression. "I'm sorry, Sandra. I have to do this." "Jeffrey, you know I haven't stopped loving you. I..." "You say that every time and you never take my words to heart. You still kept going out doing your own thing. I can't carry you anymore." I placed my paw aside her soft, furry cheek for the final time and with a saddened look in my eyes and a sense of emptiness in my heart, I heaved my final words, leaving my lips like a gentle sigh. "'s over." Time seemed to drag on for months and months. Sandra and I spent our free time with Frank Garrett and he seemed to favor more towards my side. He knew who was always in the right and he even had to raise his voice in anger to get Sandra to stop complaining about her problems. It was very obvious that she brought everything upon herself. We took the divorce to the courtroom shortly after the final consultation with Mr. Garrett. Sandra knew that her foul language and pointless excuses wouldn't get her anywhere. Surprisingly enough, she didn't seem to say much as she was being questioned by the judge. I was fully prepared for her to get rowdy in the courtroom, but even Sandra knew when to keep quiet. The judge ruled in my favor and I had the house and Brandon to myself. Sandra moved out and that was the last I've heard from her in awhile. Several weeks passed and she finally contacted me by phone for the first time. She was crying on the phone while she talked to me and begged her for me to let her reconsider. I couldn't help but to think that some people just can't take a loss as their own. I told her that she is only allowed to visit and that's it. Sandra was just going to have to take it or leave it. She eventually accepted and asked that she come over on that Saturday evening. I agreed to it and then hung up the phone. Just as I did, Brandon came home from school with a big smile on his face. He carried his books in his paw as he skipped through the house and over to my desk. "I'm home, Dad." he said merrily. My shaken feelings were put at ease just seeing the sight of Brandon's happiness. I gave him a tight hug and ruffled his head fur. "How was school today, sport?" I asked. Brandon had always liked the nickname Sport ever since he started trying out for baseball practice. "Excellent! I talked to Marie after school and she invited me to her birthday party! Can I go? Please?" he said, his eyes widened with anticipation of my positive answer. My little boy is growing up fast before my eyes and girls are starting to feel attracted to him. Who could blame them? Brandon still looks perfect to me in every way even though his looks did resemble Sandra, but I no longer saw that trait. He is my son and all I need to see is Brandon's looks as his own. "Who's Marie?" I asked. Brandon smiled softly as he replied. "She's a friend in school. So can I?" "What day is it going to be held?" "This Saturday. I have the invitation here." Upon saying the word Saturday made me think about Sandra all over again. I didn't want to turn him down from the party, but the law was the law. I knew how much it was going to hurt him and this was the first time I had ever told Brandon he couldn't go anywhere. "Sit down, Brandon." I said. If I was going to be telling him anything, I knew it was going to lead into a serious discussion. He grabbed a nearby chair and scooted it over in front of me. "Brandon, your mother called. She wants to see you this Saturday. I have to let he come over to see you. I...." I hesitated with my next sentence because I knew this is going to hurt him. I turned my head and gulped, softly stroking my tail as I looked for the right way to break it to him. "I'm sorry, Brandon, but you can't go to Marie's party." I said. A lump developed in my throat after having said that to him, but I had to say it. Brandon's head lowered into his soft paws and his body started to shiver slightly, which is an early sign that he was going to start crying. ", Dad. I want to go to Marie's party." Brandon wept. I placed my paw on his shoulder and regained my strength enough to speak regularly again. "Brandon, I wish there was a different way, but I can't let you go. I..." "NO!" Brandon screamed and raised his head, casting a very angry glare from his tear-stained eyes. "I'm NOT staying here! Don't make me stay here with Mom! I don't want to see her! I want to see Marie!" "Son, please, it's not entirely my decision." "You just don't care, Dad! You're making me see her! I don't want to!" "Son, I..." "LEAVE ME ALONE!" he yelled and ran upstairs to his bedroom. The slam of his door echoed through the entire house and really hit me hard inside my heart. Maybe Brandon was more scared about seeing her as I thought he would be. I felt a tear forming in my eye and decided to make one quick phone call to Mr. Garrett. If Brandon is really too scared to see his own mother again, there's got to be a way where the visitation rights could be excluded from our case. I quickly dialed his number and finally heard his voice echoing through the phone. I explained to him about Brandon's reaction to hearing about Sandra's visit on the weekend, but there was nothing he could do. The judge's decision was final. My heart sank as I slowly hung up the phone. I think it was just plain ridiculous for the law to allow such a thing to happen. I decided to wait a short while before talking things over with Brandon. I knocked softly and held my ear to his door. "Brandon? Can I come in?" "No!" Brandon sniffled and started crying again. I felt like my insides were dying when I heard him react that way. "Please, Brandon? I need to talk to you. Can I please come in?" There was a silent pause and then the door to his room slowly opened. I pushed it the rest of the way open and Brandon threw himself on his bed, his back turned directly towards me. I sat down on his bed and softly stroked his back with my paw. His entire body was shivering slightly as I pet him. "Brandon, I'm very sorry about this, but the law says that she has to visit you. She's coming on Saturday to see you and you have to be here for it. It's not my decision. If it was, I wouldn't let her see you." " wouldn't?" he raised his eyes to look into mine and his facial fur was matted to his cheeks with teardrops. "Of course not. I know how you feel about your mother. You should be free to make that decision on your own, but the law is making the decision that you see her. There is nothing any of us can do to change that." I said and brushed the tears from his eyes. "She does need to see you because it's the law." "...but the party. I..." "Brandon, remember what I told you about always doing the right thing:?" Brandon slowly nodded. "You need to make some sacrifices in life to do what is right. It's not pleasant, but it must be done. Understand?" Brandon nodded again and I hugged him softly. Brandon sniffled as he held his head against my chest. My heart beat in a gentle pace as I rubbed him gently behind his ears. They flickered slightly as I continued to rub his soft head fur with my paw and I came to the realization that perhaps he does really deserve the best things in life. " can go to the party." "I can?" Brandon said, a smile quickly forming on his muzzle. I nodded with an identical smile. He hugged me tightly and I kissed his head softly. "You can, but only if you can make it back here on time. I want you back here at four o'clock." "O...okay." I decided that he needed to learn responsibility and this was the perfect way to put him to the test. Happiness restored instantly between us and I awaited the arrival of Saturday to approach. Sandra arrived bright and early Saturday afternoon. I had just gotten lunch out of the way and I wiped the bit of mayonnaise from the corner of my mouth as I opened the door. "Did I catch you at a bad time?" Sandra said and started to enter. I shook my head and closed the door behind her. "I didn't expect to see you so soon, Sandra. It's good to see you though." I said and offered her a seat at the couch. "Good to see you too. Where's Brandon?" "He's getting ready to go to a birthday party with a friend from school." Sandra started to shake her head to oppose. "Oh, no. I'm here to see Brandon, you just make him cancel. What were you thinking anyway? You know I was going to be here to visit him." "Don't worry, he will be back at four." Brandon raced downstairs and waved to us quickly. "Brandon, aren't you going to say hello to your mom?" Sandra asked. Brandon froze in his tracks and turned slowly. He walked over and gave her a tight hug while his paw clutched Marie's birthday present in his paw. Once the hug was over, Brandon resumed his racing speeds and headed out the door. "Four o'clock, Brandon. Remember!" "I know!" Brandon hollered as the door closed behind him. I turned to face Sandra and decided to engage in idle conversation until it was time for me to start on dinner. Brandon arrived home at ten minutes past four and I noticed a red mark on his white cheek fur. "Hey, Sport. How did it go?" "It went really great. We had a magician there and everything. We all got free toys." "What's this?" I asked, pointing to the red mark on his cheek, and upon closer inspection, I noticed it was red lipstick. "Oh, that." he replied and let out a little chuckle. "Marie gave all of us guys a kiss and thanked us for coming. She gave me an extra one because she thought I looked cute." My heart practically fluttered in my chest when I heard him say that. "So, my little boy has a girlfriend now?" Sandra said as she overheard our conversation from the kitchen. "Noooo, not really." Brandon said with a smile, becoming very embarrassed at the comment his mother made. "We're just friends." "Uh-huh. It might not be that way for long. Next thing you know you'll exchange phone numbers and buying each other dinner." "Mom, please. Marie is a good friend and..." "You going to marry her?" "Mom!" he shouted. I had about enough of that myself and I don't care if Sandra saw that as a joke or not. "That's enough, Sandra. Why don't you help set up the table for dinner?" "Can I help too, Daddy?" he asked, a wide grin developing instantly on his muzzle. I could never say "no" to that. I had Brandon clean up in the kitchen sink instead of sending him up to the bathroom, and he hesitated to clean his cheek free of the red lipstick Marie left him. Dinner between us was a bit quiet, only a few words were shared between the three of us. Sandra tried to find some conversation to have with Brandon, but he was in no mood for talking. Not after what happened earlier in the kitchen. His replies were very short and his head always pointed directly to the plate on the table as he played with his silverware. "Brandon? Are you feeling okay?" I asked. "Yeah. I'm just a bit full from the party earlier. May I please be excused?" "Alright. I'll just save the rest of your food for later if you want." "Okay." Brandon loved his pork chops and I hated to see his pork chops put to waste, so I wrapped his plate with plastic wrap and placed it in the refrigerator. I would put my money on a wager that Brandon will eat the rest of his food after Sandra left and before he goes off to bed. I gave Brandon his hug and had him do the same with Sandra. I could tell from his change of expression that he was not thrilled about that, but knew that it was only right. He walked slowly to Sandra and gave her a gentle hug. "I'm sorry, Brandon. You know that I will always love you no matter what happens. You are my son and I will always love you. Remember this, okay?" "I know, mom. I'll remember." he said, his voice being muffled in Sandra's chest. He climbed the stairs swiftly, leaving Sandra and I free to continue our earlier conversation. Sandra immediately tried to convince me to let her move back in, but I turned her down. She did these things several times before, so what's to stop her from doing them again? Even though I felt she did wrong when she lived with me, I still felt obligated to have her over for visits so she could see how well Brandon was doing. That's all I felt she was allowed. I didn't care whether or not she learned her lesson. I could still never let her move back in with me. Sandra used up all of her chances that I gave her and nothing can change my mind. She admitted to me several times that she did wrong and that she is trying to improve, but the past could not be changed. "Sandra, we've talked about this before. I can't let you stay here. You're already a common visitor as it is and anything more than that will only bring back memories that need to be left alone. What about that husky I saw you with?" "Which one?" she asked, displaying a blank expression. "What do you mean 'which one'? I saw you with him when you came home one night." "Nick? Well, he's cute and all, but he's married. We're just friends." "How did I know you and he didn't have a few moments of intimacy while we were married?" "I didn't do anything with him. Why are you accusing me of that?" "What am I supposed to think? I see you pull up and I see this male husky with fluffy, white and gray fur. I know you have a thing for fluffy fur. You used to always have me wrap my tail around you when we were dating, or haven't you forgotten that?" "Alright, I have a thing for fur, is that a problem? We're not together anymore. Just drop it. Nick is a good friend." "Maybe so, but I still used to lie awake nights wondering who you were with or what you've been doing." "Jeffrey, I don't want to fight. Please, we're supposed to be forgetting all about this." "Best idea you've had since you started visiting here." I walked over to the couch and threw myself down. I didn't want to lead into another fight, but as I expected it, she wanted to keep pursuing it. "I'm coming back here tomorrow night. I want to see Brandon again." "Oh, now you want to see Brandon. Why didn't you feel that way before?" "Hey, why don't you try living months without him and see how you like it?" "Excuse me? I wasn't the one going out to parties every night, coming home when I damned well felt like it, so don't stand there telling me about this! You brought that upon yourself." I said, pointing an angry finger at Sandra. "I'm still going to see him. You can't stop me." "I'll let you see him, but in your present condition, I would appreciate it if you got rehabilitated first. You're still a damned drunk! You are not stable enough to take care of Brandon and you know it. Sooner or later, you are going to have to clean your act up. When you get off the drink and you get an attitude adjustment, I'll be more comfortable about letting you over here. I refuse to let you take him out of the house, though. When I know you've kicked the habit, I'll feel better about it, but until you get your act together, I will have to limit your time." "Are you insinuating that I don't see him at all?" "No, I'm saying that this habit is destroying your future and it's still affecting Brandon's feelings. There are places you can go for help. There's rehabilitation clinics. You need to get off of the drink, Sandra. It's destroying your life! Brandon still gets nervous when you're around him. He was going to just run off without even saying 'hello' to you. He was fidgeting with his silverware while you were talking to him. He doesn't feel comfortable around you. He's scared of you, Sandra! You need to get rehabilitated, and you need to get a better outlook on life." "When rehab becomes your concern, I'll ask you for an opinion. It's my life, Jeffrey, and it still involves our son. If you don't let me see him as long as I want, I will find a way to take him from you." "What?" I yelled, taking a chance of waking Brandon from his sleep. "No, I don't think so. Nobody is taking Brandon away from me, do you hear me? Nobody!" "We'll see. Good evening to you, mister fox. Thank you so much for a thrilling evening." "Fine, leave here, but you hear me out, Sandra. You harm one single lock of fur on Brandon's head and I'll have you put away." Sandra stomped her paws down the walkway to her car. I shook my head in disbelief as I saw the angry vixen get into her car. Her tail was the last part of her that I saw for awhile and to be honest, I'm glad I didn't have to see it. For weeks on end after the last outburst we had, she made threatening phone calls to me. Her visits always ended up with a fight either between Brandon and Sandra, or Sandra and myself. One time when she called me, she threatened to kidnap Brandon and take him away from me forever. I made up my mind to take the day off and contact my attorney. I didn't care about my job, I needed this matter to be settled. "Mr. Garrett? Are you free?" I asked as I poked my head into his door. "Come in, Jeffrey. Have a seat." he said. I nodded and sat in the chair directly in front of his desk. He raised his paw to rub the fur from the top of his head and he spoke and one could easily tell that he had a rather hectic week. "What's the matter?" "It's Sandra. She's planning on kidnaping Brandon. You have to stop her." "Do you have any proof of this?" "She told me on the phone. Isn't that proof enough?" "To you, yes, but it will never stand up in court. I will need a voice print of her threat to use as evidence. Unless you have documented proof, either written or voiced that she's going to do this, I can't do anything about it." "Alright, so I'll just tape her calls from now on." "No, Jeffrey. You can't do that unless you tell her outright that you will be recording the call. Otherwise it will be illegal." "But if I tell her I'm recording the call, she won't threaten me because she knows I can take her to court." "I'm sorry, Jeffrey." he said. I hung my head into my paws and hid my eyes. I wanted to do everything I could to hold the tears from falling. "Tell me something, have you done anything to lead Sandra into threatening you?" "Of course not!" I answered in a snappy tone. "Alright, so she openly threatened you." "Yes. She forced herself onto my property and didn't like my idea of limiting her visits." "What happened before the threatening started? Did you get into a fight?" "Puh, did we ever! You should have heard her, Mr. Garrett. We were talking..." "I'm not concerned about her at this time, was there anything you said to her that might have provoked her?" "Me? What would I say to provoke her? All I told her was that I didn't like the way she was living her life because it has a great impact on Brandon's feelings, and then she left my house with a threat about taking Brandon away from me. That's when it first happened. Then she started with the threats by phone. I wanted her to drop it, but it led to her forcing herself onto my property to see Brandon. I had no problem with her coming over to see him, but I didn't want her to just show up at any given time. I let her come over three times and she wanted to stay longer, but I only allowed two hours and that was it. That's all Brandon can handle before his nervousness got out of hand." "Ah, I see. Well, you know, she does have visitation rights." "Yeah, I know that. She thinks I'm taking that away from her but I never said she can't see Brandon at all. I told her I would let her see him but she would be limited to the time they spend together. She's still a crazy drunk and I don't feel safe around her with Brandon. She put words into my muzzle and told me that she will take Brandon away from me." Mr. Garrett removed his glasses from his eyes and placing his paw beneath his chin. "I'll see what I can do about Sandra, but as your attorney, I must hear her side of the story too. You know that, don't you?" I nodded slowly. "Good. Until then, try to take it easy and don't get yourself worked up too much. Try to rest if you can." "Thank you, Mr. Garrett." I said. He extended his paw to me, but I was in no mood to shake it. I didn't want to be rude, so I swallowed my pride and shook it anyway. My nerves were shot as I wandered back to my home. I didn't even feel the strength enough to start cooking for Brandon by the time he came home. I took the liberty of ordering a pizza for us and I watched a little TV with my son before I sent him up to bed. I even had a neighbor over to help calm my nerves. Her name is Jennifer and she was feeling a bit lonely as well, so I invited her over for pizza and a movie. She gladly accepted. Jennifer was a very sweet ferret, but she wasn't looking for love. I didn't really try too hard to ask her about it, she was a good friend and that's all I ever saw in her. After Jennifer left and Brandon went upstairs to his room, I finally got time to relax. I needed to get Sandra on the phone to let her know that my attorney wanted to talk to her, so I picked up the receiver and dialed her number. After four rings, I grumbled to myself. "Great, no answer." I said. I never thought I would've said that about Sandra, but I needed to fix the situation as soon as possible. I placed my paw pad on the hook button to free the line and then released it. I let the dial tone echo into my ear as I thought of who to call upon next. I needed someone to talk to, someone to stay with me to make sure I wouldn't turn crazy, and I figured Randy would still be awake. After hearing the phone ringing a couple times, Randy's voice came through the line. "Hello?" "Randy, it's Jeffrey. Are you available?" "For you? Anything. Just let me throw on some clothes and I'll be right there." He didn't even give me time to say goodbye before I got the sound of a dead line. I shrugged and placed the receiver back onto the cradle of the phone. "I wonder what's eating him." I thought. Five minutes had passed before I got the knock on the door. I opened the door and noticed that Randy was standing at the door wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a tight gay pride T-shirt which made his chest muscles bulge through the fabric. Randy's white chest fur was peeking out of the neck of the shirt. Of all the years I've known him, I never thought for a moment he was gay. He never told me and he never acted it. He never even bragged about his sex life. I always thought he was completely celibate. My mouth was held open for a couple minutes, frozen with shock "Jeffrey? Are you alright?" he said, swishing his tail slowly back and forth. "Huh?" I said, snapping myself out of my trance. "Oh, right." I said, shaking my head and held the door open and invited him inside. I offered him a seat on the couch and poured us a glass of iced tea. "So tell me, what's up with this?" I asked, pointing to his T-shirt. "What?" He asked, looking over at me with a perplexed expression to his eyes. "You're into gay pride?" "Oh! That, well I usually don't open up about this, but yes I am gay. That...that's not a problem, is it?" "Um, no, of course not! I just never knew. I mean, I've never seen you with anyone except when you're off with your friends." "Well, I'm in no hurry to settle down with someone. I'm sure the right guy will come around." "What's it like?" "I like it. It makes me very happy, but listen, we're not here about me. I'm here for you now. What's up?" I lowered my head slightly, remembering the words of my ex wife returning to my mind. "Sandra's threatening to take Brandon away from me. I don't know what to do." "What? Why?" "I don't know." "Well, if you ask me, she's being just plain impossible." "My attorney can't do anything until he hears her side of the story." "I'd like to say not to worry, but I don't know that. I'll tell you what I do know though. You will always have me for support. I'm your best friend, aren't I?" "Of course you are, Randy. I...well...I just..." "You never knew your best friend was gay?" I nodded slowly. "It's perfectly alright. I get that reaction all the time." "I'm sorry to hear that. Out of all your friends and you're still a single tiger?" "Afraid so. I'm sure someone will come around. Don't worry too much about me. Just keep Brandon safe, okay?" "Alright." I said as I nodded. I thanked him for coming over to visit me at such a late hour and escorted him to the door. I extended my paw to show him I wasn't at all against him for being gay and that I was still truly his best friend no matter how he chose to live his life. He looked at my paw and then looked at the expression on my face and noticed I was still worried. He shook his head and held his arms open to me. "Do you mind if I gave you a hug?" he asked. I stood there with a confused feeling rushing through my veins. I needed a hug so much, but I never thought I would be getting one from another guy. I figured that since it came from my own best friend, it was his way of showing his appreciation towards me. I opened my arms and accepted him into my embrace and we held each other at the door for a couple minutes before I let him go. "I'll call you later if you want." Randy said as he started to stroke my furry cheek with the back of his paw. I jerked my head back suddenly at the gesture, but only because I was nervous. "I'm sorry. I just....I wanted to..." "I understand, Randy. You're just being concerned for me. I really appreciate that." "I care about you, Jeffrey. I never had a friend like you before and I don't know of anyone else that is just like you. Just take care, okay?" he said and proceeded to rub my head fur. This time, I let him touch me. It's the least I could've done. He's always been a great friend and he appreciated my friendship. He also honored my heterosexuality. This was the first time since I was nine years old that I let him touch me, but I never was in a situation like this before. I needed the comfort and my own best friend was all that I had, other than Brandon. I might not have much anymore, but at least I have them. I thank the heavens above that I'd at least have my son and my best friend no matter what happened. I also had Jennifer right across the hall anytime I needed to hear a gentle voice of understanding. She, herself, went through an abusive relationship and she helped me greatly through the times I had lived with Sandra. Although Jennifer and I are a lot alike, we never felt the obligation to take our friendship to the next level. We were happy enough being friends, and I was happy enough to have just that. The only worry on my mind was Brandon. I had to keep him safe from Sandra, but I knew the matter was out of my paws. I stood in the silence of my foyer thinking of what to do next. I had to keep my son safe, but how? Only time will tell. End part 2