The Life and Times of Jeffrey Gordon - Part 3 written by SonicBlu all content within this story is (c) 2001 SonicBlu. Any similarities with characters past or present, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The weeks slowly progressed into months, and the battle for my family continues even stronger now. I must admit, it had made me into one very exhausted fox. It had only been two years since I broke it off with Sandra, but to me, it seemed like a lot longer. It seemed as if each week that went by, I started becoming more and more different. Brandon even noticed the changes, yet my love for my son had always kept on a steady course. If I had to count the number of times I saw him too frightened to spend time with the family, it only made my heart that much stronger, yet I still hurt even thinking of our brooding past. I didn't quite know how to handle the change of attitude with my son, and as I think about it, anytime Sandra came over to get Brandon for the weekend, he was more and more inclined to want to go. At first, I saw happiness in the way his association with his mother had gotten better, but deep down inside, I felt as if my heart was sinking. Nowadays, he hardly ever came to me with anything more than a "hello", and as I tried to make conversation with him, I almost always received one-word replies from him. Something is definitely wrong, and I wish I could place my paw on it, but I fear the answer will come to me sooner or later. The phone rang during the early hours of the morning. I was feeling quite groggy from the tragedies that have hit my life like a battering ram against my heart, time and time again. I wanted to break free from it all, but I knew if I lost my cool, I would also lose Brandon. I prayed deeply that this call was a good one as I reached over to pick up the receiver. With a tired tone of voice, I spoke. "Hello?" "Jeffrey, it's Randy. Did I wake you?" I didn't want to be rude by being honest, but I also didn't want to tell him a lie either. "I was just barely waking up a few minutes ago. It's no bother, Randy. I'm glad you called." "How have you been feeling, Jeffrey?" I looked over at the clock and noticed the time reading 7:30 AM. "Randy? To tell you the truth, I'm scared and I feel like I'm losing my mind." "Talk to me, Jeff. Please, I'm very concerned for you." "Well, I haven't been able to sleep for weeks. Brandon is getting more and more elusive with me, Sandra's finding loopholes in my actions to step in and take him away from me, my lawyer can't do much to help me, and I'm losing a battle I feel like I can't win." "You're winning, Jeff. Do you still have Brandon now?" "Yes." "Is Sandra living with you to make you constantly nervous?" "No, but she can do just the same amount of damage away from home as if she was really here." "Let's go back a little bit. What did you mean when Brandon said he was getting more elusive from you? What is he doing?" "His schoolwork has been getting worse, he doesn't seem to want to spend that much time with me anymore, and his happiness isn't as constant as it used to be." "Okay, tell me something. Have you been the one to be there for him every time, or did he come to you with all that?" "It was pretty much split in half. Sometimes he would come to where I was, sometimes I'd go to him." "And now?" "Now? I try to make an effort to spend time with him, but with all that's been happening lately, I haven't found enough strength to even keep going." "Well, there's your problem right there, Jeff! He's just too afraid to tell you himself because he's scared of hurting you." "What? He knows he can tell me anything. He's done it countless times before. Why should he all of a sudden stop?" "Talk to him about it. Have a heart to heart talk." "I need to settle my mind first, Randy. It's just not easy when I have this humongous weight on my shoulders." "Then, I'll talk to him. He knows me." "Oh, Randy, I can't ask you to do that." "You didn't ask. I'm offering." "We'll see. Right now, I just want all this legal matter to be done with once and for all." "Where is Brandon now?" "He's been out with Sandra all weekend. At least there's one thing about Sandra and I. We haven't gotten into that many fights, but she keeps leaving little implications here and there about taking my son away. I know she's just using that to get my temper out so she could use this in a custody battle." "We'll think of something." Randy whispered and paused for a moment as he breathed deeply. His soothing voice returned back to the phone shortly after. "Listen, I would love to come back over. How about Monday night? We'll cue up the football game, order us all some pizza, maybe even go bowling." "Okay. Listen, I have some stuff I have to do today, but I'll call you." I said as I scratched my head fur softly. "Alright. Take care of yourself." Randy replied and then the line went dead shortly after the sound of the click on the other line. I slowly returned the receiver back onto the cradle of the phone and heaved a heavy breath through my nose, which always seemed to make my whiskers twitch. I finally made my way downstairs and eased down onto the couch later that afternoon after taking care of a few of the house's needs. I have also noticed I was letting the house get a little untidy as well, but I thought that since Sandra was bringing Brandon back tonight, I would at least make the house more presentable. I was in the middle of enjoying the rest of my weekend off by cuing up a movie on Channel 42 when my front door opened, and Brandon scampered inside. "Dad?" he shouted as he ran inside. From inside the den, I heard the sound of Sandra's high-heeled shoes clomping onto the tile of my foyer. "In here, son." I called back. Brandon appeared at the doorway of my den and leaped onto the couch. "How was your weekend, Sport?" I asked as I turned to face his softly-smiling muzzle. "It went okay. Mom took me school shopping and got me all kinds of cool clothes." "Brandon's really turning out to be a great kid, Jeffrey." Sandra said as her figure appeared in the doorway. I stood slowly and quickly ran my paw through Brandon's head fur, tousling the fur slightly. Brandon erfed and tried to fix his 'do as I slowly approached my ex-wife. "What have you been up to this weekend?" she asked. "Don't ask." I replied and decided that the least I could do was to give her a warm, gentle hug. She hesitantly returned the gesture and then she backed away slightly after we embraced. "Jeffrey, please, don't try to show me your soft side." "What do you mean? I just thought I'd offer a hug as a sign of greeting." "Fine." she said and seated herself on the sofa. Brandon slowly nudged his body closer to Sandra's and leaned his head onto her arm. I couldn't help but to hang my head in sorrow. Seeing the moment shared between them caused mixed emotions within my heart. I felt happiness that Brandon was finally more comfortable about seeing his mother again, but at the same time, I felt heartbroken that it wasn't me he was nuzzling up with. "Jeffrey, I have to talk to you. Brandon, why don't you put your new clothes away. Daddy and I have to talk." "Okay, mom." Brandon said happily and kissed Sandra softly on the cheek. He gave me an identical kiss before he raced merrily up the stairs and into his room. When I heard his door close, I knew the coast was clear. "Okay, start talking. What is all this about?" "What do you mean?" "This! You and Brandon. You both seem a lot closer to one another, while he's drifting apart from me. Is there something I should know here?" "Land sakes, Jeffrey, the very moment Brandon feels comfortable around me, you act like it's a bad thing." "Sandra, you know how I feel about the both of you getting too close. You're still a drunk." I said as I clutched my paws into fists and held them behind my back. "I'm trying, Jeffrey. Do you know how hard it is to finally give up a bad habit? I'm trying!" she replied as she started to raise her voice slightly. "Then try harder! You still need to be complete when you see him, and you know I would feel a lot better about it if you didn't do that kind of thing around Brandon. You still haven't changed that much, which is why I'm emphasizing on you getting straight. You still leave here with tiny hints of taking Brandon away from me. As for his drifting away from me, I still don't know what that is about, so do you mind telling me why he's taken a sudden liking to you?" "How the hell should I know, Jeffrey? I spend time with him as his mother to her own son. We went to the movies, I took him shopping, I took him out to eat, got him some new school clothes, and I even got him that new Triple Play game he wanted. Is there anything wrong with that?" "No, but I..." I started, but Sandra had her way of cutting me off. "What have you done for him lately?" "Brandon knows how I feel about him. I prepare him for life, Sandra. Every time he has trouble with his homework, I'm there. Whenever he's hungry, I'm right there making him something to eat. He wants to visit with his friends, I'm the one that takes him there. I watch him play baseball every night he has a game going. I play catch with him in the yard. What the hell else am I supposed to do?" "You could try listening to him for once." Sandra said as she slumped back down on the couch. She shivered slightly and rubbed her forehead nervously, giving me a subliminal message that she said something she didn't intend for me to hear. "What was that, Sandra?" I asked as I tapped my tail upon the rug. "Nothing. Forget it. It's nothing." "To hell it is, Sandra. What's Brandon been telling you?" Sandra slowly raised her eyes to me as a gentle tear fell from her eye. "You're changing, Jeffrey. Brandon's really seeing a change for the worse in you. He told me..." Sandra paused as she rubbed her furry forehead once again and then continued. "He told me that you just don't seem to care anymore." "He...WHAT?" I shouted, but Sandra motioned to me with her paws for me to keep my voice down. At this point, I didn't care if Brandon was listening in from the other room or not. I had to know what Sandra was getting at. "He says you haven't been interested in his needs lately, and was too scared to talk to you about it. He told me you raised your voice to him a few times, too." "Sandra, Brandon came home with this large gash in his cheek. I got scared from where it may have come from and he told me he did it during baseball practice. I might have been a bit loud with my words and a little demanding that he take better care out there in the field, but I got worried, Sandra. How else was I supposed to react to that?" "It wasn't just that, Jeffrey. He told me he was just playing around in the house and you came in and yelled for him to keep the noise down." I slid lower in my seat as I tried to hide my face, trying to recall the incident. From my recollection, I did have to admit, Brandon did set off my alarms that day. I was getting stressed out from work and this legal matter, that I may have raised my voice in anger at him. I slowly raised my eyes once again to face an angry-looking vixen standing before me. "You're getting pathetic, Jeffrey. Maybe you're the one that needs help." "Damn right I do. I need to be free from all this. I need relief here. I need..." I stammered, but couldn't quite find the right words to say about the threats and the custody issues that were swarming around us all. Sandra smiled softly and placed her paw on my shoulder. "It's okay, Jeffrey. You're just going through a lot of stress. I'll leave you be now. Goodnight." she said as she walked across the floor to my front door. At that point, I didn't care whether or not she stayed or left, but the opening and closing of my door was proof enough that Sandra's presence in my home was no more. I rested my head against the arm of the sofa and another envision of our past incidents ran through my mind. It was the middle of the week. Brandon had a half-day of school that day and Jennifer was babysitting him while I was away at work. My boss had come to me telling me of the slight slump in the business's orientations with the clientele. I was told to push our sales even harder, much harder than even I was capable of doing, or else it could cost me my job as the head sales representative of Halikman Fur Care Products Company. Meanwhile, the thoughts of Sandra's threats kept coming back to me again and again and throbbed against the lobe of my brain like a constant migraine headache. At precisely five o'clock, I punched my time card and headed straight for my car. I drove home as normal as ever, then relieved Jennifer of her babysitting duties. As I walked past Brandon's room, I heaved a heavy sigh. I waved a tired paw as I walked past, and called his name tiredly, but I couldn't remember his reaction. I was tired and exhausted that day. I immediately changed out of my business clothes and into a more casual wear of my sweat pants and sweatshirt, then returned to the den to relax to a movie. Suddenly, I heard the sound of loud music playing in Brandon's room, followed by a few items striking the floor. The noise practically helped boost my headache pains to a few extra levels of intensity, so I attempted to silence the environment. I slowly opened Brandon's door to find his entire room in a complete shambles. He was found playing his music at a rather loud volume, and Brandon was found bouncing up and down on his bed. The moment Brandon's eyes met mine, he stopped bouncing and held a shocked expression on his muzzle. "Brandon! Get this mess cleaned up right now and turn that blasted music down! You know better than that!" I said, then immediately left his room. I couldn't tell if he started crying from my actions or not, since I found myself right back in my den, trying to relax, and hoping to find the right path to take through this mess that kept on developing in my life. All I do know is that his room was completely silent from then on. As my mind started returning to focusing on the reality around me, I realized that I started becoming more monstrous, while Sandra grew softer and much more kinder of a vixen than she was before. Only in this late hour did I really begin to see what was going on. I sniffled slightly when another image of Brandon came to my mind when I saw him cowering in fear from his mother when she and I were married. Was I now assuming the position of the monster in his life? Me, the most caring figure in Brandon's life, becoming a grotesque monster? Just the very thought of that made me cry harder. I must have spent a good hour or two on the couch, shedding tear after tear over the mistakes I started making, and wondering why Sandra was acting so strange lately. She did seem to give me a look that made me feel very uncomfortable, but I'm sure if I had any question, my lawyer would help me as best as he could. I'm sure Mr. Garrett would not let me down, not after the rates I pay him. I hesitated about picking up the phone, thinking that Mr. Garrett wouldn't be able to help me again, but I did have to admit, the many times he said the words "I can't do anything about that", it made sense to me regardless. The law is the law, but where in the law does it state that I have to keep living this nightmare that keeps developing around me? I practiced speaking out to Mr. Garrett as if he was really in the room with me to make sure my voice wasn't too gloomy. When I was satisfied with my tone, I picked up the phone and dialed his office. "Mr. Garrett, please." I said as his receptionist answered the phone. "Sure, one moment, please." she said. There was a brief two-minute pause before Frank Garrett's voice echoed through the line. "Yes, this is Frank Garrett, what can I do for you?" "Mr. Garrett, it's Jeffrey." "Well, hello, Jeffrey. How's everything been?" "To be honest, sir, I can't seem to think straight. I need to talk to someone about this." "Listen, Jeffrey, as much as I hate to admit it, I just don't have the free time to spare to hear your problems. I am a lawyer, not a psychiatrist." "I understand that, Mr. Garrett, but I was hoping for some light to be shed on this entire predicament. I really need the uplifting, and I need for it to come from my lawyer." "Well, I am a bit overwhelmed as of now, but I will be free tomorrow. Stop by my office if you can." "I'll have to make it there during lunch break, but I can make it." "Great. See you then." he said and immediately hung up the phone. I sighed slightly as I returned the receiver to the cradle, and then I stared blankly at the wall. My mind began to fade into an unconscious, dream-like state, and the only thing I could envision was that it was a year ago all over again. I saw Sandra standing in the kitchen, but for some reason, she was cooking dinner. I entered the room and saw her with Brandon in the kitchen. My vision around me seemed a bit blurry as the image of my family slowly got closer. I saw the look in Brandon's eyes displaying a deep expression of fear as he suddenly turned around to face me, and I felt that it was me he was looking that way towards. I looked down at my paws, and I noticed, that one of them was tightly clutching a bottle of Scotch. I knew right away I had to have been dreaming, since I refused to touch a single drop of alcohol, no matter what kind of day I've had. According to the dream, the Jeffrey Gordon I saw didn't seem to take that into account. It also didn't seem to arouse my attention to spring awake. All it took was a single sentence from Brandon's muzzle that finally stirred attention enough for me to awaken. "Daddy. Please don't hurt me again...." "AAAAAHHH!" I shouted as I clutched my chest, feeling the beating of my heart increased to three times its normal speed. My breath seemed to quicken as I looked around in the empty den, then as I slowed my breathing pattern down, I fell right back at ease. I held my relaxation for a couple seconds for my mind to be completely free of stress before I grasped on what I needed to do next. I slowly rose from the sofa and held my paw to my forehead as I made my way up the stairs. I came to Brandon's room and touched my paw to the woodwork of his closed door and let out a soft sigh. "Brandon," I whispered under my breath. "I never want to hurt you." I sighed again as I opened the door to his room slowly to find him sitting on his bed. His nose was practically hidden behind the electronic, digital video game Sandra bought for him, and only his eyes were seen over the rectangular object. "Brandon?" I said in a comforting voice. "May I come in?" Brandon shrugged slightly and that gave me the implication of his approval for entry. I stepped onto his carpet and closed the door softly behind me. I took a seat next to him on the bed, but he had yet to break his concentration from his game playing. "Brandon, listen, I know I may have sounded really mean last week. I really don't mean any harm. I'm watching out for you, and I'm doing what I can to provide a good life for you. You understand, don't you, son?" I asked. Brandon nodded slowly, but his eyes continued to focus in his video game. "Brandon? Are you feeling okay?" Brandon nodded again as his eyes remained glued to the digital readout of his game, the thumbs of his paws constantly keeping in time with one another to control his team in the game. "Good. Listen, Randy is coming over tonight." "That's nice." Brandon uttered in a silent tone of voice. "He wants to take us bowling. Are you up to it?" "I guess so." "Well, then, I suggest you get ready. He'll be here any time now." "Alright." Brandon said and cut the power from his video game. "Brandon, listen to me for a moment." I said as he approached his chest of drawers. He turned to me slowly and gazed up into my eyes blankly. "Son, I want you to know one thing. What I did last week was not like me. I never want to hurt you. You know this, right?" Brandon nodded silently and proceeded to procure his best clothes from his dresser. I didn't know how to react to that. Deep down inside, I could still feel the fear growing deep within Brandon's veins. He was still slightly afraid of me, and all because I couldn't control my temper in the previous week. I opened my muzzle, about to offer a kind of sentiment, but quickly declined since I knew Brandon's heart wasn't going to be in it, no matter what I said. I opened my muzzle again from the feeling within my heart that wouldn't let me leave without saying how I truly felt about him. "I love you, Brandon." I whispered. Brandon's eyes followed their way slowly to the floor as he whispered his reply. "Love you too, Dad." Brandon said. I didn't even know how to handle such a weak reply, but I knew it would only be a matter of time before we're best friends again. I wanted so much to pick Brandon up in my arms and hold him close and tight, but I also knew that if I made any sudden moves like that, it would raise the fear factor within his system to an all-time high, and I'm trying to be as soothing as I possibly could. Randy arrived promptly at 6:00, and I had just made my way downstairs when I opened the door. "Jeffrey!" Randy said happily and entered into the house. When he saw my appearance, his smile quickly ran from his face, leaving behind a slight frown in its place. "Jeffrey, you look like something the cat dragged in, no pun intended. Are you sure you're going to be alright?" I really wanted to break down and cry right there, and the lump in my throat kept growing larger and larger the more I kept thinking about it. "T...thank you for...for coming. Come in." I stuttered. I tried not to look into Randy's face too much, for I knew that if I did, I would probably break down in a constant downfall of tears. I led Randy into the den and offered him a seat on the sofa. "B...Brandon's...getting ready. He' down...shortly." I hesitated as I spoke, mainly because I wanted to be careful with the way I was talking. As much as I tried to fight it, I felt a gentle stream of moisture run down the fur under my left eye. "Jeffrey, we don't have to go if you don't want to." he started. I held my paw up to silence his denial for wanting to share an evening with us. If anything, I figured it would be a good enough deterrent away from my worries. "I want to go." I whispered. As I breathed in, a sniffle developed within my nose. "Jeffrey, come here." Randy whispered as he held his arm open. I wanted so much to slide over, but I felt my body frozen with fear. "You want me to come over there?" he asked as his arm remained extended. I slightly lifted my head up, trying to give a nod, but couldn't seem to find the strength enough to even move my head. Randy must have seen it as a "yes" and scooted closer to me. I felt his arm wrap softly around me, but I kept my head pointed straight down. A few more tears streamed down my cheek. "Jeffrey, it's okay to cry. Please look at me." he said in the most soothing tone of voice he ever used. I slowly turned my head to look up into his eyes and saw a reassuring smile on his muzzle. He raised his eyes slightly wider as he gazed back at me, but I couldn't react to the gaze of assurance within my best friend. "It's Brandon. I'm losing his love." I said and then couldn't help but break down. I lost every bit of resistance that held back all I could from this display of sorrow to arise, but it was pretty much out in the open by now, and I quickly let it all out. "I'm sure it's not like that, Jeffrey. It just might be a phase he's going through. You have to see it through with him and take whatever comes from it. Just don't lose your grip on your family." Randy said as he motioned my head to nestle against his chest. My body suddenly fell to putty in Randy's paws as he held me, but at this point, I didn't care who it was that was comforting me. My tears fell right from my eyes directly onto Randy's shirt, and causing a large spot of moisture upon his chest. "Cry all you need to, Jeffrey. I'm here." Randy whispered as he softly nuzzled his head against mine. His paw lightly ran through my head fur, and the only sound I heard over my sobbing was the sound of Randy's light purring. "Would you like to talk to me about it?" he whispered, quickly killing his gentle purr. "It's like I'm nothing in his eyes anymore. I don't even know what to tell him anymore. I was up there, I gave him my words of encouragement, my feelings, I even told him I loved him. It was as if nothing at all was said." I said through my sobbing. Even though my voice sounded muffled being pressed against the chest of Randy's soft T-shirt, he heard every single word. "He'll come back around. He just doesn't seem to see just how wonderful his father really is." Randy said. I felt his muzzle slowly getting closer and closer to my head. The instant I felt his soft muzzle fur touch my head, I immediately jerked my body back. "Jeffrey, I'm so sorry. Please, don't hate me for that. I just..." Randy said and paused as his gaze froze within my frightened eyes. "Oh, please forgive me, Jeffrey. I didn't mean to do anything. I just felt like you needed all the love you could get right now, and I got kinda carried away. Please, understand." he said as his breathing slowly began to quicken. "No. It's alright. I'm sorry for reacting like that. I'm just not used to that kind of thing." "I understand, Jeffrey. Believe me, I understand." I wiped the stream of moisture from under my eyes and sniffled. As I turned my gaze back into my best friend, I whispered. " it okay if you just held me some more?" I asked. Randy's frown quickly turned into a large smile and his arms immediately grew outstretched, waiting for me to slide calmly into his embrace. This time, I managed to find enough strength to wrap an arm around his waist as I placed my head against his chest. "I'm ready, Dad. I heard Randy come in and..." Brandon said and froze as he saw what was before his eyes. I felt the sudden rush of adrenaline rushing through my veins and I sprang right out of Randy's embrace, trying to cover up what Brandon walked in on. "Oh, my..." Brandon whispered and slowly turned away. "Brandon, wait. Please. It's not what you think it was." "Daddy, why was Randy holding you?" he said as he glanced over his shoulder at me. "Brandon, it's not what you think it is. I was crying and Randy wanted to help make the tears stop falling. Please come here." "No, leave me alone!" Brandon said as he started to head quickly out of the den. "Brandon!" I shouted and attempted to walk after him. "Don't talk to me. I changed my mind about going." Brandon said as he quickly left the room. "Brandon! Please come back!" I called, but the sound of Brandon's door slamming shut was the last thing I heard from him. I turned back to Randy, whom looked like he, too, was ready to cry. As I got a closer look, I could easily sense the anger within his veins starting to rise. "It's all my fault. I may have really screwed something up between you and Brandon. Dammit!" he said as he slammed his fist down onto the arm of my sofa. I wasn't upset over the fact that he was beating up my furniture, but more because of the way Randy felt after doing what he felt was a good deed at the time. "Please, Randy. Don't feel that way. I wanted it. I needed to be held. It was not your fault." "It is because I wanted it too. I wanted it because I needed to soothe my instincts." he said. "No, you didn't. Trust me, I know you, Randy. You feel deeply for your friends. Why would I feel angered about that?" "I screwed things up with your family, Jeffrey! All because I couldn't keep my paws to myself." "Randy, you're being ridiculous! I needed to be held too and you know it! You were helping me, and I accepted. It's more my fault than it is yours." "Jeffrey, things between you and Brandon might have gotten better at this point, but now I made the matter a lot worse! Brandon knows about me and may have his doubts about you. I should know youngsters like that. Anything they see regarding homosexuality is practically alienated in their eyes. I don't think I should hang around here anymore. I'm sorry, Jeffrey. Please don't think I'm angry with you. I'm angry with myself. I have to go now." "NO!" I shouted and tried to tackle him to the floor as he made his way across the floor of my den. I didn't want to harm my own best friend, but if it meant getting my point across, I'd try anything. We tumbled to the floor and I held my grip on his shoulders, not allowing him to be free from my grasp. "Please, let me up." he said in a quivering voice. I shook my head slowly and continued holding him down to the floor. "Randy, I know of your intentions. Hell, I've grown up with you, and you've always had a heart of gold. Believe me, you didn't mean it like that. I am fully understanding of this. Please don't go. Please, don't leave me." I said, now sounding as if he was walking out on me in a relationship. I had to stop myself and think for a moment about how I truly felt inside. I wanted Randy, of all beings, to stay with me that night, and I wasn't about to let him leave. "Please." I pleaded as another tear developed in my eye. It streamed gently down my cheek and fell onto Randy's nose. Randy loosened all of his muscles as I held him stationery, and once I knew he wasn't going to go anywhere, I slowly let up my guard. When I rose to my foot paws once again, I reached my arm out to help Randy to stand upright. "I know I may act a bit unusual around you, but you have to understand, I'm not gay. I'm as straight as they come. I still need you as my best friend, no matter how you are with others. Will you stay with me?" I asked as I took it upon myself to wrap my arms gently around my best friend to show him there were no hard feelings. "Alright. I'll stay," he whispered and returned the soft gesture. "But I have to hand it to you, you really know how to twist a guy's arm, don't you?" he said as a soft chuckle left his throat. I smiled at the farcical comment, and I didn't feel the need to cry anymore, however, a slight shiver ran through my body the more I thought about Brandon. What's he going to think of his own father seen in an embrace with another male? This will not be easy for me to talk to him about. My smile quickly ran away from my face, leaving a noticeable frown in its place as I gazed up into the direction of Brandon's room. Randy immediately knew what was on my mind. "Don't worry about him, Jeffrey. Just let him have his space, for a little while longer." he said as he helped me to my foot paws and led me back into the den. Randy and I spent the next few hours talking on the couch about what had been going on in my life, and neither him, nor myself, tried to make any moves towards each other. Once I knew I felt a bit better inside, I looked up at the ceiling. "Hmm, I wonder how I will be able to talk to him." "Give it a try. He's had time to cool off. Try to talk to him." "Promise me you won't leave?" "I gave you my word. When have I ever taken it back?" "You're right." I said with a smile as I placed my paw on his shoulder. He softly patted it with his own paw, and with a bit of confidence within my system, I turned into the direction of the stairs, hoping that deep within me, the words I would need to tell Brandon would easily come to me, but I hoped even more that Brandon would still let me talk to him. As I crept slowly up the stairs, the nervousness within me rose higher and higher, and the same question ran constantly through my mind. "Will Brandon still love me?" I couldn't get that question out of my mind as each step I took brought me closer to the answer of the very question I felt so scared to ask. I knocked softly on the door, but I heard no reply coming from within. I didn't want to just walk in on him, so I knocked again. I heard the sound of a sudden sniffle, followed by a bellowing voice. "Go away!" Brandon yelled. "Brandon, please let me talk to you. You haven't let me talk to you about much lately, but it's very important I talk to you now. Please, son?" "No! I don't want to be your son anymore. I don't want to be a son of some faggot." Brandon shouted from inside. I was shocked at what I heard, listening to Brandon actually using that kind of language around me. I never used that word before, so I figured he must have heard it in his school somewhere. "Brandon Lindsay Gordon! I'm surprised at you! You know better than to talk like that! Come on, I really need to talk to you. It's very important!" "Go away! I want to be alone!" "Brandon, listen, I know what you saw in there wasn't right. It didn't look right to you because you didn't know what the situation was." "What's the difference? You and Randy were hugging. That's a gay thing!" "No, son. It's not a gay thing. Randy was trying to comfort his own best friend. I was crying, Brandon. I was crying because of the way I saw you acting lately." I did it. I said what my heart was so afraid to express, but now I felt obligated not to tense up in fear like that again. "Brandon, sometimes in life, one needs a lot of care. I've known Randy all my life, and he's always been there for me to help me along in any problem I've ever had. When you have a friend like that, they tend to grow on you, to the point where you can trust them with your entire life. I trust Randy to the fullest extent, and that's why I let him hold me while I cried." Suddenly, the door to his room slowly opened, and a tear-stained gaze peered through the crack in the door. "Did you feel that way about me too, dad?" he asked in a soft tone of voice. "Brandon, you're my son. I trust you with my entire life, and if anyone out there were to hurt you, you know I would be right there to protect you, just like Randy would. You just have to understand that, sometimes, I need protection too, and I thought I was losing your love." "Was I really that mean, dad?" he asked softly. "You weren't doing it intentionally, son. We just drifted apart from each other as you got closer with your mother. I felt as if you had stopped loving me and focused all of your feelings towards her." "Dad?" "Yes, son?" "I'm...I'm sorry." Brandon said as a few more tears ran down his furry cheek. He swung the door open wide and threw his arms around my waist. My heart felt as if it leapt in my chest at the very gesture my son was giving me. I picked him up and held him tightly in my arms. "It's okay, son. This is why it's important to communicate, especially in a family. Would you still like to go bowling with us?" "I thought you'd never ask." Brandon said with a giggle, and the smile that grew around his muzzle was all the assurance I would ever need that I started to get my son back. I put him back down again and then turned around, humming a gentle tune to myself as I made my way down the stairs, into the den where Randy was waiting. "How did it go?" Randy asked as I approached him with a smile, but my display of emotion was all the answer he ever needed. Still, I felt obligated to reply. "Wonderfully. He's getting ready again for an evening out." "That's great! See? I told you if you just faced your fears like a grown fox, you would feel a lot better about the situation." "I guess I owe all of this to you, Randy." I said and gave him a quick, tight hug. Randy immediately hugged me back, and we shared the embrace until I heard the sound of Brandon's foot paws racing down the stairs. I let go of Randy and backed away a bit before Brandon's presence appeared in my den, and the three of us were well on our way to a nice, enjoyable evening of food, bowling, laughs, and happiness. I had my son back the way it always has been, and I felt that nothing could break me down again...but I was wrong. End part 3