The Life and Times of Jeffrey Gordon - Part 5 written by SonicBlu All content within this story is (c) 2001, 2002 SonicBlu. Illegal copying and/or distribution of this story, without the written consent of the author, is strictly prohibited. Any similarities with characters past or present, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Needless to say, I never had enough energy worked up to give Sandra a piece of my mind over the phone, but once I saw her fuzzy face appear at my doorway for her next visit, it only made me even more angrier. I called for Brandon and he came racing down the stairs with his overnight bag, packed and ready for another weekend with his mother. I watched as Sandra and Brandon pulled away from the front of the house before closing the door. I looked around my house to look for something to do, since I have already done all the cleaning that needed to be done. I took a whiff of my fur and figured a shower was in order. I crept slowly up the stairs and went straight to my bedroom. I took my time removing my clothes and tossed each article upon the bed. Before turning towards the bathroom, I took a look at myself in the mirror, and began to let my mind wander. I couldn't shake the envision of Randy standing so close behind me, but at that time, the more I thought about it, the more excited I became. I tried to keep telling myself that I was still straight, and that I shouldn't be having these feelings for another male, but it stirred an arousal when I placed my paw softly around my sheath. Instantly, the pink flesh of my foxhood began to grow hard and throbbed with pleasure. "M...must be the lack of good sex lately." I told myself, trying to think of an alternative to my excitement. I lay my body down upon the bed, spread my legs open a little wider, and allowed my tail to lie flat so that I got a look at my tailhole in the reflection of the mirror. I don't know what came over me that day, but I started stroking myself as if it was the most natural instinct I had. Unknowingly, my free paw began to wander down between my legs and I softly rubbed my hole. I never even touched that area before, but something in my mind decided to make it a first. I began stroking my cock even faster, which caused my breathing to become deeper and quicker. My heart began to pound swiftly inside my chest as I increased the tension by tightening the grip around my cock. I began to feel my fox knot begin to swell, and as I stroked myself off, I let a finger inch its way into my hole. I had to close my eyes tightly as I penetrated myself, for the feeling was a bit painful, yet pleasurable at the same time. Before I knew it, I felt my body began to tingle with pleasure. As I inched my finger deeper into my hole, I couldn't hold back the urge to ejaculate all over my furry chest. I let out a cry of pleasure as wave after wave of my fox seed shot all over me. I slowed my stroking speeds down to a standstill and slowly removed my finger from my hole. "Wow." was the only word that could leave my muzzle. I had been worked up so much over the legalities that were wreaking its havoc on my troubled mind, that I never even spent any time to pleasure myself. I basked away in the afterglow of my climax for a moment and waited for my foxhood to grow soft. Before getting up, I dabbled my paw in the moist spots where my seed landed and brought it up to my nose. "Smells really musky." I thought. Curiosity got the best of me when I extended my tongue and touched my semen-stained paw pad to my tongue-tip. "Blah! That tastes awful!" I said and rose from the bed. I spent a little extra time in the shower to wash my fur clean of my semen, which has already caused my fur to become sticky and matted. Once I was fully clean, I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. "It was an interesting feeling, though." I said to myself as I brushed the fluffy towel across my tailhole. I closed my eyes again and began to passionately rub my tailhole. "Mmmmm, this feels so invigorating." I said aloud. I donned my robe and decided to stay inside for the day. I cued up a movie on the television in my den, and as I was flipping the channel during the slower parts, my eyes froze on the Furrotic Network. I never paid much attention to Furrotic network, not even after I ordered it. I slowly began to discover that my life was too stressful, that not even sex reared its head near me. "All this time, and I never even considered it. That is definitely not like a fox." I thought. I decided to watch the remainder of the show on Furrotic, which involved two female wolves showing a male wolf how to have a good time. The next scene showed two male rabbits sitting on a couch talking about their girlfriends. After about five minutes of talking, one rabbit decided to make a move on the other, and before too long, both of them were completely naked, lying on the floor, and giving each other oral treatment. I waited around for awhile to see if any female rabbits were going to be shown, but after their interlude was over, the show cut to the next scene. I figured that I had seen enough sex for one day, so I shut the television off and cast the remote aside. I thought about what I was going to be telling Sandra when she came back the next day, but I decided to let go. Instead, I thought about the two days of silence from my custody case, and decided that enough time of mourning had passed. I quickly dialed Mr. Grueber's number and waited for the secretary to pick up on the other end. "Mark Grueber's office, Carla speaking." "Hello, I would like to speak with Mr. Grueber, please." "One moment, please." There was a few minutes of silence before his voice echoed through the phone. "This is Mark Grueber, what can I do for you?" "Mr. Grueber, this is Jeffrey Gordon. I was wondering if you would like to talk now." "Sure. What is this in regards to?" "My case. I wanted to see if you knew where I stand in this situation." "Is there a problem?" "Oh, no. No problems yet." "Not to be rude, but I know exactly what the situation is, and until I need anything more, I will call you. Otherwise, don't make things any worse." he said with a disappointed tone of voice. I lowered the phone onto the cradle and sighed heavily. Sunday came around, and I decided to get dressed up today. Forgetting all about the pleasures I gave myself the previous day, I headed straight for Randy's house. I knew my tiger friend was always in the mood for decent company, so I headed straight for his front door and knocked softly. The sound of footsteps approached, and the door swung open wide. "Hey, Jeffrey. What are you doing here?" Randy asked as he rubbed his eyes. "Just thought you might want some company. Is it okay?" Randy let out a gentle chuckle and opened the screen door to allow me entry into his abode. "So, what's on your mind today?" Randy asked as he took a seat at the couch. I proceeded to sit at the opposite end and faced him with my reply. "What makes you think something's on my mind?" "Well, usually when I see you, it's an attempt to solve a problem." "I'm sorry about that, Randy. It's just that you're the only one I can trust with my problems." "Hey, you don't have to apologize. It's not your fault you're constantly being thrown into these messes." "Puh, the only mess I have now is finding a better lawyer. Frank Garrett passed away and left the entire firm to his partner. I bet he's never won a case before in his life." "That bad?" "Worse than I can imagine." "I think I can help you find someone. The firm I go through is very understanding and will work with you." "Really?'d do that for me?" I said as my eyes suddenly lit up with happiness. "Geez, Jeffrey, you sound as if you never had a favor in your life." "Hey, if I can find a better lawyer than the one I've got now, things will be better." Randy just sat and smiled in my eyes, and I began to feel my adrenaline tingle within my veins, giving me that same feeling I had the previous day. "Randy, I've also come to talk to you about something serious." "Oh? What is it?" "Well, let's just say I know someone who is very unsure about herself in a sexual way. She told me about it, and as much as I wished I could help, it just wasn't up my alley. I was thinking perhaps I could ask you and I could relay it back to her." "Go on." Randy said, his attention kept undividedly on me. "Well, she says she met another girl at a club, and she had just left a relationship with her boyfriend. She's thinking about changing her sexuality, but is not sure." "Oh, I see. Well, the best advice I could ever give is to do whatever feels right and makes her happy." "I see. Something like that would be the right advice for either gender, then?" "Of course it would. Nobody ever said happiness had to cater just to females." Randy said with a chuckle. I wanted so much to tell him that it was me that was getting these feelings, but each time I tried to open my muzzle, the words wouldn't come out. I don't know if it was my good fortune that Randy happened to be a guidance counselor and could easily read my true expressions. "Is there something you're trying to say? I can read it off your face like a book." I couldn't bring myself to tell Randy of the moment I had with myself the previous day, but I had to either stop trying, or just come right out and say it. "Randy," I stammered. I knew I had to say something and that there was no backing out of this predicament. "What? What is it? Come on, Jeffrey, you can trust me." "Oh, I do. I trust you, it's just that..." "Just that what, Jeffrey?" "Randy, I lied. I lied to you. I didn't need to find out for a friend. It's me." "You? You mean, you're thinking of converting?" I gave a tiny nod with my head, and that was all the confirmation Randy needed. "Jeffrey, I'm surprised." "You're not angry, are you?" "Angry, for what?" Randy said as a chuckle left his throat. "Angry that I lied to you." "Oh, don't be ridiculous. I'm not angry. I'm proud. Not many people find the strength enough to come forward about this kind of thing." "I know that being gay makes you happy, but is it right for me to be thinking about stuff like that? I know I'm heterosexual, but is it normal for me to develop feelings like that out of the blue?" "Yes, Jeffrey. It's just a part of life. You see, it's only wrong when your heart tells you so. If your heart wants to discover new things, what's wrong with that? Just as long as you don't hurt anyone else, of course." "I know that, but is it normal?" "To tell you the truth, many heterosexual males, like yourself, often get a few homosexual fantasies here and there. It's nothing to worry about." Randy said as he placed his paw upon my shoulder. As soon as his paw touched me, I leapt out of my seat, which caused Randy to immediately back down. "Jeffrey, you're a very tense fox, have I ever told you that?" "I don't think I need any confirmation, thank you." "Look, I can understand that you're nervous and all, and if you want to further explore your sexuality, that's something you're going to have to do at your own pace. You can't force yourself to succumb to something you're not sure of so soon." "I know." "Would you feel better if you relaxed awhile and talk?" I nodded my head slowly and Randy resumed his position on the opposite side of the couch. I breathed deeply through my lungs to try and shake the nervousness away from my system. "Perhaps if you told me how you felt in the beginning, it would help me feel a lot better." I said, hoping that I could at least become comfortable hearing about someone else's sexuality. "As far back as I can remember, I've always known it. I just never was attracted to the opposite sex." "Even back when we first met?" "Yeah, even when we first met. Do you remember what our first sleep-over was like?" Randy asked as a wide grin appeared on his muzzle. "Kinda. I do remember that we've always been close from the start." "Well, that's not quite what I had in mind. Do you remember what happened that night?" "Not really." "I remember as if it just happened. You were in the bathroom, getting out of the shower, and you had just finished drying off. As you put the towel back on the rack for it to dry, I kinda walked in on you." "Oh yeah. I remember that. You had me so embarrassed that night." "I guess I lied to you too, Jeffrey. I told you it was an accident, but I knew you were in there, and I also knew that the lock on the door was broken." "You mean to say that you wanted to see me naked?" "Let's just say I wanted more than to see you naked." "But we were only nine years old. How could you think of wanting more?" "Okay, we were young, I admit that, but you can't honestly sit there and tell me that you never felt anything either." I thought for awhile and tried to recall exactly how I did truly feel back then. In my early teen years, Randy dropped the hint that he wanted to paw me off, but that one time was all it took for me to instantly tell him "no." "When it happened, I felt embarrassed. After everything settled down, I guess I pretty much put it out of my mind." I said. I was completely honest with my answer, since I had forgotten all about that incident until Randy spoke of it years later. "Do you know why I kept myself single all these years?" Randy asked as he scooted himself a bit closer. "You told me. You were waiting for the right guy to come along." "I was." Randy smiled and gazed softly into my eyes. Once I read his body language, my heart suddenly leapt. "Me?" I asked. Randy nodded swiftly and a wide grin appeared on his face. "You were waiting for me? How long were you planning on waiting?" "An eternity, if I had to." "But I gave you every indication that I wasn't that type of fox. Even when we were fourteen years old and very aware of our libidinous feelings." "I know. I know I've often tried to make advances towards you, and I was afraid I would never gain you the way I wanted to. Jeffrey, it's taken me twenty years to tell you this, but now that we're both mature, grown adults, and now that you're starting to feel the need for a change, I feel it's a lot easier for me to make my move now. Before any more time progresses, I must ask you this." "Randy, wait a minute. Hold on." I said as I placed my paw up, not wanting to cut him off, but also making sure he doesn't ask me what I was afraid of hearing. "I have to sit this thing through first, before I say anything positive. Please, Randy. I've spent my entire life as a heterosexual fox, nor did I ever want to share any sexual moment with another male, best friend or not. I just need a little time to think, okay?" "I understand, Jeffrey. It's not an easy thing for a guy like you to consider, but that wasn't what I was going to ask you. Well, in a way, it was, but not in the ways you think." "How do you mean?" "I....well, you know by now that I really care a lot about you, and I know that you're considering a change, but what I want to ask of you is for you not to rush yourself too much. I want you to be completely happy. You still seem quite jumpy about it, and I would never even think of asking you anything serious at this point. All I ask of you is that you think about it for awhile. Take all the time you need. Once you do become more comfortable about it, admit to yourself of your feelings, then come see me. I will be more than happy to fill that void that's been neglected for so long." Randy said as he held his gaze deep within my eyes, and I could have sworn I saw them sparkle as the distant, overhead light cast a tiny reflection within his pupils. Randy began to lean forward, and I fought off all my resistence to back away, for I knew that if I was to succumb to a gay lifestyle someday, I would have to face the early signs like a soldier in the face of war. As Randy's paw lightly touched mine, I felt within my heart a feeling of peace and tranquility. He didn't need to say one more word, for I saw his emotions through his eyes that longed to scream the words "I love you." I wished I had the strength enough to reply back, but I thought to myself that if it was meant to be, there will be plenty of time to give my reply. "I will wait for you, Jeffrey." Randy whispered, his muzzle just within inches of mine. I expected him to close the gap between our lips in a kiss, but instead, he took me gently into a soft embrace and rested his head upon my shoulder. I couldn't help but to follow along and hold him close. We stayed in the embrace for what seemed like hours, but turned out to be a few minutes. Our soft breathing was the only sound that could be heard. Randy's gentle voice broke the silence as we pulled away, and his eyes stared deeply into mine. "When you are ready, I will wait for you." he said as he slowly rose from the sofa. I followed suit, but kept my gaze on him the entire time. "I should go now. Thanks for everything, Randy." I said, only this time, I was first to give him a hug. Randy smiled and held me tightly in his arms and gave my head a gentle nuzzle with his own. Before anything went further, I turned around and headed straight for the door. "Jeffrey, wait." he said and grabbed my arm. He reached into his wallet and handed me a business card of his lawyer and lightly rubbed my paw as I took the card from him. I smiled softly and then continued along my way. I checked my watch and noticed the time was still early in the afternoon, so I decided to head straight to the office of Randy's lawyer, Ronald H. Swanson. After a ten minute wait, a middle-aged possum strolled over to where I was sitting. She was a little rotund, but she had the most gentle smile. "Mr. Gordon, he's ready. You may go right in." she said with a gentle voice. "Thank you." I said and slowly rose to my feet. As I looked around the office, I could already tell the type of lawyer Mr. Swanson was going to be like. Only an understanding sort of lawyer would have his office painted with a soft-peach hue, much unlike the typical white walls I was always used to seeing. Anytime I saw a lack of color in a dwelling, things always seemed either dismal or emotionless. I found myself walking into a rather good-sized office, where a gentle- looking ocelot sitting behind a large desk. I hadn't really been able to take in all of the nice decor before the ocelot stood and approached me. I stopped eyeing his spacious office to introduce myself. "Mr. Swanson. I'm Jeffrey Gordon. Randy Cortlund recommended me to you." I said as I extended my paw. "Please, call me Ron. My father's name is Mr. Swanson." he said, emitting a loud chuckle, which I couldn't help but to develop a smile of my own. We shook paws firmly, and with a swish of his spotted tail, he turned and walked across the large office to sit behind his desk. He motioned for me to take a seat directly in front of him, and I wasted no time in complying. "That will be all, Theresa. Thank you so much." Ron said and waved his paw to the possum. She smiled a soft grin and closed the door behind her. "So, Jeffrey, before we begin, I must ask if you have ample time to spend here. Some of my sessions can go for up to three hours minimum." "I have all day. It's a Sunday, after all." I said with a soft smile. "Very well. First of all, Randy called me before you came over here. There are some things I would like to talk to you about, but that can wait much later. Right now, let's get started on this case." "Oh, Mr. Swanson...I mean, Ron, I don't have my paperwork yet from my previous lawyer." "Just let me handle that department, Jeffrey. I have my ways to bring proper light to the blindness of justice. Randy's told me that you've been battling with a custody battle for your son against your ex-wife, is that correct?" I nodded my head swiftly and shifted in my seat to allow my tail more comfort. "Ah, sorry about the seats in this office, they don't really allow nice, bushy tails like yours much comfort." I nodded and noticed the chair was just the right size for smaller tails to fit through, but not for one of a fox's bushy structure. I turned the chair sideways and draped my arm around the back rest. With that, Ron continued. "I would be more than happy to take your case, and I will do what I can in my power and honesty to help you all I can. You have my word on that. See this wall?" he said as he pointed his paw behind him at the array of photographs on the wall. I nodded silently as I panned my eyes along the row of many different feline faces. My eyes froze on the familiar smile that belonged to the face of Randy Cortlund, and as I saw the soft face of the tiger smiling in the framed photograph, my nerves were suddenly put to rest. "These are not just my clients, they're my friends." he said with a tinge of conviction in his voice. "Nice reputation to upkeep, that's for sure." I said as my eyes fell back onto the face of my new lawyer. "Now, where did you leave off with you previous lawyer. What were you and he talking about?" "Well, my previous lawyer, Frank Garrett, recently passed away. I started to talk to his partner, but there's something I don't like about him." "I understand, and I'm not at all interested in this other lawyer. Can you remember the last thing you talked to him about?" "Well, what I wanted to talk to him about was the suspicions I started sensing about my ex-wife trying to secretly take my son, Brandon away from me." "I see. That is a rather difficult thing to be able to provide convicting evidence for. Perhaps if you started at the beginning to give me a better insight on your predicament, it just may make this whole thing a little easier on the both of us." he said as he lightly scratched behind his pointed, fuzzy ears. He glared at me with amber-colored eyes, flashed a soft smile, and I emitted a soft sigh. For the next hour, I spent an uninterrupted session telling Ron about how I met Sandra, how it was in the beginning, how she started to turn to drinking, and how she constantly made herself scarce in our happy home. I told him of the feelings of fear Brandon developed towards his mother, how my letting her go was the beginning of the situation, and how she constantly told me, both directly and subliminally, how she was going to try taking Brandon away from me. During the entire hour, he scrawled down some quick notes as I was stating my side of the story. As I finished, he placed his pen down onto his desktop and glanced up at me with his large, amber eyes. "That's quite a story, Jeffrey. I might not be able to do much, however, without hearing her side of the story as well." I nodded, reassuringly that he was bound to say it sooner or later. "I know all too well how it works. You hear my side, then her side, then compare our synopses together to find a steady medium in order to make the best decisions. "You have been around awhile, haven't ya? You can rest assured, that is standard procedure, however, I go a little further than that. By keeping my clientele as my friends, I'm able to see how they act in a social manner, the types of attitudes they display, and the feelings they show, and then apply that towards what I get from hearing your cases, and then I am able to determine just who really is in the right. By doing so, I will be able to provide the best legal advices possible." "Amazing. I never thought lawyers like you existed." Suddenly, his watch started beeping, which broke us from our conversation. "Oh, looks like it's quitting time. Listen, Jeffrey, I know it's late, but I would really like to talk to you on other subjects as well. Would you have dinner with me tonight?" I shot an instant surprised look into his eyes and reached into my pocket for my wallet. I counted out my allotted funds and erfed softly, seeing only a small remainder of my paycheck residing in the small, canvas wallet I carried around with me everywhere. "Oh, no you don't. Put that away, it'll be my treat." Ron said as if he knew exactly what I was getting at. "Are you sure?" "Sure that I won't go into bankruptcy to take a new friend and client out for a bite to eat? Haha, yeah, I'm positive. Your money is no good tonight. Tell you what. Leave your number with Theresa, and I'll call you tonight. Thanks for stopping by, Jeffrey." Ron said as he reached his arm out to me. I smiled the widest grin I have ever seen worn in my entire life as I shook his paw firmly. After leaving my number with Ron's secretary, I headed back to my home, drumming my paws atop the steering wheel to the music on the radio the entire way home. I never felt so free before, and deep down inside, I could tell that things were starting to really look up for me. Once I arrived home, I stopped the car in my driveway, walked merrily to the door, and as I slipped the key into the doorknob of my front door, I was struck with a sudden feeling of fear. "Oh, my. What about Brandon?" I whispered. If I had started developing homosexual feelings for another male, this was definitely not going to be easy to explain to him, even after I made him certain I was a straight fox. I walked across the floor of my living room and straight into my den, where I flopped myself down onto the couch, trying to relax my emotions, which have all but suddenly run on high. "I know. I'll call Randy and thank him for referring me to his lawyer. That'll at least be one less worry on my mind." I reached for the phone and dialed Randy's number carefully. With shaking paws, I found it quite difficult to coordinate them with the number pad of the phone, but once I heard Randy's gentle voice on the other end of the line, my heart was suddenly put to rest. "Randy, it's Jeffrey." I said, almost in a harmonious tone of voice. "Oh, Jeffrey, great to hear from you. Sounds as if you're in a good mood. How did it go with Ron Swanson?" "Perfect. I don't know where you found him, but he is much better than a lawyer. Hell, I don't even see him as a lawyer at all." "Didn't I tell you things would turn up for the better?" Randy said in a slightly sarcastic, yet jokingly tone of voice. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, so I owe you another one." "Oh, Jeffrey, come on. You don't owe me a thing and you know it." "I know. Listen, I have another issue I wanted to talk to you about. Ron invited me for a bite to eat tonight, and I was wondering if...well, if..." I stuttered, not sure whether or not this was such a good idea after all. "What, you want my permission to go out with him? Ron always has at least one dinner with his clients. Trust me, it's a better way to get to know him on a personal level." "Oh, no. That's not what I was concerned with. I was wondering if, perhaps, you would like to join us. I don't know if I should be the one to invite you along, since Ron was the one that invited me, but..." "You don't have to even question it. I got the call from Ron just a few minutes ago and he also thought it would be a nice idea to have me join you tonight. Now, don't tell me that was the issue you needed to talk to me about." "You're right, it's not. Something more serious. I can't really explain what it is here on the phone, since Brandon is due home any time now. I'll tell you about it over dinner tonight." Just as I had mentioned Brandon's arrival back to the house, my fuzzy fox ears picked up the sound of Sandra's car door slamming out front, followed by an identical slam. I hung up the phone just as the front door opened. Brandon raced happily inside and immediately headed upstairs to unpack. I looked up at the breeze that blew past me, but my eyes had yet to catch up to me. I was still standing in wonderment when Sandra broke me of my concentration. "I can honestly say this one thing, Jeffrey, Brandon and I are really starting to come together." she said with a smile. I silently nodded and gazed back into Sandra's eyes; the very eyes I used to gaze into to find beauty and eternal love now turned out to be the face of war staring back at me. The battle would be far from over, but my happiness has just begun. "Sandra, can I ask you a question?" I said as I ushered Sandra's slender form into my den. I waited until I saw her fluffy tail slink along behind her and closed the door tightly. "Sandra, has Brandon been talking to you about Randy Cortlund?" "Not really, but he has told me about you." "What exactly did he say, and please do not hide anything." "Me? I'm hiding things? Seems like I should be asking what you've got in your closet, Jeffrey." "What is it you want to know?" "Well, Brandon told me that you talked to him about homosexuality. Not quite the proper morals to be teaching our son, isn't it?" "And because of that, you think I'm gay?" "Well, the thought had crossed my mind, but still, I don't like you talking about homosexuality around Brandon. So what did you tell him? How to stuff it up someone's tail hole?" "That's not funny, Sandra. You know damn well I'm not like that." "So talk." "Alright, you want the truth? I'll tell you the truth. I didn't like that language Brandon was using, calling gay beings 'faggots'. If I let him go on thinking that, he'll sooner adapt to that frame of mind. It's called 'gaybashing' in case you haven't seen it for yourself." "So, by standing up for the gay beings, you feel comfortable being around them?" "Yes, I am." "And you would be comfortable about maybe becoming one?" I stood in silence for a moment, wondering exactly how to answer such a question. I didn't want to lie to her, but I also didn't want to come forward with facts about my private life that she could use against me. I flashed an involuntary look of uncertainty as Sandra began stomping her foot paw upon the floor of my den. "You would be, wouldn't you? I can see the answer in your eyes already." "Alright, so what does that have to do with anything? Whether I am or not, it's still none of your business." "But our son will only be traumatized by it for the rest of his life if he ever did find out something he didn't want to ever hear." "Oh, and I suppose your drinking won't?" Sandra turned and stomped towards the door of my den and flung it wide open. As she froze, she turned her head to meet my gaze one last time that night. "For your information, I've improved greatly in that department. I'm only reduced down to having an occasional drink during the week. Let's see you try to use alcohol against me in the courts this time, because it's not even going to work. Do you want this open or closed?" she asked as her paw gripped the door tightly. Before I could even answer, her body had already disappeared from my sight, and the door to the den returned to its closed position. I stood in the den and heaved a heavy sigh through my nose, giving my whiskers something to twitch about. I realized that I wasn't quite out of the danger zone just yet. I'm hoping perhaps things would go smoothly during my dinner with my new lawyer and the best friend anyone could ever have. If there's one thing to latch onto to keep a smile on my muzzle, it's definitely Randy's concerns and Ron's help. My life seemed like that of a see-saw, but I was stuck right in the middle, not sure whether or not my life would go up or down. Sometimes, the greater things in life seemed too far from my grasping paws, no matter how much I fidgeted, and I had the calluses on my paw pads to prove it. I held my tail gently in my paws and softly stroked the gentle fur as I thought about the next stage of my life. Would I like the outcome that may come from it, or would I sooner find more destruction through the mask of happiness I saw before me? End Part 5