The Life and Times of Jeffrey Gordon - Part 6 written by SonicBlu All content within this story is (c) 2001, 2002 SonicBlu. Illegal copying and/or distribution of this story, without the written consent of the author, is strictly prohibited. Any similarities with characters past or present, living or dead, is purely coincidental. I sat in my den with the television tuned to the news while I waited for the time to pass by when I needed to meet with my lawyer and Randy for dinner. I thought about the things Randy told me almost constantly. Some of the things he said were too much for me to accept all at once. My heart seemed to beat quicker at the thought of hearing him say that he was waiting for me the entire time when he knew I was a heterosexual fox. I looked up at the clock and it had just chimed five o'clock. Dinner wasn't due until at least six, so I had a whole hour to kill before I had to get ready for tonight's dinner with Ron. I could have sworn I heard a car pulling up outside, so I turned off the television with the remote and rose from my couch. I was still wearing my robe after I changed out of my casual wear and didn't plan on getting into my better clothes until after I had an evening shower. I was about to enter into my foyer when I heard a knock at the door. "That's odd, Ron arrived here a bit too early." I thought to myself. I thought of the only other being it could possibly be when I opened the door. My suspicion was confirmed in less than a heartbeat when I saw Randy's gentle muzzle smiling softly at me. "Hi, Randy. What are you doing here?" "Well, I wanted to spring this as a surprise to you later on, but I couldn't wait to see you. Besides, nothing is going on at home and I'd rather be here." "I see, but we still have at least an hour to kill before we have to leave." "I know that, and I'm sorry for making you feel nervous. You're not upset, are you?" "No, of course not!" I said. "Please, come inside." "Thought you'd never ask." Randy said with a light giggle and entered through the door. He looked back at me as I closed the front door, and when my gaze met his, I could see a certain expression in his eyes that gave me a subliminal message that Randy saw me as something more than a best friend. I sighed softly and escorted Randy into my den. "So, are you ready to go yet?" "Naah. Not right now, anyway. I still have to call Jennifer to see if she'll watch Brandon tonight." "To hell with it, Jeffrey. Bring him along too." "Are you sure? I mean, he wanted to talk to me about something personal, and I don't know if Brandon would be the right company." "Oh, it'll be appropriate all right. It's not like we're going to strip each other nude and have our ways with one another. It's a dinner, Jeffrey." "I know that, but the conversation is what I'm getting at. I have a very strong idea what it's regarding, and I don't know how Brandon will handle all that gay talk." "You said yourself he needed to learn about how to accept gay beings instead of bashing them, right?" I nodded my reply silently, still shaken up about how Brandon will handle his own father exploring the gay lifestyle. "You did tell him, right?" "No. Every time I went to pick up the phone to call him about it, I held back. I just can't find the right words to say." "Oh, Jeffrey. This isn't good. He will have to know sooner or later, and as I always say, never put off later what needs to be taken care of right away. Sometimes, you just have to be a grown fox and face up to yourself. Once you do that, you can stand up to anything." "Easier said than done." I said and slumped down onto my easy chair. Randy slowly approached me from behind and began placing his paws upon my shoulders. "It'll work out. If it doesn't, you try to fix it so that it will. That's one aspect of what life is about, Jeffrey. If it was any easier, 'life' would be called something else." Randy said as he started kneading at my shoulders with his paws. I could barely feel his claws scritching into my shoulders, but being a tiger, Randy couldn't do much about it. "Jeez, Jeffrey, you're really tense. When was the last time you did anything relaxing?" "About seven years ago." "Oh? What were you doing that made you relaxed?" "Back then, I didn't have a reason to be tensed up. Back then, I was actually happily married with a beautiful baby fox." "But this is now. You know Sandra won't be coming back to you. Would you like me to help you relax?" I felt a sudden, strange feeling in my chest. It felt like my heart was tingling, but at the same time, I also felt an uneasy rush of nervousness. I couldn't even find the words to tell Randy how I felt. "Come on. Lie down over here. I'll help you feel better. Would you like that?" "W...what are you going to do?" I asked, expecting his reply to be something sexual, which I wasn't sure how to feel about that just yet. "Well, for starters, your muscles sure need immediate attention. Lie down." he instructed. I shrugged and proceeded to lie on my stomach. Randy knelt down beside me and began to lightly rub my back up and down with his large paws, using very little pressure, and sending tingles through my spine. "Just relax. There's nothing to be tense about now." Randy whispered. His voice seemed to be filled with magic as his paws slowly went to work on my back. Little by little, he began to apply more and more pressure in his rubs. He grasped my shoulders in his paws and began kneading them again. I closed my eyes and tried to enjoy the release of tension Randy provided. "If you want me to stop, I'll understand." Randy whispered. "No. Not at all. I'm starting to feel a bit better." I had my back turned to him, but I could tell he was smiling a wide grin as his rubbing continued. He worked his way down my back and around my tailbase, then working back up again, his rubbing increasing in pressure each time he ran his paws up my back. "Jeffrey, I would like to ask a favor of you. Would you mind if you removed your robe? It's just for the massage, I swear." My body began to quiver in nervousness as the thought of getting naked before another male filled my mind. "I...I don't know, Randy. I...I mean, Brandon is just upstairs, he can walk in on us. I don't want him to catch me in the nude, if you know what I mean." "I understand. It's just an upper-body massage, after all." "In that case, I will at least let my torso free." I said and slipped the robe down around my shoulders and stopping at the waist, covering my entire lower half. I lowered myself back down onto the couch and Randy's paws returned to my now bare back. I must have felt my foxhood begin to become aroused as Randy's paws continued working their magic on my furry back. The upper-body massage seemed to last for hours, but at this point, I felt so relaxed, that I didn't care if Brandon did walk in on me and saw Randy rubbing me. It has been a long time since I've ever felt this much relaxed, and I didn't know how long it would last. Looking up at the clock, I noticed that only forty-five minutes went by. I rose from the couch, still covering my lower half with my robe, and sat next to Randy. He placed his arm around my shoulders and pulled me softly into a one-armed embrace. I leaned my head onto his shoulder as his paw lightly stroked my arm and shoulder. "How do you feel now?" Randy asked as he looked deep into my eyes, giving off that same smile that always put me at ease. "It felt wonderful. I never knew you gave massages." "Just something I do when there's a need for one to be given." "It was really great. I liked it." "That's not all I'm good at giving." Randy muttered as his smile increased. "Umm....yeah, well, I don't think I'm quite ready for anything like that just yet. I mean, I'm still trying to adapt to the possibilities and all." "Whoa, wait a minute, what are you talking about? You think I'm referring to something sexual? Come on, Jeffrey, I'm being serious. What I meant was that I'm also good..." Randy stopped himself as he looked down at my paws. He reached over and took mine into his and then returned his deep gaze into my eyes. "I'm also good at giving my heart away to the right being. I've never been in love before, but I have always had a crush on someone. By saving my heart for that right being, I wanted to make sure that the heart I gave was true. That's why I left myself completely celibate from other guys, even if they felt attracted to me. Someone else needs me even more. I...I wish to give you my heart, Jeffrey." Randy finished and then I felt his paws start to quiver. I could sense from his body language that he was just as nervous about this as I was. "I really don't know what to say, Randy, except that...well, I guess I come to realize what I needed all this time. Something that my own son couldn't give me. Something no lawyer or legal battle could ever win me. I got to thinking that through all my hard times, where everyone else seemed to be against me, you were always there with words of advice, care, and concern. I know now what it is that gives me happiness. It's you, Randy." I said. I didn't even know what it was I was saying then, but I guess that's what happens when I let my heart do all the talking. "I was there, Jeffrey, because I care a lot about you. Every night, I've been trying to see through every night alone, wondering what will happen to you. I lost hours and hours of sleep worrying that you weren't getting what you truly needed in life, and I was more than willing to give to you what you needed. Now that I have told you my feelings, Jeffrey, there's something else I feel I have to say, and if I don't, I know I'll only end up losing more sleep." Randy took my paws gently into his and gazed with deep admiration into my eyes. "I love you, Jeffrey. I love you more than I've ever felt with anybody before in my life. I want to give you my heart and my partnership in family, for I have already considered you a part of mine." Randy, now with his head on my shoulder, began softly weeping, making the fur on my shoulder moist. "Oh, Randy. I never knew I was that much important to you. I want to be a part of that love and I know what I need now. I need you too. I love you more than I ever thought I could possibly love another, and I would be happy to join you." Randy raised his head up to look into my eyes with tears that ran swiftly down his cheek and encircled around his muzzle. I placed my paws softly around his head, and with that, I mustered up all the courage I could possibly congregate into my heart. I leaned forward and placed a soft, gentle kiss on Randy's mouth. He pulled away slowly, yet keeping his muzzle close to mine, and gazed once again into my eyes. I could feel both of our heartbeats rising in tempo as we both gave a soft smile onto each other. Randy leaned in closer and covered my mouth with his in a long-lasting kiss. I opened my mouth slightly to exhale a gentle breath, and before I knew it, his tongue slunk its way into my mouth and lashed gently around my own tongue. I gave off a gentle murr as we held the kiss, for my heart was like a volcano of emotion, and spewing out with an everlasting amount of love that ran rampant through my veins. I was so lost in his world of love and care, that I didn't even hear the door to Brandon's room opening, nor did we hear the sound of his fox paws walking down the stairs. We were still kissing when Brandon appeared in my den. I didn't know how long he was standing there, but his shocked scream broke the tender silence between us. "Dad! What are you doing?" I sprang back a bit to find Brandon standing alone in the entrance to my den and saw the face of absolute horror within my son. His entire body stood motionless, and not even his tail was waggling like it always did. "Brandon, you scared me." I said, not knowing what else to say. "You are unbelievable! You lied to me!" he shouted and raced upstairs to his room. "Damn, I did it again." Randy said while lowering his head. "Oh, no you don't. You're not putting the blame on yourself again. It was my fault this time, and I should have told him about this since I started getting these feelings. I had plenty of time to do that yesterday, but I didn't." "What are you going to do now? You know how Brandon feels about homosexuality." "He's only ten. Sooner or later, he'll learn about understanding the differences of others." "Yeah, but you're talking into the future. This is now. What are you going to do now?" "Well, I really don't know. I know talking to him won't help." "It always worked before, why shouldn't it work now?" "Trust me, Randy. I know my son. I've spent an entire year and then some with this legal battle. It's worn me into the ground countless times. I needed to break away from all that." "So you're saying that you want to be free, is that it?" "Not entirely. I want his happiness more than anything in the world, and if he won't be happy with the fact that you and I are now together, he's only going to be living a miserable life like I have been. All his life, I've taught him that sometimes in life, he has to make sacrifices in order to make things right. I must now do the same." "Then we'll go up and talk to him." "We?" "Yes, Jeffrey. We. I'm with you on this, and forming a relationship together also means forming a family. You are my family too, Jeffrey. I also feel Brandon is a part as well. It's the least I can do, not as a surrogate father, but as a friend." I lowered my head and heaved a soft sigh. Without removing my eyes from the hard wood floor, I nodded. "Alright. We'll both go up and talk to him." I said as I covered my bare torso back up with the robe.. My nerves were shot while Randy and I walked up the stairs, which I had never gotten used to this feeling. I placed my ear to the door and could barely hear the sound of Brandon's sniffling. I knocked on his door, but this time, I didn't get a response. Not even a "go away!" "Brandon, please open the door. Randy and I have to talk to you." I waited for a few seconds for a reply, but never received one. I looked over at Randy and he silently gave me a nod as if to say "Go ahead, try again." I knocked again and heard the sound of Brandon sniffling again. I shrugged and opened the door slowly, only to find Brandon pacing back and forth from his bed to his dresser. He had his suitcases laying atop his bed and was hurriedly stuffing both of them with his clothes and belongings. "Brandon, can we come in?" I asked, but still got no response from him. "Brandon, please. I understand how you feel, but it's important that you know what's going on, and for me to do that, I need for you to listen to what I have to say. Please, Brandon?" "I can hear you, you know." Brandon said as his back was turned towards us the entire time. "Come on, Brandon. Sit down. We need to talk about this." "No." "Please Son?" I said as I lowered myself onto the edge of Brandon's bed. "I'm no son of yours, you liar." "Brandon Lindsay Gordon, sit down now!" I said. Usually, when I put my foot paw down, things fall into place. Brandon turned to face me with the same shocked look on his face that he gave me when he first caught me and Randy in the act. "Dad, why are you so upset with me like that and I was the one that caught you with Randy, kissing and hugging. He almost had you naked, Dad, and I'm supposed to be calm?" "Randy was giving me a massage, that's why you saw my robe the way it was, and no, Brandon, you need to be calm so I can explain myself. I deserve at least that much, don't I?" Brandon lowered his head and scratched behind his ear before giving a gentle nod. "Good boy. Have a seat." I said and made some room by moving the suitcases aside. Brandon slowly crept up onto the bed and faced forward, trying not to look at Randy, whom was still standing in the doorway. "I know what I told you before, son, and I thought you were starting to understand the homosexual lifestyles of others. You remember what I told you about that?" "Of course I remember, but you seemed to forget that in the same talk, you told me you were not gay. Now you are?" "Brandon, I didn't know it then, but some things in life become clearer after discovering it. I was hiding myself, Brandon. I was hiding my sorrows, my fears, and my feelings into this case against your mother taking you away from me. I wanted you to stay with me because I knew I could always take care of you the way you need it." "I did need it, Dad, but I still don't understand how one day you're not gay, and the next day you are." "It's not easy for your dad to accept." Randy said as he stepped into Brandon's room slowly. "Randy, he lied to me." "No, Brandon. He just didn't know what he was feeling and assumed he wasn't gay." "Then why didn't he at least tell me that, Randy?" "Brandon, I didn't tell you that then because I thought I was still straight. This is a tremendous switch for me to have to take. I've still not fully accepted it yet. Do you understand?" Brandon slowly shook his head. "Maybe you don't now, but when you grow older, you'll grow experienced in life, and you'll look back at this conversation and will be able to understand." "Dad, I don't think any less of you because you're gay. You taught me to be more understanding and respect other people's feelings." "Then, what's this about?" I asked, running my paw over Brandon's suitcase. "I was scared, Dad. I thought you lied to me and I don't know how to take it that my dad is turning gay." "Looks like that'll be something we both have to grow into, isn't it, Son?" "I guess so." "Brandon, your father still loves you very much. He always told me how happy you've made him, and he's always come to me asking for advice to help you for the better. I know why you love him so much." Randy said as he sat on the bed next to Brandon. "Why?" Brandon asked as he looked up at Randy. A single tear ran down his cheek as he raised his head up. "Well, when I was your age, I never had a father that would cook meals, take his son out to a ball game, have an evening out at the movie theater, or even doctor my wounds when I got hurt. When I needed the care of a father figure, he was never there. My father was the one that wanted me to move out the very day after I graduated. I never had that when I was your age. You should be very lucky to have a father like this." "I am, but sometimes, it's not perfect." "Brandon, every relationship has its good points and its bad points. Let me tell you something that I often tell my clients. Bad things happen in the world, but for all the good reasons to come from them. Do you understand?" "No, not really." "Well, here. Let me give you an example. When you say it's not perfect, that means that there are no mistakes to be made, and therefore, nothing can be learned from a growing experience like a relationship, be it between father and son, or in a grown-up type of relationship. Mistakes are made so that we learn how to make things better the next time it were to happen. If we didn't have mistakes to tell us what not to do, we wouldn't learn what's right." "So someone would have to make mistakes in order to make things better." "That's right. Sometimes, when your father makes mistakes, it's not intentional, but if he doesn't hear from you whether or not it's a mistake, you can't learn from one another how to make things better. The fact that he's done all he did for you was a lot more than what my father ever did. He's worked with you through the years and has really watched out for you. He's trying to protect you. He really is." Brandon looked back up at me, but all I could do was silently nod. "Brandon, I know I should have told you before about this, but I didn't know how to really tell you just yet. I should have just come out with it in the first place. I was trying to hide behind everything and hope that it wouldn't show up, but one thing I've learned from this is that it's always best to stand tall and face up with the facts. By hiding things the way I did, it doesn't make it any better than lying to you. I really am sorry for this, Brandon. Do you forgive me?" I asked, hoping that I still at least had a son that doesn't see me any less than he ever has before. "I forgive you, Dad. I'm just sorry for what I said earlier." "It's how we learn, Son. Right, Randy?" I smiled and ran my paw swiftly through his orange head fur. "You got that right, now are we going to let this happen again?" he asked while looking at Brandon with a playful grin, and then at me. "No, Randy." Brandon said in an innocent tone. "No, Randy." I said, repeating Brandon's words in the same manner. "Good, because if it does, I get out the tickle reinforcements." Randy said and held his paws out, his claws slightly extended. "No, no, please! Anything but that!" Brandon screamed and started to back away, but Randy's paws were faster, and proceeded to tickle Brandon's ribs, which was the most vulnerable spot for tickling. I couldn't help but to join in the tickling fun and scritched at Brandon's tummy with my own claws. "No! Stoooop! I give up! Please stop!" Brandon said through his display of hysterics. "Say Uncle!" Randy beckoned. "U...Uncle, Uncle!" Brandon managed to scream, and we both let up, allowing Brandon to raise himself to a seated position once again. "Dad?" "Yes, Son." "I know that you and Randy are going to be together now, but what does that make me?" "You're still Brandon, right?" I asked. "That's not what I meant. I mean, what does it make me in this situation?" "Well, you have your own choices to make about how you feel inside. You still have a lot to learn before you accept your own preferences." "I know, Dad, but what about Randy? Is he my father too?" "No, Brandon. Not unless you want to see me that way. I'll just be happy if we can still stay friends." Randy said and gave Brandon a playful jab to his shoulder. "I sure would hate it if he saw me as a mother, though. I think I'd look terrible in a pink and white dress." Randy said with a chuckle. "Brandon, I have one thing to ask you now." I said as I looked at the still-opened suitcases lying on the bed. "Will you still want to live with me, or would you like to live with your mother?" Brandon looked at his suitcases and had forgotten why he got them out in the first place, but the smile quickly ran away from his face. "What do you mean, Dad? Don't you want me around anymore?" "Of course I do, Son, but I want what's best for you. If you're still wanting to move on with your life, I'll give you a choice of where to live. I just want you to be happy." " is good now, but she still drinks and it scares me sometimes. She doesn't ever do the things you've done. Every time we talk, it's always to find out something for her. She didn't seem to think about me as much as you do. I want to stay with you, Dad. Nobody else has taught me anything the way you have. Nobody else takes me to baseball practice." "I was hoping you would say that." I said and gave my son a tight hug. Randy joined me and put one arm around me and his other arm around Brandon, and the three of us stayed in one of the greatest hugs I have ever been in all my life. "You know something else, Dad?" "What, Brandon?" I whispered. "Mom doesn't even know who Gerald Wolfe is." Brandon said with a giggle and I didn't think it would be at all possible for anyone to not have heard of the name Gerald Wolfe before, after his accomplishments as a legend in the wide world of Baseball history. I shook my head and laughed, not just for the fact that a being on this planet didn't know Gerald Wolfe from an employee of a Ferguson's Burger, but for the way Brandon said it in a time like this. He never ceased to amaze me how he could go from enraged and upset to understanding and listening to what someone had to say. I had the greatest son anyone could ever have, and as I looked over at my newfound love of my life, I also realized that I had the greatest companion I thought I would never find. We had a very successful dinner that night, and Brandon was more than happy to attend with the three of us. Even though Brandon was bored out of his mind listening to our professional conversations about law school, friendships of Ron's that Brandon would never see, or sports cars, we all had a nice time together nonetheless. A week later, I ended up losing my job and I had the dangers of losing my house and car breathing down my neck, but I took some old advice and stood tall. My days as a timid fox were long past over, and instead of watching everything happen, we ended up moving in with Randy, and the very next day I moved in, he managed to find me a position working in his office as a counselor in training. I must admit that I didn't know half of what Randy does, there are some things that I knew just from experience that I had lived so far, and I started making a really good living. Sandra still comes around every other weekend. When she found out about my homosexuality, she wasn't at all thrilled, but she took it well. She still didn't like the way Brandon had to live with a gay couple, but Brandon was the one that told her of her bad points this time. I realized that the advices I gave to my son were really sinking in, and he's no longer afraid to speak up about his feelings. As for Randy and I, well, let's just say that I don't think I could ever be any happier with him than I am now. I've learned how to find happiness, and I never thought in all my life that it would ever come from another male, but as a wise tiger once said to me, and I quote: "When it comes to true love, it matters not about a being's gender or anatomies, but the heart and soul from within is far more precious than anything in the world. Sometimes, it can't be found in the opposite sex, but if you do find it, you know you've got something special when your heart tells you about it." Having accepted my sexuality, I admitted to myself of who I am inside, and I am quite happy for what I have become. Perhaps there may be some magic in admitting such things to one's own self, and it made perfect sense to me. The more you admit to yourself of who or what you are inside, the better you'll feel about yourself, and the more life will have a true meaning and existence. I will have to remember that for tomorrow's session with Christopher. He's my newest client, and a very timid type of otter at that. I feel somewhat differently from him than with the rest of my clients that come to see me. He's not sure how to handle his own lifestyle, and just hearing that is music to my ears, for whenever anyone came to my office uttering those very words, I've always made sure that they are not alone in the world, and they need all the help they can get in the world. I thought about tomorrow's activities for the moment, and then coming out of my trance-like state, I picked up the phone and called home to the greatest boyfriend anybody could ever ask for. "Randy, it's Jeffrey. I'll be home in a moment." "Great. I'll see you in a few, then. I love you, hon." "I love you too, hon." I sighed softly as I hung the phone back onto the cradle. From the time I first told those very three words to Randy, I seemed to be walking with a lot more spring in my step and a smile on my muzzle. I swished my tail in happiness as I thought of the gentle tiger I would see as the first thing my eyes lay upon when I arrived home. "Life goes on." I said as I drove away from my office. "But nobody said life was easy." Jeez, how true that is. The End