Miko's Fire Written by SonicBlu All characters and concepts are (c) 2002 SonicBlu. Any similarities with characters past or present, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Over the hilly fields of tall grass, near the vicinity of the tallest mountain in all the land, and surrounded by a forest of Koruko fruit trees, resided a countryside village in the widespread country of Tieral, where many beings of different breeds dwelled. Gorokk Village was a unique place, for the scenic territory was a great source of relaxation, while the constant battle between civilized being and dragon always rode tall in the saddle. From the strongest ox to the mightiest wolf, these beings lived in great comfort amongst one another. A vast number of fearless beings congregated themselves to form a powerful force against the attack of dragons that lived within the cave atop Mount Gorokk; the peak of the mountain seemed to touch the sky. In the Winter, you cannot see the summit of the great mountain, as dark clouds constantly masked its peak. The snow capped the great mountain top each year, and every summer, its ice melted away into the nearby lake near the thickest density of the forest. The dragons of Gorokk lived together as a large family, and their number remained at a moderate level in population. During the Winter months, every dragons's bodies lay to rest, which gave the village a bit of relaxation from their threats. The beings of Gorokk Village lived its Autumn and Winter months in peace and safety, but when the Spring and Summer rolled around, even the strongest of spirit tended to shudder when the first dragon awoke from its hibernation, ready for its yearly hunt. Gorokk Village was the most prime target for attack from the dragons, but the villagers still called Gorokk "home" and refused to live anywhere else. Some beings lived for the scenery, while others clung to the heritage of their origin. Some even say that Gorokk was a place of mystical rejuvenation for the soul with the way the heavenly, morning sun cast its rays upon the village. Surrounding the forest grounds, a vast field of green spread through the land. In the springtime, when Gorokk found a moment of peace, beings of young and old ages were constantly seen frolicking through the grassy meadows. In the midst of the meadowy field resided a tall hill, which looked out over the entire village. The Naitive Gorokkan tribe named the hill "Spiritpoint" aptly for the scenic plantation which was believed to cleanse one's spirit. As mystical as Gorokk seemed to the eye of the astonished beings that lived upon its rich land, the ongoing threat of dragons continued to rear its ugly head. The houses and barns of the village were made to withstand the reign of the dragons's fire, and not one single block of wood was used, all except for a single barn which resided in the outskirts of Gorokk Village. Gorokk relied on its stone buildings and walls for hundreds of years, and was a natural shield against sweltering fire. All it took was one tragic year for the early Gorokkan citizens, in order to keep the village safe for years to follow. The village's leader hired the fastest and hardest-working builders to renovate the village, and before that Winter was over, Gorokk was given another chance at housing the lives of settlers. Upon completion of reconstruction, the leader of the village enforced that no structure within the limits of Gorokk shall be built out of straw or wood, but the strongest of stone to repel against the dragons's fire. The law remained just as strong in their current year of 1890 for the villagers to follow. The early-Spring skies seemed to darken as the dragons draped the morning sun, spreading their mighty wings to take flight. Some dragons kept flying onward as they dodged the oncoming attack, while others stayed behind to wreak their chaos upon the village of Gorokk. From below, the loud cries of the Confederacy rang throughout the land as the platoon shouted and the higher ranks yelled their commands. "Conserve your ammunition! Our reserve is diminishing, and it's getting more difficult to stock up!" Lieutenant Gobu shouted onto the Confederacy as they huddled together with their crossbows drawn, aiming up at the hovering dragons above. "We know, Lieutenant. Every year, it's the same thing." the only reptile of the platoon spoke as he took aim to the skies. "Mind your talkback for another time, Grieko, they're coming fast!" As the Confederacy took aim, they watched while, one by one, every dragon made their way into the clear, blue skies. Shots were fired everywhere, but even the ammunition and quick reflexes of the Confederacy were not enough to penetrate the strong scales of the mighty dragons at such a far range. The Confederacy branched out in various places that surrounded the village in hope to defend more ground. Among the fighting soldiers, the muscle-clad body of a brown forest fox stood fearlessly upon the land, using his sharp eyes to take aim. Miko Keegan fired bolt after bolt, almost consecutively into the air, in an attempt to bring something for the flying dragons to fear. Not one single civilian was seen in the village streets, for they were all locked away in their homes, watching the battle from inside. The deep, blue skies above were soon obscured by the holocaust of red flames the dragons breathed from their muzzles. The smell of sulfur quickly covered the fresh air, along with the singed fur from the fallen soldiers of the Confederacy. The only sounds that could be heard were the mournful moans and cries of pain intertwining with that of the battle yells from the fighting Confederacy. "Miko! Behind you!" a voice yelled from behind. Miko slowly turned and almost froze in terror as he saw a towering black dragon approach. Quickly, Miko loaded a bolt into his crossbow and aimed for the whites of the dragon's eye. "Not today, evil dragon. Not ever!" Miko shouted as he pulled the trigger. The bolt sailed swiftly through the air and struck the black dragon directly in its eye. Screaming and howling in pain, the dragon continued running throughout the land, and soon, the screams from the dragon's throat faded away into the distance. Miko looked around to see if there were any more surprise appearances, and when he noticed that the village was free of the dragons's presences, he joined up with the rest of the platoon. All was now silent after a prolonged day-long battle had ended. "Nice work, Keegan. Got that no good dragon right in its eye," the Lieutenant said, "and that's exactly what I've been trying to teach you all. The eyes of the dragons are the only vulnerable spot to take them down, because if a dragon can't see, they can't wreak their evil into our village." "Do you know how sharp of an eye one must have to put that task into effect?" a strong ox said as he emerged from the crowd of remaining Confederate troops. "I know it's tough, Grusser, but that's why the Confederacy must be alert at all times; your shooting skills must be honed." "Or be very lucky." Marlo Grusser whispered under his breath and scratched swiftly behind his ear. "Hey, who needs luck when we have Miko on our side!" a muscled wolf said happily. Torr Blackwell had always admired his best friend highly, and with a quick thrust of his arm, he held Miko's paw up in victory for a deed well-done. "Torr, I appreciate the fanfare, but we are all in the Confederacy together. Surely, you could have done just as good a job as I." Miko said with a soft smile. At this time, a large crowd of fox, horse, ox, and wolf families scurried out into the open from the seclusion of their stone houses to rejoice with the Confederacy's triumph. "Miko, you were great! I saw the whole thing from my window. You are truly a credit to our village." a young arctic vixen said as she approached. Her name was Nara Kapri, but everyone in the village gave her the nickname "Winter" due to her flowing, white fur and hypnotic, bright- blue eyes, that could even send chills down the spines of the most horrid of beasts. "Go get ‘er." Torr commented and took a seat on the edge of a stone fence. "Winter, what's on your mind?" Miko asked. "I wanted to tell you that you were really great out there. Every moment you're out on the battle field could be your last, but you seek to see past all that. Just the right type of fox that catches my interest." "Winter, I wish I could tell you in better terms, but I'm not out to start relationships or anything. I just want us to stay friends." Miko said and placed his paw softly aside Winter's cheek. "Miko, you've been saying that since we were in school together. What's really wrong? Is it me?" "No, it's not. It's just..." Miko hesitated and gazed into Winter's concerning eyes, hoping to find another way out of letting her know of his secret. "It's just that I don't know what I want, and I won't be able to provide like the fox you're looking for. I'm sorry, Winter, I just can't offer you the things I would like. I will promise to you my eternal friendship, that which you have long since earned, and that is what I shall continue to give onto you." "Miko," Winter said as a few tears came to her eyes, "every time you speak those words in such a manner, it makes me long for you even more. What's not to like about the way your mortal body is built, the gentle flowing fur you possess, or the heavenly words you speak as your gentle breath pushes them past your lips?" "It takes a lot more than that which is seen on the outside, Winter." Miko said and began to walk away. "Although, I really do want you to have the best in life. I know you will be a lot happier with someone who can love you the way you need it. You're a very attractive young vixen. I'm sure you will find someone to fill the gap of emptiness within your heart, and when you find him, he will treat you far better than I can." he said and gave a soft bow. Winter only sat and hung her head in grief as a small stream of moisture began to form in her eyes. Miko joined up once again with Torr and headed away into the village center. "What's the situation with you and Winter?" Torr asked in a curious tone. "She's still got that crush on me. I just can't bear to tell her how I truly feel inside. Not many understand." "You know I would. I'm your own best friend." "I know that, and I am forever grateful for this, Torr, but this is something that I don't want anybody else to know. Not even my own mother." "What is it?" Torr leaned forward and whispered "You don't mean to tell me you've got some kind of disease, do you?" "N..no, that's not it at all. It's just that..." Miko started, but quickly declined. "I don't want to talk about it." "Torr, darling, I missed you!" a slender wolf screamed as she ran to the arms of her mate. Torr smiled deeply as he held his arms open wide to accept her into a huge embrace. He picked her up with his muscular arms and held her up off the ground. "Luna, I missed you too, love. It got rather scary for awhile, but I thought one mere thought of your gentle face to keep me going." "Aww, Torr, you are so sweet." Luna Blackwell said and covered his muzzle in a loving kiss. Torr closed his eyes and returned the gesture gracefully. "Well, how sentimental thou art." Miko said as he watched the couple sharing their tender moment with a wide grin on his white-furred muzzle. "Hey, you could have the wondrous pleasures of love if you gave in to Winter." "With her? No thanks. I need to get some work done on the farm. I need to start by gathering some Korukos. I'll see you later." Miko said and quickly declared his farewells among his friends. That evening, Miko crossed the grassy fields that led to the forest floor. As Miko walked, his mind began to wander. How he longed to have a companion, a true love to call his very own, but nobody in the town of Gorokk would ever understand his deepest secret. Being the only homosexual fox in the small village was extremely difficult. He tried his best to keep his deep secret well under wraps, for he didn't know how the entire village would handle a homosexual being living amongst them. Miko's thoughts of loneliness quickly subsided as he stood before the stretch of trees that loomed before him. Swishing his tail softly to and fro, he stepped slowly into the thick forest. "Gotta move further out. It's where Korukos grows best." Miko whispered to himself. He kept walking until he found his way into a small clearing, where the sun's light seemed to cast directly onto the bald territory. "Eureka." Miko whispered as he was quite inspired by how the sun's rays shone upon the forest. With a grunt of his throat and the tightening of his muscles, Miko hoisted himself up the trunk of a tall Koruko tree, where a bountiful supply of fruit awaited him. Once he felt he had an ample amount, he leaped from the tree and landed in a crouched position on the ground. He slowly raised himself upright and gathered any fallen Koruko fruit that tumbled from the basket. He started heading back through the path he came from, when he heard the sound of sobbing in the distance. He stopped in his tracks and gazed into the direction the soft sobbing came from, trying to see who made the saddened sounds that echoed through the forest. He shrugged his shoulders and started along his way once again, only to hear the sound of the sobbing even louder than before. Miko's curiosity ran stronger as he turned and walked gently into the direction from whence the sobbing emanated. "Hello?" Miko called into the thickness of the woods. "Go away. Please, go away." the voice said sorrowfully. "Who are you? What are you doing out here?" "I said go away. Please, do not try to help me, for I am beyond help." "Why not let me be the judge of that, mister?" Miko said as he tried to follow the sound of the mourning voice. "There is nothing anybody can do. Please, take heed of my words and go. I will be all right." "Are you sure? You don't need anything else?" Miko said as he crept silently along the floor, trying not to arouse attention. He heard the sound of a crackling twig from behind. Startled, Miko flipped around and almost dropped the Korukos he carried. There, hiding within the thick forest, stood a young, green dragon, his body sprawled across the floor. Miko instantly leapt into a defense mode and held his fists tightly. As sharp as he was with a crossbow, his fists stung just as bad whenever he had to use them. "What are you doing in these woods, dragon? Have you no sense?" Miko bellowed. "Please, I come to you in peace. I do not wish to battle you, for I have other issues that run rampant within this heart of mine." the green dragon said as his eyes produced a steady downfall of teardrops. Miko was slow to let his guard down, for his first instinct was not to trust anything a dragon had to say. "You have about ten seconds to make yourself scarce, dragon." Miko said as he gritted his teeth, which only made the dragon cry harder. "They don't want me around, you don't want me around, nobody wants me. Why do I continue living in a world, looking to belong, and getting shunned in return? What good is a life such as this?" the dragon said through his sobs. He raised his large paw and extended his sharp claws. He held his claws above his head and pointed them directly to his chest. "This is what it shall lead to. I came here to escape from my worries, and that is exactly what I intend to do." he said and gave a loud cry. "Wait, hold on." Miko said, unsure of how to handle watching a living being take his own life. "No, it's no use. You'll only hate me anyway. I'm not inferior, you know. I know your race all too well, and it's because of you that us dragons are threatened every year." "You lie! It is because of your type that we must protect our village." Miko yelled. "If you want to end your own life, be my guest, but don't expect me to have to sit and watch it." "You have a lot to learn, little fox." "Oh, do I? Listen, I'm not the one that has to work with the village to shield you of your fire that you breath onto our peaceful village." "If it wasn't for your streams of weaponry, we would be able to fly the skies in peace. Look at this. You see this?" the dragon said angrily as he pointed to his wing. Miko didn't notice at first, but the joints in the dragon's left wingtip snapped. "Yeah, take a good, long, hard look, fox. This is what happens when you engage in your so- called ‘battles' which have no purpose. What did we ever do to you?" "Your kind burned down our village many years ago." "So, because a few dragons set fire to your village, you think you have the right to declare war upon our entire race, is that it?" "All you dragons stand for are a reason to hurt, to cause pain." "What about you? You're so wrapped up in your own worlds, your own frame of mind, you won't even attempt to listen to reason, even if it was staring you dead in the face." the dragon said as he lurched forward and fixed his dark-red eyes into Miko's gentle shades of brown. "You have no idea how it feels to be outcast, to the point where even your own kind won't take you in." Miko thought of the loneliness he endured his entire life, his need for companionship, and the consequences of having his secret spread through the entire village. Immediately, Miko dropped his guard and sat upon the forest floor. "Yes...I do." Miko said in a gentle tone. The dragon's tears seemed to lessen as he stared at the attractive fox, not thinking of war or the irreconcilable differences between their races. Miko stared back into the dragon's eyes feeling nervous, not sure what to say about his own secret. "So, why exactly are you here?" "The others. They left me here. They pushed me out of the caves when I needed shelter from the winter months." "You stayed here all winter? I thought you flew out with the others. What about your wing?" "I...I didn't want to tell you the real reason why, so I lied. Please, don't hold it against me." "Hey, don't worry. You've shown me something just then." "I did? What was that?" the dragon said as he raised his head higher. "That even though we are of different culture, we have the same feelings." Miko said and leaned his back against a Koruko tree. "I am Miko Keegan, and I feel there is more to us than we imagine. I would like to try and be your friend; you seem to be in need of a good friend." "I need that so much." the dragon whispered, but still loud enough for the ears of the muscular fox to hear. "What's your name, dragon?" "I do not have a name, for our heritage does not believe in them." "Well, I can't just call you 'dragon.' I know, I'll give you the name that belonged to my father. I shall call you Cyrrus." Miko said and reached his paw out. "‘Cyrrus?' What meaning does the name 'Cyrrus' hold?" "Just a name, really, I suppose. Besides, you look like a Cyrrus." Miko said and smiled a gentle grin. "Very well. If that is what you wish, I shall be known to you as Cyrrus." the young dragon said and shook the fox's paw firmly. "Well, Cyrrus, now that we've set aside our differences, why don't you tell me what happened to you?" "If I told you my secret, do you promise not to hurt me, too?" "Promise." Miko said and placed his paws behind his head to stretch his arms out as he relaxed against the Koruko tree. "All right. I'm here because...I...I'm a homosexual." Cyrrus said and immediately buried his head in his arm. In an era and a land where homosexuality rarely occurred within the hearts and emotions of males, Miko immediately felt uplifted, as if a great weight was removed from his shoulders. "That's okay. I'm also homosexual." Miko whispered. Cyrrus sprung his head up at attention at Miko's words. "You are?" "I know, it's not common, is it? I'm not at all happy with it, but it's who I am." "Finally, I'm able to find someone that feels....that feels..." Cyrrus stuttered, his excitement built within him to a level he's never experienced before in his entire lifespan. "That feels the same way I do." Miko finished. Cyrrus nodded swiftly again, and before Miko knew it, he felt the strong embrace of the dragon's arms around his muscular body. After a tight hug, Miko spoke. "How is your wing holding up now?" "It stings, but as long as I don't move the joint, I'm fine." "We still need to fix it, but we can't leave you here." Miko said and approached the dragon closer. As he got a better look at the dragon's broken wing, he ran his paw over the breakage in the joint. Cyrrus threw his head back and howled in pain as Miko's paw brushed against it. "AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!" Cyrrus cried and shot a heavy stream of fire into the air. "I'm sorry, Cyrrus. I had to see how bad this break is. You need it to be fixed right away." "Tell me something I do not already know." Cyrrus said as he gritted his teeth. "I'm going to take you to my barn. By taking the route behind Spiritpoint, you will be unseen by other villagers. Once we're there, I don't care what book I must read through, I'm fixing your wing. The place I'll be taking you will be the only building in Gorokk that is made of wood, so try to keep your fire to yourself." Miko said and took Cyrrus's paw. The teary-eyed dragon stood and crept behind Miko as the pair walked slowly and carefully out of the forest. The two beings headed around the large hill as silent and discreetly as possible. With careful eyes, Miko scanned the entire land, looking for anybody that could possibly see what he was attempting. The flaming braziers lit the streets of Gorokk brightly, but not a single being was found in the open areas of the village. From the house in the corner of the village, the outline of a strong wolf walked slowly by the window. Miko didn't notice whether or not his best friend saw what he was doing, nor did he want to find out. Miko led Cyrrus quickly across the open field and into the open fields of the Keegan estate. That evening, Miko flipped through page after page of his grandfather's old first aid books nervously, trying to find the section on broken bones. He stopped and gazed upon a silhouetted picture of a fox with his bone structure drawn clearly, and a noticeable breakage to its leg. "Here it is. How to apply a splint. This looks simple." Miko said as he quickly read over the procedures listed in the book. "Is this going to hurt? I don't know if we should be doing this inside the barn. What if I breathe fire again?" "It shouldn't hurt after the splint has been applied, but for safety's sake, why don't we go around to the back of the barn. If you start feeling any pain, shoot your fire to the sky, like you did before. Okay?" Miko said and ran his paw softly over Cyrrus's head. "You're so nice to me, Miko." Cyrrus said in a soft tone. "I'm usually a nice being, and I can be a friend for life. It's the Confederacy that turned me into a brutal killer, but you have my word, I will protect you." Miko said and led Cyrrus through the barn, and used the structure to block the nearby village of any view of the dragon's presence. Miko brought a few strips of cloth with him and walked around the vicinity of his farmland, looking for a couple strong branches of wood. He returned to Cyrrus with a disappointed look on his face. "What's the problem?" Cyrrus asked. "I have to go to the woods real quick. Stay here, and don't move from this spot. I can't take the chance of you getting caught, especially now that you're amongst us." Cyrrus nodded silently and Miko ran his paw gently down the dragon's back. A deep sound of contentment erupted from Cyrrus's throat, almost sounding like a purr. "You'll be all right. I won't be long." Miko said. He embraced the dragon as best as he could and placed a gentle kiss upon his scaly back. Cyrrus felt his eyes build with moisture, but apart from the tears he cried in the woods, these were tears of sheer joy, which was something Cyrrus never felt before in his entire life. Cyrrus leaned forward and slurped Miko's face with his large tongue. "This is how we dragons show our love and appreciation." Cyrrus said and smiled a wide grin. Miko gazed softly into Cyrrus's eyes and developed a smile of his own. "This is how us Gorokkans show our love." Miko whispered and placed his paws around Cyrrus's head, bringing his muzzle closer to Miko's. Miko closed his eyes softly and pressed his mouth to Cyrrus's in a passionate kiss. Cyrrus immediately grasped the idea, and wrapped his arms around Miko's body. Miko glided his tongue in between the lips of the dragon's muzzle, hoping to give a subliminal message for the dragon to open his mouth a little. Miko poked at Cyrrus's clenched teeth, but was unable to deepen his kiss. "I think I like your way better." Cyrrus said and chuckled softly. "I can teach you more," Miko whispered and kissed the back of Cyrrus's paw gently, "but I really must hurry to the forest before any more time passes." Miko said as he turned away. "Miko?" Cyrrus called after the swift fox. Miko stopped in his tracks and turned to face the bright-eyed dragon. "I...I love you." Cyrrus whispered as a soft smile formed upon his muzzle. "I love you too, Cyrrus." Miko replied. As Miko walked along the empty fields of Gorokk, he felt overwhelmed with a lighthearted feeling rushing through his veins. He felt as if he could fly with the mighty wings of the strongest dragon as the care-free emotion of sheer love coursed through his body, giving his heart noticeable tingles. He was merely a few yards from the stretch of trees when he heard a voice calling from behind. "Miko! There you are!" Torr yelled and ran up to meet his best friend. "Torr, you startled me. What's going on?" "Perhaps I should ask you. I saw you earlier this evening." "You...you saw me? What did you see?" "Miko, I'm not a fool. I saw you walking away with a dragon. What have you been doing?" "Torr, I know what you saw may be unusual, but this dragon, he is different. Everything he resembles is every part of me within the body of scales of which he possesses." "He's a dragon, Miko! You know they can't be trusted! You of all beings should know this!" Torr said and reached his arm back. Miko's mind had not grasped the gesture his own best friend was making before Torr's claws scraped across Miko's face, and parting his fur with deep scratches. "Ow! What's wrong with you, Torr?" "You dare to bring a dragon to your home, are you insane? If the Confederacy heard of this, they will hang you and that dragon of yours!" "Torr, please, the Confederacy must not know about this. So far, you are the only one that knows of my secret. Please, don't tell anyone else." "Don't bet on it, Miko. As far as I know, you're about as trustworthy as those evil dragons." "Torr, will you please sit down and listen to me? First of all, these dragons, they're not out to attack our village. The only reason they attack us is because we attack them first. The Confederacy trained us to strike first, and strike hard. What do you think the dragons's reactions will be? They're not the enemies. We are. Us!" Miko shouted. "You didn't have to be so aggressive, either. That really hurt!" "I'm sorry about this, Miko. I didn't know what I was doing." "I guess you didn't." Miko said angrily and started to turn away. The strong wolf reached out with his arm and grabbed Miko's shoulder firmly. "Wait, Miko. Where are you going?" "Into the forest. I need a couple branches. Cyrrus has a broken wing and needs help, and I don't have time to stand here and fight with you." Miko said as he flashed an angry look in his eyes. "Miko!" Torr called and tried to run after the fox he assaulted. "Leave me alone!" Miko yelled. Torr stopped trying to run after his best friend and looked at his sharp claws. "What vulgar display of terror has seized my will and made me attack my own best friend?" Torr asked himself and felt his eyes perspire with moisture as he retreated back to his home. Miko watched for awhile as Torr headed back before returning to the barn to doctor the dragon's wound. Holding the two large branches tightly in his arms, Miko ran swiftly across the field; his tail flapped wildly in the breeze as he ran. "Cyrrus! I have returned!" Miko called and dropped the branches. He procured the long strips of cloth from the pocket of his trousers and proceeded to wrap the strips of cloth around the tip of the wing while holding the two branches in place. As Miko worked, Cyrrus closed his eyes tightly and howled in pain as the concerning fox applied the splint. "I know it hurts, love. Please, try to be strong." Miko said comfortingly. Cyrrus tried to resist any urge to scream as the joint in his wing was held in place. The branches of the trees pressed tightly against the wound and brought about a great discomfort, but after Miko finished applying the splint, Cyrrus did his best to tolerate the pain. "How's that, Cyrrus?" Miko asked as he held the dragon's paw softly. "It hurts a great deal, but I think I will get used to it." Cyrrus replied and smiled gently into the fox's eyes. As much as Miko wanted to, he couldn't seem to find his own smile to return the dragon's loving gesture. "What's the matter, Miko?" "It's Torr. He used to be my best friend. That's why I came back with these scratches. He caught us." "What?" Cyrrus screamed and rose his large body upright. "It's okay. I don't think he'll tell anybody else. I think I broke through to him, but I still didn't want him to get in my way. Just give him the opportunity, and he'll screw everything up, and time was of the essence. Besides, I'm taking care of you now. Torr has his own family." "You...gave up your best friend for me?" Cyrrus asked and placed his arm softly around Miko's shoulder. Miko slowly nodded and leaned into Cyrrus's embrace, softly sniffling a tear from his eye. "I love you, Cyrrus. I have been searching my entire life for my happiness. You helped me to see it in such a short time. My heart, it showed me at an early stage that you are the one I am to love." Miko said and raised his tear-stained eyes to meet Cyrrus's. The tears ran down Miko's cheek and mingled with the wounds of his face, staining his fur with a bright shade of red. Cyrrus leaned forward and used his dragon tongue to cleanse the fox of his wound. "This is a special remedy us dragons use to cleanse our wounds." Cyrrus said between licks. Miko nodded softly and closed his eyes as the dragon's long tongue grazed across his face. Cyrrus continued his licking, approaching Miko's muzzle slowly. Miko's heart felt as if it skipped a beat as he caught the warmth of Cyrrus's warm breath blowing against his furry face. Miko wrapped his paws around the dragon's head and brought his muzzle to align with his own. He brushed his tongue against Cyrrus's and swiftly suckled it into his muzzle. Miko took the length of the dragon's tongue deep into his mouth and wrapped his own fox tongue around the long sliver of pink. They shared a deep, passionate kiss for what seemed like an eternity as their own paws explored each other's bodies. Across the vacant, peaceful field within the Blackwell home, Torr slumped forward as he sat in his chair that adorned the far corner of the room. The megaphone softly crooned the sad notes of a gentle composition as his tears ran like raindrops from his eyes. Through the wall of moisture, Torr tried to make out the figure of the picture he clenched in his paws. Torr still refused to comprehend the outburst that occurred between them, but he knew that nothing could change the situation that had already happened. "Miko, what has happened to you? What has happened to me?" Torr whispered as he looked over the very claws he used to slash at his best friend's face. Torr's ears twitched as he picked up the sound of Luna stepping softly across the floor. His canine nose instantly caught the scent of his mate as she appeared in the living room. "Torr, honey. What's wrong? Why aren't you coming to bed?" Luna said as she donned her robe to cover her nude body. Torr sat in the chair as naked as the day he was born as his attention fixed to the depressing music playing through the megaphone. "Torr, didn't you hear me? What is wrong?" Luna asked as she softly touched her paw upon Torr's. "Luna, have you ever known how it feels to lose a best friend?" "Oh, Torr, what's this about? You and Miko have been inseparable throughout your entire lives together. You can't possibly tell me you and he didn't have a single argument in the span of your friendship." "Tonight was different, Luna." Torr said as he slumped forward once again, his head pointing directly onto the bare floor. "Torr, please talk to me. I'm your mate." Luna said as she knelt down on the floor. "I can't tell. I can't say to anybody what my own eyes saw." "Surely, you can trust me. Why would I ever tell anyone else of your secret?" "It's not my secret, it's Miko's. It would tear him up if I told anybody else." "Oh." Luna said as she let out an uneasy sigh and sat herself down onto the bare, stone floor. "What's wrong with that, hon?" "I'm just a little confused. I thought you said you and he broke the friendship off." "Yeah, I mean no..." Torr said and growled as he clenched his head tightly in his paws. "Torr, please, perhaps if you told me what happened between you both, it would make you feel a lot better." "No!" Torr said and slammed his fist down onto the arm of his chair. "I told you, I can't speak of that which I saw. All I can tell you is that Miko's changed. He's not the same fox. He says it's because of the Confederacy." "Why in the world would he desecrate his very army?" "I don't know. Miko's always been a fine, upstanding soldier. I just don't get it." "Maybe if you talked to him instead of me?" Luna asked as she placed her paw under Torr's chin. She lifted his head softly to gaze into his light-grey eyes with a concerning glare. "Torr, please. It will do you no good to sit here and let this situation become the death of you." "Luna," Torr started as he latched his paws around his mate's, "you know I trust you with everything I've got. I love you very much, but this time...this time, I have to disagree." Torr said and lowered his head again, slowly removing his grasp of Luna's paws. "Then, you shall continue letting this matter overwhelm you. I've spoken my wisdom to you, Torr, but it's up to you to acknowledge it." Luna said and rose from the floor. She turned for the bedroom and crept into the bed. Torr sighed as he slowly stood and removed the cylinder from the megaphone before heading into the room behind her. "Perhaps I need to take this matter to a different source." Torr whispered to himself as he gazed across the room at his Confederacy uniform draped over the backrest of the chair. He gave a prolonged yawn before allowing his sleepiness to overcome his body. The rooster's crow rang out over the Keegan farmland and stirred the loving couple from their sleep. Miko smiled as he looked up at the eyes of his lover and kissed him softly. "Morning, Cyrrus." Miko said and kissed his new lover deeply. Cyrrus closed his eyes and held the gentle fox in a savoring embrace. "Did you sleep okay?" Cyrrus asked. "Best sleep I've ever had." Miko replied and fell hypnotized as he gazed into the dragon's eyes. The couple's stomachs rumbled in unison and both lovers chuckled softly. "I take it you want something to eat." "You better believe it. I got sick and tired of living off of Koruko fruit every day. What's for breakfast?" "Koruko fruit." Miko said and smiled widely. Cyrrus sighed in disbelief as he shook his head, trying to hold back a chuckle. Miko rose to greet the sun's shining light and gave his body a continuous stretch. His muscles flexed as he brought his paws behind his head, which made Cyrrus stop to stare at the handsome, muscular fox's form. "What?" Miko said as he looked over at his admirer. "Oh, nothing." Cyrrus said and smiled a wide grin. "Yeah, I'll bet. Sit back and relax here for a bit. I'll go inside and get breakfast started." Miko said and crept out of the barn's doors. He blew a soft kiss to his dragon before closing the doors and hurried to the small house in the distance. Torr was found climbing Spiritpoint to clear his mind. From the far distance, he saw a tiny speckle that resembled the Keegan estate, but he couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. He reached into a hand-stitched pouch around his belt and procured a small pair of binoculars, which he used while serving the Confederacy. He could clearly see Miko walking across the field of his grandfather's farmland, not wearing a single stitch of clothing on his muscular body, and carrying a large platter. "What's that crazy fox up to now?" Torr said under his breath as he followed Miko's every move with the binoculars. "I don't know what's up over there, but I'm taking a closer look." Torr said as he hoisted himself upright. Racing down the large hill, he crossed the vacant meadow, keeping as discreet as he possibly could, until the Keegan estate towered before him. "I'll find out just what is going on here once and for all." Torr said and crept upon the silent barn as quiet as a fieldmouse. He stood upon one of the empty barrels sitting underneath the small window and lifted his head high enough to peer inside. Torr almost fell backwards as he saw the body of the green dragon sitting inside, eating off the same platter as Miko, and he also noticed the dragon's erection growing from his vents. "So, that's why Miko wouldn't talk to Winter. He's as homosexual as they come!" Torr whispered, trying not to be heard. He watched in amazement as Miko and Cyrrus shared a filling meal of scrambled eggs, fresh-cooked bacon, and linked sausages, giving each other a couple kisses as they ate. "That's so disgusting!" Torr said under his breath, but he felt rooted to the spot he stood. Something inside him forced him to watch everything the male couple were doing in the barn. Miko cast aside the empty platter and climbed into the arms of his green-scaled lover. Cyrrus smiled as he covered Miko's muzzle in a deep, passionate kiss, their tongues dancing together as they shared the tender moment. Torr felt his body begin to lose its balance and grabbed onto the side of the barn as best as he could to keep his weight centered atop the barrel. He let out a quick yelp as his body fell to the floor, and landed flat on his back. "Ow!" Torr shouted and immediately tried to rise to his feet. "What was that?" Cyrrus asked. Miko stood and looked into the direction of the window. "I don't know, but I think we're being watched. Stay here." Miko said and crept towards the doors of the barn. He slid the door open just enough for his body to slip through, then closed it after stepping out into the open. "Who's there? Show yourself now!" Miko shouted, but the perpetrator remained in hiding. Miko used his stealthy movement he developed from the Confederacy to sneak up onto the invader of his territory. Torr's ears immediately picked up the sound of Miko's paws lightly stepping across the gritty floor of the barnyard and struggled to his feet. Miko took a mighty leap around the corner of the barn and found the wolf he grew up with standing wearily as he held his head. "Torr? What are you doing here?" Miko asked as he stood, not even taking to account of the lack of clothing on his body. Torr looked up at his naked best friend and glared angrily into his eyes. "I should be asking you that question, traitor!" Torr said and pointed an angry paw at the fox. Miko crossed his arms across his mid-section as he leaned against the side of the barn. "You dare call me a traitor? I'm no traitor, I've just grown more wise than the entire village of Gorokk ever was. The question is, what are you doing on my property? I don't ever remember sending you an open invitation. You have ten seconds to get your canine hide off my field!" "I guess the truth really does stand out. Not only are you a traitor, you're a damned homosexual! How could you?" Torr shouted. "Hey, it's my life, not yours, and not anybody else's. The only one I want to be a part of my life is my dragon lying hurt in this barn here. Now, I'm not the one that attacked my best friend and eavesdropped on his privacy, so don't stand there and tell me about being anybody's traitor. Until you can learn how to act like the Torr Blackwell I once knew, you can just forget you ever knew me!" Miko shouted and stomped away to enter into the barn, slamming the door loudly behind him. "Someday, Miko, you're going to regret having entered into this world. I will be right there to make sure that happens. Just you wait and see!" Torr shouted and picked up a large rock in his paw. He thrust the rock through the small window of the barn and shattered the glass pane. "Leave us alone, Torr!" Miko shouted back. "Who was that, love?" Cyrrus asked as he softly brushed his paw against Miko's angry face. "Torr Blackwell. He used to be my best friend. I say good riddance to him. He attacks me, trespasses onto my property, and eavesdrops on my privacy. Does that sound like anybody's best friend to you?" Miko asked in a quivering tone. Cyrrus shook his head slowly and wrapped his arms around Miko's body. "I won't let him harm you anymore. We can take care of each other." Cyrrus said softly. Miko turned to face his loving dragon and rested his head against Cyrrus's thick chest. He could hear the steady, constant beating of Cyrrus's heart. Immediately, Miko burst into uncontrollable sobbing. Cyrrus held his fox softly in his arms and nuzzled his head softly against the soft fur of the fox's cheek, and the couple remained in an everlasting, comforting embrace. From within the Confederate base, Torr held his head low and bumped into Marlo Grusser as he walked by. "Hey, watch it, Torr." "Marlo, sorry. I didn't see you there." Torr said in a bit of an angered tone. "What is bothering you? I've noticed you haven't really been acting like yourself lately. What gives?" Torr looked into the window of the lieutenant's barracks and noticed the towering ox hard at work behind his desk. He looked back into Marlo's eyes and lowered his voice. "Marlo, listen, can you keep a secret? I mean, if anybody else knows this, it might cost me my tail." Marlo nodded slowly and Torr accompanied him to the other side of the village. Once atop Spiritpoint, Torr proceeded to tell of his discovery. Meanwhile, in the seclusion of the barn, Miko relaxed in the warmth of his lover, gazing up at his eyes, and sighing softly. "Are you all right, Miko?" Cyrrus asked as he leaned his head down to kiss the worried fox softly. "It's Torr. We've never got into anything fierce like that. Not ever." "He seemed rather upset, and for that matter, so did you. You do realize he could easily bring his army with him." "I know. I have already taken that into account last night." "What are we to do if they come here?" "We go down fighting. There's no other choice. I'm a decent shot with a crossbow, and you could easily burn down the entire fleet of soldiers with one breath." "You really are sounding like a traitor." Cyrrus whispered and rested his head in Miko's lap. "I would gladly give up my friends, my army, my village, just to live with you for all eternity, sweet Cyrrus." Miko whispered as he ran his paw softly across the dragon's head. Cyrrus smiled and emitted a satisfying tone of a dragon's purr through his throat. Torr Blackwell finished telling Marlo of his discovery, and the ox slouched forward, taking in every word Torr had to say. He scratched behind his ear as Torr seated himself on the soft, grassy hilltop. "I feel it's time for extreme action. What do you say about that?" Torr asked as he extended his paw. Marlo gave a smile and shook Torr's paw tightly and firmly. "You're a good ox, Marlo. I'm going to need your help." Torr said as the pair headed down the slope of Spiritpoint. "Anything I can do, I'll give it my best. After all, there is a dragon living not too far from the village, and it's a member of our own Confederacy that's behind it all. You have my word." "Great. I'm going to need you to round up the rest of the platoon. Make sure you gather as many together as you can. We'll meet in the forest tonight at eighteen-hundred hours." "You got it, Torr. See you tonight." Marlo said and started to salute the wolf. "What's that for, Marlo? We're of the same rank, you don't need to salute me." "Sorry, Torr. Force of habit coming back again." "It's okay. Just do your part. I have to work on a strategy." Marlo nodded swiftly and headed off into Gorokk Village. The sun started to set on the land of Tieral, as little by little, the soldiers of the Confederacy began to form in the thick forest. Torr paced swiftly back and forth as he waited for the troop to assemble. Lying against a wide Koruko tree stood several spears Torr constructed. As the troop waited, they sparred against one another to keep their close-range fighting skills honed. The entire troop assembled before Torr Blackwell as he paced back and forth along the lineup of eager soldiers, each one dressed in their own casual wear. Each soldier was equipped with a spear, and shared the same angry glare in their eyes. "All right, troop, listen up. Tonight, we're reclaiming the safety of the village. Over yonder lies the last Confederate soldier that's keeping the enemy secluded. Miko Keegan is a traitor, a homosexual, and defied the entire Confederacy by calling us the enemy. US!" Torr screamed, his voice echoing across the forest. "He dies for that." one soldier piped up. "He has no right to oppose his village! I say we slay him and his dragon." another soldier said. "However we do it, we have to make it look like an accident. Our calling as soldiers of the Confederacy calls for serving and protecting Gorokk Village of the dragons's encounters. We're only doing our job. Chances are, that fox will try to get in our way. It'll be in the bag. Come on, let's go get us a dragon." "Yeah!" the platoon shouted and filed swiftly through the forest. "Hey! Keep to your formation, guys!" Torr shouted. The soldiers quickly formed into a double- file line and slunk down into the darkness of the wide Gorokk meadow. Once they stood near the barn, Torr continued. "We will all go in formation. Marlo, I want you to lead the flank. Now, we'll need to form two lines. I want the sharpest fighters with a spear on this side. Those that are our weakest over there. Double time, let's go, let's go!" Torr commanded, and immediately, the platoon lined up according to their close-combat skills. "Okay, it's a little uneven. That's all right. Now, this is the way we'll go in. There's about thirty of us altogether. I want a skilled combatant to pair up with a weaker one. We move in swiftly, and encircle the dragon. Don't give him any chance to elude us. Attack hard, and attack often. Try to aim for the throat, and use as much force as you can with your thrusts. All right. Let's move in." Torr said and leapt into the lineup of troops. From within the barn, Miko brushed his paw softly upon the dragon's broken wing to see if there was an improvement. The door to the barn crept open slowly. Miko and Cyrrus sprang up in shock as they found the occupancy of the barn quickly fill with the Confederacy. "Torr, what is this all about?" Miko said as he identified his former best friend among the group. "ATTACK!" Torr screamed. Immediately, Cyrrus swiped his long tail across the floor and threw his body violently to and fro, trying to dodge the attack of spears. He let out a loud roar, loud enough to deafen the ears of the platoon, but their main concern was to bring the dragon down. As Cyrrus swept his tail across the floor of the barn, knocking soldiers back with his large sweeps, Miko resorted to using his fists to fight off any standing soldiers that were nearby. "Cyrrus, they're too overwhelming for me! I'm getting my crossbow!" "Oh, no you don't." Torr said and tackled the muscular fox to the floor. "Let me go, Torr. Why are you doing this to me?" "You called us the enemy, Miko. You deserve to die just like this dragon does!" Torr shouted and grabbed Miko's throat tightly with his paw. As powerful as Miko's muscular body was, he still had trouble fending off the strangling attack of the wolf which knelt upon his fallen body, his knee pressing deeply into his chest. Miko channeled all the strength he could muster into his fist and punched at Torr's nose as hard as he could. Torr shook off the stinging sensations and increased the grip around Miko's throat. Meanwhile, Cyrrus was overwhelmed by the onslaught of soldiers that seemed to keep coming towards him. Only a small handful of soldiers sustained fatal injuries, but the majority of them still lurched their spears towards the dragon. The strength of his scales were barely enough to fend off the attacks, but no matter how painful the sharp points of the spears felt, he held back everything he could to keep his fire breath to himself. He kept swishing his tail madly, trying to fend off the soldier's attacks, and took a quick glance at his lover on the floor being choked by the wolf's strong grip. "Leave him alone!" Cyrrus yelled and drew his tail back. Before Cyrrus had a chance to strike Torr with his tail, he felt a sudden, sharp pain in his throat. His eyes fixed on the ox that appeared before him to deliver the fatal attack with the long, sharp spear, which went through Cyrrus's throat and stuck out through the back of his neck. "AAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHH!" Cyrrus screamed and threw his head back. He pointed his muzzle straight up, and could not resist howling in sheer pain. As he tried to remove the spear from his throat, a stream of fire left his mouth and caught the loft of the barn ablaze. "Fire! Fire! Retreat now!" Marlo hollered. Immediately, the remaining standing soldiers scrambled to rescue their injured allies and carried them to the safety of the open field outside the barn. The fire quickly spread over the entire roof of the barn and began to catch the sides of the structure, followed by the sweep of fire across the dry hay-lined floor. Torr gave Miko's body a swift kick with his foot paw before dodging the towering flames that shot up in front of him like fiery walls. Using his speed and his vast leaping skills, Torr sprung for the doors of the barn, just as the entire exit engulfed in flame. From inside the barn, Miko rose from the floor and coughed heavily from the combination of having his breath squeezed from his throat and the rising smoke and fire in the barn. "Cyrrus! CYYYYRUUUUUS!" Miko cried as he saw the dragon lying motionless on the floor. The flames moved in closer to the couple, and in a weak tone of voice, Cyrrus spoke. "Get....get out...save...yourself." "No, Cyruss. I want to stay with you." "You...can still make it. I...I'm finished here. Go." "No!" Miko screamed and latched onto the left hind leg of his beloved dragon tightly. "Whether we live together or die together, we remain...together!" Miko shouted as the roof of the structure began to collapse and fell onto the floor, catching more of the barn floor on fire. Miko squinted his eyes and tried to see through the smoke and moisture in his eyes, and could barely make out the outline of the last vision he would ever see before leaving his life as a hard- working, fighting fox. "I....love....you....Cyr...." Miko uttered listlessly. The life of his beloved dragon ended too soon to hear a reply, and it wasn't long before Miko's spirit joined his side in the spirit realm. He fought the toughest battle of his life when he had to let go of his best friend, and now, the recoil of their falling out went up in a blazing flash of fire that took the lives of a loving couple that once hated one another, but through the midst of the differences and the hatred between both races, two beings from opposite worlds managed to come together to find love. It was love they found together, and after a brief moment later, faced their death together. Nobody remained on the Keegan's property as it engulfed into flames. Within the hearts of the Confederacy, he who lived through one day shall rise to fight another, and never wear the scars of loss from the battles of yesterday's past. From across the meadow, the Confederacy watched as the flames swallowed the entire structure before slowly dying down. They celebrated amongst themselves for their accomplishments of the dragon they brought down, and the lineup of troops quickly disbanded. From the darkness of Spiritpoint, the figure of a muscular wolf stood desolate atop the large hill overlooking the entire land. His duty was to protect the village, and he set out to do just that. Deep down inside, he felt a slight tinge of remorse for having taken the life of the very fox that was once his best friend, now became the remains of the smoldering soot and ash that the inferno left behind. "It's over...for all of us, it's over." Torr whispered under his breath and slowly backed down the large hill, and headed back into Gorokk Village, never to speak a further word about his accomplishment. The End. ***This is the Free version of Miko's Fire. This story has been truncated and made into a Rated PG13 story for magazine submission, thus leaving out a lot of detail, plus a longer epilogue (and not to mention the "good stuff" that people like to read about in furrotic stories.) To order the full printed manuscript, please contact the author at sonicblu@yahoo.com***