Kiss of Time

A Light in the Darkness

           The air seemed eerily still as a sickening silence fell over the cathedral, the smell of blood filling the air as Seth stood over Xavier, a demonic grin dancing over his lips as he felt a surge of power behind him.

“Aldurin,” Seth said, a soft hiss intertwining into his voice. “Master of time.. To what do I owe such a pleasure?”

           His tail lashing in unison, the ancient wolf’s eyes closed as an elderly voice seemed to ripple through the very fabric of existence. “Sethorite Du’Karen.. I can not allow you to harm the girl..”

           Sethorite’s body twisted to turn and face Aldurin, ripping his claws from Xavier as he wrenched around, blood spilling to the floor as Xavier fell unconscious, his eyes closing before he could even hit the floor.

“You must be joking,” Scoffed Seth, an amused tone wrapping his hissing voice. “And who will stop me, eh Aldurin?” An evil grin seemed to dance over his lips for a moment as he spoke, swiftly adding in, “Your withered hands and dusty rod would not even touch me.”

           Chuckling, Aldurin shook his head as he began to move, almost gliding, his feet never truly touching the black marble floor.

“Sethorite, thou hast underestimated me greatly,” came the elderly voice once more, the almost regal tone rippling through the fabric of existence. “Thou hast given everything in thy search for power, and now thou has nothing.” Stopping almost shoulder to shoulder with Sethorite, an awkward smile formed over Aldurin’s face, his pale blue eyes studying Aurin as she lay motionless on the floor.

           His eyes narrowing, Sethorite glanced over, his vampiric fangs shifting slightly as a slight frown crossed his face. “Ye know nothing magi.. I’ve strength that not even you could possibly comprehend!”

           “Perhapse,” rippled the elderly voice as Aldurin glanced to Sethorite, his pale blue eyes seemingly piercing what little soul the demonic creature had left. “Though raw strength, Sethorite, is not power..” With that Aldurin vanished from sight, his voice rippling through the fabric of existence as he added in. “Pray for the forgiveness of thyn gods, Sethorite, for thou hast no time to remain within the material plane.”

           Time it’s self seemed to once more come to a screeching halt as Sethorite stood, his eyes scanning over the whole of the cathedral around him as he held his claws ready, a soft growl escaping his throat, reverberating from every wall to break the sickening silence. It seemed like an eternity as he stood, waiting, fear begining to slowly warp his mind and shatter what sanity had survived within his blackened, decrepit soul.

           Feeling something crash with an ungodly force against the back of his skull, Sethorite wrenched forward, every bone in his torso fraying as he flew like a rag-doll across the cathedral, only to have the same force crush against his wings, tearing the thin leathery appendages to shreds as he was once again propelled towards the opposite side of the cathedral, his body slamming into the wall with such force as to spider web the marble from the floor to the ceiling.

           Coughing up a mouthful of blood, Sethorite stood up, his body trembling as his eyes opened, looking out at the whole of the cathedral for a moment before another sharp blow struck his jaw, wrenching him into the air to smash against the roof, the ebony ceiling quivering for a moment as it seemed to warp outward, thin cracks intertwining, sending veins of grey through the ebony ceiling.

           Falling from the ceiling, Sethorite’s mutilated and limp body tossed around like a rag doll as it plummeted towards the black marble floor. His eyes opened for a split second as he fell, only to behold the figure of Aldurin with his paw held high in the air before his vision fell dark, a look of agony almost freezing over his face as he landed empaled around the ancient wolf’s arm.

           As he stood, Sethorite’s body wrapping his arm, the demons blood soaking his right side, Aldurin’s muzzle parted as he spoke, his words breaking the silence of the ruined cathedral. “Thou hast fallen,” Said the ancient wolf, an almost regal tone to his voice. “Now into the fires of hell thou shall return with a warning for thy master.” his arm lowered, allowing Sethorite’s mutilate body to slide from his arm as he added in with a soft tone to his elderly voice. “Death is neigh, thy dark lord shall fall, to the angel of hate he hath created.”

           Awakening to behold the ruins of the once great cathedral, Aurin let out a terrified scream, her lungs emptying as her eyes fell upon the mutilated and twisted corpse which lay before her, soaking in a pool of blood. The demonic liquid near boiled around the body, eating away at the flesh which now hung loosely from it’s bones.

           Terrified, Aurin curled up, shivering as tears began to flow freely down her cheeks, her soft whimpers echoing off the walls of the ruined cathedral. Waking to the sound of Aurin’s whimpering, Xavier rolled to his side, ignoring the pain which surged through him as he wrapped his arms around the quivering vixen.

           Falling into the warm embrace of their own dreams, the two very different companions slept. Their dreams filled with the horrors which had come to pass that night, though neither awoke until the light of dawn, for they knew that they must overcome their own fear to survive the blood-soaked path which lay ahead of them.