Taria panted heavily and sighed with relief as she fell back, her entire body exhausted. Fear struck her heart as she heard silence. Grass and other debris from the surrounding field clung to her fur as she pushed herself up. She looked at the female what sat before her who stared down at the limp form in her paws.


“I’m sorry Taria. You’re kit didn’t survive childbirth.” She said as she held the little platinum furred kit out to her. Taria was now in tears as she stared at the kit she carried in her for all that time, now dead. He, it was a male, it was a rare gift to give birth to a male, would never know life. The poor fragile thing died before it could even open its eyes, or take its first breath of fresh air.


Taria took the kit and clutched it to her chest anyway. She held the baby and cried for the life she knew all to well. The other female’s face said it all, it was filled with sorrow and sympathy as she stood up, her five tails hanging limply behind her, her paws still stained with the blood and other fluids. Taria stared up at the female who she called friend. At some point, a single tear fell into the babies partially open mouth, and somehow, that tear was all it took.


The little kit convulsed and shook in a seizure, and then the most beautiful sound came, the crying of Taria’s kit. She looked down at the tiny young kit, surprised to see his ruby red eyes open and looking up at her. She had no words, she just smiled down at the kit as it cooed and reached up toward her. Both mother and baby were a mess.


The other female approached and helped Taria clean off the new life and wrap him in a blanket. Afterward she settled the mother back against a tree as the baby nursed, and checked to make sure no physical damage was done to the mother by the birthing of the tiny kit.


Taria looked down at her kit, only one name would fit. I meant, ‘he who has stars for eyes’, and she knew her kit would be forever know as this. “Welcome to life Derego.” She said as she held her nursing kit to her breast.




Taria sat in her home, enjoying a cup of tea as she waited for her kit to return from playing. She almost dropped her cup as the mud covered platinum kitsune male came in. “Hi mama.” He said as he came in. “Hold it, stop right there.” She said, not wanting her little kit to track dirt all over. “What happened?” She laughed as she helped him get his sandals off. “I was playing!” He said as he put a muddy paw print on her shoulder.


Taria laughed. “What were you playing that you could possibly get this dirty?” She asked. “Chase.” He said and smiled. Taria struggled to keep her smile. “Go take a bath, okay? Make sure you get all that mud out of your fur.” She said. And patted him on the back, he nodded and ran off.


Derego was completely clueless… what was intended as cruelty, he thinks is people playing with him. He doesn’t even know who he truly is. Maybe if his father were still alive things could be explained to him better. She never even tried to tell him who he was, it was better that he never knew. If he has enough of his father in him, he may try to follow in his father’s footsteps.


But still… it was an inspiration to her to see her son so fearless and brave. She also admired his ability to outwit his persuers every time. It’s quite difficult for a kitsune to trick another kitsune, but he does it ever time… maybe… because Derego isn’t a kitsune.




“Mom!” Derego ran into the house in tears. Taria was there as always, ready to greet her son, only this time she found herself holding the crying kit. He was about nine years old now. He lost the sweet bliss of his youthful ignorance and soon learned how cruel the world could be.


“What’s wrong Derego?” She asked, feeling as though she herself would cry. “They lied to me.” He cried. “They said if I did what they told me, they’d let me play, and they lied. I did everything they said and they wouldn’t let me play, they made fun of me and threw things at me…” He cried in her arms. “Shh, its okay Derego, nobody will do anything to you here, you’re safe with me…” She said. She noticed the bruises on his back and held him tightly.


“I’m sorry Derego…” She thought, “I’m sorry I brought you into such a cruel world.” She cried as she held him. In the past she was glad Derego’s father was gone, but now, she wished he was hear. He could show Derego the truth about what he was, and those who do this would cower in fear once Derego knew the truth.


Derego would have to learn to defend himself, she would arrange for her sister to teach him, it was the only way to make sure nobody would hurt him again.




“Hey Ma.” Derego said as he walked in, both tails moving behind him. Already at the age of 16 he seemed close to full grown. Taria noticed the specks of fresh blood on his shirt. She knew it wasn’t his, but she still hated the fact it was there. “You’ve been fighting again.” She said. His ears folded back, “Yes, but I didn’t have a choice. You’d think they’d leave me alone after the first thirty beatings.” He said regretfully as he sat next to his mother.


“So, what have you been up to today?” He asked with a boyish smile on his face.




Derego watched her from his hiding place. She was beautiful, more beautiful then any kitsune he’d seen. He hadn’t been venturing outside the land of the kitsune long, but already he was intrigued by the species know as foxes. They resembled kitsune so much only they had reddish fur, while others had white, and a variety of other colors.


This particular vixen wasn’t like the other’s he had drained energy from, she was different. He watched her, and followed her. He had even spoken to her, and showed himself to her. But she always seemed uneasy around him, she he preferred to keep himself hidden. He never even thought of taking her in the bedroom as he’d done with several others already. Although not that the others complained as they always wake up feeling like they had the world’s greatest erotic dream.


“I know you’re watching me. Why do you do this?” She asked and Derego jumped down from his place up in the tree. He was a three tail now, and was fully grown though still had a very youthful look to him, as typical of a 19 year old. “I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t. But you’re the most beautiful creature I’ve seen.” He said.


“I know how you kitsune’s work, you’re trying to seduce me.” She said and looked at him. She was a young sorceress so she knew how to protect herself from his charms anyway “No, I-I don’t want to seduce you, I don’t want to take you. I… I just like looking at you, that’s all.” He admitted. She looked at him oddly.


“I think I’m in love with you.” He said as he looked into her eyes. There was a long silence, and Derego could feel the fur on his neck stand up. “You’re in love with me?” She asked finally. “Yes.” Derego said quietly, just loud enough for her to hear.


“Well isn’t that funny, because I hate you!” She hissed. Derego’s eyes went wide. “You’re a real freak nobody could love you, you’re not even a kitsune, you’re not anything your just some… Ugh, there’s not even a word for what you are!” She said and spat. “Just the thought that you love me makes me sick to my stomach.” She growled.


Derego didn’t know what to do, he was hurting so bad inside. A few leaves swirled around him as he vanished. Just as he disappeared a tear was left behind and fell to the ground where he stood.


Almost instantly that tear changed. A plant sprung up from the ground as a crimson red flower, beautiful, yet dark. The black poison dripping thorns seemed to killed the very earth below it as the grass and seemingly the very soil around the plant died, dry up, and wither away. It was the flower of the dead heart. To look at it is to know the true pain and sorrow of a broken heart.




Derego sat at his mother’s bedside, she was the only person in this whole damned world who really cared about him, and she was the only person in this whole damned world he cared about. Her condition was getting worse every day, and soon, she would leave him forever.


“I’ll find some way to cure you, I promise.” Derego said as he held her paw. “I’ll walk all of Aies if I have to.” He said, and lowered his head. It pained him so much to see her like this, the strong female that brought him into this world.


“Derego… I don’t know how much longer I have. I could have a year, or a week, I don’t know. But I have to tell you something.” She said as she looked up at him. “Derego, my son, my boy… I know you always wondered who your father was, so I’m going to tell you…” She said as watched as he hung on her every word.


“Your father wasn’t a kitsune… I always told you, you were special, that you were different from everyone else. His blood isn’t very strong in you, but its there. Your father was…”




Derego stumbled in through the door and collapsed. He’d gone so long without food… He just hoped whoever lived in this palace, as ominous as it seemed, would offer shelter. “You are trespassing…” The voice calmly said as it surrounded him. “Please, help me, I’ve gone without food or water in this barren place for so long, I can’t go on any longer.” Derego begged.

He felt himself lifted up off the ground by some unseen force. His tattered clothes were stripped off and his was covered in a robe of fine red silk with ebony embroidering. “I see… You are Deakae’s son. I admit, you aren’t what I expected.” The voice said as a pale human appeared. He was adorn with dark robes, and looked so feeble, as if he was literally nothing but skin and bone.


“I am the lich king, I can give you no name, because I have existed for so long I’ve forgotten it. I will offer you shelter and nourishment in honor of your great father.” He said. Derego to this day still couldn’t believe who his father was. He sure couldn’t see any resemblance, but it did explain the platinum coloring to his fur, and his eyes.


The lich king had his undead minions prepare a magnificent feast for Derego. Derego was a little frightened of them at first, but quickly learned they were harmless. As Derego ate and drank to his hearts content, he told the lich king about his mother. He remained silent until the end of the meal when he spoke.


“I believe I know a way to save your mother.” He said, and began to tell Derego of his plan.




Derego ran into the house to find several of his relatives standing around. “W-what are you all doing here? Where’s my mother?” He demanded. His aunt carefully approached. “Its time for her to go Derego, she can’t hold on any longer.” She said. Derego shook his head. “N-NO!” He cried and pushed past them to get to her.


“Mother! Mother, you have to hold on! I found a way to save you, please hold on.” He cried. “Derego… I’m so happy to see you… I’m glad I got to see your face one more time… before…” She said weakly. “No, hold on I can save you!” He shouted… but she was gone.


“NO!” Derego shouted and shook her, but she didn’t rouse. “Come on, I walked the lands for years to find this cure! I didn’t give up! Don’t do this! Don’t… don’t leave me alone.” He shouted, anger, sadness, regret, but most of all, pain, were all present in his voice. Derego’s mother was gone, she was dead… And Derego had already sacrificed some of his soul to try and save her.


He belonged to the lich king now…



Derego’s fur was stained with blood as he walked into the lich kings throne room, all nine of his tails waved behind him in an impressive display. “You have served me well. Ask of me anything, and it’s yours.” The lich king said as he sat in his throne. “You know what I want.” Derego growled.


Derego turned to leave as the lich king cast the spell. As Derego walked into the sunlight, there she was, his mother, alive again. He smiled at her, but her expression was empty of emotion. “Mother?” he asked. He stepped back as she hissed at him. He noticed the smell of decay that surrounded her. This wasn’t his mother, this was something dark.


The lich king had done this terrible thing to her. She was doomed now to live a half-life. Derego drew his sword and delivered to her the peace she needed. The lich king wronged Derego terribly that day, and he would pay.




Derego stood on the battlefield, this was the end, after this, it was over. He turned to the twelve demonic generals. “This is the end, the war is over as of now.” He said and raised his sword up and plunged it into his chest. His eyes glowed as he chanted the binding spell. The entire army seemed to flow into him like a river of lost souls.


It was all too much for Derego, he couldn’t hold the power. The ground quaked and the sky dripped blood as hell itself opened up. Derego wasn’t even dead before the thousands of vine like tentacles wrapped around him and dragged him and the armies down into hell…