Silver’s Path


My name is Silver. I am a Half-Wolf. Though I look more like a wolf, I am part dog. I got my name from my silvery fur. I walked the lonely path for so many years, but now thing have finally turned for the good.


When I was young my pack was slaughtered, and only my mother and I survived, but we were separated, and I’ve been looking for her since. The infamous Terror clan, were the culprits and thus I’ve been stalking them for some time. I continued on this lonely path to find the last of my family, but then things changed.


I was tricked by a fox and was caught in a trap. After twelve agonizing days of pain and being half buried in the snow, I was freed by a beautiful white wolf. Her name was Aurora. She had been treated very badly by her pack before she was forced out. For evidence of that just look at the scars on her face. Still, she is very beautiful, and as she nursed me back to health, we fell in love, though we hadn’t told each other.


The truth finally came out when we encountered the beta of the Terror clan. The one that hurt my Aurora. I killed his reputation and disgraced him. Trust me in wolf terms its worse than death. Aurora and I confessed our love after that, and due to the right time of the season, we mated, and now my beautiful she-wolf’s belly is swelling with our young. She is still the most beautiful wolf ever. She has this aura of purity around her. She’s going to be an excellent mother. I just hope I can measure up as a father.


Ohh.” I heard and rolled over in the cave.


“What is it?” I asked with worry on my face.


“Nothing… they’re kicking.” She laughed and guided my paw onto her stomach.


“Feisty little pups… just like their mother.” I joked. Even though I’ve only know Aurora for less then a year, I’m still madly in love with her, and feel like I know everything about her.


“I was so worried that I wouldn’t be able to have pups, and now I think I have too many.” She groaned as she sat up. I helped her. She didn’t need my help, but still…


“Probably not more then four, since you only have four breasts to feed them with. I’d hate to think of a fifth going hungry.” I laughed and glanced at the new pair of breasts that were becoming prominent just below the first pair.


“Which reminds me, you’re off tap when the cubs come, they’ll need their food.” She laughed and pushed me.


Awww.” I whined.


“Silver, can I talk to you seriously for a moment.” She said. This didn’t sound good. I sat up and looked upon her beautiful face.


“Silver… I don’t want to have our pups here.” She said. I was a little shocked. This cave had become our home, and if she wasn’t comfortable here, where would she be?


“Why?” I asked.


“I don’t want my pups to be born here. For starters, there is Terror clan, they’ll kill them if they get the chance. You and I both know it.” She said. It was true. Aurora was from Terror pack originally until she was cast out and scarred, and my entire pack, cubs and all, where mercilessly killed by them. I’m still haunted by nightmares of the horror I saw that day when I woke up to find everyone dead. In my deep sleep my mother had hidden me well enough so they wouldn’t find me.


“There’s that… and well… I’ve been having this dream. It really scars my Silver. A dark shadow comes, and we try to run. Then I’m alone, and suddenly my paws are covered in blood and I can hear my babies crying, and then they stop.” She whimpered. This was really bothering her. My poor beautiful she-wolf. “When I was a pup, the game here started becoming scarce. Soon, we’ll have to leave anyway, as it is we have to compete with Terror clan for food. There just isn’t enough and with our pups…” She said and trailed off.


I knew things were getting bad, but I didn’t want to move. These are my packlands. I’m the last of Frostmoon, and I need to keep their memory alive… that… and I still haven’t found her, my mother. I promised my father I would find her.


“Where can we move too? There aren’t really many suitable places we can go.” I said.


“I know of a place… but… Silver I want to go before I’m too far along, and we’ll be very safe there. We can raise our cubs in peace.” She said, dodging the location.

”Where is it?” I asked suspiciously. I knew already I was going to hate it.


“The town.” She said quietly.


“NO!” I growled. “No! I’m not letting you near them! They took my mother and had their way with her. That’s why I’m a half-breed remember? I won’t let them do that to you!” I shouted and stood up. I moved to the mouth of our cave and looked out at the falling snow.


“Silver… I lived in the town after Terror clan cast me out. They took me in and gave me a home.” She said as a tear came to her eye. “They gave me a life. I lived there right up until I found you. Then I stayed out here to be with you.” She said.


I couldn’t believe it. My love was a town dweller. “You realized these are the same people that slaughtered our ancestors for land? And in the end pit our packs against each other for food and land?” I asked and watched her nod.


“They aren’t like that now though.” She said. “I wasn’t the only wolf there either. There was another there who took me in.” She added.


“I’d really rather not… because he’s there…” I said and hung my head. “Silver, aren’t you even the least bit curious about your real father? Maybe he won’t be as bad as you think.” She said and I shook my head. “He forced himself upon mother, how can I… Can I sleep on it?” I asked. I needed time to decide. Terror clan has tried to kill us once or twice after Aurora refused to kill me and return to them, but they seemed to have given up on us, so for some time we were safe.


I curled back up on the furs we used for a bed, and she quickly joined me. “What were you doing out this far anyway… I mean to find me. We’re weeks away from the town… unless we go through the mountains that is.” I asked as we lay together.

”I just have to come out here sometime. I’ve never been gone this long though. They’re probably worried about me.” She said.


I was already asleep, so I didn’t hear that last part.


We slept against one another as we did most nights. We both dreamed that night. But mine were different then they usually were.


I saw a raven… the harbingers of death. It was picking at the last shreds of meat on a carcass. It was the only food left.

“Dad, I’m hungry.” Whine the little pup next to me.


“I know, I’m hungry too. But all they prey left.” I said and knelt down to pick him up.


“Daddy!” I heard another cry behind me. I turned and saw another nameless cub. Out of the mist, I saw yellow eyes. They approached me and suddenly I could see them clearly. They were wolves, an entire pack of them.


I watched one look at me and nod before they turned and walked away. “Wait!” I called after them.


I knew them… I didn’t know from where… but I knew them… The ghost memories I kept of Frostmoon. I didn’t know what they wanted from me, but I couldn’t help but feel a burden be put upon my shoulders.


I looked behind me to see Aurora… She didn’t look healthy at all, but she still held her cub like a caring mother. But then things sped up. As night fell Aurora died. The cubs were soon to follow. I watched as their flesh fell from their bodies and their bones bleached.




“Silver! What it it?” Aurora sat up and put a paw on my shoulder. I was panting so hard I couldn’t control my speech.


“I… dream… bad… die.” I babbled as I tried to catch my breath, and maybe stop my heart from bursting out of my chest. I stood up and staggered out of our cave. Once I got my coordination about me I started running. I kept going and I didn’t stop. I ran to the top of the cliff and howled.


I was deeply disturbed by the dream. What did it mean Troubles were ahead. Maybe it was a warning from the Wolf mother? Or just a nightmare. Either way I was still struggling to regain my senses.


One month later


I’ve hardly slept since that first night. I also hardly returned to the cave. I’d basically just go back, let Aurora know I’m alive. And bring her food. But then I’d seem to wander out again. I haven’t been able to give her my answer yet.


I am in incomplete wolf. I am half dog, yet my spirit is that of a wolf, and so I live as one. Yet, I have no pack. I have Aurora, but that makes us nothing more then a pair of rogues. I needed help… as much as I hated to admit it I can’t do this alone.

I know Aurora was worried about me. I’ve lost a lot of weight lately due to my lack of appetite. Whenever I go to eat, I think of the raven, and then I think of Aurora and her cubs dying and rotting because I couldn’t provide for them.


The land is changing. The prey is moving and food is becoming more and more scarce in these regions. In a few years, they might not come through here at all. I hate change. Change took my family from me, and robbed me of my life… but change also gave me Aurora, for whom I worry so much about.


I’ve never had to hold responsibility for anyone before, and now here I am, an expected father sitting up here on a cliff looking down upon the world. It made me nauseous to think about it. “What if I fail?” I asked.


“Then you fail. All you can do is give it your best try. That’s all any good wolf can be expected to do.” My father said as he came up behind me. I was so tired the fact that I was seeing ghosts hardly bothered me. If I was still with my pack they probably would have trained me to be a shaman because of this. I watched him sit next to me and look out on the world.


“Find you’re real father Silver… finding him will help show you the way. It will also show you the truth of your origins. From there, you will have to decide what to do. The choice that lies ahead is a path that could lead two ways, to life, or to death. I’m afraid there is no middle ground, and more forks lead to death then they do to life. But I have confidence in you my son. You will survive, you always have.” He said before he vanished.


I returned to the cave after I completely lost it and howled at the moon until I couldn’t any longer. I found Aurora asleep. She looked so sweet. I nudged her awake and waited for her to look at me.


“Silver?” She asked, sleep still clouding her mind.


“We leave for town in the morning Aurora.” I said as I curled up next to her and almost instantly fell asleep. I didn’t care that I didn’t dream, this would be the first time in a long time that I’ve slept. I desperately needed the rest, as I couldn’t have gone less then a day before I finally would have collapsed.


When I woke up, Aurora had changed positions and was now hugging me while she used my chest as a pillow. The sun was still down… I wonder how long I’ve been asleep, just a few hours, or an entire day? I hope I didn’t oversleep too much. We should leave as soon as possible since I waited so long, and with each passing day our pups are closer to being brought into this world to brave the harsh mountains and tundra.


I closed my eyes after deciding to try to catch some more sleep before the sun rose into the sky. This time I did dream however, not the disturbing dreams I’ve been having, but just the random wander of my mind while I slept.


When I finally did rouse from my sleep I found my Aurora gone. Where the hell was she going in her condition? She could have at least told me. A familiar, yet unsettling sent caught my nose forcing me to sniff the air to identify it. The scent was one I knew all to well. The vile stench of the Terror clan. I am so thankful that Aurora had lost this particular scent as it stung my nose like old dung and the decay of death itself.


I forced myself up and ran outside to try and find Aurora, and that was when I encountered them. Two were coming in to investigate the cave. I punched one as I ran past. I snarled as I emerged into the snow covered ground. I let them know I meant business by taking an aggressive stance. There were three wolves between myself and Aurora and the alpha, her father.


“… see, this is non-sense, you’re mate wasn’t even aware that you were gone until just now. Now you can choose to die with him or return home.” He said and stared at her threateningly. “I’ll never return home with you, just to watch you slaughter my pups and give me away to the next male who licks at your paws.” She growled, I’m so proud of her. “Hey you! Recognize me old man? I am Silver, survivor of Frostmoon. Years ago you took my pack and my family from me. You ripped my life away from my young paws as I slept. Now, I’m taking Aurora, the only real wolf your pack ever turned out. She doesn’t belong with you… You jackals.” I growled at him. I should mention that calling a wolf a jackal is a major blow to the ego. But they were jackals, they stole from other packs and scavenged away the kills of others.


“Are you challenging me? Worthless half-breed pup?” He laughed. “Yeah, this half-breed is challenging you. But this wolf will be your end. You killed this land long enough, and by the wolf mother I’ll stop you.” I snarled and ran at him. He had a crude knife, and all I had were claws and teeth.


I stopped short and barely avoided the swipe of the knife. I dodged to the side and dug my claws into his arm. “You stabbed my father in the back. At least I will give you an honorably death.” I shouted as a he yelped a bit. Aurora had broken free of the wolf holding her, she looked like she was getting ready to fight. “Aurora, No! Think of the pups! Run! Get out of here, I’ll catch up, head for town!” I shouted before returning my attention on the charging wolf. He brought down the knife to mercilessly stab me, but I blocked. Our arms forced against each others as our growls echoed through the forest.


He was much stronger then I was, this was bad. I shifted my feet closer to him and allowed myself to fall back. As I feel back, he stumbled forward and I drove my foot into his groin hard enough to knock him up and to the side. His howl made my ears feel like they were bleeding. I stood and waited for him to get up. I would loose standing among the others if I killed him then, and I want to get out of this alive, but maybe… there was a chance.


Once he finally recovered, he threw his knife, I flew past my leg opening a crimson line in my fur. I yelped and quickly grabbed the knife and pulled it from the permafrost. I looked up at him just in time to see a fist flying at my face. I felt the cold snow on my back, and the paws around my throat. I couldn’t breath and everything was going dark. I pulled the knife as a last ditch effort and stabbed him in the side, before I pulled the knife out with a horrible sucking noise before I plunged it into his back. He was still squeezing my throat, and finally I stabbed him in the neck. He suddenly let go as a gurgling noise filled my ears and hot blood fell onto my chest.


In my minds feral state, I sank my teeth into his neck and bit down with crushing pressure the second he released my neck. I tore his neck to shreds with my teeth and spat the flesh out, swallowing down the blood and shreds of flesh that were left. I pushed him off myself and howled to the moon.


In unison all of the wolves around sounded in with me. They were distracted and I took off running after Aurora. I followed her prints, I could tell she wasn’t able to run as fast as she normally could, but luckily the wolf mother blessed females with strength during pregnancy. I quickly caught up to her and grabbed her paw. We ran together away from this place. “We’ll go over the mountain, they won’t follow us there.” I growled as we ran. I could see the shocked look on Aurora’s face with the amount of blood on my fur, she was quick to realize it wasn’t mine.


I knew it was cold but when we came to the river… the river, I used to play here as a pup… I had Aurora wash herself, and I did the same, then with the only fur we had we dried ourselves off and left it on the bank. We had to mask our scents. We came to the rope bride across to find it destroyed. “Don’t think you’ll get away that easily.” Growled a familiar voice.


Aurora whimpered and I growled as I stared down the male wolf, beta of Terror clan, or ex-beta would be more accurate. “You bastard!” I growled.


“You ruined me… you destroyed my life.” He growled.


“Eye for an eye.” I snarled and rushed him. I leapt at him and dug my feet in as I clawed at him and sank my teeth into his shoulder. We both toppled to the ground I bit into his leg and arm in our scuffle and finally I kicked him into the river. The currents carried his injured body away.


“Silver, you’re hurt.” Aurora cried.


“Forget it! Move!” I shouted and we ran toward the rocky part of the river. The stones in the bottom were holding the ice flow together. “We cross here.” I said and helped cross the shaky structures. I heard howling behind us. The vengeful betas of Terror clan have no doubt heard the news by now and are upon us. “Shit! Cross the rest of the way but be careful!” I shouted and jumped into the water.


I knocked the out of place that were holding the ice flow together, one by one. My limbs grew so numb from the cold, but I had to do it. There! With the movement of the final boulder the ice bridge began to break up. I struggled to make it back to shore, but with the current and my numbed body it was too difficult. My limbs grew stiff and I found I couldn’t move. My head went under.


Just before the current carried me away something slashed into the water and pulled me from the water. I was dragged up onto the land to see the soaked white wolf over me. “That’s twice you saved me.” I coughed out a little water. “You’re going to get hypothermia… what am I going to do?” She whimpered.


I managed to stand and I grabbed her paw. “F-forget it, lets move.” I said and we continued to run. “When we make it to the mountains we’ll be safe.” I coughed.


The two of us ran not only like our lives depended upon it, but like our pups lives depended on it to. We crossed the foothills as the frozen ground stun our feet. The howls behind us still persisted, sending messages between hunters. We reached the mountains finally.

It was beginning to snow heavily, almost too heavily for this time of year. “Silver we have to find shelter!” Aurora yelled to me.


“I know! Keep you’re eyes opened for a cave.” I shouted over the roaring wind.


The snow began to pack itself into our pelts as we trudged uphill to try to reach our goal. Generations of wolf blood fueled us as we moved.


“Silver! Look!” Aurora shouted. I looked to see a plume of steam rising from the ground ahead. The two of us took off running for it.


I had expected to find maybe some travelers, but instead we found a cave pouring out all this heat. “At least it’s shelter.” I said as we entered the small opening. Inside was barely enough room for us, on solid ground that it. The majority of the cave was a hot spring. “I jumped into the steaming hot water and let it heat up my freezing body. The water bubbled around me.


Aurora lowered herself in more slowly then I did, but she hadn’t spent ten minutes in freezing water trying to delay our pursuers. “We’ll be safe her for the night, we can sleep.” I said and moved next to her.


She shuttered at my touch. “Silver, you’re so cold.” She said.


“Don’t worry about me, being near you warms my heart, and that’s enough.” I said.


“Silver… how are going to make it to the town?” She asked.


“We’ll make it, don’t worry. We’re both survivors.” I said and kissed her cheek.


“Very few have lived the crossing of these mountains.” She said and hung her head.


“We’ll make it, don’t worry.” I assured her.

After we enjoyed the warmth of the spring, we curled up next to each other on the small ledge in the corner. “Goodnight my sweet.” I said and kissed her before we dozed off. We had fled all through the night, and now it was time for sleep. I could tell Aurora truly needed it, she seemed worn down.


That night, I dreamed again. My dreams were never really anything more then pictures. The lights in the sky danced an amusing pattern for me. I felt compelled to follow as it moved across the sky. The trickster of light danced as a jester does. I smiled at it, and felt amused by its antics, but I didn’t laugh at all. The form it took was similar to a petite dog of some kind, too vague to make out.


The huge mountains surrounding me seemed to part as the lights moved through it opening a path to the tiny flames sitting on the horizon. The form in the night sky yipped happily before it vanished, leaving the way open.


I started away from my dream with a flash of white popping out though the caves entrance. I looked down to find Aurora sleeping next to me. Another thing out of place was the fur blanket laying over us. I could pick up an unfamiliar scent it wasn’t a wolf, and it wasn’t anyone I knew, and over my years I have come to know quite a few of the others in the areas I’ve been. I rose and covered Aurora back up. I made my way to the cave entrance to find the snow storm had ended. I looked around to see… nothing.


I wanted a moment and then my eyes saw movement. I could barely see it with the bright sun hitting the snow. It was an arctic fox a female by the look of her. “Who are you?” I asked.


She shook the snow from her fur. “Drat, I was kind of hoping you wouldn’t see me.” She laughed and approached me. “I am White-Fire, and your name is?” She asked.


“I’m Silver, and my mate is Aurora. What are you doing? Why did you give us a fur?” I asked.


“You looked to need it more then I did. I can spare a fur, you and your mate don’t have one to spare.” She said. I had noted an almost seductive tone to her voice. I didn’t really trust her as my last experience with a fox wasn’t a pleasant one.


“Is that the only reason?” I asked.


“Well no, I would have been perfectly content to leave you there, but when I went to bathe, I noticed the female was with pups. And lately I’ve been having dreams in which two wolves try to make their way home. I see that one has pups with her, and the other protects them, but in the end they die on the mountainside. Then there is this pale she-wolf who tells me to help them walk the path.” She said and shrugged.


“So what? You’re going to help us?” I asked a little suspicious.


“I suppose I will. But first you have to do something for me.” She said and I rolled my eyes.


“Figures, what it it?” I asked.


“Play with my kit.” She said. Suddenly a soft yipping could be heard from not far off. “Family isn’t as important to foxes as it is to wolves, but this little kits brother didn’t survive the winter. So I ask you, will you play with him?” She asked.


“This is a waste of time.” I said and shook my head.


“Tell me, when you were an orphan, didn’t you ever wish someone would come and play with you?” She asked.


I stared at her in disbelief for a moment. “How did you know I was…


“Oh please, who doesn’t you’ve been howling for years.” She said. “So, will you play with my kit? Will you shed off the burden of adulthood to enjoy a brief time with a child?” She asked.


“I will.” I said.


The kit and I played for what seemed like hours. A quick game of hide and seek, and then a snowball fight, the some mock fighting where the kit would bat at me. Finally we returned to his mother who smiled. “So, you can trust a fox after being caught in the trap.” She said with a grin.


“How…” I was about to ask, how she knew, but the little kit tugged on my tail.


“Thank you, Silver. You’re pups will be happy.” He said.


I smiled at him and turned back to his mother, only to find a gust of wing carrying some of the fresh powder away. I turned back to the kit to find him gone too. How did the kit know Aurora was expecting pups? And where had they gone, no creature is that fast.


“Take the lower pass. You will know what to do when the time comes. Walk in the footsteps of your mother and father did so long ago. It will be a hard journey, but you will endure.” I heard her voice on the wind.


“Thank you, great fox mother.” I said and bowed my head.


I returned to Aurora’s side gently nudged her. “Aurora.” I spoke softly. She smiled at the sound of my voice and kissed my before she opened her eyes. “Come on my love, we have to keep going.” I said softly. Within the hour we were back on the trail.


Two days later


Tricked by a fox again. I led Aurora down the lower pass. We’ve been following the only path possible for days now, and it seems like we’ve been going in circles. “I never should have listened to her.” I growled as we walked.


“What are you talking about?” Aurora asked. “A fox told me to take the lower pass. But this is getting us NOWHERE!” I shouted and pulled on my ears. “How are we supposed to get to town if we’re going in circles!? Answer me!” I shouted to the sky.


I hear a snapping and crunching of snow breaking echo through my mind. “Oh no…” I said as I remained perfectly still. A rumble began, and was quickly building. “Avalanche!” I shouted and grabbed Aurora’s paw. I ran looking for someplace where we go to give us a surviving chance.


Just as we were about to become buried in snow, Aurora pointed to something. “A cave!” She shouted. I pulled her into it just as the wall of snow slammed passed and entered the cave. We kept running but we were overtaken.


When I came too there was darkness. I felt snow packed all around my body. I forced myself up and broke through the thin layer of snow that covered us. I saw Aurora a few feet ahead lying on her back. “Aurora?” I asked and ran to her side. I pushed the snow away from her body and sat her up. “Come on baby, wake up.” I said and shook her.


Mmmm.” She whined in her unconscious. She had a bad bump on her head and she was out cold. I grunted as I picked her up. “You’re a lot heavier then you look. I’d be surprised if you didn’t have eight pups in there.” I grunted as I carried her deeper into the cave. I could see a bit, but it was hard to make out the contours of the cave.


I walked for hours through the twisting tunnel and eventually we came to an open area and I tripped over something, but I didn’t fall, thank the wolf mother. I put Aurora down and looked at what I tripped over, it didn’t feel like a rock.


I opened the box I had picked up to find the necessities to make a fire. I had also found an old pit with dried old wood inside. I started the fire and looked over at Aurora. She was still asleep. She’ll be alright, she’s probably just tired. Poor thing hasn’t slept in days.


I looked around the cave. It looked like whoever was here last hadn’t been for years. I noticed a backpack lying over in the corner with a airtight jar, inside was some salted meat. The cold and the salt must have kept it edible because it didn’t smell rotten. I ate a piece just to be sure, and it, amazingly, tasted fine. I found a lantern inside, as well as a compass, a blanket, and a bedroll held to it by a belt. One last look turned up a book on the ground behind the pack.


My mother taught me how to read a bit when I was younger, and I still remembered. Our pack had a few books with them and I took one with me when I left. I read that book over and over until the binding broke and I had to leave it behind because I lost so many pages.


I grabbed the bedroll and the blanket and set up a place for Aurora to rest. She would hopefully regain consciousness soon.


I sat next to her and opened the book. It was a journal. I read the first passage, ignoring the dates, since wolves go by a different system.


First entry in a new journal. Hopefully this will be a good one. Well we’ve arrived in this cold and desolate place. Even though I have an entire settlement with me, I still feel alone. I’m used to growing up in a city with more people then you can count and out here there are less then 100 of us. Hopefully more folks will come soon. One thing our team leader pointed out was the amount of wolf packs in the area. The seem so savage at first, but actually they aren’t much different then us.

            The first pack we came into contact with was know as Frostmoon. I was impressed how civilized they can truly be when they came into the camp and asked that we relocate. The politely explained that this was their pack lands and had been for generations, and to build here would disrupt the balance of things. Of course the higher ups refused. The pack alpha, I believe that’s what they call him, said that if we did not move we would have to be forced, as he would not allow his pack to suffer because of our arrogance.

            I was on the side of the wolves, because really, if it had been us, we would want the same thing. They had offered a portion of their lands to us, where we wouldn’t interfere the natural balance, but once again we refused.


Next entry…

The wolves kept their word and attacked. Amazingly not a single person was hurt. I actually saw several wolves pulling people from the houses they set ablaze. A few of them were killed. I couldn’t believe this. They were only trying to look out for their own and we’re killing them for it.


The next few entries were about future attacks on the town, but finally the pace began to change.


            Today, it all came to an end. They had enough with their attacks and chased them into the mountains. They moved too deep into them for the team to follow, but then something happened. When they came back, they had brought a prisoner. A female, her name was Blue-Star, she was very beautiful. She was the alpha female of the pack. She gave herself up willingly to cover her packs escape. I have to say I admire that.

            I had to knock out a few of the others who were harassing her. I filed with the higher ups and, after some serious effort I gained custody of her, since we have no type of prison. My home is small but I managed to set up a place for her. She seemed greatful.


I couldn’t believe what I was reading. Blue-Star… that’s my mother’s name. I kept reading on, I had to know more.


Next entry…

            Well I missed writing for a few days, but I didn’t really have a choice. I feel sorry for Blue-Star she can’t even go outside without people insulting her. I had to sow up her forehead because one of the fools here told their child it was okay to throw rocks at her. Now I accompany her when she leaves. I understand it’s hard for her to remain inside a house, she’s used to the wilds. Wearing clothes is another thing she had to get used to, normally she would just wear a loincloth and some kind of hide brassier.

            This is all getting to be too much for me. I feel like there is a boulder sitting in the pit of my stomach. This just isn’t right. I care too much for Blue-Star to let her suffer like this, even though she has shown an obvious distaste for me. I’m beginning to get plan together, but it will take time.


Next entry…

            Alright, I have decided what to do. I managed to get some supplies and food together. I’m going to take Blue-Star through the mountains back to her pack. I’m aware of the fact I’ll be risking my life to do so, but I feel that it is just something I have to do. No, the right thing to do.

            It was wrong of us to come here, and throw these noble wolves aside. They don’t deserve this. I should be alright in this weather; I am a malamute after all. I bought some warm clothes for both myself and her, and enough food for the both of us. She hadn’t really been eating a lot since I took her in, but I hoped her attitude would change when I informed her of my plan.


Next entry…

            We left today. I didn’t tell Blue-Star my plane until we were far from town. I couldn’t manage to get a sled or anything so we would go on foot. Once we make it though the mountains, there is an old outpost there, we can stay there until we can find her pack.

           When I told her my plan she was so happy she almost kissed me. Well, at least she isn’t stone walling me now. As we moved on, she told me that I may look like a dog, but my spirit is that of a wolf.


There was a page torn and another with smudged writing, when it came clear again it was most likely a week later.



            Blue thinks we’re almost out of the mountains, we’ve been sticking to the lower passes, but unfortunately a bear stranded us in a cave. Worse, it’s roaring cause an avalanche. Dumb luck right? So the bear got swept away and now here we are, stranded in here.

            I found a tunnel in the back of the cave, but it’s all blocked. My guess is that it’ll take a week to clear. Blue says she can smell the air coming though and that it’ll lead right to the other side. I have no idea how she can tell and when I asked her she just told me that the wolf mother said so. Luckily, I prepared for delays and food that will last that long. So Blue and I started digging our way through the tunnel, clearing out the debris as we went. The tunnel seems to go for longer then I thought, but Blue is confident we can get out.



            I can’t believe what I just did… It’s been a week since my last entry, and things have changed for the worse. It started when Blue was starting to become more affectionate with me, and then she went into season! I managed to keep my thoughts out of my pants for the first few days, but then her advances became just too much.

            I gave in. It was a night to remember, but the shock didn’t hit me until a few moments ago. Blue is still asleep, and because she was in season she’ll probably have a litter. I’m so screwed. My best bet will be to take Blue to the outpost, and after we find her pack I just let her go on her own.



            Blue has tried to assure me that what we did was alright, that her alpha was understanding. But none the less I came up with a story that makes me out to be a villain, and a rapist. Hopefully they will buy that story. I don’t want anything to happen to Blue.

I love her too much.

            She gave me the honor of naming her pup. She was convinced she would only have one, but I couldn’t think of one. I had a dream that night of a pup with silver fur and silver eyes. He looked so much like a wolf but I could defiantly see some malamute in him. I decided on the name ‘Silver’ but with my luck the pup will come out with black fur and blue eyes.

            I’m aware I’ll never meet my pup in the flesh, but a father can hope. I’ll hold a place in my heart for the pup, and hope for his safety. I hope one day Blue-Star will get to tell our pup the truth of his origins, but until the lie will hopefully keep him safe. I made Blue promise to keep the story going.


I felt my heart clench as I read on. My father… my real father, he loved me. He didn’t rape my mother. I grew up hating him and he loved me despite the fact he would never be able to see him.


Final entry…

The bear came back! We managed to fight it off though, but barely. Luckily we’re almost out, we can see light on the other end, we should finish up with just a little bit more digging.

It hurts me to think we’ll be parting soon, I’ve really fallen for her. Even though I try to hide it I think she knows. But her place isn’t with me in town, it’s with her pack. Blue has taught me the greatest lesson in my life. Though I’m not sure I can put it into words. If only I had been born a wolf. If only I had been born out here. Maybe I could have learned this earlier, and maybe I could have been closer with my family before I lost them.

In the heart of every dog is a wolf waiting to come out. It’s inside of use like some primal beast waiting to run with the winds.

            I’m going to finish up for the night, Blue is getting spooked she says she hears something outside and I want to make sure that damn bear doesn’t co…


The journal ends rather abruptly.


I smiled to myself as I closed the book. This little book told me more about myself then I ever knew. I’m part wolf, and part malamute. My mother was the alpha wolf of the pack, and my father was a kind hearted dog with the spirit of a wolf who led my mother back home.

I placed the book into the backpack and curled up next to Aurora under the blanket, hopefully a little rest and she’ll be fine, I couldn’t find any major injuries, and other then exhaustion and a bump on the head, I think she’ll be alright.


Tomorrow we move toward the town, the place where our pups will be born. The journey will be hard, but I’m not afraid. The spirits are with me.




This has been a story written by Eric B. aka Fixer SpeedStar. The characters of Silver, Aurora, Blue-Star, and The spirit fox White-Fire are \xA9 to me. To E-mail me, with [Questions/Commets/Feedback/Hatemail/ anything else] you can contact me at