I chuckle as I watch my brother try to stifle a yawn. "Another sleepless night?"

He nods. "He got us up three times last night.", he says.

"Ah, the joys of being a parent.", I observe.

"That's every night this week. I hope he settles into a regular sleep pattern soon.", Slaxx says.

"Emphasis on hope, I think."

He grins. "True."

I chuckle, passing him some papers. "Anyway, to business. The Nest is looking at expanding the reserve a little. We want to know if the plans drawn up so far regarding it seem good to you."

He nods, studying the papers. "I'll have to go through them in a little more detail, Rees, but they look promising from glancing through them. I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

"Thanks, Slaxx."

"More than welcome. You're welcome to come around tomorrow, if it's quiet for you."

Copyright © 2004, Stuart Moore.
Ice Warriors created by Brian Hayles.
"Doctor Who" and all related trademarks and copyrights are the property of the BBC.

Last modified: Sun Feb 8 23:19:59 GMT 2004