---------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight2098's VCL-borne archive - last update 24 April 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------------- starlight2098@yahoo.com ICQ: 49825310 AIM: Starlite2098 MSN: starlight2098@yahoo.com Mobile(Cell): +44 7752 624908 (UK) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Just a quick piece of text to explain the stories contained within the archives, roughly in the order in which methinks they really should be read. I totally like feedback 'and stuff', so if you have anything pressing in your mind as you read any of this, problems and all! (Even excessive typo's I didn't spot, yes...) ** *** ** A quick note, I have been writing for over a year and a half and I have been informed of some disparity in quality over time, getting better of course... z: ) ...but still, I'd say my earlier work is worth a look. ** *** ** WARNING: Nearly much all of my stories contain some homosexual, some heterosexual and some violent material - nothing really bad (I think...). Just so no-one sends me any flaky mails or nowt, ye knaa? z: ) I wouldn't consider my writing 'pornographic', more... entertaining and diverse. There's far more plot than yiff anyways, especially later on. GHJ.zip Galactic Hope & Justice 2512, a vigilante paramilitary patrols strife-torn terran space, defending the helpless and fighting the good fight, lead by a mysterious fox-morph who seemed to come from no-where. 6 years on things begin to surface... -My first full piece, I like it, though I certainly wouldn't say it sets the pattern for the rest of my work... Furst.zip Furst Bloody Nights Following the catastophic end of GHJ, a bad sitation is made worse by the start of what would later be known as the Emanciption war... -Straight after GHJ, I wrote this, I'm still not totally happy with it, but I'm done fiddling... -Note, months later... I was never sure of this, but I love it now. Furst_Nights.txt Furst Nights An tale of Chris and Keff's first few weeks together on Morpheous, told by Keff in hindsight, on board the Starlight during the war. -I wasn't sure of this when I wrote it, but I like it these days, just a good old romantic/yiff affair... Slave.zip Slave The middle of the war... Brian is a lone, cut-off rabbit soldier, alone, in enemy territory... -This one... is less than nice, I wrote it recently... ahhh, it has a meaning to it though. Foxing.txt Foxing Late in the war, Rafa is isolated from Chris during a campaign in Tunisia and takes refuge in a military camp. Away from his mate and thus sexually frustrated, he seeks fun amongst the troops... -Nothing too special, just a fun little erotic piece I dreamt up at night. Wonders.txt Wonders of the Sea (Patrol?) A lonely human female lives on the ruins of Los Angeles coastline as part of a marine patrol team... Living with two morphs can guarantee one thing at least... but that's not all. -Contains some 'iffy' material... otherwise it's just a simple yiffy affair... not a 'critical' read from any other perspective. Emancipation.txt Emancipation is a many fold word 2520, meet the unfortunately named 'Grey' -who came out of the emancipation war a young, orphaned grey squirrel... Risen by foster parents, Grey lives in (what's left of) Florida, with a few friends, and a general apathic attitude... However, one of his friends has less than 'friendly' ideas... -I liked writing and reading this short story, I call it 'a success'. -Note, months later... I hate this now. That'll do. Sociology.zip Sociology and Pain Poor 'Grey' the squirrel, now in college, soon discovers the true meaning of a 'troubled relationship'... -Way better than I thought it would turn out... nice and... romantic, I would say. Moving.zip Moving On? 2518, after the war, Chris retired with Rafa and Keff to the quiet life on a deserted island... however, the unexpected strain of this life and the results of his retirement are soon to explode... -It took half of a year to finish this one, I like the first part especially... Matesick.zip Matesick Chris is caught alone on Earth... seething with seasonal tension and being hunted down... -More of an experiment than anything, it's still worth a read. Beginnings.zip The Beginnings Chris finds herself somewhere that she's been before, and with as much emotional baggage as ever. Follows some morphs and the way they become involved with so much to come... -I liked this, however, it's early days yet... only one sexual scene in the whole piece and a little bit of violence. Storm.zip Storm in a Teacup The future is ever more unclear... the old ship is far from ready for the trouble already brewing... The Pro-Imperial Militia (PIM) is continuing its unpleasant little campaign... -Following on from The Beginnings, there is no sex in this series, but, that lies ahead, there's plenty of plot, and violence to go through... Breach.zip Unto the Breach As soon as things have settled down with GHJ, a new and terrible threat rears its head... a powerful warship in the hands of the PIM. The Militia is gathering pace, bringing the fear of a race war between the humans surviving in the Maelstrom system, and the Terran Morphs... -Right into the thick of it... return of the sex, and action to boot. Tender.zip Tender-Burning Knifedge After the violence has ended, the League arrives in the Medusa system to contain the PIM. GHJ, battered, beaten, retreats to lick its wounds. The members of GHJ are wanted as terrorists. The PIM is determined to hold the world. Things are not so peaceful. -Neither as violent or erotic as the prior series, but certainly has no shortage of drama. At the same time, this series is worthy of note as the first piece I have dedicated a full draughting process to. Recriminations.zip Recriminations GHJ is granted official rights to take part in the Medusa conflict and is given a three-day rest and recreation period by Colonel Khetain. Whilst they set about repairing the Epiphany and their frayed nerves, Chris attempts to recover her memory of the past, whilst the conflict on Medusa rages and the ominous mystery of IMT looms... -The second piece to feature the full draughting process and to TAKE AN ENTIRE QUARTER TO FINISH! At least I think it's turned out well... Some more yiff and violent material here... Fray.zip The Fray The battle for Medusa comes to a climax and an interesting end... Erm, that's about it. It's only a short, 6 parter at any rate. -I think this turned out quite well, I enjoyed writing it and I hope you'll enjoy reading it. No yiff... some mechanised violence.