Starlight2098 1999 (C) Furst nights B (extended) (M/F) If anyone wants to know anything, or want's to use the characters/ background, ask me and specify why and how, I'm nice. Keff wandered into the wrecked galley, sighed, located the only intact table, and sat, staring through the EM containment field, where the window used to be, into space. What a mess. The ISS.Jerico, their last escort had left, leaving them adrift. Her heart ached, she missed Chris, she'd spent last night alone, and she hated it when that happened. As a rabbit, she just had to have something warm, something to relax the days tensions out on. She appreciated the sit-down. All day long she'd been fixing cables and patching up holes in the floor... there were only a few people on board and she had to make herself useful. Normally she'd just 'help where I can', she had no idea how to fly a starfighter, hated carrying the rifle (despised using it), cooked barely edible food, and managed to break more than she managed to fix. She relaxed into the chair, closed her eyes and let her head lie back. She contacted something furry. She opened her eyes lazily, not particularly concerned about who it may be, soft brown fur and a definite female squirrel smell. That left her none the wiser, who was it? "Keff?" asked the unrecognised voice. "Who is it?" she moaned, curious, but not particularly caring. "I'm..." she sat down beside her, "Michelle, Keff," she replied in a soft California accent. "Michelle?" "We've never talked," Michelle stated regretfully, "I think I need to talk to someone now..." "What about?" she asked tiredly, sitting up and trying to look attentive. "I love Kevin," she stated boldly. "...You mean Johnson?" "Yes, I wasn't so sure about it before, but now... I just know I love him now... he's so sweet." Keff tried her very best not to look confused. "Well... I would find him in a quiet spot, explain breifly, then fuck him for all he's worth. Worked with Chris," she commented. "Wierd tactic... how did you meet him anyway?" "It's a bit of a story..." "We have plenty of time while the others sort out the mess." "That I think makes this a fair use of the time," she sniggered. "Seven years ago," she began, "I was still living on Morpheous, you do realise what that place really is don't you?" "Completely. I hacked into Kevins logs... he mentions me a lot." "Good. That you know I mean. Anyway," she continued, "I had sort of lived a wandering life, I'd live a year or two in a town before something or other would make me move on, normally some bastard ex-lover that I never want to see again..." she broke off remembering a sour name. "And one day, as I was walking between towns..." * * * It was a brisk day. Clouds hid the sky and dew had soaked everything. Especially HER. Miserable, cold and hurting. A sniffle crept through her defences, she snuffed it quickly. The skumbag had used her, totally played cards with her feelings, but fuck the very idea of him winning. He was nothing, just a nothing... but why did it hurt so? According to a Raccoon, the nearest large town was somewhere northwest from here. The path stopped here and headed west. With a defiant growl, she ventured into the forest. At least it was more interesting than a path. The landscape got more and more hilly, until the forest was sitting on an array of foothills. It was going to take hours to get to a clearing. Her thoughts wandered back to the rabbit who'd romanced her... BASTARD. Never trust anyone of your own species who refuses to mate you, her mother had always said that. But the FUCKER had seemed so nice... She was so caught up in regret that she never noticed the twig snap, or the rapidly approaching footsteps... suddenly her head hurt and she was down on the ground. Cursing loudly she pushed herself to her feet, and instantly fell back hard, stomach hurting. She caught a look of her attacker, a wolf... SHIT! He was that bastard on the poster, the one responsible for most of the rapes and murders around here! Rising desperately, she aimed a kick at his groin, and found herself twisted to the ground then kicked. Cruel laughter spited her struggle, and she was kicked again as she turned to lie on her front, too tired and bruised to resist... "No more fight in you!?" mocked the wolf, laughing again. Forcing his foot onto her stomach to pin her, he began to remove his trousers. She cried openly... why did this happen to her? why did all the shit happen to her? Of course, she couldn't even cry fully, the wolf was standing on her too hard. Then someone screamed... through the pain she could tell it was a fox, a very angry fox, she heard him scream "You bastard!!!" and barge into the wolf with all his weight. The wolf quickly recovered and drew is sword in a blink, parrying the fox's swipe easily... "You fucking evil bastard!" screamed the fox again, and swung hard, stepping in close to elbow the wolf hard, who grunted, and SCREAMED as the foxes sword slipped into his stomach. He dropped his sword and grasped the blade stuck in his belly, which wrenched from side to side, and twisted, as the fox swung his weight around. The struggle stopped. It seemed eerily quiet but for her crying. The fox let go of the blade and let it and the wolf on the end of it slump to the floor. He collapsed to his knees and began to cry suddenly, staring at the blood on his hands, on his clothes, and splattered on his white chest fur. He had saved her, she crawled over and hugged the sobbing canine. She just hugged him, for ten minutes, just hugged him until he calmed himself. Finally, he spoke, "Are you alright?" he asked, all she could think to say was, "I..." she sniffled, "he was trying to rape me, I couldn't... he was trying to rape me..." she silently cursed herself for feeling so useless. "He's dead now," stated the fox, she rested he head on his shoulder. He let her, he seemed so nice... He seemed so nice, but who was he? He had come out of no-where, where he could obviously have ingored it, and risked his life against a VERY dangerous wolf... why? Thoughts swirled about her head... Eventually she regathered herself. "Why did you help me?" she asked. "Because you needed help," he said softly, "I couldn't have let it happen" What was he on about? That had to be shit, he wouldn't have done it for nothing. "Sounds very noble," she said tactfully, "too noble." "Well," he said sadly, "what do you th-" "I KNOW that no morph does anythig for free," she knew that perfectly well, painfully well, the hard way. "I know that damn well for sure." She remembered Vale... the bastard.. he was a real creep. She was glad he hadn't hurt her too badly, otherwise she couldn't hate him as much as she did. "And what could I gain from this?" he said defensively, "certainly nothing I desire." It seemed perfectly obvious now, "What about my body?" "The thought of favours for that sickens me," he said, genuinely offended... then why the hell had he risked his life for some damn stupid doe!? "Then what?!" she wailed, this was bullshit! It had to be! But... but... he seemed so nice... "I'd rather die than let anyone suffer like that." She had no answer, no retort, no attack... "What's making you think like this?" he asked, "Like what?" she snapped, "Like everyone just wants to force something from you." "I never sai-" "It was in your eyes, in your voice..." he said so gently... "Now what's your problem?" "Because you'll feel better for letting it out, and from what I've seen so far I'd bet it's what you've been lacking." She was stuck for words, really stuck for words... what more was there to say but the truth? "It's a long story," she muttered, "I have all the time you need, and more." * * * "Anyway, that was just the beggining... I didn't fall in love with him until later." "How did you fall in love with him?" "I suppose it happened almost right away, despite what I just said, I found him charming, compassionate, caring, very sweet, and very able," she almost lulled herself into a trance just remembering it... "I think you're very lucky to have found someone like him..." "Yes, it was six weeks before I was open about it though." "Six weeks?" "Yes, he let me travel with him, he was searching for things to fix his fighter... he didn't tell me that though, every time I asked what he was looking for he'd just be vague. As we went from town to town, it became more undeniable that I loved him" "At the start," she continued, "it was like we were best friends or something, faithful travel companions... honestly, anyone with us, who could smell our hormones could have told us that it was inevitable..." "You can tell that with morphs?" "It's instinct silly, you just get a good whiff of Johnson, and you'll be able to tell just how attracted he is to you." "I'll try that..." her voice was scheming. "One day... I just couldn't hold it back anymore, he had restraint to go around, damn him... I just snapped, it was a romantic night, beautiful scenery, a lovely sunset. I suggested that we put down for the night, let him set up a fire, and forced the issue." "How was the first time with him?" "Isn't that pretty personal?" her eyes questioned her, "but if you look at me like that... it was beautiful, he was a typical fox plus even more passion and consideration... the next day though, that was THE day." "THE day?" she repeated with baited breath, "Yes, THE day you can tell a fox has really bonded with you... when you're really mated. All day long, on and off, with mood swings..." "Mmm, tell me more baby..." she was listening intently. "I bet you'd like to know," she laughed, "maybe I'll even tell you some time... Mind you, tell me about that first time with Johnson, a hear ferrets can be pretty supple when they want to be..." "I just might do that..." "Anyway..." * * * Dark laziness lifted heavily to let think... warth surrouded her, "Mmmmmm," she declared as she realised that she was sleeping on grass, and that she had the company of another... she felt the greater weight lying on her she moaned softly and felt the back fur of her company. She remembered softly that last night had been a night of passion... The fox on top of her was Chris and she moaned again, louder, happily declaring her joy... today was probably THAT day! The day she had never experienced before... she had never had any canine that truly loved her before, and he did, she could feel it. He was still asleep now though... She ran her hands across his vulnerable form... firm, muscelature, soft fur and no scars... good signs, all. She rubbed his buttocks... just as fatless and perfect as the rest. Tenderly she traced a finger between them to near the base of his tail, feeling his anus gently... barely used, perhaps once or twice... strange for a fox. She ruffled the fur on his head until he woke with a "Hmmph?" he took a moment to gather the situation and smiled. "Good morning," he said pleasantly, in that soft voice. "In deed, if not in fact," she replied poetically. "Hmm..? Good morning will do for me... I'm not made for the mornings it takes me while to gather my wits then my energy..." "How much energy to you plan to gather?" An encouraging light entered his eyes, and he grinned, his breath baited and his tail swishing happily in the air at a leisurely pace. "A bit..." he said slyly, she smiled... he was controlling quite a bit... his musk was strong and told a saga of desire... he was trying to hide from the wrong rabbit, she could read him like a book. She felt his sudden erection touch her leg and her hand crept back down to his anus... she grinned as he gasped in surprise. She considered forcing her finger in... but it didn't seem appropriate yet somehow, maybe later... He was restraining himself, she could tell. She gave a playful growl and threw her weight forwards, throwing them over so that she was on top. She rubbed his front, breathing softly, sitting up. She waited to see if she had cracked him yet... no, but he was struggling to ahold of himself... She 'Mmmm'd' happily. "Come on," she sighed, and sighed again loudly as she felt the warm cock push into her... it was no snap for him to penetrate, she was a tight fuck, she was proud of it... He began thrust into her and she gripped him tightly... he was breathing heavily above her, his warm breath flowing down onto her... mmmm, no stink, a fox who cleans his teeth and washes his mouth out... a good thing. His body pushed against hers with each thrust, but gratefully he wasn't lying all of his weight on her... He pulled back and forth within her, and she started to breath louder, the thick canine meat pushing against the insides of her vagina... so thick and oversized that it was rubbing her clit... He moaned and licked her gently across the head... She giggled and sighed, he was lovely... as he thrust she felt every lump, every vein, every contour of the swelling cock as it thrust into her faster and faster... by a fox who moaned louder and louder... He moaned loudly and his head rolled back... Suddenly her pleasure surged, and she gasped loudly as she rode a tidal wave towards orgasm, the hot meat shoving in and out of her rapidly, she moaned loudly until her lungs were empty... In an instant she sceamed and pitched into red mist, waves of pleasure flooding her perceptions, only letting her realise her own screaming and feel the hot juices flooding into her... Slowly the mist subsided... and she found herself holding him firmly... both of their bodies heaving together... She laughed happily, he was so firmly tied that they were practically joined for the time being... * * * That day and night they tried everything they could think of on the spot... many things that they rarely did again, and many things they couldn't even remember for the heat of the passion, that they could only tell by various aches afterwards... They were truly mated. "Sounds passionate," commented Michelle. "Sounding passionate is one thing though..." she replied, "this was real passion. The sort of passion that dominates you for hours on end and leaves you feeling joined to a person." "Have Chris and Rafa done the same?" "I think so, on the shuttle, on the way to Morpheous. In fact it's certain, I saw the bitemarks on their necks." She sighed, remembering how her heart had tripped, realising that she'd 'just have to share'. "So what did you do the rest of the time?" "Well, after that we just continued travelling, and he continued looking for any place that might have components he needed. There are still human ruins all over the place you see, and I guessed he was a historian or something. When we went into towns it was like being with the perfect vigilante." "He has been called that." "Yes, amongst 'murderous skum', 'terrorist' and 'arbitrary murderer'. But that was one of reasons I fell in love with him, the way he always stepped in to help... how he would never just keep his head down... my heart was in my mouth sometimes but he always came through... whether by wit or violence." "That's an odd thing to fall in love with." "It made sense to me." In fact it was something she'd looked for... she'd been shafted so many times, hurt so badly by so many bastards that she had wanted someone 'pure'... he was the closest thing. "And it's been like that?" Keff winced and the memory bit hard. "No... after six weeks I lost him... he just vanished." * * * The stars were out in all their glory... a blazing display of flickering points covering the deep blackness above the pointed pine treetops. A cold wind cut through the thin drunks and hit their fur briskly. The damp made a fire impossible. "Time to sleep I think," yawned Chris, rubbing his eyes. "If you say so," she sighed. They bedded down, huddling close together in a clearing that didn't seem too muddy. Keff stared at the stars and wondered about the items Chris had been collecting... irregular metallic pieces, but he knew exactly what to call them, and pretended not to know why. Thinking deeply, she sighed and tiredness covered her like a blanket in his embrace, and slowly, she drifted off to sleep. The cold and the damp were supressed beyond recognition with the stars in her eyes and with the warmth of his touch. It was cold... it was very cold. It was damp and cold. She opened her eyes and saw the pine forest above a bed of mud and under a white blanket of cloudy sky. There were no arms around her, and no body near... She sniffed in, no calming scent, except a long gone memory. She closed her eyes hoping that it was merely a dream, an uncalled for nightmare. But as she looked around her, it was not so. A tear appeared in her eye. A solitary tear, her breath was shallow and her thoughts numb in disbelief, in incomprehension. "He's gone..." she said aloud, and didn't beleive it. "No..." she breathed out raggedly, "no... it cant be," she gasped. She looked around again, sniffed at the air, not a trace appeared of her lover... Except. Except the small thing lying on the ground nearby. A small black jointed thing lying open on the ground, the small black window on it showing tiny glowing writing... Cautiously she stepped closer and read the words. The other half had small squares on it, each with its own letter, number or symbol, it was made of something she had never seen before, it's surface was like that of an undisturbed deep pot of oil. The tiny green writing read: "Personal diary: 18-5-2506 This was happening for a long time, but why does it hurt so much? I have to leave Keff now... I could kill myself now for how it feels... more than anything I want to stay with her, but I can't. I can't... that feels so shallow, and I have to explain it to myself over and over... I can't feel tired, or hungry, I hurt all the way through. I can't stay here, I don't belong here, I can't take the lifestyle, I've nearly starved several times. I never thought I'd have to resort to theft before. I sold almost everything valuable I had. I can't take Keff with me... that would be unfair and selfish." UNFAIR AND SELFISH!? Talking about unfair and selfish when he had left her alone because he found things difficult!? "You bastard!" she cried aloud... and read on. * * * "I found my way around the organiser and found out all sorts of stuff I should never have dound out..." Michelle was listening entranced to her it was a 'real life love story'. "I discovered that he had been finding repair parts, but it was months before I got the courage and knowledge to do what I did. It took me half that time to find the old spaceport... and I found a shuttle still working, they are after all built for space travel, and I used that shuttle, connected to the internet, and used it to track down Chris. He made himself easy to find alright." She had moved from her everyday ignorant preindustrial existance to space travel in just three months... "I don't regret any of it. From the moment he saved me he was mine, even if I wouldn't admit it to myself I knew I'd possess him and I'd never let go of him... Everything on top was a bonus, I saw his real nature from the start, no matter how paranoid I was." Michelle seemed to avoid saying something... "I was lucky Michelle, I found a perfect partner, and that's a one in thousands occurance... I hope you find that in Johnson."