© Starlight2098 2000 Foxing (M/M) I'm not big on spite, or contempt, If anyone wants to know anything, or want's to use the characters or background, ask me and specify why and how, I'm nice. starlight2098@yahoo.com Rafa, a white, effeminate male fox, kicked a pile of sand on the street and watched it explode. He slumped against the side of the crude- looking building, gazing up to the darkening evening sky... He sighed, the cold of night was starting to take hold. "You alright there sir..?" asked one of the soldiers next to him... He sighed... Tunisia was not worth fighting for... they were just trying to save any survivors and defeat the Withredans. The former they had found almost none of... the Withredans had efficiently bombed most of the planet dry of its urbanised life... Of the latter there were slightly more... This company, which Rafa had been stuck with for safety since the one Chris had lead was ripped apart, was taking shelter in some ruined town. "I'll be alright in a minute..." he replied sadly. He had heard that Chris had actually turned that battle around somehow... but it made little difference to the fact that Rafa was stuck here without him. It was a commonly known fact on Morpheous that social foxes cannot do without deep companionship... at all times of the year. During the mating season they simply become very passionate about it. He was going mad... he needed his mate... he needed to make love - or at least have sex with something to cool the rising, painful tension. * * * Rafa strolled into the midst of the eight-morph C section, who had their 'bashers' set up against the charred remains of some prefab concrete housing. Bashers were simple, tactically practical 'shelters', made out of two morphs, their sleeping bags, two plastic poncho-sheets, one on the ground and one strung up, set up to keep the rain and wind out as best as possible. C section was to go on patrol tomorrow, which meant nervous Morph's, usually not adverse to having sex with someone the night prior.. There was still enough light to make out the morphs who inhabited each basher... eventually he spotted one male tiger sitting under a single poncho, lacking a ground sheet... apparently unable to find someone to 'buddy-up' with... Rafa grinned. "Oooh happiness," he chirped to himself. Strolling over and ducking under the basher he sat himself nonchalantly next to the tiger and smiled... the Californian-sounding morph looked surprised... "What can I do you for sir..?" he asked nervously... Rafa grinned broadly... then replied jauntily... "I was wondering what you were doing here alone..." he leant around the morph to look for signs of rank, "private..." and leant back, staring into the tigers eyes expectantly... It was lame acting and he was deliberately intimidating this predator of small predators such as himself, but he was enjoying himself. The tiger squirmed, much to his satisfaction... "One of the other soldiers was concerned about my species and sexuality sir..." Rafa cast a gaze over to the other single-poncho'd morph... a small grey male chipmunk, who was chatting with a pair of neighbouring females. Rafa *hmmmd*... "Not all that popular..?" he asked, the tiger replied reluctantly, "Ahh... more of an... awkwardness..? you know..? people don't trust something bigger than themselves..?" Rafa fought to keep a broad grin from his face, he'd found a nice strategy, "I could be able to help you with that..." he told the tiger calmly, "as a native Morphian I can give you a rough guide..." "Ahhh..." the tiger moaned awkwardly, Rafa leant over to stick his muzzle in front of his face, "Oh, please?" * * * They arrived, a short distance from the section, in the crumbling charred ruins of a hotel. Standing on the blackened, red-tiled floor, Rafa took off his combat jacket, revealing his slim, smooth, bare chest and pulled a small stand-up light from it. Placing it on the ground, he smiled, "Take your clothes off now," he requested cheerily. With every move betraying awkwardness, the tiger slowly removed his combat jacket, threw it aside, then pulled off his t-shirt... revealing an impressive firm feline chest... Then he pulled off his combat pants... Rafa drew a pleasantly surprised breath, the tiger was already sporting a sizeable feline erection... and as a whole, his body was beautifully moderate for a tiger, firmly, smoothly, thickly muscled... fur a fine, clean orange trim... "Now," he smiled and pulled off his pants, the tiger somehow managing to look predatorily lustful and vaguely intimtidated at once... Rafa stepped just in front of the large cat, legs apart. "Reach out and put your arms around my waist..." The tiger hesitated for a second and then did as he was told, getting a firm hold on the small fox. Rafa smiled, "Now, pay attention very carefully... there's a knack to this... you have to fall back-first against the wall, to a sitting position, knees up. You want my legs over yours and your arms still where they are now... Do you understand..? The tiger nodded. Suddenly the large orange mass fell back and with seemingly great force yanked Rafa forwards... World sliding away to a blur he was dragged downwards by the great cat. He heard an *oooph!* and landed face-first on the tigers chest, rump flat on the floor behind... tail lying pathetically across the floor. He looked up at the wincing tiger's face and grinned, his tail sweeping the tiles behind... "It's a knack," he giggled happily, "well anyways, could you let go for a second..?" The tiger reluctantly did as he were told and immediately began rubbing the back of his head. Rafa, grinning broadly, pulled himself up, and then sat himself, legs astride, in the tigers lap. "Part your legs and raise your knees..." he instructed... Rafa smiled, whence they were sorted, Rafa was lay against the tigers chest, the thick feline cock resting along his ass-crease. He could feel the little reverse-facing spines pressing against the side of his cheeks. He sighed deeply with satisfaction, they were always a pain, pun intended... but otherwise... "This is referred by all large predators as the 'foxing' position," he stated matter-of-factly, "because it offers just enough freedom of movement for the fox, desireable, whilst asserting dominance, desireable, closeness, desireable ...and position in which we can touch and fondle as much as we please..." then he looked into the tigers eyes, head cocked, "and easy access to any position of fucking me, or to my cock if you want to suck it..." Nothing more needed to be said... a hand slid down either side of his ass to grab the tops of his thighs. He closed his eyes and was easily hoisted up, his ass resting on the tigers chest, tail waving in the air... A rough tongue played across his dick, he sighed happily as the harsh, feline tongue ragged his dick around... The brush of sharp teeth and a warm mouth quickly followed... He moaned softly as the tiger worked at him. A familiar and pleasant sensation washed over him, for the time being, he was happy... He felt helpless... a slight feeling of deep fear tingled within him. He knew he wasn't in any danger, but it was natural, it was right.. He sighed raggedly and let his emotions take hold... Hoisted roughly in the tigers arms, his hips began to squirm. Rubbing lightly at the big-cat's ears he moaned, the pleasure from his dick was growing stronger... and harder... His cock was being massaged with impressive strength and pleasing friction, the feelings within were riding him harder and harder. He gasped and clenched his muzzle... he was about to cum! Desperately he tried to warn the tiger but only managed to hiss a whimper through his closed teeth... Cum seemed exploded up his cock and into his pleasurers mouth... The tiger *mmrrph!* in surprise and let go of Rafa. Rafa yelled lightly as he was pitched backwards, swinging briefly backwards until he landed, lying backwards on the tiger body, the feline cock resting beside his head... The tiger didn't seem to notice, twisted over, spitting his mouth out... Rafa grimaced and surpressed a snigger... That hadn't been very professional of him. How he had let it happen was beyond him, it wasn't like it was the first time that a tiger had sucked him off that well... That would have cost him dearly... money for certain, in pain, possibly.. The groaning cat rubbed his face and looked down at the grimacing fox, Rafa *ahemed* and apologised promptly, "Ah, sorry... didn't mean to do that..." he said, struggling oh-so hard not to snigger, "I almost managed to warn you... quite a tongue you have there..." The tiger growled... overpowered, Rafa grinned mischievously... "Want to fuck me to make up..?" he sniggered before breaking out into a fit of giggling... His suggestion was replied to with an unceremonious roll off the tiger onto the ground, where he continued giggling happily... The tiger stood up and walked over into the dark to where his clothes lay... As the big cat walked away, Rafa sighed. A perfectly good opportunity had probably been wasted there... Of course, feline brooding had something to do with it. Still, he smiled, there were other sections soon to patrol... * * * Stalking silkily into F section's harbour-area, he rose a cheap, bulky infra-red lens to his eye and carefully observed the dark, rapidly cooling surroundings. He knew what he was looking for... he had been by two other areas already and hadn't found it. Then, spotting a basher with a lone, small heat trace a short distance from the rest of the group, he grinned. A possible target had been designated. Carefully he crawed, silently through the contrete, boulder-like debris littering what had obviously been a small commercial center. Moving slowly from one cold, rough, sloped surface to another, he kept his breath quiet and felt slightly satisfied. He was actually enjoying this, it was a purely natural stalk. He finally found a position he liked. Slowly he slid his head around a rock and stared into the basher... inside was a sleeping, lone brown bunny, two ponchos, a male. He liked what he saw... He sniffed the air carefully. Slowly he digested the rabbit's scent... checking for any of the familiar signs of recent male 'usage'. He grinned... a faint, faint smell of another male rabbits ass... Probably a few days old, it was buried under days of sweat and scent. With the opportunity spotted, he began the short crawl over. Carefully he slid himself next to the grey-furred rabbit... who was in a massively oversized, human, sleeping bag, obscuring his body. Slowly, making sure not to make any noise on the plastic poncho, Rafa undone and pulled off his combat pants, and removed his unfastened jacket. Rafa smiled... a human would be quite cold at this point... but he had a lovely coat of white fur to help him... He looked down across himself... he was already sporting a full erection... He couldn't help but slap it lightly... muttering softly, "Naughty... no guarantee this is anything more than an attempted snuggle yet..." Resuming his attention to the rabbit, he reached out and grabbed the zip, slowly pulling it down... The slight buzzing made the rabbit's ears twitch, but he didn't wake. Rafa's eyes fixed on the naked creature's cock... His breath shallowed in want, he was impressive for a rabbit. Sadly, at the same time, Rafa could only wonder what the fool was thinking. If they were attacked, he didn't look very ready to fight. His plasma rifle was sitting with the rest of his kit at the bottom of the basher, which was in itself was a wonder. It was about at proffessional as a 'Negligant Discharge'. He sighed and slowly, limb by limb, lifted himself into the spatious, human sized bag's soft interior... Finally, reaching behind, slowly pulled up the zip. Now sharing the bag with the rabbit he sighed... "Damn erection..." That was the only thing that could stand between himself and the rabbits 'facilities', he could very well be put off by it. Shrugging softly he pulled himself in closer to the sleeping male, sliding his body against that of the smaller warm thing ...and suddenly the males arms wrapped around him... He gasped with surprise, which quickly subsided as it became clear that the rabbit was still alseep. Giggling softly he watched at the male snuggled in against him, "Not a very good response to predatory scents you cute little thing..." He kissed the rabbit softly on the forehead and slowly wrapped his arms around in a soft hug. If a warm body to share the night with was all he was going to get here, then so be it, far better than nothing. Then a soft moan rose... then a twitch of the muscular leg... Then Rafa groaned... the rabbits eyes opened... then stared in shock... "Ahhh... hello?" he managed to snigger... "What the fuck..!?" squeaked the rabbit with dawning shock... "You looked lonely?" Rafa replied sweetly and kissed the rabbit between the ears. "What the fuck..!?" "Only if you want me to?" he sniggered... "Who the hell are you?" the rabbit squeaked, inserting a tiny amount of demand into the voice. Rafa grinned and wondered whyever it was that the rabbit was still hugging him... or more to the point, why he hadn't screamed for help. He was getting the distinct idea that this rabbit wasn't much of a soldier... "Rafa, of GHJ, I'm just tagging along with this company..." "What the fuck are you doing..?" "You looked lonely and I needed someone warm to sleep with." The rabbit lay there breathing heavily for a few long moments, with glazed eyes, limp body, and puzzled-scared expression... Rafa kissed him on the nose. He was hardly bolting away, nor was he screaming, he seemed to be a 'willing captive' of sorts. Finally his long-eared companion spoke, with relative calm, "What are you going to do..?" Rafa smiled and licked him affectionately across the nose, "Well, I was thinking sleep and shared warmth," he lied warmly, "but if you'd rather something else that's your decision..." The rabbit squirmed for a second... "You have an erection," he muttered with come semblance of calm... "Doesn't mean I'm going to use it," Rafa replied honestly. "You aren't going to hurt me?" "Not planning to..." he grinned... The rabbit stared at him anxiously, looking down him slowly. Rafa weathered the thorough examination with a smile. The rabbit finally spoke, "You know, I really should be screaming and trying to run away." "But you haven't," Rafa replied calmly. "Why haven't I?" "Well, I was thinking it was far more possible that you could tell me that." The rabbit sighed and finally spoke without fear in his voice, "Maybe I'm just lonely." "Not unknown to happen with rabbits," the rabbit looked at him curiously, "native Morphian," he replied... "ahhh... you do know what Morpheous is don't you?" "Film, wasn't it?" he replied with some puzzlement, Rafa groaned... "No, it's the planet where morphs were genetically engineered and given to live in the twenty-third century..." "Oh..." the rabbit restled his head on Rafa's chest, smiled and looked up into his eyes, "so are you going to fuck me or what?" Rafa laughed lightly... He didn't know what was wrong with this slightly fucked-up rabbit, but nor did he care, nor was he going to turn down an offer of a good fuck... He released the rabbit from his arms, and paused as the rabbit rolled around in the tight space, positioning himself next to Rafa with his rump in the air... Rafa grinned happily and got to all fours, then movrf over to position himself on top of the awaiting bunny, whose sex-scents were flowing into the air like a smoke grenade... "Hey, fox..?" the rabbit said warmly, pausing breifly, Rafa answered, "Yes..?" "Are you the delicate, caring sort?" the rabbit asked, Rafa replied warmly, "I'm whatever sort you want me to be..." "...And if I want it the way you naturally know you want it..?" Rafa replied with a warm, light foxy growl... Deliberately, he leant his wieght down onto the rabbit and licked the back of his head. Reaching down, he grabbed his cock with three fingers, and used his other fingers to stick into the rabbit's crease, sliding slowly upwards until they slipped gently into the anus... Growling again, happily, he used the grip to guide his cock to the bunny's ass... The rabbit groaned in anticipation. Rafa slowly began pushing inwards... He was tight, but he was definitely used to this, no virgin... As Rafa slowly worked his cock into the groaning rabbit he realised this was a bunny used to daily attention, by the feel of it... Slowly he worked more of himself into the rabbit's ass, now sliding more easily in. Finally he had almost fully buried his length, stopping with a satisfied moan. The rabbit groaned softly and wriggled his hips a little, toying with the large object lodged within... Rafa took a moment to appreciate how warm and soft the tight body was... On Morpheous, rabbits were the most renowned fucks of all the herbivores, with rounded, soft bodies with thick soft fur, tight hot and accommodating innards, powerful legs and hips and the perfect prey demeanor... Now Rafa growled as deeply as his light foxy breath would allow, then pulled back softly... The rabbit gasped hard and Rafa savoured the sensations, not only of the hot, hard friction, but of the bunny's reaction as well, the sudden grip... Quickly he pounded himself back in hard, winning another groan, then out again, then forward... back... The mounting pleasure invading his mind, Rafa growled softly and redoubled his efforts, throwing in more strength and weight to the now softly wailing rabbit... His growling was forming a solid note... As hormones filled the air thick, Rafa sighed, and with a long pull back, lunged... Powering into the rabbit with all his weight he won a yell before his teeth landed on the rabbits neck... He bit lightly into the wailing rabbit's flesh, his tongue probing into the thick brown fur to taste the rabbits skin, sweat, and the tiny amount of blood around the tiny wounds... Railing into the rabbit again and again he quickly released the creature's neck before ramming himself fully in... Raising his head and letting out an exultant whelpish noise he let himself go... His head was riding a familiar unreal high, his blood was pumping like crazy as his cock throbbed as though vomiting cum into the tight innards of the squeaking bunny... For that moment, it was all alright... Rafa hugged the warm, sleeping rabbit with his full body, lying on their sides within the now very warm bag, Rafa firmly tied within his warm body for the night... He murred softly and let the situation take ahold... Swimming in the warmth of the afterglow and temporarily oblivious to the absence of his lover, Rafa slowly, surely, fell to a final relaxing rest...