© Starlight2098 2000 Wonders of the sea (patrol?) (M/F)(ncM/F) I'm not big on spite, or contempt, If anyone wants to know anything, or want's to use the characters or background, ask me and specify why and how, I'm nice. starlight2098@yahoo.com Afteroon, 28 June, 2528, Oscar pier, Los Angeles ruins. Amy was a human. She was fairly average, physically 21, 5'5, brown hair, brown eyes, average all round really, but not anymore... she was unusual, wherever on Earth she went she drew heads and quiet chatter followed behind her like a smoke trail. She was after-all an almost dead species which provoked a hundred long-gone memories... She stood alone on the small, wooden, white painted structure, at the end of which sat a wood and glass house, also white. Inland sat a white and red striped VTOL air-hopper shuttle. It sat under the grey towering mess of overgrown, decaying, burned out skyscrapers and industry that used to be Los Angeles. She lived with two otter-morphs, Terri and... get this, Perry. Terri was a white female otter and Perry a patchy brown male... they weren't lovers, they just liked screwing the hell out of each other (and her) for 'fun'. Amy was out here for a temporary 'reprieve'. The house was provided, as was the shuttle, by the new 'League Environment Commission'. Their job, as a 2nd team, was to help moniter and maintain the stability of the Eastern Pacific ocean. Amy liked it because she loved the ocean, not to mention the isolated locale. Shaking her head and that she was being pathetic, she walked back towards the house, 'no', means 'no', right? Half-way there she shook her head again, "Nope..." but perhaps if she made it upstairs before they noticed her... Suddenly a rapid series of clicks caught her attention... "Hello human!" Amy stopped and looked towards the water with a smile, "Hello Sparkle," she said to the dolphin floating a meter off the small pier. "Just thought you'd pass by?" "Nearby... I wanted to see you." Dolphins were the Earths second sentient species and they had endured the Emancipation war better than the first had... their language had been easy to decode after the K'ikans had, now anyone with the appropriate bio-mod implant could understand them. "How's your life getting on?" "Fish are hard to find around here," he replied mournfully, "Really? Well maybe that's becuase your pod have managed to avoid almost every shoal around for the past couple of weeks, bad luck." "How are you?" "Sick of my housemates... they're obsessed with sex..." "And who isn't?" the dolphin chittered. "Me..." she sighed, Sparkle laughed again, "We may have surprise for you later..." Before Amy could ask, Sparkle was off, below the water and out of sight. * * * Amy let herself fall back and land on her bed with a flump... moaning and stretching she looked straight forwards out of the glass window, through the transparent (turned off) holo-tv. She had made it upstairs without being noticed. Watching the waves rise and fall she wondered about what Sparkle had said... Suddenly her thought was broken when a 5'1 brown otter wandered into her room and in a spectacular double take, noticed her. "Hello Perry," she sighed, "what have you been up to today?" he grinned, "Television, why, are you offering to spice it up?" Her spare pillow slammed him in the face like a monsterous snowball... "Not quite in the mood then?" he grinned... "I WAS hoping for some rest living here, after one week, I doubt I'll ever get it." He looked upwards and to his left for a second... "No." The long-bodied morph leant forwards and slid himself onto the bed to lie alongside her. She gave him a look, to which he grinned and gave her a peck on the cheek. "Perry, you are, a dick..." "Aahhh... you love me really don't you?" "Pest," she grinned and gave him a slap on the backside. The otter beamed a great smile at her, "Ooooh, a challenge then!" She felt his hand trace up her figure and grab her zip, pulling it down slowly... Kicking off her shoes and socks she reached up his (relatively) short legs with her foot and pulled down his shorts... Her tops garments slipped off as if by themselves as his erection contacted her leg... A mustelid head buried itself in her cleavage as she felt a tongue sweep over her smooth skin... The now naked otter proceeded to drgw his tongue all over her torso... kissing and sucking at her skin as he went... She noticed that her pants were off without her having noticed their departure... A hand crept up her inner thigh... then another... And the clawed hands clenched around the flesh, causing her to gasp, Perry sank his head to those lower-quarters and slipped his tongue under her tight panties, slipping into her... she gasped again... Then he pulled his tongue back in and in a surprise move, bit into her panties and pulled along the seem... there was a loud tear and they swept off. Looking down, she found a sleekly furred body sliding up hers. A slim otter-tongue slipped into her mouth before she could say anything. Furred lips contaced hers and they kissed... passionately, but briefly, more as a mood instrument than anything else... his hot, hard, long cock lying across her belly... Perry slid smoothly back down her body and she felt his cock lying against her thigh... he slid himself back up and she sighed heavily... He entered her steadily in one smooth stroke. He pulled himself back and forth slowly... after the third penetration she moaned.. Then she threw her weight and rolled them both over... easily taking control with her bigger weight and stronger body... Pulling her self upright she began to rise and lower herself on the otter's dick... gasping with each fall... Perry groaned and stretched backwards, arcing his long muscular body into the air... She began rubbing his abdomen as she rode the otter, making ever louder moans and gasping noises... suddenly she stopped and moaned loudly as heady feelings swept over her... Perry seized his chance, using his strong body muscles he began to thrust upwards into her speedily... She screamed out and slapped her hands around his waist... easily he continued pumping up into her... with a heavy gasp the otter pumped his load into the screaming woman... Quickly they sank down and came to rest... "Oh well," she sighed, "at least you're done for the night..." Perry simply grinned... * * * Amy flicked the switch on the kettle and rested against the bench, wearing just a long t-shirt. It was now getting dark outside and she was worn out... and her ass hurt and she needed to wash out her mouth... a fairly typical, every second evening. Suddenly something wet contacted her, a slender, sharp-clawed paw that clenched into her ass... Squawking she managed to wriggle out of the grasp... "Don't you start!" she muttered without even looking at the otter... "Worn out?" was the amused reply... Sadly for Amy, Terri wasn't fussy about who she got her fun out of... "That's one thing..." she sighed. Terri walked around her and leant opposite her, she was wet and she had obviously just come in... and she had no respect for the word 'towel'. As the otter sighed and leant back... it occured to Amy (who had been watching the kettle,) that Terri wasn't wearing a damn thing... as per usual. "Actually," Terri sighed, "I knew you were fucked out, I could smell the sweat and the juices..." she grinned, "I just wanted to irritate you." "Nice work." "Actually," she grinned, "there's something I'd like you to see outside?" That one took Amy by surprise... "What?" she asked apprehensively, "Outside," she grinned, "come on..." Terri grabbed her hand, got up and pulled her towards the door... Sighing and wondering what she was up to, Amy let herself be lead out of the house... The sun was just setting... "So what are we doing out here?" she sighed as Terri let go of her and moved a short distance away... "You'll see..." Suddenly there was an explosion of movement behind her. Before she could look, something heavy caught her and she was pulled into the water in front... Struggling in blind panick for a moment she found herself grabbed by her t-shirt and dragged through the water at a high speed... Gathering her wits she looked over her shoulder and realised that it was a dolphin that had her and spotted Terri grinning at her before smoothly jumping into the water and swimming after them... As quickly as they had started they came to a stop. Amy was released and quickly started water-walking to keep herself afloat... "What the fuck is going on here?" she gasped in shock... Amused chitter replied her and she felt something force itself between her legs and push upwards... Sparkle emerged in front of her chittering happily. "Sparkle? What the hell are you doing?" "Surprise! Human!" With a quick glance she noticed that Sparkle was showing a pink belly... She felt something contact her crotch... She groaned, "You can't be serious!" "Oooh and why is that?" Quickly the facts swam across her mind, 10-14 inches, highly muscular, to the point of prehensility... capable of firing its load about 14 feet... Then there was the minor matter that the thrusting would be being done by the same body that reached... somewhere in the region of 45 km/h through water... Before she could quote any of this, something thick long and rubbery drove itself deeply into her... Gasping loudly she quickly writhed about in a vain attempt at escape... Then suddenly she was pulled up and over on the dolphins belly, down, and under the water, pinned down on the seaborne mammal's considerable dick... They were away... jerkily cruising through the water... he was moving his body in a manner to gently thrust with each push, she was being slowly and breathlessly being screwed... A dick as long as her lower arm was thrusting half-way out then in again with incredible strength... despite his obvious care... She wanted to yell, but she was holding her breath... however, she couldn't deny that she was... enjoying herself! Despite being screwed to hell just minutes earlier, here she was, riding a VERY big dick with the force of a VERY muscular body behind it... slowly her vision was clouding over... whether from the dolphin or the water she couldn't tell... both? She let herself go limp... she felt good... being screwed to oblivion she wanted to scream, to yell, to thrust back, but she was totally overpowered by the male... choking on both ends by cock and 20 mph water... Finally... she was soaring through the water... ready to reach a very high climax... Suddenly a ripping pain cut through her entire abdomen, blinding agony to sweep her down from her surreal high... She found herself sinking downwards in open water... unable to move in pain and faintness... for a second. Instantly she began thriving in agony... she had to breathe! Suddenly she was being dragged hard by her hair through the water... then, painfully, she passed out. * * * Her eyes snapped open... she was warm, she was dry... she was... IN AGONY! She couldn't move... her entire body ached... she was staring up at a blurred white plaster ceiling... A blurred male chipmunk's head suddenly came into view... she painfully moved her head over to look... he was dressed in what looked like surgical gear... "You're going to be alright," he said gently... she was breathing heavily... she was scared, confused... and she knew it! "you're very lucky, we can still help you..." She felt a tiny pinprick on her neck and slowly the pain vanished... As she faded out of consciousness she caught the words: "damn masochists..." A final note. I didn't put either zoophilia or bestiality in the header, this is a simple matter of definition. By definition, both those words apply to sex between sentient and non-sentient animals, with consent, or not. This is why they aren't in the header - in this story, whether or not true in reality, I don't have all the facts, dolphins are accepted as sentient beings, simple enough? (besides, it could have spoiled the story!)