Character Info

Player              Stat   Sex         Species  ('ws #help' for help)
------------------ ------ ----------- ----------------------------------------
Rian                IIC    Male        Red Fox
   Doing: o/~ Have I got a long way, to run.. o/~
Serin               IC     male        ferret
   Doing: Looking for magic
Kyn'Elwynn          i3m    male        Shadow Tiger
Brolly              i12m   female      ferret
Cyndra              IC     Female      Raccoon
Tiberious           IIC    male        Tiger-striped Skunk
Seraphim            IC     female      Kuko
Rhys                i7m    Male        Equine
Kaelyn              IC     Female      Anthro Unicorn
   Doing: I have absolutely No idea! ^.^
Koji                IC     Female      Lutrai Child Priestess
>Sonja              Zzzz   female      Red Vixen                     |FurryNPC
>Bruno              Zzzz   male        Rhino Morph                   |FurryNPC
Sylia               OOC    female      Fox
   Doing: Meowing vulpinishly?
Shizouka            IIC    female      Mephitsune
   Doing: Keeping the Second House of Hoshi Strong
Mika                IC     Female      Vixen
   Doing: Praying...
Jade                IIC    Female      Mephit (Nogitsune)
   Doing: ...
Lairu               IC     male        lutrai (otter)
   Doing: I want to believe
Mabsant             IC     Male        Brown Bear
Strider             IC     Male        Jackal Hybrid
   Doing: The Shaft of this century.
Doro                IIC    female      Chinchilla
Foxtrot             WIZ    Male        Kitsune
   Doing: Living in Rapture with Jade.
Vex                 WIZ    Female      Void Kitsune
   Doing: Dark plots.  What else?  ;>
Shinji              IC     male        Morphic Unicorn
   Doing: Stands on its own

 (NP) == Not playing right now
 (PC) == Playing character
 (GM) == Gungeon Master ^.^  err... Game Master

The people listed as NP did not follow the group adventure, but interacted and observed at some time.

Foxtrot issa GM and a PC!  Ain't he special?

Rian (NP)
      The scruffy youth of a red fox standing before you is Rian Sinclair. He stands a good 5'6" and weighs in at about 135 pounds, the build of a dancer and a swordstod - slight, wiry and full of energy, for all that he's about 15 summers old. His long, unruly black headfur is tied back with a simple black leather thong loosely, hanging to the middle of his back, some tied in a single border-braid down the left side of his face. His ears, forepaws and hindpaws are charcoal-colored, and the white patch on his bushy tailtip matches that running down from under his chin to between his digitigrade legs, common to his species. His eyes flash a brilliant, deep green, vertically slitted, hinting at cleverness and mischeviousness.  Set in the center of his forehead is a brand, that of a ten-pointed star and a circle intersecting the radiating lines about midway along their length, the symbol of an initiate of the Karshaiic Brotherhood.
   Rian is currently clothed in his usual set of clothing, that of a cream-colored linen poet's shirt, over which he has a shortsleeved green jacket beneath a vest of a lightly worn brown leather armor vest, flared at the shoulders. His shirt is tucked into a pair of black breeches, tucked into brown digitigrade boots, cut at the toes to permit his footclaws free movement. He wears fingerless gloves of black leather to help his purchase and grip, and a black leather sword belt is buckled with the tarnished gold insignia of the Karshaiic Brotherhood.
Heavy hooded cloak
Weighted chain
Boot knife
Belt pouch
Peacekeeper Medallion
Basket-hilted broadsword
Kyn'Elwynn (PC)
You are now staring at the awesome form of Kyn'Elwynn, Shadow Tiger.
He stands at a massive 6' 7" and is around 300 lbs in weight. His fur
color is unlike an ordinary tiger's, being a smoky grey, with ebony
stripes. That mass is almost pure muscle and he is a domineering
figure. His body is currently clothed in long, flowing robes of pure
black satin, edged with a deep jade silk. The sleeves have been
removed, allowing his mighty arms to show, but they are clad in
padded leather sleeves, hinting at a light armor under the robes.
His hood is currently up, obscuring most of his facial features, only
his nose and whiskers outside the hem. His ears poke out through
holes in the topside, allowing him no penalties to hearing what's
occuring about him. His sparkling, but yet still dark, emerald
colored eyes gaze off into the horizon, scanning, as he thinks. His
dark, shoulder length head fur spills out from his hood, over his
broad shoulders. He notices your glances and turns, a look of slight
amusement on his face.
Shadow Rose
Brolly (NP)
You see a very attractive young ferretess, of what one might properly guess at to be 18 or 19 years of age. She seems to nearly always be in perpetual motion causing the silk of her dress to brush upon the air and flow about her lithe form as if they were made of some magic liquid.  She is fairly short, at 5'4", but still very well proportioned.  Her build is athletic but still keeping an ample bust.  She is just plain lucky there. Her body is covered in a silky soft fur coat of varying shades of light brown and white on face and down her front.  For her dress she has only her fur to cover her, but with a few noticeable exceptions.
The first one of these, that you notice, is the swirling waves of silk that flow around her waist as a skirt.  Colored in a bright red that brings out the tones in her fur, her skirt is made of a fine light almost translucent silk that only barely comes down below her modesty when she is still. After the skirt, the only protection she  has left for her luscious treasure is a pair of panties made out only slightly thicker silk fabric.  Her bust is protected with a halter of the same material in a slightly brighter shade with a tint more yellow.  All in all, as she moves the flowing fabric makes her seem like a candle flame in a soft breeze.
BUTTON:This character under construction.
Cyndra (PC)
Standing before you is a fur, standing about 4'8" and is dressed in a long, flowing dark brown cloak and a long brimmed hat which covers most of their features save that you can make out the face underneatht the brim of the hat and see that it belongs to that of a procyonid ( Raccoon ). Barely visible from between the cloak you can see....'she' is wearing a vest and a pair of pants which are a dull tan color, the pants a darker shade than the vest. On her feet are a pair of thick boots to protect her feet.

When looks like the quiet, reserved sort and when she does speak its usually in a soft, yet dark whisper of a voice. Always keeping her features tucked away under the shade of her hat. If you get a good enough glipse you can see a small charm around her neck in the shape of some strange symbol..probably having to do with her religon.
Tiberious (PC)
As you gaze apon this creature one might become confused as to his origins, for he is a Tiger striped Skunk! His fur is the normal pattern for a skunk But his coloration is like that of a Siberian tiger. He wairs a pair of Tan breeches and a white poets shirt. His eyes are an emerald green. By his looks he appears to be about in his 20's. His tail protrudes proudly out the back of his breeches. All in all he looks to be a kind fur. Someone to be trusted.
He stands around 6' tall
Crystal Staff
Gem Cutting Tools
Tiberious' Tome
Seraphim (NP)
This being is not so much seen as felt. The only indication you have of her presence is the sense of well being that fills the air.
Rhys (NP)
   You see a tall, stocky, earthy looking stallion wearing the clothes of a working man.  On his feet he wears a pair of sturdy brown boots, their soles caked in dirt and vegetable matter. Above theese are brown wool trousers, buttoned in the crotch and held up by a drawstring.  Beneath a green wool vest he wears a white collared shirt, open in the front.
   He is tall, for a peasant--six foot, two hundred and fifty pounds. he's not exactly thin, a mixture of muscle from hard labour and fat from eating and drinking well, producing somewhat muscular arms and legs, and a wide pot belly.  Rhys isn't exactly clean (but what farmer is?), but he does try to keep his clothes somewhat acceptable. a few smudges of dirt on his outfit are about all he'll accept.  His hands are wide, the fingers with hard black hoof-like nails, and his feet are plantigrade.  His eyes are hazel, sitting under an unruly mop of brown hair which is (sometimes) combed and pulled into a braid.  He has a quiet voice, and seems a shy person. However, when someone does manage to crack open his shell, he proves to be a kind and friendly person. Just a little bit people-shy, is all.  His fur is chestnut brown, and he has a white blaze on his forehead.
   Capping everything is a little green-brown derby with a feather stuck in it. He smiles shyly at you.
Farmer's Almanac
Kaelyn (PC)
   What you see defies your imagination. You are looking at a beautiful 7'4" bipedal unicorn. She is covered from head to tail in black pearlescent fur. Growing from her head is a long beautiful spire, that seems to make the very light dance upon its silvery surface. Jutting from her forehead the horn seems to be lined with silver and mother of pearl and is a about one and a half feet long. You can't help but notice her deep blue eyes, though they seem to be half covered by her long black silky forelock. Her muzzle is long and delicate, lending further to her Faerie appearance. Going back, you notice her sliky black mane flows between a pair of slender ears and down to the base of her neck, though the mane itself is long enough that it hangs to the middle of her back.
   She has a very feminine body. Her neck is long and her shoulders shapely and wide. Her shoulders taper down to a slender waist. She boasts a large pair of breasts that are both perky and full. Her hips are large and shapely, lending more to her effiminate shape. Her lionine tail grows from the small of her back, just above her rounded well muscled behind and hangs down to her fetlock.;Her legs are long shapely, and digitigrade. Her fetlocks have a distinctive feathering, like all unicorns that resembles a small tuft growing from the back. Her dainty silver hooves are cloaven and though harder than rock, they make allmost no sound when she walks. Her arms are slender and have only four digits, three fingers and a thumb. Her nails are thick and sparkle with a silver sheen when she moves them in the light. She walks silent and fluidly, with grace befitting one of Faerie.
   She wears a green tunic that has been tailored specifically for her kin. It is long, the lowest part hanging to her "knees" and the sids split at the waist to allow her legs free movement. Also, the back has a hole cut into it to allow for her tail. The  edges of the tunic appear to  have a trim of silver vines. If you look closely you'll notice that these silver threads are true Faerie silver.
Badge of Office
Dragon Armband
Recurve Bow

Serin (PC)

Serin is a playful scrap of a ferret.  He peers around intently, constantly moving with a fluid grace that defies understanding.  Full of life and exuberance, yet tainted by a wary watchfulness, his eyes speak volumes of hidden sadness.

His blue fur darkens to black as it approaches his eyes, tail and paws.  Simple grey clothes stand in stark contrast to the blood red pendant he bears around his neck.  Quick to smile, just as quick to look away.  Friendly, yet reserved.  He cheerfully bounces about, inspecting everything with a childish grace.

(9 years old)(always IC)
Serin's Journal

Koji (NP)

A petite little lutrai by the looks,
though with other species influencing her
if you look hard enough.

She's a tiny thing, almost fraile looking
with deep green eyes accenting the gentleness
of her character, and her vulnerability at
this stage in life.

Her fur is a fluffy looking light brown,
almost downy.  Lighter coloured, thin fur falls
from her head.  On each side of her head, she
sports a braid, though she has such a mass
of long and silky hair that she still has more
flowing down her back with no braids.

Her otter tail is thinner then most of the
species, but still with the telltale
flattened look and able to help her balance.

She wears a long, white cotton gown.  At the
waist is a gold chain, pulled to show her small
waist and the excess chain left to trail down
her front.  The gown does not sport sleaves and
down her arms she is marked with runic lutrai
symbols.  Her ears are pierced so that each
may wear a gold hoop and around her neck and
both her wrists she wears golden chains.  Her
feet are adorned in obi style sandals.

Lairu (PC)
=-=-=-= GET READY! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Lairu is your traditional white knight in shining armor, with a twist. This
young male otter seems to have stepped just a little beyond the boundries of
the classic armor-plated paladin, and its fairly obvious. He looks like he's
having a lot more fun, for one thing. The otter's fur is a rather luminous
shade of golden-brown, with light cream-colored markings. His long, spikey
headfur hangs down over the left side of his face, rather unkept, half-hiding
a playful smile and bright eyes the color of tropical aquamarine. At five and
a half feet tall, he has a distinctly unintimidating look to him, like a kid
who's wearing his father's armor. A white surcoat covers his minimal quarter-
plate, embroidered with a golden sun pattern; the crest of Kij's paladins. He
wears a very informal-looking headband to keep at least some of his long
blonde headfur out of his eyes, also embroidered with the image of the sun.
At his side, the young otter carries a bright silver sword in a chain sheath.
Stupid Sword
Nova Disk
Deva Colors
Crimson Teardrop

Mabsant (PC)
   You see a tall bear, around seven foot tall, with brown fur and green eyes.  he is dressed in a loose white shirt, laced down the front with dark purple cord, and tucked into loose brown trousers.  He is muscular and somewhat overweight, but looks as though he's seen enough physical activity to be skillfull.  He carries a brown satchel over his shoulder.  In a plain leather sheath at his waist is belted a plain dagger, with a cherrywood and brass handle.  His feet rest inside large leather boots which come halfway up his calves and fold over.

Strider (PC)

 A striking male jackal crosses your sight.
 A handsome young one, growing tall and
 slender.  Now past his teenaged years
 the jackal hybrid sports an aire of
 confidence and strenght.

 His colouring is tanned brown, with a white
 chin and belly.  He keeps himself quite clean
 and well kept as his fur shines lightly
 with a softened look to it.  His eyes are
 a forest green and have a most gentle look
 to them despite his tough appearance.

 It may be noted as well that he's not fully
 jackal despite that being quite dominant
 in his appearance.  Sharply rounded ears
 which keep up and alert and a full. cheeky
 muzzle suggest wolf lineage as well
 as the narrowed eyes and hefty paws.

 He wears deerskin pants, held up with a
 black belt.  A black leather vest covers
 his topside and within his belt one can see
 the handle of a dagger.

Fighting Daggers
Throwing Dagger
Throwing Dagger

Doro (PC)
    Large rounded ears perk up and swivel about as this young lass notices your gaze.  A couple gold earrings sparkle from her right ear.  Her fur is a pale grey, almost silvery, though from her chin and down along her throat is a cream white.  Her eye, yes, eye, for the right one is covered by a black leather patch, is an ice-blue that glances about seemingly casually, but takes in her surroundings very studiously.  Her face is framed by a cascade of wavy onyx hair that falls to her shoulders.
     She wears a simple off-white tunic with slightly billowing sleeves that gather at the cuffs.  Over the shirt is a rust-red jerkin with a couple pouches for daggers, over a pair of durable leather leggings, her tail poking out from the back, the tip being same creame white as her throat.  On her feet are a pair of sturdy, knee-high, black, seven-league boots.

Foxtrot (GM/PC)
     If you know Foxtrot, the change in his appearance is startling.  What was once a bundle of energy, untapped and uncontrolled has transformed into something with direction -- honed by the many experiences that this kitsune has had.
     The kitsune stands at five-foot-six, and appears to be near about one-hundred pounds.  His frame is lean and athletic, like an acrobat or martial artists, but his muscles are well-defined and honed with much practice and training.  His fur is well-groomed, and he seems to take excellent care of himself.  While now into his early adult-hood, he still has the mark of youthfulness to him -- to his race he is still a child.
     While still downy-soft, his fur is now silver-white.  You can pick up the faintest scent of mint on his fur.  His three tails raise behind him as a mark of pride, never touching the ground as he moves, their tips a medium grey matching the tips of his wiskers and the tips of his ears.
     Down his chest is a patch of pure white, which runs from his neck to his groin, then continues down along the inside of his legs and arms, to his palms and the soles of his feet.  Along the middle of his chest, his fur is a little thicker, leaving small tufts and curls that look fun to play with.  His hair matches the colour of his chest fur, short in the front, but more feathery than what he used to have.  While staying out of his eyes, it is long in the back, tied into a loose ponytail by a black ribbon.  The ponytail dangles to his mid-back.
     His eyes are a deep green, with silver swirls running through them.  They glow faintly, with an inner fire as if from a sacred light, entrancing to watch as the colours swirl.
Small satchel
Living Dagger
Ceremonial Dagger
Gold Ring
Friendship Bracelet
Gold Wand of Teleportation
Fox sculpture
Black Dagger
Crane Daisho-Free

Vex (GM) <== da big NPC player!
     Before you is Vex, daimyo of the Saotome Clan.  A sculpture of shadow, perfection in spirit, her form is fluid and mysterious and she seems to almost flow with every motion.
     She watches you, her expression guarded somewhat, then smiles turning to one side to give you a better view of her.  Her body is athletic and strong, a lithe 5'8" and 135lbs of sculptured perfection.
     What passes for fur is silky darkness, smooth and swallowing all light as she moves, groomed smooth.  The only colour to her fur are the grey patch on the end of her three tails, which constatly sways and weaves behind her, caressing anything that catches her interest as she regards everything with an intent, burning hunger.
     Her eyes are a brilliant green fire, violet lines of power misting from them as she watches you with the same hunger she gives everything else.
    Her hair is wild, hanging over her shoulders to mid back, as black as night.  She keeps it free, letting it swish with each movement, as unrestrained as she is.  She wears nothing, and seems quite happy and comfortable with it.
     Covering her body are elaborate sigils - a series of tattoos that play over her back and shoulders, and weave down the back of her arms and legs.  They seem to almost writhe as she walks.
Dark Daisho
RP Button:  I am here to RP.  Being here, I accept the fact that I am part of the environment, and that anything that happens around me can affect me.  Permission from me is not needed, as I am mature enough to accept what happens here.  This does not include the right to kill me.

Character Pinfo

### cinfo is NOT to be used IC'ly.  It's only an aid to let you know what questions to ask.


> Character Info for: Shinji
Birthday: 9-13-83 (IC) OOC: Not telling. =)
Character: Shinji is a unicorn stallion; at least, half of him is.  The other half is the Companion side of a particular race of shapeshifting psychics, but that side lies mostly dormant.  Shinji's major skills lie in hunting/tracking/wildnerness survival, and "unarmed" combat; he has indestructable hooves/skeleton/horn.  Speaking of the horn, it can cut straight through damn near anything.  He has a degree of magic and ley-line control but is young yet with them, better at resisting magic than using them.
Misc: He retains only the very basics of his old shapeshifting abilities currently.
Residence: Kaelyn's glade.
TinyPlot: nearly any
Miscellaneous fields: Healing, History, History2 and strength
> "cinfo Shinji <field>" to display.
> Character Info for: Shinji, Miscellaneous field: Healing
> Shinji isn't too good at healing others yet, though his self-purification and regeneration work fine
> Character Info for: Shinji, Miscellaneous field: History
> Shinji entered the shire as a fairly petty "predator", a shapeshifting telepath who stole essences as well as physical food and emotions.  Eventually, a crisis ensued which caused a positiive side of him to develop.  The two sides, uneasily acquainted, warred soon after.  The companion-positive side one, but at the cost of half of his soul.
> Character Info for: Shinji, Miscellaneous field: History2
> Howeve,r the brilliant unicorn mare/healer, Kaelyn, restored his soul with parts of her own, bringing him into the fold as a new unicorn stallion- hers.  Though the herd grew, his love for her and the tiny pegasus-unicorn mare known as Snowpony knew no equal.   He is now a contradiction of youth and maturity, of cheerfulness and seriousness.
> Character Info for: Shinji, Miscellaneous field: strength
> Aside from being a natural combatant, Shinji's unicorn nature seems to have manifested in an incredible strength.  While not capable of moving mountains, he almost certainly could give certain comic book heroes a run for their money.
> Done.


> Character Info for: Strider
Character: Born to Kaylin, known as the self acclaimed "Slum Empress', Strider has come to be associated with her.  His father was a drunk jackal whom, when Strider was no more than a baby, was found frozen to death in the forest.  Because of his reering by his feisty mother, Strider is no less as strong as her with potential to be much more.  He has learnt the delicate arts of theft and conmanning though his associations in the slums.  His younger sister, Koji, is the only one in his life thus far who has been able to confort him and the only one Strider will go to when upset.  Strider otherwise hides or represses his true feelings and goes about acting in all areas of his life.
> Done.


> Character Info for: Kaelyn
Birthday: born 950 AE sometime in the spring ^.^
> Miscellaneous fields: BG1, Forms and Magic
> "cinfo Kaelyn <field>" to display.
> Done.
> Character Info for: Kaelyn, Miscellaneous field: bg1
> history coming forthwith
> Character Info for: Kaelyn, Miscellaneous field: forms
> Kaelyn does possess the natural ability to shapeshift, and has honed this over the centuries to a fine art. She actually enjoys the act of changing her shape. To her, this is a way to relieve stress and pass time, among expressing a little artistic talent. Her base form is that of a unicorn, be it morphic or nonmorphic, both are her base form and she often returns to this. She has a few other forms very close to her base, and might be considered so, but she was not born as these. Her other 'base' forms are that of a nonmorphic dragon, and that of a kumo, or goblin spider.
> Character Info for: Kaelyn, Miscellaneous field: magic
> Primarily Kaelyn is what is known as a channeler. An elemental based magic user who does not have need of spells, nor incants. She merely weaves patterns many different elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit, Time, and sometimes even raw mana (in other words, wild magic, which is much harder to manipulate, but can produce strong results if done right, though many of the results are rather unexpected). This form of magic is a more direct manipulation of the energies surrounding the caster, and thereby often takes a strong tole on the caster, usually tiring them quickly unless they are in very good physical condition, to wield this, and must have a strong endurance to be able to pull the energies to them and store them long enough around the caster so as to weave it into a usable pattern. Often, should the user's scource be tainted, then it can wear more upon the channeler, or perhapse make them nausious.
Kaelyn is a well rounded mage though, and can cast from scrolls and books, and also carries a grimoir to cast 'normal' spoken spells from, though she prefers to channel, sometimes she is not allways allowed such luxury, so has made it a point to study as many magics as she can, in order to expand her self, above just being a channeler.

(this is by no means finished but it is a start and will be expounded apon at a later date)

Also Kaelyn is a druidess (priestess if you will) of the lady or mysteries, and actually is rather close to her. So at times she can call apon the Lady for help, or can oftentimes cast a 'clerical' spell should she be forced to. Though she usually prefers to rely apon her own abilities and wits to make her way out of a cituation, but can, and will call apon her patron, should it be needed, and won't hesitate if she sees reason to.
> Done.


> Character Info for: Serin
Address: Anonymity makes it easy to lie, but being known makes it hard to tell the Truth.
Birthday: December 21
Character: Character History: 'cinfo Serin history' Character Profile: 'cinfo Serin profile'
TinyPlot: Anytime anyplace.  I am always IC!
> Miscellaneous fields: history, languages and profile
> "cinfo Serin <field>" to display.
> Character Info for: Serin, Miscellaneous field: history
The past has not been kind to Serin.  He has come out of troubled times, a partial amnesiac.  For the most part, his memory is perfect, but there are things that he cannot remember because he has pushed them away, or because the memories were taken from him...

Serin's father was a powerful sorcerer in the East.  Serin remembers him as being kind and loving, if a little distant.  This mage (whose name is yet to be set by the rpstaff I hope?) was responsible for taming the magic storms that swept in from the sea.  Long did they terrorize the people of his land, until he fashioned a mighty device which drew upon the lifeforce of Gaea to balance the tumultuous storms.

Serin remembers his father bouncing him on his knee, telling him stories.  He remembers the fire in the fireplace that woke itself into flames, the floating city out the window, learning to fly....  He remembers whispered conversations between his mother and father, about their greatest work, a text on the nature of life itself.  They never wrote the book because shortly thereafter, his mother died.

Serin remembers nothing of her death, only that there was smoke and fire and ashes, a mighty spell battle waged, and the collective, terrified scream as the storm shield shattered, letting in the wild winds.  After that, blackness, then confused images distorted with color and sound.  What seemed an eternity of time passed, and he slowly became aware that his father was near.

When Serin called out to his father, he saw nothing but hatred.  Frustration and hatred.  His father told him that he was nothing, less than nothing.  He refused to acknowledge Serin, even beat him.  And one dark night, in time with the blows, he shouted, "You're not my son.  See?  See?..."  Serin fled that night, and never returned, journeying west on a travelling caravan.  He knows only by the word of his grief maddened father that his mother is dead.  He constantly searches to fill the gaps in his memory between the blackness, and the time when his father turned against him.
> Character Info for: Serin, Miscellaneous field: profile
Serin has a natural understanding of magic.  Most of his forgotten childhood was filled with it, and he himself displays an amazing talent for the Arcane arts.  He is young and rambunctuous, eager to please and possessing a cheerful and innocent sense of humor.  However, there are times when he displays an unusual reservedness and restraint, traits unknown among his race.  He holds a cold contempt for the truly hyper, unable to accept his own vivacious nature.

Serin is studying under a geomancer by the name of Chi.  Serin regards him with the deepest respect.  Despite Chi's assurances that "I'm not all that great," Serin is his devoted pupil, full of assurance for his own masters infallability.

Serin is struggling with the arts of elemental magic.  Despite his untapped potential that not even Chi can fathom, Serin has a talent for releasing too much energy in the wrong place.  The snowstorm summoned inside the Furryshire tavern was a fine example of that.  Twice, he has had to be pulled from the brink of death, until Chi forced Serin to learn not to pour all his power into a spell at once.  Serin continues to grapple with elemental magic, but his gift lies elsewhere...
> Character Info for: Serin, Miscellaneous field: languages
> Trade, very basic Romany, Naiponese.  "Quick to learn"


> Character Info for: Lairu
> Miscellaneous fields: ressurrection, Rituals and Turning
> "cinfo Lairu <field>" to display.
> Character Info for: Lairu, Miscellaneous field: ressurrection
> This is the apex of priestly magic, the ability to restore life to the deceased. This ritual is both highly c