Log for furryfaire.org by Serin on 7/26/00
The Midnight RP

For convenience, information about the characters can be found here.

Session five, the final session can be found here.

Note: italic text was given OOC but too deliciously ironic to omit.

Player              Stat   Sex         Species  ('ws #help' for help)
------------------ ------ ----------- ----------------------------------------
Shinji              Zzzz   male        Morphic Unicorn
   Doing: Stands on its own
Strider             IC     Male        Jackal
   Doing: The Shaft of this century.
Snowpony            WIZ    female      Hoofed something
   Doing: .. looking for a way off this planet.
Serin               IC     male        ferret
   Doing: Looking for magic
Kaelyn             IC     Female      Anthro Unicorn
   Doing: I have absolutely No idea! ^.^
Foxtrot             WIZ    Male        Kitsune
   Doing: Living in Rapture with Jade.
Vex                 WIZ    Female      Void Kitsune
   Doing: Dark plots.  What else?  ;>
>Watcher                   unknown     unknown                          |Serin
Kyubiko             Zzzz   female      Silver Fox
   Doing: Exploding the world as GuestKyubiko!
Doro                IIC    female      Chinchilla
--[ Found 10 characters. ( 8 Awake / 2 Asleep / 1 Zombie ) ]------------------

###  Role call!  Foxtrot returns without Jade.

Vex purrs, "Is Kaelyn present and accounted for? ;>"
Shinji wickers, "I'm counting her.  But she's *my* present to me. =)"
Vex purrs, "Foxtrot."
Foxtrot says, "Hai..."
Vex purrs, "Vex?"
Vex purrs, "Yep, I'm here. ;>"
Vex purrs, "Doro?"
Doro murrs softly, "Here."
Serin thinks Vex is getting a bit silly there.
Vex purrs, "Kay.  someone prod Kaelyn."
Doro murrs softly, "It happens."
Doro pokes Kaelyn!
Kaelyn grins a lil "yep, I'm present, dunno if I can be accounted for
Shinji drags Kaelyn off behind cover and prods her.
Jade is automagically sent home.
Kaelyn fuzzles Shinji
Vex purrs, "Kay, then."
When we last left off, the group had left the front of Anansie, and were discussing current events, and trying to find the means to cure the group and find the source of this plague.  Foxtrot and Jade left to Anansie to study.  Only Foxtrot returns.
Foxtrot OOC :\
Doro is working out the stiffness from her joints.
Serin watches the sand swept kitsune drifting back along the road.
Shinji gets dragged into RL. *sigh*
Doro murrs softly, "Foxtrot-san?"
Foxtrot looks around, holding two scrolls.  "Well, Jade found information that may be of assistance."
You say, "Hey, Foxtrot is back!"
Strider has just washed himself clean of that horrid vomit stench.  He looks over to the group, cupping his ears forwards intently.
Foxtrot unrolls the scrolls.  "Anyone besides me know how to read Hinde?"
Kaelyn umms "Aye
Doro pads over.  "Well, that's good.   Sorry, never learned Hinde." :)

###  Foxtrot reads the ancient scrolls

Scroll #1:  One hundred years ago, the histories say, a magician named Jamal bin Rashad min Anansie (Jamal, son of Rashad, from Anansie) travelled from his family home and disappeared from the face of the Blasted Land.  A brief time later, a darkness spread across Tajima and Anansie, and brought death to the people of the desert.  The shadow first appeared in Tajima, south of Anansie.
Kaelyn headtilts and listens
Foxtrot looks the scroll over.  "That's kind of a footnote to the next scroll.."
Doro nods.
Foxtrot reads from the second scroll, "Jamal bin Rashad min Anansie is remembered with hatred and shame in the history of Anansie.  He was a powerful magician and considered wise beyond his years.  The scandals that surrounded him in the distance past insure that speaking of him to the royal family invites disaster.  Jamal had a reputation of decadence in his time, and many believed he was dealing with demons and other foul creatures on a regular basis.  His reputation eventually became well-known, and though the allegations could not be proven, he was quietly ordered from Anansie, banished in order to avoid scandal."
Doro hmms.
Foxtrot unrolls the scroll more, "Angry at the perceived betrayal, he vowed revenge upon Anansie.  In the deserts between Anansie and Tajima, he began a terrible ceremony to summon a demon lord from beyond the 'Great Wall' (A supernatural barrier shielding the world from other places) - one who could help him exact revenge upon Anansie.  The summoning ceremony coincided with an eclipse to the south, identitical in nature to the one which marked the beginning of the current plague.  The creature, who's is simply called 'He Who is Devoid of Life', taught him all manner of black magic:  power he never imagined possible."
Kaelyn listens...
Serin hmms.  "So how was his evil stopped?"
Foxtrot stops a moment, reading ahead.  "From there, he made his way to the lands south of Tajima, deep in the Southern Mountains, where he lied about his past and coerced his way into the Tajima family's trust.  He was to preside over the wedding of Ahmed min Tajima and his betrothed, Fatima min Anansie.  The wedding never came to pass.  Jamal felt a passion for Fatima that was powerful enough to make him work his subtle magics against Ahmed.  Using the tricks he learned from He Who is Devoid of Life, he convinced Ahmed that his bride to be was unfaithful, and even convinced the man to make the claim in public, which lead to the bride's family losing face as the wedding vows were broken on the very night before the marriage."
Shinji has disconnected.
Foxtrot says, "The shame was great, and Fatima threw herself off the balcony of the Tajima palace.  It was only later that the duplicity was discovered, and made public by Fatima's older brother.  Jamal was hunted by the royal guards of Anansie, but could not be found."
Kaelyn eefs
Foxtrot says, "In spite of his long association with He Who is Devoid of Life, Jamal was not completely evil.  He had not intended for Fatima to die, in fact, he had hoped to ask for her hand once the wedding was called off.  He had realized that his 'advisor' from beyond was merely destroying his life."    Foxtrot pauses, "The scroll is very clear on this matter, and may even be written by Jamal himself."
Strider folds his arms over and grumbles, "Bloody dramatic history..."
Foxtrot says, "Realizing what he had lost and what his misplaced ambition had cost him, Jamal tried to purge the shadows of his soul.  On a dark night, in the midst of a howling thunderstorm, he tried to force his supernatural advisor back beyond the Great Wall.  Instead, in his pride and naivete, he set the creature loose, stripping him of his very identity and claiming his body as its own."
You say, "Most history is dramatic.   Hindsight is veiled wif glamour."

###  Jamal, so notoriously evil that every scroll (except this one) was destroyed.

Foxtrot concludes, "The Beast descended upon the city of Tajima, coating the land with his darkness, and devouring the lives and identities of its inhabitants.  The Grand Vizier of Anansie, the brother of Fatima, calls for his greatest magicians to descend on the city of Tajima, and undo the spells which had brought The Beast to Kith Kanaan.  The Beast was dragged back beyond the Great Wall, but Tajima was already destroyed.  The Grand Vizier summoned a great storm to swallow the dead city of Tajima, and all scrolls detailing the city's existence was to be destroyed."
Strider flicks an ear towards Serin, "Yah... but... whatever happened to simplicity..."
Kaelyn listens quietly
Serin grumbles.  "Every scroll except these."
Foxtrot smiles a little, "In some lands, history is not meant to be dry, but to tell stories and be filled with wonder."  He rolls the scroll back up, and tucks both away in his satchel.  "Jade is continuing her search."
Kaelyn nods.
Doro nods and hmmms.
Foxtrot says, "I think, if we find Tajima, we will find the source of this plague.  There's a storm to the south... which, oddly enough, comes after an eclipse that could be seen only in the south."
Foxtrot says, "Which, oddly enough, matches this history."
Doro murrs softly, "How far from here?"
Doro murrs softly, "Well, it is said, history repeats itself."
You say, "Well I wanna make sure everyone stays healthy.  That lady tiger said her stuff didn't grant immunity, just removed the plague.  What's Strider an' Doro gonna do if they catch it again from me?"
Strider looks over to Foxtrot, "Well... let's go then hmm?  Do what needs to be done and be back in time for supper."
Foxtrot mrphs, and looks to the south.  "We couldn't find any traces of the city of Tajima.  In fact, these scrolls are the only ones that mention it."

###  The plague spreads only through the casting of spells.

Foxtrot looks at Serin.  "Simple.  Do not cast spells.  Do not use magic.  Do not perform anything magical.  And they won't catch it."
Foxtrot asks, "Do you know how to use a sword?"
Strider looks to Serin with a grin, "Don't worry about this jackal kiddo.  I'm tough as rock and them some."
You say, "Huh?  Well a dagger okay, but... But everyone in Anansie is sick!  Was a spell cast near all of them?"
Serin can use a dagger with some proficiency.
Kaelyn eefs... "ummmmm I gotta sliiight problem with that... I AM a magical critter o.o unless I like become a kumo or something and rely on chi manipulation which I'm not extremely strong at o.o
Foxtrot says, "I think someone tried healing magic on one, and simply infected the rest without knowing it."
Foxtrot says, "And this just kept happening."
Doro smiles.  "Yes, I know how to use a sword."
Foxtrot looks at Doro and Strider.  "You two at least look better.  Not healed, but better.  What did I miss?"
Kaelyn ummms 'what 'bout me being a magical critter'n all?
Serin sighs, looking at his small, yet wickedly cut blade.  "This dagger has too many bad memories..."
Doro murrs softly, "A lady tigress came in through a portal."
Doro murrs softly, "She used mindmagic to mostly heal us."
Strider flicks an ear and grins to Foxtrot, "Well... the plague tried to get me but I fought it back with all my might...." Someone should pop his bubble.
Foxtrot ahhhs, then looks at Kaelyn.  "Don't transform."
Doro looks to Strider.  "Kid, you were puking like I was."
Strider looks at Doro, brow furrowing, "Yes... but I did it with style."  He hmphs and looks back.
Foxtrot looks at the City of Stories, then to the south.  "Everyone have water and dry rations?"
You say, "Strider, you were actually weaker than Doro."
Foxtrot glances at Strider, then nudges Serin.  "Be nice."
Doro murrs softly, "Some furs...  Aye, I have water and rations."
Kaelyn ummms "ehhhh errr.... transformation to my base forms really don't use a huge amount of magic, actually veeeery lil........... but wouldn't the kumo form be a better form to help us combat this thing?
Strider wrinkles up his muzzle, then looks off to the side quietly.

###  Me bein' a baad ferret

Serin hmmphs.  "Would you be nice if someone lied to you so they would look good?"
Lairu and Mika head back to the north with Mabsant, having been healed by Jade in some strange manner.  <exuent>
Foxtrot smirks at Serin.  "Happens all the time back home."  He looks at Kaelyn.  "We don't know what is best."
Doro pats Serin.  "I like honesty personally."
Serin drops his composure.  "I'm sorry, it's just so hard and all the herbs I gathered aren't fast enough to help!  I don't meen to take it out on anyone."
Kaelyn umms and nods... "Aye, but the kumo don't use magic to reweave reality do they?
Foxtrot brings out water for everyone, and some bags of figs and dates.  "Here."
Foxtrot says, "And don't share your food and water with each other.  Use what you have sparingly."
Foxtrot looks at Kaelyn.  "
Foxtrot asks, "As much as I do.  And do you see me doing any of my normal tricks?"
Doro hrms and aranges the provisions.
Serin smiles delightedly, and grabs his share, hoarding it away with a skill that seems to come naturally. ^.^
Kaelyn sticks her toungue out "no o.o"
Strider looks at the dates and figs with some amount of distaste.  The jackal instead chooses to drink from the bottle of whiskey he has affixed to his belt.
Foxtrot mumbles, "Whiskey will make you thirstier, Strider."
Kaelyn ooc drewls at a mach one o.o
Foxtrot says, "Anyway... I couldn't find horses for most of us, nor camels, unfortunately.  Looks like we're walking."
Serin is sorry he had to leave little Nell behind.  And not just because of the saddle sores.
Strider grins over to Foxtrot, "Well then I'll simply have to drink more of it."
Doro murrs softly, "So, let's get going."
Serin frowns.  "Alcohol makes people go to the bathroom too much.  The more you drink... the more you lose."
Foxtrot nods, and heads south, hiking through the sand with some annoyance.
Foxtrot says, "Sounds like something I heard about beans."
You say, "*sigh*  I'm ready.  Let's see if we can heal some of this stuff."
Strider chuckles towards Serin, "Well... let's hope there's lots of tree's to mark on the way."
Foxtrot asks, "Trees?  In the desert?"
Doro murrs softly, "In a desert?"
Doro pats Foxtrot as she walks beside him.
Foxtrot glances at Doro, then out south, and sighs.  "We'll travel during the night, so we don't bake."
Strider erks and scratches his head, "You know... those pointy trees...."  he grunts, "Oh... this is the first time I've been away from the shire in my life."
Serin just slaps his forhead.  "And where are you going to get all this water to make pee?  Hopeless."
Doro nods to Foxtrot.  "Definately.  Could get some cloaks or soemthing for shade for those of use who will need it."

###  We head south in search of the lost city of Tajima.

The treck south past the city of Anansie starts easy enough.  The stars are crystal clear in the sky overhead, though as the night progresses, the clouds begin to roll in from the south.  Those who are used to Anansie know that, simply enough, there's NEVER clouds in this desert.
Strider laughs at Serin and pats the ferret's head, "No one said I had to be overly intelligent.  Besides, I don't ever want my mate to think I'm smarter then I really am - she'd suspect me of things."
Serin peeks out from his thick white burlapish cloak, and wouldn't enter the desert without one.  o.o
Doro studies the stars and nods to herself.
Kaelyn just follows o.o
As you walk, the ground gradually changes.  From soft, loose sand to dry, harder sand.  From dry, hard sand to brittle, sharp stone.
Serin looks at the clouds, wondering of the tales from the past.
Doro hmms.
Strider narrows his gaze with this travelling, grumbling once to himself.
Kaelyn loves hoer hooves ^_^
Eventually, near sunrise, you're walking across sharp slate.  You've entered badlands, the ground baked and cracked.  Unprotected feet rapidly get sliced and cut, while shoes protect partially from the jutting points.  The ground is blackened and lifeless, and the small shrubs that do litter the vast desert are withered and weak.  In the distance to the south, you see the peaks of mountains.
Serin just grumbles, stepping as carefully as he can.
"How much further is it?" Serin asks plaintively.
Kaelyn really loves her hooves o.o, she then walks over to Serin and puts him up on her shoulders as she walks on ^_^
Foxtrot steps carefully, though mostly just out of habit.  As he walks, he peers around him.  "There are spirits in this region... different than what I'm used to seeing."
Strider winces, his uncovered feet, though roughened by the years, drawing blood.  He doesn't complain though, just keeps walking.  He looks to Serin and grins, "Want a lift kiddo?"
Serin yaaays and sits atopa Kaelyn, looking out as far as he can see.
Kaelyn hmmmms and reaches into her travelpack and tosses strider a couple pieces of very thick leather and some chord.. "Tie those 'bout yer feet.
Serin looks at the clouds for traces of spirit aura.
Strider nods once to Kaelyn and offers them back, "I can handle it... mother made us walk on trash all the time.  Maybe Serin... want some reinforcement on your feet..?"
Foxtrot hmms, and brings out his biwa as we walk, o/~ I come from a land, from a faraway place, where the caravan traders go.  Where they cut off your ear if they don't like your face, barbaric, bet hey, it's home. o/~
You say, "No, Kaelyn can't carry you, an' none of us want to when you can't walk anymore."
As you continue to walk, the sun rises, the ground slowly heating up as you travel.  Eventually, it becomes too hot to safely tread, and you can see waves of heat shimmering on the stones.
Strider snorts, looking upward, "I have a tough hide.  If I can't handle a bit of blood on my paws, how will I handle some god like evil thing?"

###  As the sun rises, it might be a good idea to find shelter...

You say, "We should stop, find some shade."
Serin peers about from Kaelyn's shoulders for any shelter.
Foxtrot looks around.  "Blankets?  Tents?  Anyone have this sort of thing?"
Serin had a tent.  When he had a donkey.
Kaelyn shakes her head atta Strider "put em on, ye'll need yer feet later an we can't let ye get any infection
Foxtrot mrphs.  "Oh joy.  And we can't dig under the ground for shade, either."  He peers hard over the horizon, eyes narrowing to try to ignore the shimmer of heat.
Kaelyn looks around trying to find any indentations in the land.
Serin hopes the badlands aren't completely flat.  Aren't they usually riddled with canyons?
Strider has disconnected.
[FFRP:Roll]Kaelyn rolls 'Knowlege - Survival'. Result is :   9
Serin knows anything Kaelyn can see, he can see too.
Serin umm... doesn't know 'ssactly what to look for though.
[FFRP:Roll]Kaelyn rolls 'Knowlege - Survival'. Result is :  13
You.. think... you see some form of outcropping to the east.  Not too sure though.
Foxtrot shakes his head, "I can't see past the haze in the spirit world..."
You say, "Kaelyn, can you see that thing to the east?  It looks like shade, or some kind of outcropping."

###  ...especially with that skin flaying sandstorm coming our way.  O.O

Kaelyn eefs... "looks like a possible sandstorm comin up from the south.....
Foxtrot says, "Your... kidding.."
Kaelyn shakes her head "nope... I suggest we find as many large pieces of shale and make a leanto post haste....
Foxtrot asks, "Serin, how far are those outcroppings?"
Ye are clueless.  ;>
Serin uh, ohs.  "Umm..."
You say, "Pretty far I guess.  I can't tell."
Kaelyn thinks a moment and looks at the outcroppings trying to ascertain the distance....
Strider has connected.
Foxtrot mrphs.  "Okay.  Simple enough.  We *run* there as quickly as we can.  And we hope we get there before the sandstorm connects with us."
Strider looks around as he breaks out of his trance and erks, "Sandstorm..."
Serin looks nervously at the desert cloud creeping along the ground.  "It looks just like fog..."
Foxtrot nods, "Strider, put foot pads on.  Now.  That is not a request."
Strider frowns, but does as expected, looking a little awkward with something on his feet as he's unaccustomed to it.
Foxtrot nods, and frowns.  "Lead the way, Serin, I can't see it."
Doro has become terminally idle.
Serin sighs, hopping off Kaelyn.  "Follow me, then!"
Serin hurries toward the exact direction of the outcroppings.
Kaelyn shrugs and starts heading in that direction as well
Strider follows, his head turned as he watches natures advance on them with some awe.
Serin calls out periodically so Foxtrot can follow.
Foxtrot has disconnected.
Vex has disconnected.
Doro has unidled.
"Well, now that Vex is gone, can we all plot behind her back?" Serin asks innocently, running in place for the moment.
Foxtrot relaxes, and shows his true colours.
Foxtrot has connected.
Vex has connected.
Serin O.o Blue and orange?
Serin jogs at a quick pace, panting as hard as he can, trying to ignore the heat while keeping eyes fixed on the outcropping ahead.
Kaelyn erfs, and trots up behind Serin, and tries to pick him up as she starts picking up her pace a little
As you run, you see the storm approaching.  The clouds roll out overhead like a blanket of chromatic lights, thunder cracking and streaks of prismatic hues crash into the ground with explosive force.  The sandstorm approaches, a harsh, choking wind rolling ahead of the roiling sand, lashing out as you race towards the shelter.  What you find astonishes you, jutted black spikes of dark stone, openings facing the north.  Five spikes in all, each can hold three or four furries.
Serin yeeks, and glomps on.  "It's right over there!  Hurry, or the storm'll get us!"
Doro makes sure that furs are getting to the shelter.  "C'mon, move it!"
Strider blinks and pauses, "Is that even safe?"
Doro murrs softly, "Better than the sandstorm"
You say, "We don't have time.  We gotta get in before... o.o"
You say, "Sandstorms aren't supposed to have rainbow lightning.  eeeep."
Strider frowns and shakes his head, looking at the storm and then back to the oddities here, "I don't know..."
The sandstorm blots out the light of the sun, the storm overhead hurling jagged, lethal shards of light all around you.  As you reach the edge of the stone shards, your hair starts to rise as the air becomes charged.
"Between the bof of us, we can fit into two of these... spikes." Serin says, peering inside one of them.
You say, "I mean the all of us."
Kaelyn immediately starts to run as fast as she possibly can, her feet light apon the ground as she stretches her legs out
Doro murrs softly, "Looks like that's what we're gonna have to do."
Foxtrot leaps into one of the alcoves, "GET IN HERE!"
Doro pushes Serin into an alcove.
Strider looks at his fuzzed up hair, "I don't trust it!"  He lays his ears back at the noises all around him.
Doro murrs softly, "Tough kid, move it."
Kaelyn follows foxy o.o
You say, "A sandstorm will kill you.  That over there is worse.  What's not to trust?!!"
Around strider, the ground almost glows, his fur rising up as small motes of light climb up his body.
Doro growls and grabs Strider, trying to throw him into an alcove.
Strider frowns and pulls back from Doro, stepping into an Alcove on his own.
Serin is just itching to cast a little tiny persuasion spell... ggggh.
Foxtrot is.
Kaelyn yells "put yer cloaks over the entrance to keep the sand from getting in!@
Doro goes into an alcove herself once everyone else is squared away.

###  We shelter in strange stone pillars.  Fingers of the Gods?

A blast of lightning ROARS down, striking where Strider and Doro were just moments before.  A small hole can be seen once your vision returns, where the two furries were standing, the heat almost baking those within just a few feet of it.
Serin unrolls his bedroll.  "This'll help!"
Serin issa laaagy ferret.
Foxtrot finds a corner to curl up in and sighs to himself, looking upset.
Doro whews.  "4th time lightning almost got me. "
Doro murrs softly, "Everyone okay?!"
The sand comes only moments later, enshrouding everyone in darkness as it roars past, lighting flashing among the sand, making lines of glass which shatter immediately from the force of the winds.
Foxtrot's eyes glow in the darkness, the lightning highlighting his fur once in a while.  "I'm... fine."
Serin shudders at the noise, creeping back away from the opening.
Kaelyn looks to Foxtrot... "ya sure?
Foxtrot nods.  "Hai..."
You say, "Why are you shining, sir Foxtrot?"
The wind and lightning echo through the hollow stones, which vibrate with the force of the elemental assault.  Soon, speech becomes near impossible from the noise.
Foxtrot tries to talk, then sighs.  (( Spirit Sight. ))
Doro just curls up and rests.
Serin ohs, and concentrates.  He feels Foxtrot a sense of kinship.
Strider grumbles, leaning back against a wall, "This is crazy."
Kaelyn uses her cloak to block the entry way, and looks for other cloaks to help do that so we maybe can muffle the sound
Serin wishes the stones would quit howling...
Hours and hours pass..
Strider thusly finishes his whiskey.
Foxtrot paces.  :\
Kaelyn uses a few of her target arrows and as much strenght as she can muster to nail the arrows into the cracks in the rockface, and stick the cloaks there as well...
Serin offers some water around, urging furrs to drink.
Doro dozes.
Each crack against the stones causes reverbration, making everyone's head soon ache.
Foxtrot says, "We all have water, Serin, but thank you."
Serin points to his water, points to your water, and makes a drinking motion.  He feels everyone opportunity.
Eventually, the howls fade, the thunder stops, and it is simply dark.

###  Kaelyn, always the practical thinker, decides to start a fire in an enclosed area.

Kaelyn then moves to the middle, and digs a small metal box out of her backpack, and pulls out some wood 'bundles' meant to burn very slowly but make plenty of heat for a while, she then sticks the 'brick' of wood into the box and digs out a little charcoal which she sets in with the brick. she then pulls out her striker and flint and beginst trying to get a meager fire going.
Doro opens her eye and yawns.
Serin O.o hopes there's not going to be a smoke problem.
Kaelyn points to the opening and motions that the smoke should be drawn out.
Foxtrot puts a paw on the side of the stones.  "That lightning was the plague.  Each crack, as it reaches further north, becomes less and less visible, and those it strikes carries the plague."
Serin nods.  He gets to the quietest spot he can find, next to Foxtrot, and tries to get some sleep.
The smoke is not leaving, unfortunately, it begins to fill up the room.
Strider sighs, watching outside intently, all too eager to leave the alcove.
Serin has a spell that... could... maybe if he signals Kaelyn to kick the fire out the hole?
Kaelyn eefs, and makes a slight opening in the cloaks so as to draw the smoke away.
Serin >.<
Outside, once the cloak's moved, is a wall of sand, covering the entrance top to bottom.
Kaelyn o.o
Kaelyn quickly puts the cover on the box, putting the small fire out... "we got some diggin' t'do
Strider sighs, muttering, "It's so dark... can't even see the stars from here... feels so far from home."
Foxtrot looks over.  "Hmm?"
Kaelyn moves so people can see that the opening is covered
Serin wonders if the noise stopped?
Foxtrot notes, he's probably theonly one who can see.
Serin can see somewhat.
Snowpony has become terminally idle.
Serin taps up against the wall of sand with his nose, scampering back quite shocked.
Kaelyn draws her sword and attempts to figure out how deep the sand is by feeling her way through it with the weapon....
Foxtrot walks through the sand wall, and out the other side.
You say, "Kaelyn?!  You wanna get us buried?"
Kaelyn giggles "is only three feet...
Foxtrot says, "Boo."
Serin oohs, as Foxtrot moves farther away.
Doro ACKS!
Foxtrot chuckles a little.
Kaelyn wickers softly, "and we're gonna run out of air before we dig out..."
Doro murrs softly, "Hey, quit tryin' ta poke me!"
"He must be outside." Serin whispers. "He's right next to Doro."
Doro resumes digging
Foxtrot back-kicks the wall of sand and makes it collapse.
Kaelyn eefs and thbts atta foxy "hey, ya got us all covered in sand ^_^
The sand comes rumbling down, spreading out and clearing the opening.
Foxtrot coughs a bit.  "Got you out... better then climbing through a hole that may collapse."

###  The storm quiets.  Broken free of our self-made prisons, we gaze at the stars above.

Serin blinks once, twice.  As the particles of sand rain down on him, he shields his eyes.
Overhead, you can see that the storm has retreated back to the south, rumbling and crackling.  It seems centred at some point in the distant mountains.  Overhead are the stars once more, and you can see the sun setting.
You say, "What happened?  Is the wall... gone?"
Doro offers a paw to help furs out.  "You all okay?":
The ground is hot.  Not terribly hot, but still uncomfortable.
Kaelyn ummmms....
Foxtrot lags.
Doro murrs softly, "Somone was smoking?"
Serin blinks again, slowly turning his eyes back to brown.  "Oh yes.  It is."
Strider smiles, looking up to the stars quietly, an ear flicking thoughtfully.
Kaelyn umms "trying to getta lil fire going ^_^
Foxtrot pops a date into his mouth, chewing as he looks south.
"Somebody thought it would be fun to breathe smoke." Serin says pointing atta kaelyn.
Foxtrot sighs, then turns back to the group, leaning against the stone column.
Doro murrs softly, "Foxtrot-san?  What is it?"
"What are these?" Serin says looking at the columns.
Foxtrot says, "I miss Jade."
Foxtrot looks back at the column, "I have no idea..."
Strider murmurs quietly, "I miss my family...."  He sighs and looks back to the group, "I've never been to a desert... but I know they're not normal... we should figure this out."
You say, "Fingers of the gods?  They're all pointing norf..."
Foxtrot glances at Serin, "A good an answer as any."
Doro hrms. "Intresting thought, Serin."  She nods. "North then."
Foxtrot says, "The storm is south."
Serin hmms.  Where did he hear a story about God's fingers before?
You say, "Well that's a good enough reason for me to go norf.  Anything but that storm!"
Strider nods, stepping out first and looking around.
Foxtrot looks south once more.  "The lost city is to the south.  However, I do not lead this group.  I will follow where you decide we should go."
Doro murrs softly, "Actually, seems we lost our leader."

###  Um... yeah Lairu's... hiding out because there's a price on his head!  Yeah.

Kaelyn umms "I nominate foxy ^_^
You say, "I think he might have gone wif Jade an' Kyubiko."
Foxtrot says, "Denied."
Kaelyn winks then umms "wellllll if the cause of this thing is south then it may be best we go south...
Doro murrs softly, "Aye, since we are trying to get to the source."
Serin ooo!  ooo!  He's gonna be the bestest leader that ever was!  ^.^
You say, "We have to go south, then.  No real choice 'bout it."
Foxtrot says, "I nominate Doro."
Doro nods to Serin and blinks her eye. "What?!"
Foxtrot says, "Doro, at the moment, your word carries the most weight."
You say, "Huh?  Why are Doro's words heavy?"
Foxtrot closes his eyes.  "Someone explain this?"
Doro scritches Serin. "Just a way of saying that furs listen to me."
Strider flicks an ear, "Just accept Doro.  I would like to get back to my family with the news that they don't have to worry about a plague... and I'd like to do it soon."
Serin ohs.  He'll listen to Doro!
Doro murrs softly, "Let's head out then."
Serin hmms, and takes out his boots.
Foxtrot nods and moves in behind Doro.
Kaelyn follows
Serin hops along behind Kaelyn.
Strider follows, though his eyes are all over the sky as if something does not sit with him well.
Doro glances back and tilts her head. "You okay, Strider?"

###  Where smooth sand should be, a city lies in deathly slumber.

The night passes as you march across warm, then cool, then cold, broken ground.  Eventually, you see the mountains as black, jagged teeth on the horizon, which slowly grow and loom ahead of you.  You see a small pass into the mountain range, and from the sheer, smooth face of the base of the mountains, you almost feel like this region has been buried for some time... at its heart, you think you see the remnants of a city.
From the harsh, broken ground around you, mist starts to creep up among the cracks.
Strider shakes his head, stepping up aside Doro, "No.  But I'll live it out.  Let's make good time getting..."  He looks up, spotting the city.
Serin shivers.  "The city that was destroyed in a storm?"
Kaelyn blinkblinks atta mist... "dinnae look good...
Foxtrot looks ahead.  "Tijama."
Doro nods and pats Strider's shoulder.  She takes a couple steps forward, paw on her sword pommel and sniffs a bit, mostly at the mist.
The mist slowly climbs into the air, forming into vaguely furry forms.  The ghosts look at the group, and begin to keen -- an eerie, bone-chilling sound of death and tragedy that tears at the fibre of your beings.
You say, "They're... they... they can't die.  How horrible.  o.o"
Doro's brow furrows and she murmurs a soft prayer.
Strider erks and tenses, putting his paws on his fighting dagger and throwing dagger respectively.
Foxtrot shivers and stops, looking at the ghosts.  "These are the ones who died during the last storm and eclipse.. killed by the one mentioned in the histories.."
Kaelyn o.o
Kaelyn nods slowly...
Doro murrs softly, "C'mon, let's... let's see what we can find."
The ghosts reach out, fingers spreading into misty claws, trying to tear at those around them.
Serin almost reaches out, then pulls back.  "No!  You can't!"
Doro draws her sword reflexively to swipe away at clawing hands. "Hey, we're trying to help you."
Serin backs away from the ghosts.
Kaelyn erfs and tries to step out of the way of the claws, getting away from the ghosts....
Strider growls, "What can they do..?  They have no body to harm us with."
Foxtrot closes his eyes, and sighs, "Let's go... they can't hurt us... they're simply trying to scare us..."
Serin hrms.  "They want to do more than scare us."
Doro shakes her head.  "poor lost souls."
Strider hmphs and steps through the ghosts, steadfastness in his face as he continues forward.
The ghosts pull back from Doro, their fingers passing harmlessly through the group.  Some do whap Foxtrot as he passes, since they and he are on the same plane.
Doro pads forward.
Foxtrot mrphs at being whapped, and looks back at the spirits.  "Don't make me hit back."
Kaelyn follows and gives the spirits a glare "we be tryi'n t'help ye here
You say, "They can't help it.  All they know is pain."
Foxtrot nods, and continues to the south, following Doro.
Doro's ears are perked as she looks around.
As you approach the base of the mountains, you see the twisted, shattered remains of the lost city -- and we should stop here for tonight.

###  And we should stop here for tonight.

Serin pulls out a ghostbuster zapper and *brroooooommmm* zaps all the ghosties away.
Foxtrot swats Serin, "No proton excellerators for you."
Vex scritches ya all.
Kaelyn hides the ghost trap behind her back, and the bill for capture too, then whistles
Serin awws.  "Not even one?  But all my friends have 'em."
Foxtrot waves.
Foxtrot goes home.
You say, "Thanks again Vex.  Wonderful!"
Vex purrs, "So, we continue Wed."
Vex smiles, "Really?" :>
Doro murrs softly, "sounds good. :)"
You say, "A chromatic sandstorm.  Spirits of the violated dead.  What could be funner?"
Vex purrs, "Thanks.  Sorry about getting sick Thursday night, and I've been really stressed out over the weekend."
Doro murrs softly, "No apologizing for being sick, siwwie"
You say, "Well, at least one of us survived the plague."
Kaelyn o.o?
You say, "Vex did.  Last weekend."
Vex smirks.
Kaelyn o.o
Doro murrs softly, "'course she did, she wasn't here"
Vex purrs, "I still got it."
Vex coughs on ya'll.  ;>
Doro noogies Vex.
You say, "Well don't stress over it.  It'll just make you sicker.  If you need to miss a session ever, it's no problem wif me."
Serin screams and runs from the plague-ridden vixen!
Vex noddles.
Serin is lagized.  -.-
Vex purrs, "Just after the weekend, I wanted to get this TP finished, so people can get better, and I'll stop being upset about comments."
Doro scritches Vex.
Kaelyn likes the TP actually it's well run ^_^
Vex purrs, "Thanks."
Kaelyn has disconnected.
Serin hasn't ever seen any Tinyplot done better.  Of course, he hasn't seen any other Tinyplot.  ^.^

Serin is Copyright 2000, Starling. All other characters are copyright their owners.
Please do not reprint without permission.
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