Sighing, I vigorously rubbed my eyes. This was not good, although Isis had always been a bit manipulative, I had been foolish enough to not consider myself a pawn in her schemings. Just like everyone else, I had been led along on another one of her many leashes. Taking my hands from my face, I looked to my best friend, Seth. He was the one who had just forced me to open my eyes to the truth, before it became too late. Unsure of what to do, I turned to my liberator, my eyes pleading for some sense of direction.

“What do you think I should do?” He shrugged,

“I know what I would do, but you love her. So I honestly don't know what to tell you, I just felt that you needed to know the truth.”

I knew he could offer me no answers on the matter, having always lived the life of a permanent bachelor, but still, I wished someone knew what I could do to untangle the snare I had so willingly caught myself in.

The small crowded tavern no longer seemed as comforting or familiar as it had when I had entered it not ten minutes before, in high spirits. No-one paid Seth and I any heed, but I still felt paranoid, as if a thousand ears had suddenly turned in my direction. Leaning over the table, my voice dropping to a whisper, I tried to sort out my thoughts, speaking aloud to Seth.

“My first instinct is to goto her and try to talk this all out, but I'm afraid that I'm in no state of mind to avoid being swayed by her subtle charm. But I also can't just run away from all of this-” Seth cut in.

“So, now it must be pretty obvious to you EXACTLY why I strayed from females my friend.” A grin crept up my face despite my predicament.

“Some day you will see the light and come back my friend!” I chuckled dryly. “For I have seen the looks Steffi gives you, and she is man enough for anyone in all senses except between her legs.” The barmaid glanced at us from across the room, almost as if she had heard her name spoken. I dodged her gaze, instantly feeling a bit guilty about speaking of her so behind her back. Seth grinned slyly at me, and with a slap on the back, explained.

“Ah, but you see, that's the problem. Being as rough around the edges as she is, you know the kind of relationships she gets into. A rough character that likes their relationships even more abrasive. She is not my type, and I think the only spark of interest she has in me is out of curiosity about my sexuality.” Although the conversation was more light-hearted than I was feeling, it wasn't helping me in any way besides improving my mood. I needed a solution, not to laugh at my friend's oddities.

“Heh, I think you might find yourself surprised one day.” I commented to him suggesting that he and her would someday hook up. “But for now I've got to go sort out my own ordeals.” Seth had been preparing a defense to continue the discussion, but at my finishing statement had leaned back in his chair.

“Alright Diego, hope everything works out, and I'll see you later.” Swinging my cloak around me in a wide arc, I used my foot to push my chair back underneath the table and started for the door.

“I hope so too, farewell Seth.”

“Later Diego.”