
Early in the 21st century, the human race was exponentially expanding their knowledge in the fields of Genetic Engineering. Cloning and certain types of research had already been barred as "off-limits" due to moral and legal opposition. These obligations were always pushed to their limits however by curious scientists. By 2005 there had been numerous, anonymous reports of instances where scientists had combined human DNA with other animals, only to quickly destroy the embryos and cover their tracks. However, as humanity neared the 22nd century different neo-pagan religions had begun to take root in major societal roles. As the demand for scientific freedoms increased, the moral obligations holding the world's scientists at bay were released. Hybrid species began to emerge from the government funded laboratories.

Ranging from humans crossed with Reptiles, Amphibians, Mustelids, and some of the more predatory mammals. All the new species were under close observation, while the government testing them for intelligence and other capabilities. Having specialists analyze their psychology, they soon found them to have the same mental capacities and emotional reactions that humans do.

Despite the morals about containing intelligent life, science had it’s way yet again as the humans continued to try and develop the anthropomorphic’s intelligence. So it remained that way for many years, the hybrids contained in sub-terrainian laboratories, while humans continued their disputes above ground. Only a select few aware of their existence.

A half century after first being conceived on a Petri dish, these anthropomorphics through rigorous therapy had developed to the mentality of human beings during the dark, or middle ages. By this point, above ground, nuclear weapons had been outlawed; all the superpowers had disassembled their stockpiles. These countries however turned to new weapons of mass destruction, biological warfare. Through the study of life, humans had concocted some of the most deadly micro-organisms possible.

The Seven Day War:

The “Shiva MII” missile was originally developed by the British government, it however, due to crooked officials, and black market trading was soon available to just about any government around the world. When the world was already at high strung tensions, it was then that the first terrorist attack came. Unaware of the damage they would indirectly cause the human race; those few behind the attack probably would have second guessed their actions.

The first pathogenic “Shiva MII” missile hit Hawaii. The virus on board attacked the human respiratory system; those infected were usually dead within a day’s time. Their throats and lungs having been dissolved from the inside out. The symptoms begin with the oral expulsion of blood and mucus. As the pathogen continued to decompose the respiratory system, the victim’s neck and face would take on a blue pallor. Hence the name “Shiva” after the Hindu god of destruction, who had a blue throat and would feed upon human souls.

As the victims entered the later and final stages of the infection they would begin to hack up solid, bloody chunks and go into convulsions. Those fallen to the disease, at this stage would drown in their own blood, a rather sudden death in comparison to the day of agony preceding it. The Shiva pathogen can survive for limited periods of time without a host in the air, before it dies and breaks down into harmless numbers. For it can only multiply in living flesh. After this attack, a world-wide blame game ensued, every country blaming another for the attack. Soon that political unrest turned to fighting, and everything was downhill from there.

More and more missiles carrying various biological weapons were launched, and many diseases began to wreck their havoc upon mankind. They however were intentionally made not to interfere with the surrounding ecosystems. After seven days of pathogenic wrath raining from the skies, those few who, either by evolution, or possessing rare anti-bodies emerged from the wreckage unscathed. The majority of the survivors, however, emerged from specially designed bunkers, which had kept the pathogens out. The anthropomorphics, no longer kept under guard, soon escaped from their underground prisons, and for the first time emerged into the light of day. Through the destruction of society, and the death of millions, a new wave of life forms inhabited the Earth. The humans who remained formed into small bands, burning all signs of civilization to the ground, out of fear, fear of an epidemic; fear of a new plague.

It is estimated that the Earth’s population of Homo sapiens dropped from just over 10 billion to 500 million in the course of a week’s time.

Ashes to ashes; Dust to dust…


The following century was war-torn and bloody. All order was gone, as humans and the new species banded into tribes. These tribes were continually at war with one another. At the end of the 24th century, the tribes banded together into two main groups, the Dolneen (Human) and Andarr (Anthro). The Andarr were peaceful, and fascinated with the world around them, but the Dolneen were very aggressive and violent. So when the Dolneen attacked, the Andarr responded. Fighting erupted continuously for about ten years before halfway through the 24th century; the two tribes finally ceased to fight and were on agreeable, if strained, terms. They even began to trade with one another, but a tension still remains. It is ten years after this cease-fire began in which we are concerned.

Although there are many of these hybrids species yet to have been known of by the Dolneen. There are some which interact with what remains of mankind on a daily basis. They include the Lutran (Otters), Mish'karr (Feline), Erkine (Ferret), Ursine (Badger), Sardarn (Rodent),and there are rumors of a dolphin species in the vast seas, known only as the Aqeous. There are other stories of fearsome, man-like reptiles in the deserts to the south.