The warmth began to spread from my face, to my chest, and then further as the sun’s intense rays achieved a broader spread through my bedside window. Not yet willing to come back to consciousness, I rolled over in bed, hoping to block the sun with my back.

Gradually a noise caught my ears, and as I focused my attention on it, it soon became clear to me that it was some birds in a tree somewhere outside my window. Through this foul play, the mischievous morning had awakened me. Stretching, I silently congratulated the day on yet another battle won. Fighting my way through the entangling mass of soft bedding proved to be a difficult challenge.

Poking my head out at the edge of the bed, I paused for a moment before sliding out face-first onto the wood floor. Grunting as a few sensitive spots bumped themselves on the bed frame during my trip down.

With a deliberate, slow, stretching movement, I rose to my feet with a few cracks and a yawn. Isis could be heard moving about downstairs, preparing the inn for another busy day. Smiling at the thought of our performance that was to take place tonight, I opened the trapdoor and navigated my way downstairs. Isis was not in the main room as expected, but instead bustling about in one of the back rooms.

There was a loud crash followed by an oath. My grin creeping even farther up my face, I took the opportunity to sneak out and greet the new day. Wearing the same pants that had survived all my previous escapades, I opened the front door and stepped into the light of day.

“… The End Justifies The Means”