This is another early work of mine... Warning: This is a Sailor Moon story. be afraind if you're not an anime fan. A collection of Ad-fics By Rose de Stitches Well, IÕm at again! I got bored over my vacation at home, so... FYI, An Ad-fic is a parody of famous comercials using anime characters. DonÕt worry, youÕll get it REAL quick... The scene opens with Haruka parking her car in the garage as the annoncer starts. "Ever worry that your car wonÕt be safe in the garage?" Haruka pulls out her keychain & switches on the alarm. She walks off happily as a burgalar creeps up. "Our new car alarm will scare away any car thief!" The burgular starts to jimmy the door when an image of Sailor Mars preparing a flame attack appears in the window. He jumps back and turns around. He sees Sailor Jupiter preoparing her lightning dragon. Screaming, he looks back at the car & sees Sailor Saturn crawling up from under the car with her glaive pointed at the thief. He screams and runs away. "Know that you have the best car alarm on the market..." Haruka returns and turns off the car alarm before driving off happily. The screen goes black and an icon of a cresent moon appears in the center. "Get ŌThe SenshiÕ for your vehicle today for the best in car theft-deterrents." Screen goes to full black. *** All the inner senshi are sitting around a table, looking nervous. "What are we going to do!" cried out Usagi suddenly. Setsuna walked in and looked over the upset group. "What could be wrong with you all! Is there a new Dark Kingdom general?" They all shook their heads. "Is the Dark Moon back to try to take over the world?" They again shook their heads. "Has Sailor galaxia regained her evil?" The group shakes their heads again as Rei speaks up. "ItÕs none of those things!" Setsuna sighs before sitting down. "Then what can possibly have you all this upset?" Ami looks up from her clasped hands. "Yesterday was Easter, and UsagiÕs parents gave Chibi-Usa a GIANT basket filled to the brim with candy!" Just then, a pink-haired blur streaks into the kitchen, around the table three times, and back out the door. An announcers voice booms out over the scene, "Sugar. It keeps Chibi-Usa going and going and going..." Fade out. *** Announcers voice: "How to speak Japanese..." The scene opens with all the senshi and Mamoru all together in a group. Mamoru takes Usagi by the arms and looks into her eyes. "Usagi-chan..." he whispers out. "I think we need to break up." UsagiÕs eyes fill with tears as she goes into the worldÕs largest cry-baby act while everyone else sweatdrops. AnnouncerÕs voice: "True Love" Mamoru Sighs and says, "Uh... April fools?" Usagi jumps up and down for joy and hugs him tightly as Chibi Chibi falls from the sky on a pink umbrella. The camera zooms in on her smiling face as she giggles. AnnouncerÕs voice: "Cute. Kawaii: Japanese for cute." Fade to black... *** Setsuna is battling a youma and gets slammed into the wall. She groggily gets back up and frowns at the youma. Holding her time key in front of her, she tries to pull off an attack but gets her legs knocked from under her by the youma. It leaps on her and grabs her by the throat, strangling her. She gasps for air when suddenly a wave washes over the pair of them, knocking the Youma off her. She gasps for air as Sailor Uranus finishes off the Youma with her space sword. The rest of the outers rush over to Setsuna who is getting up slowly, using her time key as a brace. Setsuna checks herself all over and smiles to the rest of the group, flashing them a thumps up sign as the announcerÕs voice booms out, "Sutsuna: She takes a licking and keeps on ticking!" *And they just keep coming!* Hotaru twirls her glaive about expertly, swirling thru the air as the blade gleams in the sunshine. All about her is an open field of wild wheat with birds fluttering about her happily. HotaruÕs voice voices over the scene. "I used to have bad allergies, but with new Lunagra, IÕll never have to worry about that again." The camera swings up, and the name ŌLunagraÕ is shown in the clouds as the annoncerÕs voice booms out. "New Lunagra for allergies. Ask your doctor or neighborhood talking cat if Lunagra is right for you." Fade to white... *** Luna sit purring in front of a computer and says, "Kitty walks in moonlight." Suddenly, a huge white light pours out of it as the announcerÕs voice beams out, "All across the world, Lunar cats are finding it easier to contact Central Command with new Lunar Ō98." As the annoncer says this, the scene changes to several different scenes of the senshi gathered around Luna and a computer. The announcerÕs voice continues. "Lunar Ō98. The newest operating system from Moonsoft." The screen is superimposed with a Cresent Moon with lines streaming from it. Text appears under it that reads: ŌMoonsoft. Saving the world thru computers.Õ *** Well! I hope you enjoyed them! The first, if you couldnÕt tell, was a parody of Viper car alarms. The second was a parody of Energizer batteries. The third was a parody of Fosters beer. The forth was a parody of Timex. The fifth is a parody of Allegra allergy medicine. And the final one, which kinda scared me, was a parody od MicrosoftÕs Windows Ō98. Thanks for reading, and look for more coming soon! Send all C&C, flames, ROTFLs to easily. Bored? ICQ me at #48871336