Another early work updated up. If you want to laugh, come here. If not, your loss... REVENGE of the ad-fics! By Rose de Stitches Hotaru hops up to the front of the moniter. "Gomen!" she says as she blushes. "But Rose just couldnÕt stop with one set! I mean, she tried, but she couldnÕt. So, without further adieu, hereÕs his REVENGE of the ad-fics!" Hotaru smiles and bows before running for safety. *** Artemis sits on the floor next to a food dish as Minako walks in. He smiles and sings out, "I want fish, I want liver! I want chicken, so please deliver!" Minako laughs and takes out a bag of Meow Mix and puts some in his dish. He looks up and frowns. "WhatÕs this" he asks in an upset tone. Minako giggles. "ItÕs Meow Mix! One of the best cat foods on the market!" Artemis tries a bit, then turns green. "This stuff is horrible!" he cries out before knocking over his food dish. Minako gasps as Artemis then shreds the bag and scatters the food all over the floor. Minako screams as she scrambles to catch the food before it gets all over, but to no avail. Artemis smiles and sits on the floor. "Next time listen. I said that I wanted fish, I wanted liver, and I wanted chicken, so please deliver!" Minako sighs and goes to the fridge; opening it up and bringing out a frozen dinner. The camera zooms in to the box as the annoncer begins. "Hungrycat Frozen dinners. ItÕs preferred over cat food two to one by Lunar cats the world over!" The next scene has Artemis happily munching on the frozen dinner as Minako strokes his fur. "Happy?" she asks him. He nods & goes back to eating. The announcer begins again as the camera pulls back. "Remember, buy Hungrycat frozen dinners for your lunar cat for the next time theyÕre hungry! Or else you might regret it..." Fade out... *** AmiÕs sitting at her desk, studying. As she does this, her voice comes over the scene. "I used to have to worry about staying awake, what with having to do my homework AND UsagiÕs, but with new Lunalert IÕve never had to worry about that." The scene changes as Ami takes two white pills and gulps them down with a cup of coffee before returning to her work. Then her voice continues. "Yes, new Lunalert is just the right blend of caffenee and natural herbs to keep me up for LONG nights of studying. Why not? itÕs not like I have anything better to do with my life... God, IÕd kill for a boyfriend..." Ami sighs and goes back to her work as the announcerÕs voice fades over. "New lunalert. The best caffenee pill on the market today. Warning: Heavy use of Lunalert has been shown to cause a lack of heavy emotions, total focus on schoolwork, and blue hair in some subjects. Ask your doctor if Lunalert is right for you before usage." Fade out into blue (Of course!)... *** The inner senshi are all in a group, walking down the street. Suddenly, Zoisite & Malichite leap down and begin attacking them. The group all fight them valliantly until Zoisite throws out a handful of cherry blossoms; knocking down everyone but Usagi. She takes ot her wand and screams, "Moon Healing Halitation!" as she changes into her princess form. Zoisite and Malichite clutch each otheras they get blasted with the glow. As it fades, the two Dark Kingdom Generals are crumpled into a heap as Usagi stands triumphant. She twirls her wand around and flashes it to the the screen. the camera zooms in and the handle has been replaced with Cartoon NetworkÕs logo. Fade out before they kill me! *** Chibi-Usa and Hotaru are playing happily in a sandbox, making a sand castle. Haruka and Michiru are watching on a park bench, holding hands. As a gust of wind blows by, Michiru shivers a bit. Smiling, Haruka puts her arm around Michiru as she draws out a small box. Michiru gasps and opens it. Inside is a diamond ring that sparkles in the sunlight. Michiru gasps and hugs Haruka tightly. Chibi-usa and Hotaru run over and gaze happily at the ring as Haruka slips it onto MichiruÕs finger. The camera zooms in to the ring on MichiruÕs finger as the annoncerÕs voice begins. "Silver Millinium Jewlers. For when you want to give a present from the heart..." Fade to white... *** Luna, Artemis, and Diana are all three sitting on a fence. Artemis starts up, "Uuuu". Luna soon follows with, "Saaa". Finally, Diana, in that cute fouce of hers, says, "GI!" As ther repeat this chorus, two lizards look on. "I canÕt believe this!" says the first one. "We get a new gig finally, and weÕre upstaged by talking CATS this time!" The second one sighs. "Let it go, Charlie. Just say the line..." The first lizard nods sadly, and as the chorus comes around again, joins in. "Uuuu..." "Saaa..." "GI!" "WAKE UP, YOU SLEEPY HEAD!!!" Inside, Usagi shoots up and screams. "Augh, IÕm late for school!!!" She runs to get dressed as the camera swings back to the lizards. The imageÕs bottom becomes superimposed with a cresent moon logo and the message ŌTsukino Arms: Now with new Lunar Wake-Up CallsÕ. The first one chuckles. "You know, I could get used to this..." The second one sighs again. "YouÕre one sick puppy, Charlie..." Fade away... *** Well, I only did five this time... Sorry, it gets hard after a while. The first was a parody of those annoying Hungryman commercials & the OLD Meow Mix commercials. The second is a parody of caffenne pill commercials. (Sorry, IÕm a student & I see a LOT of these...) The third is a parody of those Cartoon network promos they allways show. The fourth, which has to be the sweetest thing I ever wrote, was KINDA a parody of jewlers ads. AND FINALLY, the final was a parody of the Budwieser frogs/lizards AND hotels that offer wake-up calls. Jai-ne, and look out for my NEXT story, a parody of hentai stories anyone can read! Remember, C&C is appreciated, and can be sent to or ICQ me at #48871336