O.K., Rosie's here to give her report on MFM2K! *waits for applause* Hey! Get Back here and read this! Now, let's see... How do these things start? 31 August, 2000 Well, Rosie and crew woke up at 7 AM and hit the road. Rosie had been drinking the night before, so looked & felt like the all-american furry who on less than two hours of sleep is forced to travel a long distance. I.E., she slept most the way. The trip, in itself, was slowed dramatically by several things. Problems with the trip TO Memphis: #1 - Car flooding! It seems that the Air-Conditioner FUBARed on us, and the floor was constantly soaked. This was bad because we had bags on the floor. Tyrnn lost part of his sketchbook, and Pink and I got wet clothes. #2 - Small car! Well, Pink & I curled up so KYOOT in the back seat and slept as best as we could. This was made difficult due to CONSTRUCTION!!! Whee! Also, we had a fun little escapade with Tyrnn's driving. This seems like a good time to bring up... #3 - Tyrnn's crash course in driving clutch!!! See, Bryan wasn't going to drive the whole trip. So, as Tyrnn was the only fur in the car able to drive, he was elected! Unfortunently, one SMALL problem was that he didn't have any idea how to drive clutch. The entire trip to Memphis was peppered with sounds of the clutch grinding, Tyrnn cursing, and the engine re-starting. By the time we hit TN, he had the hang of it. The down side was that we hit Nashville around 5 PM. So, a newbie at clutch driving was dealing with stop 'n go traffic. Ickies. And i thought a ROSIE panic attack was bad. Finally, Bryan agreed to do a 'Chinese Fire Drill' in the middle of the traffic jam & take over driving. It's interesting to note this had absolutely NO EFFECT on the traffic flow. So, we finally got out of Nashville to cross the time line. We all look at each other & curse because we suddenly realize we get to do rush hour AGAIN! Yeah! #4 - Rosie Panic Attack Trhis seems to be a tradition. Something bad happens, and thanks to all the stress and stuff the mouse puts on herself just explodes & she has a panic attack. Whee. It sucked to be curled up in a ball for an hour or so crying, but at least it passed time. Thankies to Pink for getting me out of the funk. Well, we FINALLY got to the hotel a little before 10 PM. Unfortunently, we missed registration... *teardrop* So, Rosie got unpacked, grabbed her buttons & sketchbook, and went downstairs for a drink & a smoke. As most furs at MFM will vouch, it was rare to see Rosie without tobacco in her muzzle. Well, downstairs I had the pleasure of meeting a LOT of furs, and ended staying up all night until the morning. Amongst those I met were Gloome Woulfe & Fennec, who I both got in my sketchbook. Some other things happened, but we'll get to THAT in a moment. *stifles rant* 1 September, 2000 Well, I was up at 7:30 AM to get registered. Go figure... I was in the con book, teaching a SIG, and meeting a lot of furs, and I forgot to reg... JOY! Anyhoo, SOMEHOW the Flordia Furs got ahead of me... Grrr... Just another thing to add to our friendly rivalry. After that, I met GAAPA! Yea! She took me up to her room after I got registered so I could wake up Flammie and Leslie Rashana 'proper-like'. *Evil Grin* Anyhow, after that, Rosie checked out the dealer's micro-room! Jeez, was it small! BUT, I did get a Bushy Cat portfolio! Yea! Also, I comissioned Berio to draw Rosie. I told him to 'have fun with it' after he looked at the pics of her, and he just smiled. Finally, Rosie got to bed and snoozed until about 6-ish. When she awoke, she found out that Pink had been making money hand over paw on comissions in artist alley! I was VERY happy for her. Then, we went to the dance. Um, no offence, but Rosie has to say EEEK! It was not what I was looking forward to. I left early & met up with lots of friends, as well as drinking a beer or three to calm down. Yup, Rosie likes her alcohol ALMOST as much as her tobacco. Around 12:30 I met up with Plush-She and gave her the birthday gift I had gotten for her. As anyone who has gotten a gift from me can vouch, they know the mouse really gives a bunch of smaller gifts that just are cool. She was blown away, and took me back to meet Cigar skunk. I lent them my other copy of the redwall tapes, and CS tossed me a pack of Djarum cloves... Oooh... *drools* After that, Rosie went to bed. 2 September, 2000 Rosie woke up at around 10 AM, and went down to see Pink only to see all the CarolinaFurs were around her. We had our oun table, Mwa-ha-ha-ha! Look for us to have one at FSB as well. Rosie entertained the hall with MP3s until 2 PM when she had to go teach her SIG on OL RPing. Yea! It went over quite well, actually. After returning my laptop back to my room, I got my pic from berio! Yea! It was FUN! Then, I went to mingle & met Timber, Cobalt, & lots more furry friends. Also, I met up with Kaylo and we huggled a whole BUNCH! After that, all the CFs & friends met up in the mousie's room for pizza before Pawpet! Then we scurried down & laughed our tails off at it! Then Rosie went upstairs & went full mousie, complete with her infamous breasts of doom!! She re-met up with Kaylo, and we went to torment a few of the artists. After that, we went dancing, and then downstairs for a drink & smoke. I got to see Berio drink, and chuckled as everyone demonstrated their favorite drinking way. Mine & Kaylo's was the best. I put the bottle in her cleavage, then using only my my muzzle I pulled the bottle out & took a swig. We both giggled and scurried up to snuggle some with Leslie Rashana until we fell asleep. 3 September, 2000 When I woke up, I went down to my room, cleaned up, and spent the day relaxing. The REAL story about Sunday starts well after the tasty free ice cream (Which was well-recieved). A lot of furs started drawing on a tablecloth. Heck, even Cobalt & Bushycat drew on it! Well, about 2ish, some fur comes over & starts to curse out us furs still doodling on it. Now, it would have been O.K., but for several key facts: One, Without asking, they assumed that we wouldn't make restitution to the hotel. That got us pissed. Two, they then told us to put it on Furbid & give the money to the con. Not suggest, TOLD US. This was so wrong because the only furries who put stuff on Furbid are the artists. Also, this was allready decided to be a gift for Gloomy! Three, they went and NARCed on us to the hotel, dispite the fact security had been passing by all night, and had no problem with it. Four, the fur in question called us 'kids' and blamed us for it, dispite the fact others were involved. So, after they run off, we grab our stuff & run upstairs with it. I go back down, and a fur comes up to me. "Do you know Fennec?" he asks me. I nod & he says, "I have his wallet. Give me $25, or he doesn't get it back." Well, we were all livid at this point. Fennec was pissed the most because the wallet had his only picture of his cousin. We all chipped in, and gave them their 'blood money'. The kicker was when they came down for it, the group was all talking trash about us. I refused to look them in the eyes out of disgust for their actions & threw the fives out on the table. He held up the wallet and asked who was giving it to Fennec. I said I was, and he has the AUDACITY to say, "We have witnesses." Ugh! We were pissed. After we got the wallet, we all went to get the recipt. We paid for it, after all. Then we went to IHOP to forget about the bastards. 4 September, 2000 That morning, we took out the tablecloth & Recipt & got furs to KEEP drawing on it. Rowen saw it & was informed about it. It was then we found out the fur we We livid at & cursing at in our heads was the con co-chair. Of course, this doesn't make it right. IMHO, the very fact that just because a group of 'younger furs' were around it, we get all the blame and harassment RUINED what was a fun weekend completly. Dispite that, after that I said by to all my friends & rode home. All in all, an interesting trip. On a plus note, Rosie will be buying a tablecloth, bringing it WITH her, and letting artists draw on itr all weekend. See all the furs next year!