Chibi-Usa meets Jar-Jar Binks meets Pikachu meets Godzilla Written by Rose de Stitches Disclaimer: Because my fiancee made me promise, there will be NO DEATHS... Now, before you stat crying, remember this *IS* a Stitches story, so you won't be dissapointed. Without any further ado, let the carnage begin! LET'S GET READY TO RUM-M-M-M-M-M-MBLE!!! It was a nice, peaceful day for Chibi-Usa as she tapped the rubber mallet on the rock outside the swingset. "Here ye, here ye! The meeting of Anoyingly Cute Things, or ACT, will come to order!" Sitting in front of her is that yellow abomination called Pikachu an that annoying creature from Star Wars, Jar-Jar Binks. "We're here today to induct Jar-Jar into ACT..." Chibi-Usa says with a grin. "Oh, Miso so happy!" Jar-Jar says with a smile and claps his hands. "Misa promise to uphold ACT's 'high' stanards!" All of a sudden, Pikachu stood up with fear in its eyes and startes screaming, "Pika! PIKA!!!" Chibi-Usa looks over at Pikacha and sighs. "Pikachu, you have to wait for me to call on you before..." Before Chibi-Usa ca finish, a dark shadow covers the group. Suddenly, A giant green foot squishes down on the trio. The picture scrolls up, and it's seen the foot belongs to Godzilla (The original Japanese monster!). He lets out a triumphant roar and walks over to a giat boom box that suddenly appears. The three characters' heads poke out of the ground with stars swirling aroud them. "Ooooh," Jar-Jar moans slowly. "Misa in a lot of pain!" "Pi-i-i-ika..." Pikachu groans in agreement as Chibi-Usa moans. Godzilla flips on a pair of sunglasses and smiles as he presses 'PLAY' on the boom box. The song, 'Godzilla' by Blue Oyster Cult, begins playing thru the giant speakers and he starts dancing in tune to the song. The trio scream as Godzilla's foot begins slamming down on them again and agai. The scene pulls away as across the landscape you can hear the music accented by their screams... "Godzilla! STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! Gozilla! STOMP! STOMP STOMP!..." The End Note: If you can find a copy of this song, it's even more funny to imagine them screaming during each stomp. Honestly, I REALLY don't know where this came from, but the idea of Gozilla wearing shades just seems funy as hell... Ah, well. E-Mail can be sent to if you REALLY want to C&C. Also, in my defense, this is a PARODY! All characters belong to whomever made them, an that's all I have to say! Peace!