This is an earlier work of the mouse when I wrote comedy/anime. Enjoy! A HentaiÕs Dream (Or Nightmare) Come True... By Rose de Stitches (WARNING!!! There is no sex in this spamfic!!! This story is written for ages 13 & up, and should be treated as thus! Oh, yeah... ItÕs going to be good...) Three Shikima demons paced across the room, snarling every witch way. The flexed their muscles and glared evily at each other, reading themselves for what would come. Suddenly, one of them spoke up. "Where is she, Blaze?" The largest of the three, a Shikima with firery red hair, turned to the middle one that spoke up. "She said that sheÕd be here soon. Just relax, Jack... YouÕll be ripping into an actual senshi in no time." The third let out a loud yell of triumph. "Finally! WeÕll get to do something FUN in these ecchi stories! I was getting sick of the usual things. And I, Rock, will make sure she doesnÕt walk for days!" Blaze sighed. "Just leave enough for the rest of us. WeÕll ALL get some of this senshi, I hear..." Suddenly, the door swings open, and Usagi appears at the front of it, holding a bag thatÕs jumbling about. "Here you demons go!" she cries as she throws the bag in and locks the door. The three Shikimas walked towards their prey and opened it up, about to leap on it in lust... When they saw it was Chibi-Usa. "WHAT THE F@*%?!?" Rock screamed out suddenly. Chibi-usa was dressed in her senshi uniform, and smiled up ath the three Shikima Demons. "Hello!" she cried out. "Mommy said you guys wanted to show me something..." Jack ran to the corner and started to throw up with disgust as Blaze paled. "This... This is SICK! I mean, I may be a sex-crazed demon intent on taking over the world and having every woman my sex slave, but sex with... with... THAT?!? What do you think we are, some kind of hentai freaks or something?" Chibi-Usa ran up to Blaze & hugged his leg. "Oh, come on... LetÕs play..." Blaze screamed as she glomped onto his leg and tried to shake her loose. Finally, he frees himself from her grip and picks her up. "Look here!" he growls at her. "This is all one big mistake. I think you should go home and..." She innturrupts him suddenly, kissing him on the cheek. "YouÕre cute!" she cries out, hugging him tightly. Blaze screams and clutches his chest, his eyes going white. He falls to the ground with a ÔTHUMP!!!Õ and lies there. Rock runs over to him, brushing aside Chibi-usa for now. He feels on BlazeÕs neck, and pales when he feels no pulse. "My god, you gave him a heart attack! What kind of sick monster are you?!?" Chibi-usa smiles again. "IÕm just full of sugary goodness! ItÕs not my fault he couldnÕt take it! Now come here... I wanna play!" She starts walking towards him with her arms outstretched. Rock begins to claw at the wall as she grows closer and closer. Finally, as she grabs his leg, he begins to scream. Outside, Usagi listens to the screams of the Shikima demons. Mamoru walks up and lays his arm around her shoulder. "Do you think we were too cruel to them?" he asked, looking at his wife. Usagi sighed. "Of course not. I gave them what they wanted. A senshi to ÔplayÕ with." Suddenly, there is three quick knocks on the door. She smiles and opens it. Chibi-Usa walks out and sighs sadly. "Mommy, they died again! ThatÕs the twentieth group this month alone! Why donÕt they want to play?" Usagi sighed and hugged her daughter. "They just donÕt love you like your father and I do, I guess..." She takes Chibi-UsaÕs hand in hers and walks her away from the grizily scene. Inside, Jack looks up from where he had faked death. He saw his fallen comrades, and sighed bitterly. "SomeoneÕs gonna get killed for this..." he grumbles before leaving the room to find the guy who talked them into this. "Oh, wait until i get my hands on Oscar..." He growled, cracking his knuckles as he vanished in a tounge of flame... The End Well, I hope you liked it! As usual, C&C can be sent to easily. Bored? ICQ me at #48871336 This story is a SPAMFIC, and should be treated as thus... *The inner senshi appear and start to chant, "Spam, spam, spam, spam..."* No! Not like that! Sheesh! Until next time, so long!