This poem is a collection of smaller poems written while in a hospital to cure my depression. I hope you enjoy it... Climb from Madness By Rose de Stitches Why? I ask myself Why am I here? why are any of us here? They pump us full of drugs Feed us -JUST- enough to survive To keep us meek and doctile Some yell and fight back Only to be quieted Silenced thru gags and drugs I sit quietly Let the drugs overcome me Have I sold out? No, just accepted facts They want me to be this So I'll be it I watch the others Some like me Others fighting until the end They are braver than I - Come on! It's smoke break time... Time to get our fix They herd us up Give us out nicotine Herd us to a cage And we smoke Smoke Two each break I give cigs to others Those without some And they smile Happy for that little relief Then It's over Time to go back in To wait until next time - Do they hate jews? How many times Over and over Must I tell them I don't eat Pork? Every day I tell them And every day They still give it to me Is it so much to ask To -NOT- be given it? - Rules Don't do this Don't do that Listen to them Behave yourself Follow the rules - Tim started screaming Stomping Yelling out loud Then the others started Screaming Reveling in their madness I was just sad Why put me here Please let the meds kick in The other patients scare me - Will He's an odd one Truly insane Or truly a genius Sometimes He rants for hours Going on about nothing Other times His clarity almost frightens me - Spano DeMarco With a 'C' not a 'K' He's quiet Composed Yet in those eyes I can tell he knows pain That he has been hurt And he's going to share that pain By killing again - James In his wheelchair Broken Sad and alone He takes his pain out on others Scamming Scheming Stealing Hurting us To cover his own pain - Edward He's nice He sits down Talks to you Gives you cigs Helps you out And only asks For a suckle A hole to fuck Like I said A nice guy - The doctors They sit around Discuss us Chat about life The latest case Who does what And how to help Coffee fuels ideas As they talk Trying to care for us May they succeed - There was a barbeque A cookout For another ward We couldn't go out to our cage Instead We sit on cold concrete In closed quarters Cramped The break seemed shorter But what do I know - What pleasure do I get? Hidden Under the covers Trying to keep quiet Nervous someone might come in Catch me red-handed Literally It hightens the feeling Makes me scared Yet excited I shoot off Explode And gasp Exausted Relieved I wasn't caught - I get to go home Back to college I found out today And I'm happy Overjoyed Excited No one knows where I am Will I tell them? I don't know - I feel the pull The internet She calls me My MUCKs My friends And I wonder Have they missed me? Will they even care? - 'Now I lay me down to sleep...' Last night here I feel Glad Peaceful and safe Soon Soon I'll be home And this nightmare Will be over - Mom called The doctor Went behind my back Worried her Made her cry She wants me home What's home? Meds Family I let them down Should I go? No more internet No more life All my friends here The shul No more Why? Why did they do it? Worrying my mother They call it 'helping' And they wonder Why I dislike Doctors - Home Relief Safe The journey Is finished