A commentary on the Past 4 years By Stephen 'Maus' Garrett When did I first become homeless? You know, for someone who was homeless for over 4 years off and on, it's hard to remember. Sometimes it was my fault, and other times it wasn't. In the end, I survived. And, in the end, that's all that matters. I believe it began... No, I know it began after I graduated from High School. Wanting to stretch my wings, I picked Raleigh, NC. Packing a backpack, I took my savings of $1500 and moved on out there by Greyhound. Once there, I stayed with friends from the net for a few days, then left. It's not that they wanted me to leave, but I wanted to be on my own. I found I could pitch a pup tent in the forest every night, and still make it to work. I worked hard at Papa John's, and they loved me. As for showers... Well, a little known fact is that if you have a student ID you can get into the gym. Even if you don't, there are showers in the basements of the Chemestry department, and most of the buildings are left unlocked all night. During this time, I made a lot of friends. As I was taking one or two classes, my posing as a student was very easy. I only had to pay for the classes, and I got all these wonderful perks! My own computer account... Free showers... Free anime... A giant library to crash in... It was so nice... During this time, I was having an OL relationship with Cat (Name changed to protect the fur). I had been MUCKing for 3 years at this point, but everyone thought my player was a girl. I, like an idiot, let them think this. So, when Cat started asking me to call, I did. And, like an idiot, I disguised my voice. When I was younger I was very feminine, and was more gay than bisexual, so it wasn't hard. Hell, I used to do drag, for fuck's sake! So, one night I was doing RHPS and who should show up but Cat. He was so hurt... He'd drove all the way from Savannah to see me, and found out I was a guy. I tried to tell him I only did it so as not to hurt him, but he got very angry with me and drove off in a flurry of dust. Eventually he forgave me, and wanted the relationship to continue. I had decided to go into Job Corps, and left for Clearfield, Utah. While I was there, he wrote me constantly to let me know I didn't need to be there and he could take care of me in Savannah... It was shortly after winning the Utah State Olympice in my weight class that, blinded by love, I dropped out of Job Corps and hitch hiked for 2 months to see him. After a week, he told me bluntly that I had to leave. Apparently he didn't want a lover. He wanted a live-in fuck toy who would go out and work 60+ hours a week so he could stay at home and MUCK all day. When it was apparrent I wasn't about to be his bitch, he promply gave me one hour to pack what I could carry on my back and leave or he would have the cops arrest me for tresspassing. As a final insult to injury, he stole my character on Taps so I couldn't call anyone for help. So, with tears in my eyes, I headed down to Savannah's Waterfront. With a sad heart, I ended up at Club One and met a group of gays. They heard my story and dried my tears, then, seeing my weakness, took me home and fucked my brains out. For the next two weeks, I was the slut whore of the club. Every gay man threw a rubber on and fucked my tight ass or willing mouth. I was so hurt after what happened that I didn't care. Anything to erase the pain. But it all came to a screetching halt when one of the door people found out I was only 20. As quickly as I'd been welcomed, I was tossed out like that night's trash. Wincing, I gathered up my backpack and hit the road again. Looking at my options, I thought, 'Well, where is a furry to go when they have, truely, no where else to go?' Thinking about it, I knew of only one option. What city did I know best? Where could I go and get a job? Where was I still concidered a student? So, I went back to Raleigh... On the trip back, one thing sparks in my memory. Standing on a country highway, a sherrif pulls up next to me. After checking my credentials & seeing that I wasn't on the lamb (Cops ALLWAYS do this to hitchhikers), he smiled and offered to buy me lunch. I thankfully agreed and he took me out to this greasy spoon place. After eating, he offered his couch to me to crash for the night and his shower and laundry machine to get cleaned & shaved. I thankfully accepted and, after getting myself & my clothes all clean, slept soundly. The next morning, he took me to the county border and dropped me off. As a final gift, he did two things: One, he gave me a carton of smokes and $50 for food, and secondly he called all the sherrifs offices in South Carolina to make sure I was safe and nothing bad happened to me. I gasped and asked him, 'Why? Why do this much for me?' His reply still brings a terar to my eye. 'My son was your age when he hit the road. Not even two weeks later, some cop shot him dead. Ever since then, I look after kids like you that travvel thru my area.' One day, I want to go back, find that sherrif, and shake his hand in thanks. He was one of the few good ones... Once in Raleigh, I was welcomed back with open hearts and open arms. Here I was loved. Here I was welcomed. Here... I could be me. True, I still lived in a tent, but I was happy. In my loneliness, I happened to meet Bear (Once again, name changed to protect innocents). I truely cared for Bear. I wouldn't call it love, but... I did care a great deal for him. We started to date, and... It was so nice to actually have the semblance of a real life. To do things most people my age did. Sadly, one day he found out I was homeless. It was an accident, really. I allways carried my pup tent rolled up on my back pack, and one day he opened it by accident. Upon pressing me further, he finally realized I was homeless. Rather than leave me, dear that he was, he started to help me. As I survived mostly on old Papa John's pizza and cigarettes, his help was appreciated. So, when he bought a house, I gladly accepted his offer to move in. So, as he settled the deal, I used my saved money to go to AC 2000, my first furry con. No one there knew I was homeless... No one knew that I lived, up to that point, mostly in a tent. To them I was just happy-go-lucky Rose. And, I have to admit, that warmed my heart. Many times in the future when life would fuck me hard, I would remember that first convention, and smile. Upon returning home, I moved in and things, for the start, were nice. I paid for food, and Bear paid for everything else. We played OL and off, and I brought him into the fandom. About this time I started CarolinaFurs, and I was happy. It all started to downward spiral when Dragon (once again... Well, you know!) entewred the picture. He came into my life and swooned me away from Bear. Once he moved up from Flordia, he... He started to steal my life. The kicker was at MFm when he came to the room -I- had paid for and he was staying in for free... He then came to the Con Suite where I was working and accused me of stealing a ring of his. It was quickly found (it had fallen behind the dresser), and he snorted, 'Well, being that you were homeless, I wouldn't put it past you.' to everyone in the room, including some of the staff. I was heartbroken. That was a secret I'd guarded with my life, and by the end of the con most furs there knew my darkest secret. Within two weeks of returning from the convention, Bear informed me I had to leave. He would pay for me to move anywhere I wanted, but that thanks to Dragon, there was no longer a place for me in NC... With a sad heart, I kissed him goodbye and left. As I left, Dragon stood there with a smug look on his face. Within a week after I left, he'd stolen my spot in NC and taken over my life completly. As far as anyone was concerned, it was like I'd never left. That's what hurt most of all... So, I travelled to Flordia. It was in Flordia that I met Fox ('Nother name change). He offered me a room in his trailer. So, getting a job at a local convience store, I began slaving for 70+ hours a week, and some weeks working over 100+ hours a week. At first I didn't realize it, but after two months I realized I was getting milked. Not only was I paying ALL the bills, paying for ALL the food, and paying for two phone lines & the internet, I was also paying for all his old debts. When I quit my job after a frightening robbery where I nearly got killed. I was told point blank to get another job or move out. So, packing what I could carry, I once again hit the road, this time for Tallahassee. His final insult to me was to file a false police report against me saying I stole $200 from him. He did this to try to milk me dry of what little money I had left. After spending the night in jail, I was able to prove the charges were false and was released. The exactness of the amount combined with his parents saying that was the exact needed for rent proved he was lying. To my knowledge, I was not the first he did this to, and I most likely will not be the last. So, I spent some time in Tally homeless. In that time, I got my licence in tattooing and piercing from Adam West, and chckled. I'd never get to use it, but at least I'm licensed, damnit! Afterwards, I got bored... Baliey kept telling me to check out Atlanta, so, on her word, I proposed the idea to friends OL. I'd been living on the streets in a VERY unfriendly town, so many of my friends helped me get to Atlanta and, once there, put me up in a Hostel for 3 weeks. While there, I re-met Bailey and met Charles. Ah, Bailey... She was... Is my ex-wife. I first met her first when I was in NC doing Rocky Horror. At first, we were friends. Then, she moved back to Atlanta, yet we kept in contact thru e-mails. Throught the entire relationship, I kept it private from the fandom. But then again, there's a lot I keep secret from people. It's how I am... Anyhow, when I ended up in Atlanta, we re-met. Once we did, it was... Oh, the happiness I felt. We fell in love and quickly made plans to marry. Yes, stupid of me, but I was blinded in love. That and the fact that she got pregnant with my child made it so that we wed. But, wedded bliss was not to be had. From the get-go, there were problems... She never forgave me for being Jewish. Also, she was Poly while I tended to be monogamous. I let her go and have fun, as long as she came back to me. On Halloween, it all came to a crushing end. She met this guy and vanished. I searched everywhere, frantic for three days as I tried to find her... Finally, three days later she showed up with the guy in toe at 5:30 in the morning. Tossing the wedding ring in my sleed-deprived face, she coldly commented, "I found someone to replace you, Maus. Call me back when you grow a dick." At first, I thought she was joking. But then she went into the living room with him and proceeded to have the loudest sex imaginable. This woke up not only my room mate at the time, but also his wife and their 7 year-old daughter. The daughter then walked in and saw this... He apologized to me, but told me that thanks to my wife's antics I had until 5 PM to move out. To be honest, I still do not blame Charles, but I was homeless again. As soon as the wedding was anulled, she then had a pagan wedding with 'her true soulmate' not even a week after the ink had dried on the annulment papers. After this, she made it her personal mission to drive me to suicide. She nearly succeeded, too. But, luckily, on the advice of Brom, I moved to the West Coast. It was here I hoped to escape the whore and her manipulative ways. As a fianl kicker, not only had she convinced the idiot that my child was his, as a final show of how much she wanted to hurt me, she did all the drugs & alcohol she could find until she killed our child. That... Hurt... After the Baliey incident, I at least knew one thing... I was very much straight. I loved pussy, and for the longest time I had rarely experienced it. Once moving to the West coast, I quickly rectified that. While I may have been homeless, at least I could spend the occasional night snuggling a cute girl. I had little in the way for food, but at least i had an armory to sleep in, and a few friends to turn to. God bless Chip Unicorn and Wombat... They were dear friends and I love them both. After a time, Brom invited me up to celebrate X-mas with him since my Hannukah was so shitty. As such, I scrounged up bus fare and Greyhound-ed my way up to Seattle. Once in Seattle, I snuggled Brom over in Bremerton, but... After the holidays passed I felt Seattle calling me... Singing like a siren to come explore her. So, telling Brom I was heading back, I crossed the ferry into my new home. I arrived New Year's Eve and made my way over to say hello to Ashley. Hugging her, I told her of my plans, then scurried off to the TrowelHouse party. Afterwards, I slept for a few cold hours in the park. With no tent, this was going to suck FAST. But, I was happy living on the Ave. I got on food stamps, and I met lots of girls. I found myself a small blanket and also a small mouse hole to sleep in. And after getting the job with the needle exchange, I settled happily into being homeless on the Ave. It was nice as there was food, cigs to bum, and a safe place to sleep at night behind a church. The church knew I slept there, but didn't care. It was their Mitzvah to let me sleep there, if you will. The cops knew and didn't care since the church didn't care, so it was all good. It all crashed to an end when I saw the guy get shot on the Ave. After that, I winced and tried to find a spot. My current roomie came up to bat, and it's been here that I've stayed since. My life has never been an easy one. Many furs despise me for who and what I am... Others know me as the nice, happy fur who makes everyone happy. In the end, it all boild down to one thing: I'm still alive. This seems an odd thing to think, but to me it isn't. My childhood was never a plesant one. I grew up in a dangerous area, my best friend and my first love were both killed, and I could do nothing to help them. My father and grandfather were both child mollesters, and abused me and my siblings regurally. And, thought my whole life, real friends have been far and few between. So, after all this and even more things that I either can't remember or that hurt too much even now to share, am I still alive and somewhat normal? To be honest, I don't know. The point I think I'm trying to make is that no matter what, one thought kept me going. The one thought that even now when life hurts so much that tears can't stop the pain... The thought that warms my heart and steels my courage... That if I die, they win. All those who hate me. All those who swore my marriage woundn't last and celebrated when it didn't... All those who spit in my face andwish me death... All those who want me to die cold and alone... If I die, they win. I think that thought keeps me going most of all. That and the hope that someday I may have a happy life... The one I allways picture in my mind... Me married with kids all around and a loving wife by my side... It's not a bad dream... Simple, actually, but it's MY DREAM! That's all I want, in the end... A happy life... I just pray that, some day, I'll have it...