Trying Connected to ( Escape character is '^]'. Welcome to _____ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ , / ' ' ) ) ) ' ) / / ) ' ) / ,-/-, . . __ __ __ , / / / / / / /-< (_/ (_/_/ (_/ (_/ (_/ / ' (_ (__/ (__/ / ) / ' The first 99 & 44/100% anthropomorphic/Furry TinyMu* To connect to your existing character, type "connect ". To receive a new character, send mail to To see the latest news, type "news" after connecting to a character. To disconnect from a character, type "QUIT". Use the WHO command to find out who is currently active. Use the 'wizzes' command to see what Wizards are on line, or the 'helpstaff' command to see who of the help staff is on. Use "connect guest guest" to visit Furrymuck as a guest. All users of FurryMuck are bound by our AUP. "NEWS AUP" to read this document. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rose and Lys' Pad(#114576RA) How to set up your room, now that you have one: (Type 'tips' to recall these instructions after setting room desc) Make it your home: @link me = here Give your room a name: @name here= Describe your place: @desc here = To show your exits: @succ here=@14118 Set the name of the place: @set here = %n: Set the messages on out: @succ out = You go out into.. - @osucc out = goes outside. - @odrop out = comes out of Make your exit a door: makedoor out Type 'commands' to see the special features built into the environment. Obvious Exits: Out <0> Contents: Lysendra Phonebooth(#168169JXZ) GlassRose(#165534C) Pool with Deck (LOOK before using)(#84226) Phonebooth wakes up. Players online for whom you are watching: Amberdrake Banjuri Dragonoix Fre'ta Glee Gray Haystack Kibbles Minamoto Singe Skippy Tanabi Teddy Tugrik Tyrnn Valdena Done. The next scheduled database save will be in 5 hours, 38 mins, 37 secs. Having problems logging in on port 8888? Try ports 8888 through ports 8898, any will log you into Furry. ------------------------------------------------------------------- You feel a wrenching sensation... Phonebooth> Rose has left. Hermaphrodite Haven(#156948RLJ) Welcome to Hermaphrodite Haven, a gentle gathering place for the more blessed and their friends to meet, talk, and play. Watch your step and be careful, the project's landscaping and roof raising have just begun. We hope to have the area cleaned up and more comfortable for your enjoyment soon. In the meantime feel free to relax under the shade of the trees, sit on one of the stumps, or lay on one of the dirt piles. Relax and feel at home... For those bothered by the sun and the bright light of day there is a tent that offers protection from both and allows free communication to the others present. For now there is only one rule...treat everyone with RESPECT!!! Obvious Exits: Hermaphrodite Haven [Main Room] (hh) Sleeper Tent (st) cwrite Path to Lake Hermy(lh) ring SwanMaid Hermaphorodite Estates Path to the Satin Rose out Contents: Dragonoix Lorrim Minamoto Magestic Teddy The Chalkboard SIGN: Feel free to write on the chalkboard! In Memoriam A beautiful holostatue of Tulip a big red bell on a tall black pole bulletin board You found a penny! Magestic waves Goro has teleported in. Goro has arrived. Goro nods to all. Lorrim nods and hugs Magestic tightly "Take care, Mage" Lorrim winks out of sight in the sparkling glow of a space/time rift. Lorrim has left. Somewhere on the muck, Skippy has disconnected. Goro walks up the steps and into the Haven proper. Goro has left. Minerva_Mink has teleported in. Minerva_Mink has arrived. Minerva_Mink lightly waves. Rose blinks. Somewhere on the muck, Rhudiprrt has connected. You rave, "Cool! I wanna deflower the copyright!" Minamoto hmms.. "deflower? Minerva_Mink hugs the ravermousie! Minerva_Mink grins a little, "i'm up for it Rosie hun. Teddy waves to the Mink. Khromcha has teleported in. Khromcha has arrived. Rose bouncies for joy! "Oooh, if only Berio was on this MUCK! He'd love you!" She giggles and snuggles back before offering the trademarked one two yellow glowsticks to match the mink's hair! Magestic waves Somewhere on the muck, Glee has disconnected. Minerva_Mink laughs slightly and nods, pulling Rose into her arms the kiss the mousie happily, 'Mmmm... soft sweet thing. Do I get to carry you home now?' she takes the glow stick and just starts licking it. She's nude and licking a glow stick. Oh my. Magestic snuggles Minamoto, sighing softly Minerva Mink stands before you, smiling slightly as she sees you gazing at her. She stands a mere 5feet 6 inches tall, a pure white mink, with the exception of her long blonde tail and her thick, flowing blonde hair. She grins slightly at you, her sharp white teeth flashing sligtly, gleaming coldly with the glare of her steely blue eyes. Her sliky white fur gleams softly in the light, shining off of her short muzzle and slender neck. As you look lower, down past Minerva's soft and narrow shoulders, you see her slender arms, lightly muscled and firmly brushed fur. She moves her arms slightly, drawing your attention closer to her bare torso. Her large breasts, easilly a D cup bounce and move as she breathes, each one capped with a soft, yet rosy red nipple and aureola. The firm nubs stand out from her chest, sticking hard into the cold air like little eraser nubs. Further down, below the glowing swell of her bosom, you can see ehr tightly drawn and athletic tummy, the muscles there rippling slowly, yet very womanly under her fur. Her Soft stomach leads to a flaring set of hips, the skin and muscle pulled tight over bone, giving her hips a sleek and soft appearance, yet also giving them a look of a runner or swimmer. Sitting nestled at the vally of her hips is her thickly curled and shiny golden mound, the white fur there thinning to be replaced by the beautiful glow of her pubic region. Extending from both sides of that golden temple are two thick and shapley thighs, firm and tone with tightly pulled and rippling muscles moving under her skin as she shifts from one leg to the other. The long legs end slowly in a dainty pair of very soft feet. Her toenails there are painted a soft red, serving to accentuate her white fur. Minvera grins slightly at you as she slowly turns, her entire form seeming to ripple fluently as she moves. She turns her back to you, allowing her thick and golden tail to flow into view, the silken limb sways slowly in your vision, then lifts even slower to reveal two tigt and toned cheeks, both lightly furred and kept as immaculately clean as the rest of her body. Her long and gorgeous til sprouts from just above the valley between those firm cheeks. She sees you looking at her. Carrying: huge diamond ring(#127689C) Minamoto snuggles Magestic. "you'll find someone else. What about that hunk of a lupine you liked?" Magestic shakes her head "I only want Kian" Minamoto sighs. Magestic yips, "Sorry Rose, but alas i cannot help you as i didn't hear anything" Daikaeman waves bye again Daikaeman teleports away. Daikaeman has left. Rose mmms and smiles as she rests her small frame in the nude mink's arms. "Well!" she says and giggles. "Let's see... Nekkid mink wants to take me home... She's also licking a glowstick... BUT, she's married to an artist! What do I do?" She hides her face behind her paws as she blushes a soft red from behind her pale white fur. "Rosie thinks she'll snuggle up close & see what happens, Ms. Mink!" The mouse twitches her tail softly, the thin length laying down to almost tickle Minerva's left side where her ribs would be as she cuddles up closer. Brenda suddenly appears from a Furry Nothingness, dropping a disoriented Lorrim out of her fur. She dusts Lorrim off, "I hope the Lunatics weren't a problem.." and then disappears with a *poof!* Magestic hugs Lorrim! Lorrim hugs Magestic! Minerva_Mink gently keeps licking te glow stick. She moves slightly to whisper to Rose, "first of all I'm not married. And Mitch would slaughter me if e knew I gave Doug all those ideas for the Minerva look-alike piccies. And second... I think I'd love to capitalize off of your glowstick fetish. In fact, if you have a nice thick one, I think you could put it to good use in me." Lorrim smiles brightly, making a mental note to look up how to customize his hug messages Rose's eyes widen more as she hears what is being whispered to her. Her right paw reaches into glowstick space and flicks a switch before pulling her paw out. Minamoto nods.. and hugs Magestic... and kisses her. "I still like you." Khromcha teleports away. Khromcha has left. Minerva_Mink grins widely as she keeps whispering to Rose, her tongue just moving from the stick to caress the mousie's big ear, "And if it's log enough... we can share it. Alone. With big fat thick glowsticks in all te right, juicy places." Death walks in behind a backdrop of thick fog. Death has arrived. Death waves Lorrim kisses Death! Death hugs Lorrim! Death hugs Minamoto! Swirling Portal to Glowstick Space has teleported in. Swirling Portal to Glowstick Space has arrived. Death hugs Magestic! Minerva_Mink kisses Death! Magestic hugs Death! Death smiles as she is hugged. Her eyes glow slightly as she enjoys the attention Magestic yips, "hello Death my old Friend *grin*" Minamoto hugs Death! Death smiles as she is hugged. Her eyes glow slightly as she enjoys the attention Death softly speaks, "hi all" Death hugs Lorrim "Hello my beloved" Death hugs Rose! The mouse is hugged. As soon at she is, though, a censored block appears over the pair. Minamoto giggles.. "aww Magestic, still have your humor." she purrs. Death hugs Teddy! Lorrim chirrs happily and hugs his mate, twining tails with her "Hello love!" :) Minerva_Mink kisses Rose! The mouse's paws slide down the other female's arms, clutching her tightly as she kisses her way down the other's neck. Once there, Minerva_Mink can feel Rose start to suckle softly as she kisses; almost as if the mouse is trying to give Minerva_Mink a hickey. As she does this, one of her paws slide down to start massaging at her make-out partner's breasts teasingly. Death hugs Minerva_Mink! Death kisses Lorrim! JFoxGlov floats in a seated position beside Yuna into the room. Yuna stands up as J continues on, leaving a trail of blue sparks in his wake. Death waves Yuna waves back Lorrim wavies Magestic waves Minamoto blinks.. and smiles then pounces from Magestic onto yuna, hugging her.. "hiya.." Rose looks over towards the glowstick space as she smiles almost hungrily. "Oh? So the mink would like to have some fun, is that right?" She murrs and smiles. "May I present you with some gifts, first? It may help you relax a little..." The small mouse reaches into her pocket & pulls out four pink mini-glowsticks. Each stick is 1/8" thick and 2" long. Teddy acks and gets spammed! Teddy hugs Death! Death smiles as she is hugged. Her eyes glow slightly as she enjoys the attention Death needs to change her hug message Yuna hugs Minamoto, purring happily, giving the tigress a kiss. Minerva_Mink lightly takes the sticks and giggles just slightly as she looks sweetly to Rose, "Oh now these are just adoreable. But you know what... I wish I had it hee with me, otherwise I'd put on my Magenta outfit..." Lorrim chirrgiggles and nuzzles Death "Leftover from your reaper days, eh, my love?" :) Minamoto smilse.. "how are you Yuna?" Death nods Yuna smiles, "Pretty good. You? Magestic has disconnected. Minamoto hmms.. "I am so so." Death awws "Vixie goes home" Yuna purr says, "What's wrong?" Teddy snugs the cute Skunkie. Somewhere on the muck, ArrowTWolf has connected. Death snugs back Death gets up and sits in Lorrim's lap, she passionately kisses her mate and smiles "I love you hon" Minamoto hmms.. "still havent got a real love life." Yuna hugs minamoto. Minamoto hmms.. "oh.. no job." Yuna purr says, "I'm sorry..." Rose tailwaves hello to Death as she nuzzles into the mink's bare right breast. Her pierced tounge flicks out and licks softly around the areola as one of the metal balls rubs along the exposed nipple; the slight wetness from the mouse's own mouth making it almost roll as she teases the mink lightly. As the mouse does this, her thin tail continues to tickle it's way down the mink's side and then cross over the trim belly to the other side. Terminotaur has teleported in. Terminotaur has arrived. Terminotaur moos and waves Death waves Lorrim wraps his arms around Death and kisses, gently running his paws through her tailfur "I love you too, beautiful. It's quite a pleasant surprise seeing you this evening, love. I'm not usually around at this time" :) Lorrim waves Death nods "I am glad to see you to" Minerva_Mink watches Rose slowly enjoy herself on her soft breasts and rigid nipples. She does lean her head down slightly to continue to whisper to the sweet, soft mousie. Her paws wrap around her, pulling her lightly into her body. Death sits down on the ground next to the sleepers, taking two glasses, one filled with water the other empty. She begins to pour the water from one glass to the other repeatedly. After doing this a few times the sleepers jumps up and rush home to the toilet before they have an embarrassing accident. Magestic is sent home. Magestic has left. Lorrim smiles and snuggles, feeling the sudden urge to rush home? *chuckle* Minamoto smiles at Yuna.. "its okay. so how are you these days?" Death smiles "Oh, i have hit a snag with chaper 6. Hope to finish it come friday Yuna smiles and nuzzles Minamoto, "I've been allright. Death leans forward and nuzzles her mate "Hmmm" Rose lifts her muzzle up as she smiles. "Why don't you have a seat somewhere...?" she asks as a playful glimmer appears in her eyes. "This mouse feels like giving you a 'special' dance..." Lorrim looks deeply into Death's eyes, holding her gaze for a moment, then gently places his paw on her cheek and leans in aand kisses her Magestic is auto-magically swept home. Minerva_Mink grins slightly as she nods, slipping back from Rose to take a seat in a chair, lightly crossing he leg as she reclines back, 'Entertain us and we shall dace for you. albeit in your lap, but still dance." Proxima appears is the midst of a swirling warpgate. S/he steps through it, and whickers softly as it closes behind hir. Proxima has arrived. >> Proxima Centauri trots in with a clip-clopping of heavy draft-horse hooves... Terminotaur waves Proxima whickers a soft Hullo.... Death waves Terminotaur goes home. Terminotaur has left. Lorrim waves Teddy tailwaves to Proxima. Death changes her clothes and emurges ready for Christmas.....ho ho Lorrim wraps his tail warmly around Death, chirring softly to his mate. Then blinks. "Took your holiday dress back I see." *pout* Death giggles "Yep," Lorrim looks better in it. *ducks!* :) Yuna has disconnected. Sar wavies! from afar. :murrs and smiles. "Oh, big mink..." She whispers under her breath. "You don't understand what a dance from me is, do you?" She undoes her hair, the lonmg black tresses swirling down as she shakes her head, then winks at the mink. Rose murrs and smiles. "Oh, big mink..." She whispers under her breath. "You don't understand what a dance from me is, do you?" She undoes her hair, the lonmg black tresses swirling down as she shakes her head, then winks at the mink. Proxima waves and wanders... Proxima is enveloped in a sparkling glow as a space/time rift envelops hir and s/he winks out of sight. >> Proxima Centauri trots out with a clip-clopping of heavy draft-horse hooves... Proxima has left. Death Glares! at her mate, and then smiles "Perhapps it did *wink*" Minerva_Mink sits up slightly, smiling still as she watches Rose. she shakes her head just slightly, "I've neve seen you dance you gorgeous little thing. This certainly will be a treat." Sar has teleported in. Sar has arrived. Lorrim grins sheepishly at his mate, then suddenly gathers her up into a long passionate kiss Sar sneaks up, taps Rose on the shoulder, then dips her back for a long, hot kiss. The lights in the haven dim as an announcer's voice calls out, "Furries, the Herm Haven is proud to offer for your viewing pleasure Rose doing a two song strip show as our first act of the night..." As the announcer says this, a long steel pole rises up from the ground and ka-clicks loudly into the ground. Sar ooh?s Sar's ears perk.. Good timing. At just under 3 feet tall, Rose pads in dancing to a rave mix that seems to follow her around. The long black hair on her head frames her white-furred face, and she has pulled it up into two long ponytails, or handlebars, that are tied back with glowstick braclets wound tight. In her right eyeridge is an eyebrow ring. She opens up her tounge to show off a 10-gauge barbell piercing in her tounge. Her whiskers and above her mousie eyes have been adorned with glitter; so that even her face seems to shimmer. The fur just under her eyes seems slick with a glossy gleam as she blinks a bit, then smiles. Around her neck is a neon pink pacifier on a silver chain that swings about as she dances. Looking over the pale white fur of her body, you notice that her two small breasts are barely covered by a baby t-shirt. The shirt is a tight black shirt with as the picture in the center of the shirt; the picture itself almost framed by the outline of her pierced nipples. Her stomach is left exposed to the evening air, and the silver ring in her small belly button can be seen. Her long legs are encased in a pair of JNCO pants that flare out at the bottom to expose her paws. As she turns around, you notice a jar of some sort in one of the large pockets on her jeans. She twirls out a pair of glowsticks and freeze-poses before another techno beat begins and she starts dancing anew. Carrying: Button: One of Doug's Girls - 1-Ton Mallet of Gentle Learning(#85912) Somewhere on the muck, Fre'ta has disconnected. Minamoto mms and sits down.. "this could be good." Death smiles and kisses Lorrim "Lets go home Love" Lorrim eardroopies a little and looks at Death, a little downcast. "I must be going my love; time for your girlysquirrel to head to bed." Lorrim noddienods and gathers the prettiest skunk on the muck into his arms Death awws and nods "Will miss you" Lorrim sighs and nuzzles "Tuck me in, love?" Death nods Lorrim offers to carry Death with Lorrim. Death scrambles up on Lorrim. Lorrim wavies "Good night everyone" Lorrim winks out of sight in the sparkling glow of a space/time rift. Lorrim has left. Death has left. Lorrim takes Death with Lorrim. Rose flips a switch, and Static X's 'Push It' starts to fill the air loudly. The mouse backflips out as red lights shine onto her; shining off the glitter in her fur in a eerie sparkling effect. She lands with her back towards the group as begins moving her denim-clad bottom in time with the beat as she shakes head back and forth; her hair swirling about like an ebony mist as she slowly slides her feet paws out into almost doing the splits. As she does this, Rose arches her back and moans as she begins to bounce her bottom on the floor rapidly onto the floor as if humping the hard surface. As she does this, her forepaws slide over her petite chest to the hem of her shirt. She grips it as she looks towards the group and smiles seductively from over her shoulder. Yuna is auto-magically swept home. Yuna has left. The players awake here are Sar, Minerva_Mink, and Rose. The idlers here are Minamoto[6m], and Teddy[13m]. There are no sleepers here. The only puppet here is Swirling Portal to Glowstick Space Sar ooohs and watches Rose.. look me Stitches pads in dancing to a rave mix that seems to follow her around. The long black hair on her head frames her white-furred face, and she has pulled it up into two long ponytails, or handlebars, that are tied back with glowstick braclets wound tight. In her right eyeridge is an eyebrow ring. She opens up her tounge to show off a 10-gauge barbell piercing in her tounge. Her whiskers and above her mousie eyes have been adorned with glitter; so that even her face seems to shimmer. The fur just under her eyes seems slick with a glossy gleam as sheblinks a bit, then smiles. Around her neck is a neon pink pacifier on a silver chain that swings about as she dances. The pale white of her fur shimmers as the glitter continues down over her neck to between her small pert breasts. On her right breast; above her nipple, is the tattoo of a rose bud barely open while both her nipples are pierced with silver rings that bounce with each step she takes. Her long legs are encased in a pair of JNCO cargo pants that flare out at the bottom to expose her bare feet paws. Turning around, you see her long thin tail waving behind her from a hole in the pants. She twirls out a pair of glowsticks and freeze-poses before another techno beat begins and she starts dancing anew. Carrying: Button: One of Doug's Girls - 1-Ton Mallet of Gentle Learning(#85912) Minerva_Mink grabs her wad'o'one's and grins widely, "Gonna need a supply..." BromBear has teleported in. BromBear has arrived. BromBear hugs Rose! The mouse is hugged. As soon at she is, though, a censored block appears over the pair. BromBear nuzzles Rose! Rose nuzzles them back gently. Rose slowly pulls off her shirt; keeping her back to the uni & the mink. She rocks back; lying on the floor with her right arm over her areolas as her left arm twirls the srirt over her head. She curls her legs up so her feet paws touch her bottom, then springs back up, this time facing the pair. She throws her shirt at the mink since she has money out allready, then winks as she straightensboth arms out and shakes her petite breasts out; the rings in the hardened nipples jingling like two bells as she makes a kiss motion. Sar ooohs and licks his lips, wishing he could stay... Marikarr has teleported in. Marikarr has arrived. Marikarr waves. Sar winks out of sight in the sparkling glow of a space/time rift. :OOCly notes her desc changes with the last pose, Minerva... Somewhere on the muck, Sar has disconnected. Marikarr hands a piece of paper (read me) to Minerva_Mink. Marikarr whistles innocently... Marikarr has left. Rose's forepaws reach to the fly of her pants as she slowly starts to undo the fly as she she shakes her hips. As Static X's musicx continues to pound, the mouse finishes unbuttoning her cargo pants and begins to slide her paws up her belly, the right one reaching up to fondle at her right breast as her her left paw whips out an opened blow pop that she begins to lick at lightly with the tip of her tounge as she shakes her hips more. Slowly, the cargo pants drop down until they fall to the floor, leaving the stripping mouse nude. The mouse is now bare for your viewing. Standing at just over 3 ft. tall, the raver mouse's body is all a covered by a rich coat of moonlight white fur, some shades lighter, while others are dark ebony black that shimmers in the dim light. The long black hair on her head frames her white-furred face, and she has pulled it up into two long ponytails, or handlebars, that are tied back with glowstick braclets wound tight. In her right eyeridge is an eyebrow ring. She opens up her tounge to show off a 12-gauge barbell piercing in her tounge. Her whiskers and above her mousie eyes have been adorned with glitter; so that even her face seems to shimmer. The fur just under her eyes seems slick with a glossy gleam as she blinks a bit, then smiles. Around her neck is a neon pink pacifier on a silver chain that swings about as she dances. Over her muzzle, neck, and breasts you can see the sparkle of glitter in her fur. Her eyes seem to light up as if, even nude, she seems ready to party. Her breasts are nice and firm as they begin to swell with milk, and her pink nipples peek out from her soft fur as they start to contract and hardenfrom the cold air. Each breast is smaller than usually seen on furs, but on her small frame they look much larger than they really are. On her right breast is a tattoo of a red rose bud barely open just above the hairless nipple. She turns and exposes her plush bottom and thin, dextile tail that sways in a beconing motion. Between her legs, the fur seems to grow thicker, almost as if she has trimmed it in such a way as to hide her most secretof treasures. Continuing down, her well-muscled legs lead down to her tiny padded feet. If you are allowed to see her sex, you see that she has a small ring pierced thru her clit so that it is allways emerged slightly from her hood. As she turns, you see a tattoo on her right bottom cheek of a butterfly opening it's wings. She giggles and winks. Carrying: Button: One of Doug's Girls - 1-Ton Mallet of Gentle Learning(#85912) Minerva_Mink laughs out happily as she nods to Rose, catching the shirt and waving a couple of dollars in the air, "take it offfff!" she shouts out happily. Minerva_Mink pulls out more dollars and waives them in the air, hooting at the now naked mouse, "Get the glow sticks out bay-bee!" BromBear grins and pulls out some high intensity light sticks, snaps them and tosses them to Rose Soltris has arrived. Rose catches the glowsticks and twirls them about in her paws, the stick from the blow pop sticking out of the right side of her muzzle as she performs a light show. She lifts her right foot paw and kicks high into the air; her foot resting on the bar. Her sex is completly bared to all viewwers, and you see four green mini-glowsticks holding her outer folds open barely and exposing the inner folds of her pink moistness to all as she rubs the ends of the glowsticks along her thighs. Windchaser has arrived. Somewhere on the muck, Squal has connected. Windchaser winks out of sight in the sparkling glow of a space/time rift. Windchaser has left. Minerva_Mink is too busy playing with herself over the wonderful show. BromBear smiles and watches the mink and the mouse Minerva_Mink makes a critical decision. she tosses the wad of ones all at once onto the stage so she can use both paws on herself. The announcer calls out as the first song ends, "Let's give that mouse a hand as she finishes the first song in her two-song set to open up our night here in the Herm Haven's Strip and Erotica show. Her second song is for all of you in need of holiday cheer. Remember, tip well and mabye this little elf' of ours will warm up your home for the holidays!" BromBear grins and tosses out a roll of bills Minerva_Mink ligtly hugs Rose as she stands up to sadly head out... :( Minamoto giggles... and smiles. Shiva has arrived. Magestic has arrived. Magestic waves BromBear hugs Minerva_Mink! Magestic hugs Minamoto! BromBear smiles, "I havent seen a chakat in a while Shiva grins. Not too many of us around. Tiffanee has teleported in. Magestic waves. Rose lowers her right leg slowly as the Trans Siberian Orchestra's 'Carol of the Bells' begins to play. As the electric guitars start up she drops into the splits and begins to bounce her bottom against the floor again as her opened sex rubs into the smooth floor; almost as if she was riding a cock or dildo. She seems to have gotten rid of the blowpop as she begins to suckle on the glowstick in her right paw as she uses the glowstick in her left paw & that paw itself to massage her left breast; the plastic and metal clinking as she moans around the glowstink in her mouth. Zee has teleported in. Zee has arrived. Tiffanee waves softly as sie clops in, smiling happily to everyone. Teddy is auto-magically swept home. Teddy has left. Zee smiles and pounciesnugs Mina Minamoto smiles as zee enters.. oofs.. and turns zee's head to look at rose. Minerva_Mink winks out of sight in the sparkling glow of a space/time rift. Minerva_Mink has left. Magestic waves bye Somewhere on the muck, Sylph has connected. Tiffanee waves softly to Magestic. Magestic teleports away. Magestic has left. Zee oooohs and smiles, snuggling in close to Minamoto happily Tiffanee wonders if Rose is handy to have during power outages.. Rose slips the glowstick out of her muzzle and murrs as she rises up to all fours; shaking her rump at the group as she lowers her front to expose her tail hole and sex to all to vow. Using the glowstick slickened with her own spittle, she begins to rub the glowing wand against her tail hole; gritting her teeth as a moan exits her muzzle over the loud music. Finally; it slides in about two inches and she shakes her bottom at the group; the glowstick in her tail hole bobbing as she bounces her bottom. K.C.Jonez appears suddenly. K.C.Jonez has arrived. K.C.Jonez waves BromBear whispers, "BromBear nods" to you. Shiva eyes Rose, then sidles a few steps away. Charming. Insomnia has arrived. Tiffanee waves quietly and wanders.. Insomnia says, "er." Insomnia sighs Shiva hrms? DarkWater has teleported in. DarkWater has arrived. Shiva heyas to Dark. K.C.Jonez is the bane of mephitkind everywhere ... and departs before causing hysteria ... :P K.C.Jonez fades away. K.C.Jonez has left. Tiffanee blinks at Insomnia, "What's the matter?" Minamoto mmms.. "liking this Zee?" Insomnia says, "uh. what the.." DarkWater waves shyly to Shiva. BromBear tosses some bills on the stage, wrapped in a glowstick Insomnia rubs her eyes and doesn't understand. K.C.Jonez appears suddenly. K.C.Jonez has arrived. BromBear whispers, "Sorry....I've got so much going on at the moment that my brain is turning to mush" to you. K.C.Jonez hesitantly waves Insomnia mrp Players online for whom you are watching: Amberdrake Arris BromBear Dragonoix Kibbles Kiefer Minamoto Roon Singe Squal Sylph Tanabi Tugrik Valdena Yrdrick Done. K.C.Jonez hums, "You think I am?" Tiffanee waves and heads off to wander. Tiffanee whistles for a taxi... Out of a swirling mist, Gaelyn, the High Archmage 'Cabbie' appears and baps Tiffanee lightly on the head. They disappear, and you hear Gaelyn speak into your mind, "You never saw this, it didn't happen." Tiffanee has left. K.C.Jonez hushes up a bit. Zee mmmm's and nods to Minamoto snuggling in close to her Insomnia says, "im just really worn out" K.C.Jonez nods K.C.Jonez hugs Insomnia! Rose rocks up onto her knees and then starts to sit back; slowly using her body weight to ease the glowstick deeper into her tail hole as she parts her knees out, exposing her opened sex again. She traces the other glowstick around her opened folds as she licks her muzzle; then slowly begins to ease the secong glowing wand into her sex. DarkWater finds a place to settle down and listen. Insomnia says, "i just hurt all over... i think my bones settled or something" K.C.Jonez flops into a lounge chair with feathers puffing out Shiva has disconnected. Somewhere on the muck, Kiefer has disconnected. who The players awake here are K.C.Jonez, Insomnia, BromBear, and Rose. The idlers here are DarkWater[3m], Zee[6m], Soltris[7m], and Minamoto[8m]. Only Shiva is asleep here. The only puppet here is Swirling Portal to Glowstick Space DarkWater goes home. DarkWater has left. Rose murrs and licks her muzzle hungrily. "Any furs here care to replace these glowsticks or use a very horny mouse?" BromBear smiles up at the mousie. BromBear smiles up at Rose. Rose giggles and leans back forward onto all fours as she looks hunglrily to the bear. "Well..." she says in a lust-laced tone. "Do you want my muzzle, my hot, sticky sex or my tight, warm tail hole, m'lord? I'm just a performer here to entertain and please all here..." Minamoto hmmms.. and smiles... but then looks at zee... and hrms.... shall she go ahead and morph to a male to use a mouse.. and risk offending zee... hmmm.... Insomnia gets a little green and looks up at K.C., kinda i a 'lets go' sort of way Zee licks at Mina and smiles K.C.Jonez offers to let Insomnia walk along with him. Insomnia decides to walk along with K.C.Jonez. BromBear smiles and steps up onto the stage, "Well..." he says, "Let your imagination run with you, but your nice tight tailhole is very inviting," as he slips a paw along your soft cheekfur K.C.Jonez fades away. K.C.Jonez has left. Insomnia has left. K.C.Jonez leaves, with Insomnia walking along with him. Shiva is auto-magically swept home. Shiva has left. Somewhere on the muck, Dragonoix has disconnected. Minamoto blinks at Zee.. and smiles... and quickly changes while walking in a flash of localised light. Minamoto strips naked. Somewhere on the muck, Lopp has connected. BromBear moves up next to the raver mousie, nuzzling under her chin, while his fingers dance along her sides. The nimble fingers stroke down to your rump, cupping each pert orb in his fingers, while he teases the lightstick nestled in her tight ass Rose shudders softly; the glowing wands in her pleasure holes twitching as she murrs. "If it will please m'lord, it is all yours..." she says as she bows her head submissively. She rises her bottom as her tail rises up out of the way of the bear as she rises her bottom up more so he can pull out the glowstick and claim her tail hole with something warmer. BromBear whispers, "Would you care to go someplace else?" to you. Rose OOCly offers as a general idea of what she looks like right now... w =:actually wants to get gang banged, used, and then drenched in spooge right now... Minamoto gets to Rose.. and smiles.... "long time no hole." he purrs.. his cock already errect and pulsing. "how have you been?" he purrs as he pulls the glowstick from your sex. BromBear lifts Rose up gently, his palms holding the mousie close to him as his fingers slowly stroke the glowstick in and out of her tight tailhole, his muzzle slowly teasing over her cheek. He holds Rose up against him as Minamoto pulls up behind her. Rose lets out a gasp and looks over her shoulder. "Has... Has m'lord changed his mind?" Shalune has teleported in. Shalune has arrived. Rose nixes & mis-read... Shalune goes home. Shalune has left. BromBear smiles at the tiger,as he lifts Rose up onto his chest, letting the tiger have access to her rump. "What say we both take the mousie? Minamoto smiles... and nods.. "yes." he says.. teasing rose's sex with the glowstick... BromBear nods, " want her sex, or her rump? Minamoto ohhhs.. "her sex of course." he purrs... Rose lets out a low moan. her tiny paws gripping into the bear's thick shoulder and chest fur for support as she feels the glowstick slipped out of her sex. She looks up and smiles hungrily as she lifts her legs up to try to encircle Minimoto's waist as her eyes close. "Yes..." she whispers out as she feels the glowstick easing in and out of her tail hole as her opened sex is teased. "Make me your whore... Give it to me rough and hard, both of you..." Minamoto stands a approximately 6', with an average build. His fur is soft, short and bares the usual black, orange, gold and white markings found on a tiger. His fur looks windswept. His eyes are blue and gleam brightly. His paws and feet are white along with his muzzle, neck and stomach. Minamoto's long stripy tail ends in a black tip. Dangling behind him, it flicks now and again indicating his mood. Today it hangs perfectly still, indicating he is having a good day. Minamoto stand before you paws folded across his chest. Looking at him your eyes cannot help but stare at his assets. Nestled in his thick fur you can make out his well proportioned sheath and testicles. Measuring a modest 7 inches it shelters a weapon which exceeds 9 inches in length and 3 inches in diameter. Continuing your inspection of him you notice his firm buttocks, well developed abdominal and strong legs. This kitty obviously works out. He sees you looking at him. BromBear holds Rose against him, his fingers squeezing her pert rump, then gently lowers her and turns her around, lifting her up so she faces Minamoto again. "Thats fine....I want this nice tight ass of hers Minamoto mmmms... throws the Glowstick to Zee.. "here.. a nice souvenier." he purrs to her.. then teases rose with his cock. Somewhere on the muck, Singe has disconnected. Rose blushes and looks down; a slight smile crossing her muzzle as she hears herself talked about as if she were a piece of property for all to use as they wished... BromBear grins at the tiger, "Let me get situated here," as he kneels, pulling Rose against him, his thick bearcock pressing between her ass cheeks. Rose oohs softly, murring as she feels the hot daggar of flesh ease between her cheeks and rub softly against the tiny rose bud that is her tail hole. "Yes... Fill me up, my ursine lover..." she murrs as she relaxes to allow him to thrust in when he chooses to. You see a heavy set, brown furred grizzly bear, standing there slightly blushing under his fur, as he is now naked. He smiles at you,nervously flexing his arms, the thickly corded muscles flexing slightly. You drink in the sight of his form, as he is not beautiful, nor is he homely and definately not ugly. Your gaze lowers slowly, taking in the sight of the bear in the bare, and you look at the thick sheath at his groin, that holds promise in it's stirring. Below that, you see a darkly furred sac, his heavy balls swinging pendulously, holding the promise of a lot ofhis thick seed. He smiles at you, and hopes that he can show you that he can please you, and hopes that you can love him for that. He sees you looking at him. Carrying: Roll of Duct Tape Minamoto looks to BromBear... and licks his lips.. "what timing shall we have? All together?" BromBear grins as he holds the mousie poised on his shaft, gently letting her weight drive her down onto his thick cock, filling her tight ass up. He closes his eyes and mrrrrs as he feels her settle down on his shaft. With a grunt, he looks up at Minamoto, and smiles, " you can take set the pace..... Minamoto purrs.. "okay. All together." as he impales rose on his rock hard shaft. BromBear mrrrrs, feeling Minamoto drive deep into Rose's cunny, his own shaft rocking up and down in her tight tailhole, while he reaches around her to tease one of her nipplerings Somewhere on the muck, Singe has connected. Sahara has teleported in. Sahara has arrived. Sahara purrs, "Hello." Sahara ers.. Sahara teleports away. Sahara has left. Rose lets out a low moan of pleasure spiked with pain as she feels both of her holes entered and filled so deeply. Her small form shudders; both holes caressing and massaging both of the shafts as her love juises slowly trickle down over the feline's scrotum and down their thighs as her eyes close in pleasure. Sonya has teleported in. Sonya has arrived. Minamoto starts slowly pumping into rose.. the skin above his cock massaging her clit, sorta like a second penis. He purrs in much pleasure with eyes wide shut. Sonya teleports away. Sonya has left. Zee has disconnected. BromBear grunts and holds Rose snugly on his middle, his thick cock throbbing inside her tight ass as his hips piston up inside her. He feels Minamoto's shaft plunge again and again deep inside the mousie Tikki fades into view. Tikki's form created form the gathering of a mist that suddely flowed into the room. Tikki has arrived. Somewhere on the muck, Amberdrake has connected. Tikki yawns n; waves. Tikki hath wandered into a tomb? You have wondered into the twilight zone, where BromBear, rose and Minamoto are fucking.... but are slow of posing.. most intereesting... BromBear teases Rose's nipples with his nimble fingers while he lifts and rocks her against his middle, his thick shaft pressing deep inside her tight tailhole, while her ass cheeks caress and rub against his heavy balls Rose (OOC) is waiting for MinaMoto... Plus she's a bit descriptive, so takes a while to pose... *blush* Minamoto was waiting for rose. Tikki oohs... Minamoto starts slowly pumping into rose.. the skin above his cock massaging her clit, sorta like a second penis. He purrs in much pleasure with eyes wide shut. -repose- BromBear grunts and mrrrrs as Rose wriggles on his throbbing erection nestled deep inside her rump, feeling Minamoto's shaft rubbing against his as he drives deep inside the mousie Rose OOC) eeps! So get on with it....8) Tikki shall just sortta watch then, while sie peruses ;) Zee is auto-magically swept home. Zee has left. BromBear nuzzles at Rose's neck and cheek as he rocks her up and down on his thick cock, while Minamoto drives into her cunny over and over again. Rose shudders; her tiny claws on her fore paws raking thru the feline's chest fur as she feels his sheath rub into her pierced clit as she's taken. Her head begins to roll in pleasure as she rides both shafts; reveling in how deep she has been filled. As she bounces, the rings in her nipples jingle like two bells as her petite chest bounces from the thrusts. Her breathing starts to become in quick bursts as she starts to gasp out from each thrust. Finally, her head flings back into the bear's soft chest as she screams out; her first orgasm shuddering thru her as her sex and tail hole echo the vibrations working thru her body onto both the shafts. Minamoto oocly freezes after accidently spilling fanta.. ice cold, on himself... Minamoto purrs loudly, reveling in giving rose an orgasim. He pumps faster and faster... eager for his. Farenth appears from a rising mist, and a low hanging layer smoke at knee level, and it fades away as he steps out. Farenth has arrived. Farenth visits, TLC and WVG, it's scary, the whole place is devoid of life. Tikki oohs... those girls at Vixen Creations really know how to make a dildo. ;) BromBear grunts as he feels Rose cum, and rocks up inside her faster and faster, feeling Minamoto speed up as the tiger also causes the mousie to rock around on his thick rod as well Rose cries out as she grips her small paws onto the feline's shoulders after recovering from her orgasm. She starts to ride both of the shafts with a new fever, her petite frame bouncing hard and fast as she meets every thrust & forces both the males' shafts deeper inside her body. As she does this, she churrs out in a lust-laden tone, "Mmmm... Yeah, give it to me hard and fast! I want... Mmmm... I want to feel you both... AH! Both fill me with your... your... Oooh, yes! HARDER! Your sticky seed..." :(OOC) is being the lil' slut tonight... Any fur want her muzzle as well, or want sloppy seconds? Rose (OOC) is being the lil' slut tonight... Any fur want her muzzle as well, or want sloppy seconds? who The players awake here are Tikki, BromBear, and Rose. The idlers here are Farenth[3m], Soltris[29m], and Minamoto[5m]. There are no sleepers here. The only puppet here is Swirling Portal to Glowstick Space -- WhatIsz 1.33 : Show Character --------------------------------------------- BromBear anal oral bi-sexual painless inexperienced open-minded . available Male cinnamon Bear = - = Farenth wonders where Rose has been while shi's been putting with second and third rate 'lil sluts'. Tikki is running on empty and could actually fall asleep at any time. :p Rose (OOC) is actually being TAME tonight... BromBear pumps up into Rose's ass with deep thrusts, his slick cock pounding at her ass, while she bounces against his hips. Minamoto's thrusts drive through the mouse, the bear feeling each stroke against his own cock as he pumps Rose's rear Farenth b-links, and wonders where this high quality lil slut has been all this time of seeking her type. Minamoto plunges faster and faster into rose, at a speed akin to a steamtrain. his face one of divine pleasure, it loks like hes almost over the top... BromBear whispers, "BromBear smiles, and imagines nibbling on your nipples, while he uses your ass, and playing with your own shaft" to you. Farenth can't very well enjoy as a herm or a taur right now, so..... Farenth is hit by a sudden rush of energy that flashes through the room, as it pours over him and passes by it changes him to something completely different. After the flash of energy disappears, he eminates with its glow awhile longer, but it soon fades away. T'Chen has teleported in. T'Chen has arrived. Fandar has arrived. Rose (OOC) points to and for good exaples, though actually ALL the logs are DAMN good... T'Chen quietly says, "Hello." Tikki mfs. Sie'll keep them in mind. Tikki waves to T'Chen. T'Chen nods to Tikki. T'Chen also waves to Fandar. Fandar wavies! Farenth's imagination is extraordinarily powerfull. Anyway he knows only one other person of such delightfull quality, and that person labled him as of equal high quality... or at least in her own words 'Farenth, you're so great both in life and yiff, you could have almost any woman you wanted.' Rose leans forward and nips Minamoto's shoulder with a sharp love nip before almost growling into his shoulder thru her teeth, "Do it! Push me... Into another orgasm... With both of yours... I NEED IT!" She legs grip the feline tigher; pulling his perlvis in closer as she continues her bouncing; her petite mouse body rocking between the pair as beads of sweat mingle thru her glitter adorned fur. Tikki ohdears.. a travel kit called Bond Voyage.. If you're mind isn't in the gutter thinking of that one, well it should be. ;) Tikki grins. Minamoto moans deeply.. and thrusts hard as he can into rose.... and shudders at the same time... "ohhh.. wow." Farenth nods. Farenth is engulfed in a dark cloud of swirling smoke, but this time it grows into a large storm, pouring rain throughout the area, and jolting him within the twister, with bolt after bolt of lightning, then with a sudden thunderous explosion the storm vanishes, leaving Farenth changed a great deal. 12' 6" tall standing upright, or 8' tall at the shoulders, when on all fours, Farenth's natural form appears a great deal draconic, but at the same time, not. For the most part, he is formed like any western dragon, of a strong, yet somewhat athletic build, all covered in a smooth covering of scales, that show a liquid sheen, as it's actually just their coloration, like the black of an oil slick. Standing upright, his extra pair of arms/forelegs, show more obviously, as the more obvious forelegs, seen alone when he's on all fours bare the wing structures directly into elongated arms with fully independent hands. Though he bares eye and spinal ridges, there are no horns, spines, or such, only a large mohawk-like sail fin, that adorns his head, anywhere from laid back, and real small, to opened and out over his ample muzzle at a 125 degree angle. The fin is a pure white, but when you look closer, it's really all the colors of the rainbow combined, in a smooth sheen with a slight metallic luster. Large, curved and retractable talons adorn his toes and fingers, adding up to a total of 30 retractable, sharp, sickle talons. His mouth is set with a full compliment of super predator teeth, and a large, black, forked tongue, which may be caught in sight occasionally, be it yawning, kissing, etc. And finally are those dull yellow orbs of his eyes, which include a translucent, milky white pair of secondary eyelids, which move horizontally, from front to back. The primary eyelids, move vertically, and shut together, mid-way on each eye. As far as clothes, he is mostly naked, all that remains is a tattered cape, that now fits him, more like a bandana, draped down the back of his neck. The toes and heels are blown out, but other than those, his boots remain, as a pair of hard leathery socks with big intentional holes in them, leaving his toes and heels bare. Feeling eyes upon him, he turns to look and tips his head in a little nod, 'hello'. Eyes aglow softly, he offers a little two talon salute and a slight wink when finding himself viewed by a lady. He sees you looking at him. BromBear grunts with each thrust into Rose, feeling the Tiger pound into her as well. -- WhatIsz 1.33 : Show Character --------------------------------------------- Farenth female-biased lactophile magical blood cuddling chemical . zoophile tattoo(ing) microphile toonphile branding herm-biased . dominant macrophile top bottom sadist humiliate(ing) . exhibitionist electrical teasing watersports male-biased . submissive oral mated(open) aquaphile male Oil-black Dragon = - = T'Chen curls up somewhere, sighing softly. Tikki snickers.. Inner Space toys names their dildos after planets. The one and only anal to line is named.. Uranus. ;) Rose smiles and licks her muzzle as she bounces; her eyes looking at Farenth's crotch as she smiles. "Care... Care to let... me... Help with my muzzle... M'lord? She asks between pants as she feels her body used, but is hungry for complete domination by cock. Farenth folds his wings back, and makes a gesture, summoning up a luxurious golden throne, from a flash of light, and sets down, watching, pondering how to get into the fun. In the meantime, a pair of thick shafts rise from his tail base, smooth ebony spikes, gradually arising to a full three feet each. T'Chen watches Farenth, blinking slowly. "Whoah." Farenth rumbles softly, "Which one, upper or lower?" T'Chen pulls a Keanu, yes. :) BromBear nuzzles at Rose's cheekfur, holding her between him and the humping Tiger Tikki blihks. T'Chen quietly says, "Quite the promising display." Tikki blinks again, this time at hir typo. Rose shudders as her eyes widen! "Oh! Oh, m'lord... Oh, YES! Let me... Mmmm... Please both... So i can be covered and filled by you three... Please... I need that salty fuild inside... and out... God, harder! Oh, please! Please... I need more!" Her sex and tail hole tremble as she nears her second climax. BromBear grunts and groans, his body starting to shudder underneath the mouse, his own cock pulsing and throbbing as he lets out a roar....his cock suddenly shooting thick jets of his bear cum deep inside the mousie Minamoto humps, he does... and he trys harder, prehaps too hard.. as she might not be able to walk straight after this. He shudders, coming, but keeps on going. Must be running on energiser. Oi! Tikki oh foos. Blowfish doens't have the claws available any more. T'Chen smiles. "I don't get to see enough of these." Fe'ath has teleported in. Fe'ath has arrived. Fe'ath teleports away. Fe'ath has left. Farenth speaks to your mind, << I like orgies plenty, but not with people I don't know attacking the same girl as I. It makes me uncomfortable, besides, one on one, I do extremely better, it leaves more that I can do so we both enjoy. >> Somewhere on the muck, Sylph has disconnected. Somewhere on the muck, Yrdrick has disconnected. BromBear's body spasms underneath Rose's, his cock spewing his thick cum deep inside her tight ass, while his breath comes hot and ragged on her neck T'Chen hmmms. Looks fun. Maybe she should try to get herself into one of those. It's been at LEAST a year since she's been at the center of a good gangbang. Rose lets out a scream, her head shaking back and forth as she feels her insides drenched with the white, sticky seed. She shudders, her body being pushed over the top as both of her holes clamp tightly about the shafts; milking out every last drop as her moans of ecstasy fill the area. Tikki mfs... its been longer than that for hir... BromBear gasps and moans, leaning back more, his cock pulsing in the mouse's tight ass, completely drained of his thick, gooey cum T'Chen quietly says, "Since you've got two of those...share?" Somewhere on the muck, Sylph has connected. BromBear whispers, "How about you? are you horny right now?" to you. Minamoto moans deeply as rose sucks him dry.. "ohhh... yesssss." -not a erotica writer, damn- Farenth produces a scroll, some kind of contract written in an alien language, and hands it to Rose, along with a pen, "Just sign on the line at the bottom, and you can have it." Tikki shakes hir head once. "Mmf.. I think I'd better go to sleep now." T'Chen hmmmms. "What does it say?" Soltris has disconnected. Soltris has connected. BromBear groans and shudders as he struggles to hold the two up on top of him, then gently rolls to one side, laying everyone on the floor. Farenth rumbles softly, "In short?" Tikki bows to all and slowly fades away. T'Chen quietly says, "Sure, give me the Cliff Notes." BromBear slips from Rose's rear slowly.....his glans pulling from her rump with a suckling sound, as he cuddles her to him T'Chen waves bye to Tikki. :is actually going to lag for a few 'cause a fur is going to call long distance & talk to her player 'bout some stuff, so why not start on T'chen while the mouse ICly recovers. Tikki slowly turns to mist, Tikki's form dissipated by some sudden breeze. A moment later, Tikki is gone. Tikki has left. Rose is actually going to lag for a few 'cause a fur is going to call long distance & talk to her player 'bout some stuff, so why not start on T'chen while the mouse ICly recovers. BromBear eeps at the time. "Crap...I gotta get up in 3 hours! T'Chen takes the contract from Rose gently, patting the raver mouse and wishing her a speedy recovery. :) BromBear snugs Rose, then hugs Minamoto BromBear goes home. BromBear has left. T'Chen listens intently to Farenth. In a page-pose to you, BromBear give me a few moments page brombear=:nods. You page-pose, "Rose nods." to BromBear Somewhere on the muck, BromBear has disconnected. Farenth arches an eyeridge, "For you... my infernal counterpart would prolly be more worthwhile, hmmm?" Clearsong has teleported in. Clearsong has arrived. Clearsong says, "Hello." Rose (OOC) is planning on hopping in to help after the call! Somewhere on the muck, Valdena has disconnected. T'Chen hmmms. "If you say so..." Silverrain has teleported in. Silverrain has arrived. Silverrain winks out of sight in the sparkling glow of a space/time rift. Silverrain has left. Somewhere on the muck, Hervystia has connected. Farenth rumbles softly, "You should see him, fantasize in the forest, stroking himself with a feather, imagining fucking an angel... rotting and decay all around him, as nature dies from the evil borne on his 'dribblings'." T'Chen squirms. "Then maybe this form is better..." T'Chen walks over to Farenth. "But you still haven't told me what the contract says." Somewhere on the muck, Tanabi has disconnected. Farenth smiles and coils his tail around behind T'Chen, and curves the tip around, between her legs, stroking it up along the inside of her thighs, and gently pulling her closer to the tall erections in his lap, "In short... it's a trade. And once it's signed, I can name my price regardless, I don't abuse this too much, even a half celestial has to behave a little." T'Chen hmmms. "Well, as long as you don't abuse it..." She signs her name to the document, and hands it over, mindful of the curling tail tugging her closer. Farenth catches a bead of pre, on the tip of a talon, and dips gently into her mouth, "I'd still rather let Xine at you, he's the one with a thing fur humans." ( for ) T'Chen chokes a little bit, surprised, but swallows the slickness. "Yes, but if he rots nature, he'd kill me, wouldn't he?" Somewhere on the muck, Arris has reconnected. Farenth rumbles softly, "Only if he wanted to." Somewhere on the muck, Hoki has connected. Farenth rumbles softly, "And one of his two shafts will be more than enough for you to handle, imagine the girth of your knee and ten feet long each, combined with a lil magic to help you fit over the girth." T'Chen squirms. "Would he?" Farenth shrugs, "I know the price he'd name... he'd want you to give him a child, he would easily have influence over the gender and species." Farenth rumbles softly, "You'd live, without any permanent injuries or scars." Farenth coils his tail all along her leg, as the tip moves up to her crotch, and pokes under her panties, and caresses her gently, "He wants you... he wants to feed you all the cum you can take, then cover you in the rest. Then finger fuck you afterward." Farenth's eyes flash, "And much more..." :murrs as she watches... Rose murrs as she watches... Somewhere on the muck, Arris has disconnected. (But they're still online.) Lopp hops out of a hidden bunny hole and looks around. Lopp has arrived. Clearsong wavies. Lopp chitters, "Evening. : )" Farenth notices T'Chen seems very idlesome, and puts the contract into a temporal limbo, and hands another to Rose, "How about it, you and me in the middle of nowhere, and I'll give you cum until you could almost burst. Then drown you in it if you like." Lopp says "Feets, do your thing" and disappears down a hidden bunny hole. Lopp has left. Farenth walks away into a rising mist, and a low hanging layer smoke at knee level, and just disappears. Farenth has left.