This was a romantic little RP I did as neko-chan again... neko-chan's Abode(#49656RLJA) As you ender this well-lit area, one thing catches your eyes... PLUSHIES! The lady must have hundreds of these stuffed animals in every size and shape about t he room, each one softer and plushier than the last one. Secondly, you notice the bed is not really a bed, but a large plushie teddy bear with bed sheets and pillows on it. Suddenly, the term 'obsessed' seems to enter your mind. Yes, this is the Bard's own home... Please, enjoy it and rela x... [ Obvious Exits: (P)lushie Castle, Exit (E) ] Contents: Dress for Purnima(#54166) Ke arrives and smiles softly down to you. "Hello, little one." neko-chan is sitting near the window, her eyes gazing out over the landscape into the stars. As she hears you, she smiles and turns to look up at you... "My Lord Ke..." she begins as a blush runs thru her fur. "I'm so glad you could come and visit me tonight..." This plushie girl stands all of three feet tall, but we know what they say about good things and small packages, right? From the top of her head, her long mane shimmers down her back like a cascade of fur that frames her friendly face. Her blue eyes shine brilliantly as they dart from each view and scene they spy next. Scanning down, you notice she's wearing a white satin bodice that pushes her huggable breasts outward so that they can be viewed better. Her arms peek out of the lacework on the shoulders; and you notice that her fur color is constantly changing with her moods. From there, you continue down to the long black velvet skirt that encases her legs. She turns slightly, and her tail sways back and forth from behind; almost as if she is beconing you with it. All in all, a very lovely young plushie neko... Web site: Carrying: Bag 'o Plushies!(#53022) Button: Hug the plushie!(#52791) Ty tag(#42774) Ke steps over to where you stand at the window, nestling warmly up behind you as his paws come to rest about your slender waist and says, "I'm delighted to be invited, dear girl. I've not seen your home before." neko-chan blushes as she feels your presence behind her. With a sigh she leans her head into your leg. "Look..." she all but whispers out. "The stars are so beautiful tonight..." Her rose-scented paw reaches up and gently pets your own... Ke caresses your cheek against the warmth of his lower belly, nodding down to you as he runs his fingers through your lush mane. His tail curls around your lit tle waist as he says, "Indeed they are, neko-chan. Tell me, little one, what did you mean when you last told me something about no longer belonging to anyone?"" neko-chan sighs and shakes her head... "I... 'allowed' myself to be courted by one of the commoners, yet she did not have the skill, nor the ability, to keep me in line... (OOC: I had a non-CK owner for a short time, and they didn't know what to do. That, and they hounded me mercelessly to ALLWAYS be around them, even if they were yiffing others!) Ke nods softly as he listens, slowly caressing your tummy with his fingertips, his body mammoth and warm pressed behind yours. "And this courting took place before or after you became a bard here?" neko-chan she shakes her head and sighs as her other paw gently strokes your tai l... "It's sad, really..." she begins softly as the back of her head warms your thigh. "We rule this land, yet still our hearts are so simmilar to those in th e villages..." She sighs deeply again... "After, my dear lord..." Ke murrrrles, "So all of this has happened quite recently, then, hasn't it? Hav e you only just now become free of this commoner? neko-chan nods... "I..." Her fur shades deeply as she looks down. "I felt something for her... Love? I don't think so, but it WAS a feeling of respect... She taught me so much, yet left me wanting to know more..." Ke nods softly as he tendery brushes his fingertips across one of your breasts. Ke says, "It sounds like you were yearning for something that she couldn't quite provide you." neko-chan gasps lightly at the touch, thinking it an accident on her Lork Ke's p art... "My Lord, your touch warms me so..." She blushes again deeply. "As do your words of comfort... Yes, she cound not fulfill needs i di not even know I had..." She looks up at you and smiles with soft blue eyes sparkling. "Until I met you, that is..." Ke ahs as he smiles down to you with warm features. His touch is never an accident, as he rolls one of your tiny nipples between his fingers slowly, playfully. "I think that I can imagine what sort of needs those might be, little one..." neko-chan's back arches as she lets out a pleasant gasp... "Oh, Lord Ke..." she sighs out while her hand grips the chair... "Please, be careful... I happen to be peirced there and it is rather sensitive..." Ke ahs? "Is it a recent piercing? Show me, little one." neko-chan blushes slightly... "No, it's a piercing my tribe has to show our ancestory..." She relectantly pulls herself from your tight embrace and steps behi nd the changing curtian. From behind it, you hear rustling noises... neko-chan steps out with her head lowered... "Please, Lord Ke..." she begins. "Do not tell the queen you saw this, for i know not what she would do..." Before you stands a small plushie standing all of three feet tall. Her mane shimmers down her shoulders to frame an innocent looking face. Inoccent, that is, until you see the lust building in her eyes. Sliding your view downwards, you notice her breasts are covered by a white satin bra that thrusts her nipples and breasts out for your pleasure and perusal. The oddest thing is that she has a Ty tag pierced in her right nipple... Beyond this is the lilithe stomach of this fine animal which leads down to a matching white silk skirt that just barely covers her bare mound. She turns around, lifting up her short skirt to expose her tight bottom towards you. Each cheek is ripe and plump, almost begging to be spanked. Finally, her long legs streak down like two fuzzy pillars of muscule as they tence nervously; her paws shifting back and forth. Looking back over her shoulder, she smiles... "Ae you pleased with what you see?" she all but whispers out before her fur begins to lightly blush. Carrying: Bag 'o Plushies!(#53022) Button: Hug the plushie!(#52791) Ty tag(#42774) Ke smiles down over you warmly... "Ty. Hmmmm. I've not heard of that tribe, but I'm sure that their followers are very dedicated indeed." neko-chan nods... "Yes, we are... Even if i am the last of my kind left..." Ke nods soflty, rolling one of your small, firm breasts beneath his fingertips, then he eases his fingers from your soft chest and purrrs as he snugs you. neko-chan sighs happily as a deep purr eminates from her body... "Lord Ke..." she sighs out as her tiny arms encircle your legs. "Do you think sometime you can teach me about these things?" Ke leans down and kisses you between your ears. "Perhaps, lovely. If you're good. I would enjoy that very much." neko-chan blushes deeply as her head nuzzles gently into you... "I... would li ke that very much..." her calm voice sings out as she leans her head up; lips pu rsed... This little plush fur obviously wants a kiss... Ke grins, then kisses you tenderly upon your mouth, cupping your muzzle in sure fingers as he licks, then graudally eases his head back up, releasing you. "Good night, dear girl." he whispers before departing...