This is a vore log/OOC chat about CK MUCK ( port 7777). Be forewarned! You say, "i prefer things illegal the world over... (Not including Nevada, since they don't give a fuck!)" Chynook grins. "Ditto. HEck.. even the stuff that would scare nevadians.." look Chynook A warm, friendly smile, the sparkle of crystaline turqoise eyes, the gentle sway of a fluffed tail, all marks of this kindly coyote lass. Taking a moment to loo k her over a bit better, you can see she is fairly average in height, maybe 5 fo ot 5 inches, and quite slender, topping perhaps just 110 lbs. Most of the fur yo u can see on her is a light tan, every inch of it groomed out and shining faintl y in the light, although her headfur, hair if you will, is quite darker, almost cinnamon, slightly wavy and running down to the middle of her back. Her ears, ni cely rounded, but with a slightly point look to then, peak out from her loose ha ir, swivling a bit to catch the sounds about her. Returning your gaze to her face, you note a softly curved muzzle, a little bit d arker tan than the rest of her fur, and mounted by a near perpetual smile, her w ide, outgoing eyes just above, taking in the world. Small whiskers, constantly t witching in the air, sprout from her muzzle, just behind the tan of her nose. As she reaches up to flick a strand of hair from her face, you notice her paws are very anthro, very 'human'like, 4 fingered with an opposable thumb. That in mind , you take a moment to look over her legs, which appear to be plantigrade. Chinook, for that is this coyote's name, has apparently decided to hear somethin g other than her customary skirt and vest combination today. Instead, her curvac ious body has been enwrapped with denim, specifically, a pair of brand-spankin' new blue jeans, seeming molded to her thighs, ass and legs perfectly, reaching j ust her ankles and covering most of the snakeskin leather cowboy boots she wears . Her upper body is equally enwrapped, but this time with a somewhat loose, butt on-up-the-front cotton halter, creamy white in colour and doing much to frame he r firm, perky breasts, both of them a good handfull, and not much more. The halt er itself has been decorated with what appears to be airbrushing, depicting a de sert-like landscape, with a small, nonmorphic coyote singing to the sun. Nick says, "Tapestries is even looser than Nevada! What the heck can be illegal here besides ignoring a safeword?" Sosha comes in from the Tavern's Main Room. Everyone sees a random elf girl walks past Stitches who smiles with an evil look in her eyes. She flicks her whip-like tail out, ensnaring it around the neck o f the poor girl who begins to struggle. With a flex of her tail, Stitches snaps the neck of the elven girl before she begins to fondle her freshly killed corps e. "This is legal, for one thing..." Stitches says in a calm, yet cold tone... Chynook tilts her head, watching the plushmouse actions, then offers a little grin, licking over her muzzle.. the young coyote slips over to where the dead elf lays, nosing at the cooling body. "It is.. and fun, too ;)" Kattrina comes in from the Tavern's Main Room. Kattrina pounces Sosha curiosuly glances about the room Chynook counter-pounces Kattrina, rather enthusiastically! Stitches tosses away the dead girl and shrugs as if nothing odd just happened. "Yes, here most everything is legal, as long as you have partners willing to RP with you..." She pets the cyote girl's head softly. "Yes, you can clean up my kill, if you wish..." she says in an almost loving tone before turning back to N ick... Ecstasy comes in from the Tavern's Main Room. Nick's idle, and ignorant, since he's so OOC it ain't funny. Chynook murrs softly, nosing at Stitches paw, applying a little lick there, before nuzzling along Katt's jaw for a moment, at the same time edging around to sta nd over the elf-corpse kinda possessivly.. Kattrina giggles and licks Chynook's muzzle, nipping playfuly at Stitches leg. Stitches looks to Kattrina and nods... "Share, you two... I want to wait on killing another for you both until later so I can enjoy the death..." Ecstasy heads out into the main room. Chynook shifts her position a bit, so thatthe body is between both her and Katt.. the coyote nuzzles at her friend warmly again, then grins over at Stitches' words, tongue flicking over her muzzle.. OOC: Stitches warns that ICly she is cold, methodical, and would give Charles Ma nson the cold chills... Hannibal Lector would swear he was a patient of HERS... She can be emotionless, cold, and even cruel... She kills, maims, tortures, a nd rapes with a smile on her face and a song on her muzzle... ICly, she is EVIL ... This is your fair warning... Chynook oocly nods, not in the least disturbed by that. Perhaps, in the future, might be. but for now, im ok ;) Chynook, still murring softly, drops her muzzle down to the cooling elfcorpse, n uzzling over the smooth flesh for a moment, then locking her jaws into it, givin g a somewhat viscious tug.. Kattrina's whiskers test the air as she sniffs curiously at the elf-corpse. She licks softly at the neck, finding it still warm she opens her jaw's wide. She be gins closing her muzzle down around the throat, the points of her teeth piercing through the flesh. Closing tighter still till you hear the sickening *crunch* Chynook tugs again, her jaws closing just a bit tighter, teeth easily parting th e flesh, while a slow crimson colour starts to stain her chin.. the coyote, grow ling softly, tugs a third time, almost falling back as the flesh comes loose, da ngling loosely in her muzzle for a moment before disappearing down the gullet.. Nick is having a hard time ignoring this. Also a hard time keeping the blood off his jeans :P Nick says, "Catch y'all later." Nick heads out into the main room. Stitches shrugs as her whip-like tail softly pets Kattrina... "How nice... I may have to bring two pets over to CK MUCK..." She smiles softly... Chynook whispers, "do you have a host and port for CK Muck yet?" to you. Stitches looks to Sosha and nods... "And can I help you as well?" she says in h er cold, emotionless voice as her tail continues stroking Kattrina's head... Sosha concentrates on a distant place, and fades from sight. Sosha has left. You whisper, "Stitches nods... Page Purnima about it..." to Chynook. In a page-pose to Chynook and you, Sosha sorries and was just on her way out... Kattrina shakes her head a few times, tearing off bits of the flesh and swallowing it down quickly. "I dont know what CK MUCK is..." Chynook licks over her now crimson muzzle, flicking several droplets from the fur with her tongue, then dipping her muzzle again, this time biting into the soft , lush breast-tissue, her teeth making short work of it, tearing the nipple away , to be, again, quickly swallowed.. she looks to Katt and offers a grin. "It'll be intersting, though I am sure Stitches would be far more qualified to explain it ;)" Kattrina notices a food chain right here in this room... Chynook grins slightly to Katt. "Oh..?" Stitches nods softly as she watches you both eat. "CK MUCK, or Castle Keep Muck, is a full-IC furry MUCK opening on the 15th that is set in midevil times... There are many classes and ranks for all involved. I myself am 'supposedly' a seamstress. But, of course, we all know that is but a sham..." She laughs and dips her tail into the blood that has been spilled. With a happy chitter, she begins licking it off her tail in a delicate manner... Kattrina nods to chynook "mouse, lynx and coyote..." Stitches finishes cleaning her tail and smiles... "Ah, elven blood is so sweet. .." She shakes her head and smiles. "My night job is as a trained assassin. No kill is too hard, and for the right price, I will take out any character..." Stitches laughs... "Yes... Coyote is killed by Lynx who, in turn, is killed by the leathal mouse for even thinking such thoughts..." She draws a foot-long dagger out of her belt and lets the firelight gleam upon it. "Or were you mistaken, Kattrina?" Chynook glances up to Stitches, ears flicking back a bit as a little grin appear s on her muzzle. "How is ones station on CK determined..?" she asks, watching the mouse use her tail to taste the elf, then diving her muzzle back into the inert form, right now too hungry to really worry about the sweetness.. she tugs a piece of the elfs thigh away, chewing on it quietly as she watches Katt for her reaction to Stitches last words... Kattrina grins over at Stitches, whiskers twitching as she tests the air. "It wasn't a threat dear, I was simply making an observation... becides... I thought you liked being eaten, so to speak..." she purrs. Kattrina sighs softly, breaking the omnious silence. "Well hate to eat and run but I do need sleep" She nuzzles the two goodnight. Stitches allows a slight smile. "In some ways, yes..." She throws the blade ex pertly and spears the elf corpse's left hand. Using her tail, she wraps her tai l about the handle of the blade and pulls both the blade and the hand of until a ripping noise fills the room; bone and tendons tearing until the hand is torn f ree. "Such a shame, she had to leave..." the mouse calmly states as she nubbles lightly on the flesh... Chynook gives a little nod, missing the presence of the lynx. She smiles up to Stitches, though, licking over her muzzle, heedless of the blood that coats her muzzle and neck, now. "You're quite right abou the taste of an elf, though.. I've never had one before.." she murmurs, dipping to tear a fourth chunk, this time picking up where Katt left off, ripping out the elves throat, lapping at the blood that wells up... Stitches smiles as she holds the knife that pierced the elves' hand over the tor chlight with her tail so that is may cook. Soon, the smell of cooked elf permea tes the room. "Yes..." she says softly. "I agree... Now, did you have more qu estions about our new home?" Chynook, suckling at the bloody wound, quietly laping back the now dead elves former lifefluids, doesn't answere right away.. she has a thirst to sate. That only takes a long moment, then, before she raises her head again, muzzle literally dripping now. "MMm.. only the question of where I might fit in.." she murmurs, making her way over to the plushmouse on her paws and knees, a twinkle in her eye, that gorey grin on her face.. Stitches smiles at the bloody look. "I need an assistant in BOTH my crafts... I wish you to be my helper in sewing, while also learning the art of assassinati on from me..." Chynook's eyes go wide at Stitches words, though her grin spreads quietly. "I will do my best, Stitches.. I like to think Im a quick learner.. and enthusiastic.." she murmurs, taking a moment to wpe some of the crimson liquid from her muzzle with one paw, then turning a bit to snag the elven foot, dragging the corpse a bit closer.. perhaps thinking of saving it for a snack later ;) Stitches nods as she nibbles on the now cooked hand. "How nice..." She smiles in sucha way as it seems you just signed your soul over to the devil herself... Chynook can only smile at your reply, one ear flicking back for a moment as a sh iver runs down her back. 'What did I get myself into..?' the young coyote thinks to herself, then shrugs it off.. "it'll be interesting, at the very least.. a passion, at the other end of things. She calmly runs her clawtips over the corpses belly, almost a loving carress, while a dreamy look appears in her eyes... Sunset comes in from the Tavern's Main Room. Sunset waves Sunset rides off into the you-know-what... Sunset has left. Stitches shrugs at the new arrival as they come and go.. "A pity..." She turns and nods to the young coyote. "Yes, that it should..." Chynook shifts a bit, looking back up to STitches.. then stiffles a yawn, an emb aressed look in her eyes. "MM.. I'm afraid I must follow after Katt, though, ma'am.." she murmurs softly. "Player is.. well, up at least a few hours after bedtime.." Stitches nods... "We shall contineue this conversation later, than..." Chynook offers a smile, along with a nod. "Mind if if..?" she glances to the corpse, paw still stroking over its belly.. Stitches chuckles... "But of course... It leave less trail to me..." Chynook blushes a touch, then nodnods. "Thank you, ma'am.." she murmurs, then, standing slowly, lifts the petite elf, hoisting it over her shoulder. "I will see you soon, then.." she murmurs, offering a grin to Stitches, then leanin g over and applying a warm kiss.. Stitches waves slightly as Chynook drags the corpse away, a smile appearing on her muzzle at the kiss... Chynook goes home. Chynook has left.