A log about how I became an actress at Double Z studios! ZigZag's Office(#48964RL) A nice large office for a skunk to play in. After all ZigZag's always saying you should have 'fun' at the workplace. The room is mostly open space for when larg e gatherings take place here, the plush grey carpeting makes most movement whisp er quiet under it's tandon fluff. Against one corner and nearest the window is Z igZag's desk. Awfully clean for she rarely uses it, for work anyway. A well poli shed piece of oak it is, with a few papers, some forms and an Amiga computer. Al l adornied with a small siver Nameplate that reads plainly "ZigZag, Head Goddess ". Underneath the desk lies a tiger striped throw rug. Against the oppisite wall is a large, black leather sofa which obviously folds out into a bed, surroundin g it are a few potted plants for scenery. There is an exit from here to one of Z igZag's studios. And you could always leave, but why would you want to. You made it this far, ZigZag might come back. [Obvious Exits: ] [Lobby (lo)] [Private Studio-B (B)] Contents: ZigZag Quite possibly one of the most interesting breeds of skunk stands before you. A tiger-striped skunk. At first glance you almost mistake her for a Siberian Tiger. But the soft curves and furvasious tail of her ancestry shine through past even her wicked black stripes, which encircle and hug her body's tone and near perfect curves with a very alluering effect. She looks like she could be a model. Her legs are long, tummy firm, arms well built and paws well cared for. Killer looks and deep auburn eyes that reflect the light at you when you gaze into them correctly. Her flowing mane of jet white hair spoons freely just below her nicely rounded rump from which a soft and well groomed tail extrudes. With all her stripey fur she doesn't wear much, Just a pair of jean shorts that hug her thighs revealingly tight, and an off yellow belly shirt that hangs off her shoulders at times and reveales her firm white-furred tummy, the only part of her body it seems that has no stripes. Her grace and demenor are well gained, even still she seems like she'd be a friendly fur despite her rather obvious need for supiriority, A Predator by all ranks but still fragile and delicate looking, Weither this is by her choice or not you have yet to discover. Why not find out.... ZigZag is seated on her desk looking through some files. Stitches enters quietly and closes the door behind her with an audible 'Ka-click'. She slowly pads towards the desk; her blouse open slightly as her tail sways behind her in almost a teasing motion... ZigZag turns her gaze to the door.. the one that should be locked. Curiously she folds her files down to her lap, Placeing two fingers to her muzzle, tapping them against her soft muzzle in thought, "That's funny." She mumbles, "Oh, these late nights are getting to me, aren't they." ZigZag slides off her desk sleekly, like the desk were made of silk, Only to be greeted by a mouse. "Excuse me." She blinks down for a moment, "How did you get in here?" Stitches smiles softly as she offers a lace-covered paw. "Hello, lady ZigZag..." her quiet voice all but whispers out. "I wished an interview with you to be in your art films, but I do not travel during the day due to the sun being harsh on my eyes. I hope you do not mind this small one intruding...?" She smiles softly as her free paw brushes back her long black hair... ZigZag humms thoughtfully, Her tail sweeps the ground and you with it, Curling about you the striped fluff carries you up to her muzzle. "Tricky little rodent, Your lucky I like a fur with drive." She grins slightly as her tailtip flares out, Offering a nice perch for you just inches from her face. "Tell me, Which film were you interested in?" Stitches lets out a slight gasp as the tail wraps about her tiny body and lifts her up. She soon recomposes herself at the skunkette's words and sighs softly in relief. As the tail flares out, she lies back on the tail, her right leg rising slightly to expose some of her legs as her quiet voice chitters out, "I know there is a market for Macro-Micro films... I do not know if you are looking into this area at the moment, but if so I'd like to audition to be a part of them..." She opens her purse and holds out a folder. "Here is my resume. I worked as a slave in the Castle Keep Theme park, and am a switch. I can also change my body size at will, but am never taller than three feet. As the file states, I also am very much into oral and anal, and love to service others..." She smiles; crossing her arms under her lower breasts as a smile crosses her muzzle. ZigZag takes the tiny parcment and squints at it.. "I'm sure it's impressive." She smirks, Setting it down on her desk. She strides soundless to the oppisite side of the room. Locking the exits, Then moveing to the small black sofa, Her motion is effortless like air passing through clouds, Her tal never moves, not even one degree with her walking. Keeping your furry platform stationary she settles into the sofa with a light sigh. Gazeing back to you, deep auburn filling your world. "I'm afriad I don't hire just anyone with a fancy document saying they can do what they can do." She grins, red fingernails slideing against the silk of her sofa's armrest, Makeing the lights dim. "No, As long as the studio has my name on it. We personalize every screening." She coos lightly, her breath warm and sweet as it washes over you, "Catch my drift?" Stitches shudders softly as the warm, moist air caresses her body in it's grasp. "Y... Yes, Miss ZigZag..." She chitters out, her cool demeanor shot thru with holes at the way she is treated. The small mouse looks up at the large auburn eyes staring at her as she leans a bit forward. "I understand fully..." her voice continues as she sits up tall on the tail. "What... What would you need me to do to prove I would be an asset to your company?" ZigZag smiles, her tailtip smoothing flowing closer to her face, "Your background looks excellent. But I need to know if you can work on command. Switch scenes at a pop and keep on going untill the shoot is finished." She pauses a bit as her nails slide against the armrest again, a soft clicking noise heard. "I've pushed my people to the brink and back, And they know I need that." She grins sinisterly, "Most of them even enjoy it." She smiles quietly and lowers her tail to her lap. "So, if you think your up to it.. Let's see you." Stitches stands up on the tail as it finally rests on the striped skunkette's lap. She nods softly as the mouse quickly unbuttons her blouse fully and turns away slightly, a blush rising thru her pale fur as she slides the blouse off her shoulders and down around her wrists. She turns back around as she pulls the blouse into a self-imposed bondage of her lower arms. She looks directly at ZigZag's eyes as she lowers herself down to her knees with her thighs parted. She chitters softly, "Is this acceptable, or would you like to see more, Miss ZigZag?" ZigZag notices your blush, Smileing lightly at your show of bondage. "Shh.. Speak only when spoken too." She smiles, "That's how it would be on the set. And don't stop untill I say so." Her tail moveing forward a bit. "But don't go too fast, Make me wait for it.. Make me want it." She licks her muzzle gently. "Your beautiful, Your sexy, And you know it. Now show me" she lays back on the sofa softly. Stitches nods slowly as she rises back up, keeping her paws bound behind her back. Her breasts sway softly in the cool air; causing the tiny mouse to gasp slightly. She remains silent as she sways forward; each step kicking some of her long skirt out to give glinpses of her lower paws uncased in black high heels and the long, shapely legs that slide up from them. Stitches licks her muzzle softly before bending down low to the ground. A smile crosses her muzzle as she bites into her own skirt and brings it up with her as she slowly stands back up tall. After a few minutes, the mouse has bared her lower mound as she stands there holding her skirt up with her teeth to expose this view to you... ZigZag grins approveingly, Lifting her tail up slowly and drifting her muzzle down. Her tongue swims against your left leg and up your thigh, Smooth, warm felts through your fur wetly. She stops before going higher. "MMmm call that slow do you?" Her voice playfull as she tastes of you. "What other tricks can the mouse do?" she grins lightly, "Or should I find out on my own?" Stitches lets out a soft moan thru gritted teeth as she keeps the dress up. She shifts her blouse a bit, and it falls off of her arms to free her wrists. the small one unfastens a button on the side of her skirt and turns back away from ZigZag. Sht releases the skirt tip, and the black velvet slides temptingly down until it's about her ankles. She steps out of the skirt daintily and looks back over her shoulder to give ZigZag a wink... Stitches The small mouse is now bare for your viewing. Her white fur covers her body, some shades lighter, while others are dark ebony black that shimmers in the dim light. Her eyes look up as she smiles, a blush reddening her cheeks under her fur as she smiles... Her two sets of breasts are nice and firm as they begin to swell with milk, and her pink nipples peek out from her soft fur as they start to contract and harden from the cold air. She turns and exposes her plush bottom and thin, dextile tail that sways in a beconing motion. Between her legs, the felt seems to grow thicker, almost as if she has trimmed it in such a way as to hide her most secretof treasures. Continuing down, her well-muscled legs lead down to her tiny padded feet. As she turns, you see a tattoo on her right bottom cheek that says simply, 'Back-Door Yiffing encouraged'. She giggles and winks. ZigZag grins at this display, Her tail moveing closer, She presses her tongue firmly against your exposed left rumpcheek. Silking the wet muscle against you for a moment to see your reactions. She notices your blush (from the desc) And grins lightly, "I'm not embaressing you am I?" she coos softly, The heat of her words soak into your damp rump. Stitches coos softly as she feels the pressure and heat courcing thru her left c heek. Her pert bottom presses back against the tounge as her front paws slide d own her sides and onto her knees to rest. She chitters softly as she shakes her bottom temptingly back and forthas she leans forward. "No..." her soft voice w hispers out. "I have found that blushes make some furs more attracted... I hom e you do not... mind..." Her head leans back as a cry of ecstacy escapes her mu zzle from how the hox, wet tounge feels as it works her bottom over... ZigZag cooos gently over you. "Not at all, In fact I agree." her voice slow and sexy like a felines purr. She presses her tongue against your right rumpcheek no w. Lingering a bit before sinking just a bit and warming the back of your thigh with it's presence. Suddenly the skunk decides to show off this long wonderous a ppendage of her. Slicking across your inner thigh she curves her tongue. Tasting of you but avoiding all the good parts for now, She draws back her tongue. "Sho w me what you want. Display it for me." She cooos richly. breath hot against you r damp fur. Stitches cries out in a long trill of pleasure as she feels the tounge encircle and enfold her leg. Once it is released, the mouse slides down to lay on her si de. With a slow, languid motion, she lifts up her right leg high into the air. her left paw slides over her sex gently before wrapping about her botom cheeks to part them slightly; exposing her tail hole... ZigZag snickers gently, "That's good." She smiles to herself, Testing your abili ty to hold pose as she leans in again, toungetip plyed firm against your lower c alf, rideing the long, sexy leg upwards so greet the offering. Even though she's so much larger than you, The tip of her tongue slides in fine little circles ar ound your pucker. Passing firmly over it's center and the underside of your thin tailbase. Her left paw moves to your back, silking her nails gently through the creamy fur she finds there. Stitches's body quivers as she strains to stay still. Swead beads in her full a s moans and gasps of pleasure escapse her closed muzzle. Her head rolls slightl y before she looks up with a gasp, her loud cries filling the office as she feel s the tounge touch her most sensitive spot. "Oh, yes, Miss ZigZag..." her high tones sing out as her tail sticks itself into the air so as not to be in the way . She grinds bask as her back arches from the nails, causing the mouse to almos t purr from all this pleasure... ZigZag slides her red nails down over both moisie rumpcheeks firmly before coaxi ng them back up your arced back. Her tonguetip danceing along the tight lips of your tailhole. Swimming awound the exit and gently pressing the very tip of her tongue against it. Bareing presure down on the little mousie treat. Her muzzle s inks in closer as less and less of her tail remain exposed, Leaveing the ridge o f her muzzle for a strained mouse leg to rest upon. Her lips closeing in around your pucker, hot breath plows across your back as she sighs aloud. Stitches's paws grip tightly into the fur on the muzzle as she cries out in ecst acy; her backside riding the suckling lips and licking toungs as her sweat-soake d body shudders from the feeling. With each movement, her breasts bounce and sw ay as her puckered hole parts until it's like a second vagina; what with all the juices that have gone in/out of it until her entire backside and the backs/insi des of her thights and legs here soaked. The mouse's head rolls back and forth as she enjoys this feeling being visited upon her... ZigZag draws you in with a gentle suckleing motion. Her free paw graces your fro nt now, Being twice as gentle her nails slides across your tummy, in oppisite he r fingers at your back slide down towards your rump. The two sides crossing swee tly smoothing the fur of your lower breasts and moveing up to greet the higher o nes. Lewdly, Sloppily her hind kiss grows stronger. Vaccumeing the poor mousie w ith firm suckleing blasts of her muzzle. And as her paw reaches, and firmly slid es against your rump, Her other paw presses against the soft little buds gracein g your upper set of breasts. Slowly coaxing the points into submission. Stitches's lower body slowly slides more and more into the eager muzzle as the s mall mouse squeeks out in pleasure. As the clawtips begin to dance across her l ower breasts, her small nipples harden untile they are like two tiny pebbles on each breast. She takesthe top breasts in her paws and bends her head down to su ckle on her upper right nipple as her body rides the tounge that's giving her so much pleasure.... ZigZag's front teeth get in on the delight, nipping gently against your little t ailhole. The skunks bottom lip rubs firmly just below your damp mousie sex. SOoo close but not close enough She tortures you in the best ways she knows how. Hol ding the tense, sweaty, gasping mouse in this moment as long as she can. Gently her fingertips slide against the pebblelike nubs of your breasts, Slow sensation -packed as the fur of her fingers tickles against the sensative flesh. Her paw a t your back starting to move faster, Faster as she takes more of you in. Stitches releases her breasts as she starts to coo softly. "Please..." she all but whimpers out in her soft, gentle tone; now laced with lust and passion. "Pl ease, Miss ZigZag... Let me return... These feelings of pleasure... to you... " Her whole body seems to be on fire as any touch or graze across it causes thi s small mouse to shudder in ecstacy as another wordless cry of pleasure fills th e room. ZigZag's ears flare forward at your words, Laceing your body with one last long graze of tounge against tailhole. Her muzzle gentle pushing you onto your back. She rests her muzzle gently against your tummy so her mouse laden breath is upon you as she speaks, "But I haven't finished my snack." She coos gently, kissing upon your lower right breast. "It would have to be a good reason for me to miss a meal." Smirks the skunkette loosely. Stitches nods slowly as the scent of her own sweaty body is amplified py the sku nkette's breath. A soft moan esapes her muzzle as she nods slowly. "Y... Yes, Miss ZigZag..." her voice trills out as her paw massages into the skunkette's f ur. "What you wish is my command..." she chitters out as her nude, soaked for r ests for a second... ZigZag lays down on her back, resting your shaken body down with her as she coax es the plume of her tail against her belly. Her head sinks into the back of a th e soft silky armrest of the sofa. She smiles at your boldly. Cooing, she licks t he remaining flavor of mouse from her paws, Waiting for you to gather the streng th you need. Her one paw kneads thumb and forefingers into your shoulders to rel ax you consoleingly. "I was curious to see how one so small could pleasure one s o much larger than I..." ZigZag Smiles, "Shall I slip into something.. less. While you rest?" Stitches nods softly as she watches your muzzle move. In a tired, yet happy voice she t rills out, "Well, miss ZigZag, I can crawl places... And give close attention.. . To areas most miss... For example, I know where the g-spot it & allways am a ble to 'hit' it... When inside another fur's body..." She churrls softly & wat ches the skunk for a few moments borfore she passes out from the orgasms blessed upon her by the tiger-striped skunk... [1]