Another mating log... This happened on CK MUCK on 4/3/00 between me and Gouda. Before this, me and and him had just handfasted, and this was the wedding night... Rose pads in with a smile on her face. She slides onto the bed on all fours, her arms reaching forward as her right leg lengthens out. Her left leg folds in under her, causing her skirt to rise up to bare her leg. She smiles and bats her eyes softly as she looks up at her mate. "Take me..." she whispers out. "I am just reaching my heat, and i feel the burning deep inside me... Please... Take me and show me what kind of passions are locked deep in your soul..." As she says this, she sways her bottom slightly as her tail lifts up to lay on her back almost submissively... Gouda's face goes through several shifts as he watches her activity. A smile begins as he watches her crawl up on the bed, soon followed by surprise, and and hint of lust as she shows the bare leg. Stepping forward he takes a paw to grip the flesh, rubbing the skin lightly behind the knee. "If you insist..." he says with a soft tone. Leaning forward he uses his free paw to lift the dress out of the way, to view his new bride. Rose murrs softly as her right leg flexes under the male mouse's paw. She shudders softly, feeling the cool air blow across her legs as her skirt is pulled up to expose her shapely thighs and plush bottom. Her body is marked with black patches of fur against her white fur. She smiles as she shakes her bared bottom... "Would my made care to undress his mate...?" sha asks as a smile crosses her muzzle. Gouda nods in the light of the flickering candles, shadows casting in strange twists as he lifts the one hand up along the leg. The paw slides up under the material near the tail, pressing into the fur as he uses the other hand to search for the buttons holding the dress in place. "Certainly I should undress you.. The silk cannot feel half as fine as your bare skin.." He lets his breath wash down upon the skin as he removes the material, marveling at the pale white fur. Rose rolls slightly to expose the fasteners along her right leg to the black velvet skirt. She rises up slightly, her paws working to hold her body up as her breasts pull tight against her skirt as they're thrust forward towards her mate. She closes her eyes and leans her head back to expose her neck as her long black hair streams across the bed to frame her face... Gouda starts to work the fasteners in the cloth with a firm grip as his eyes travel to the face of his new bride. Letting the fingertips work blindly moves his muzzle forward to nibble just under the cheek, letting his tongue flick against the thin skin there as he breaths. In short moments the last of the clasps is released and the skirt tumbles down to one side, giving the paw full access to what lies beneath. Gentle caresses begin to warm the fur as he takes advantage. Rose's legs shift as the bare fur rubs along the paw. She murrs again lustfully as she nuzzles into the nibbling Gouda. She smiles and lies back as she unbuttons her blouse and opens it to bare her breasts. She sits up; holding her thin arms behind her back as she opens her eyes to bat them softly. "Please..." she asks in a soft tone as her nipples perk slightly from the cool air. "Please finish undressing me, my mate..." Gouda slides both paws upon the bared chest, radiating the fingers outwards to the side as he rubs them outward and under the blouse. As he shifts the warm pads toward the shoulders, removing the clothing as he goes, the cool air is allowed to strike. Before much more can happen though, he lifts the bride by the shoulders so he can slip the cloth down her back. "Love by candlelight.." he murmmurs, watching the flickering light shadow upon the face. Rose blushes, the soft flickering lights causing her blush to take on a gentler tone as she looks up shyly. Her form is now bared of all clothes as she reaches up to pull her mate into a soft hug. "My mate..." she whispers out as quietly as her body nuzzles into Gouda. Her own body is as soft as the petals from her namesake flower, her murrs turning to pleasure-filled trills as she hugs the male mouse softly. Leaning up, she whispers up into his ear, "Honey... Can you keep me warm?" Gouda's breath slides out along the neck of the maiden as he nuzzle in turn. "Oh.. I'll certainly try.." he states. The muscles move firmly as he strokes the side of the bare fem. "Are you cold now?" he asks with a sensual tone, sliding one arm behind to press against the bride. His chest contacts the breasts with warm preasure as he hugs tightly. The bareness of the embrace showing also his state of excitement as the heated spike of his mousecock presses against the flesh as well. Rose lets out a slight gasp, then chitters quietly in pleasure. She parts her legs invitingly, and the scent of a mouse female in heat fills the room. She wraps her arms about gouda's neck and trills out, "Yes, but now you need to extinguish the building flames... Please, my love, take me..." She leans forward and kisses her mate hungrily as her body slides along the male mouse's in an erotic dance... Gouda allows his hips to press against the bared fur as he disengages a quick hand to get his own trousers out of the way.. Breathing much faster now, he kicks them to one side and then grasps the shoulders of his mate firmly. Rocking backwards with his hips he lets the bare hot shaft slide upon the open well for a moment before squirming with a quick little twist that plunges the head of his maleness just inside. The legs tremble slightly as he resists the urge to plunge in madly, tantalizing instead with long slow preasure into the waiting cleft. "Yes.. " he pants, "Flames shall roar.." Rose's velvet box claps warmly upon the head of the shaft as she churrs out in a quiet ecstacy. She starts to breathe deeply herself; her breasts rising and falling as she fight not to thrust back. Her eyelids flutter as she lies back into the pillows; her long black head fur streaming about her head like a decrative picture. She smiles up and nods softly. "Now..." she whispers out as she pulls him a bit closer. "Claim your bride..." Gouda stares into the eyes as tension sets his skin taut on the face. Huffing warmly, he merely nods as he uses both legs to press forward at once. The hardness of his manhood twisting into the warm heat with willful power as he shoves. Groaning slightly from the intensity of the sensation he smiles more broadly twisting his head to lock muzzle to muzzle for a moment as his hips begin to heave and release in erotic rhythm. Rose's upper body arches up; her head leaniing back as she lets out a low, deep moan of pleasure as she's filled. Her moan is then silenced by the kiss, and she kisses back passionatly as her velvet box's hot, moist insides holds the shaft in a tight yet pleasurable embrace; it's inner walls massaging Gouda's length as his mate slowly startes to slowly slide up and down the length as she's kissed. Gouda's legs begin to increase the tempo of his thrusts as the heat and scent fill the smoke hazed room with lust and fire from the sensual contacts. Breaking from the kiss almost reluctantly he fills his lungs once more in preparation for the physical neccessity. His long bare tail quivers and curls slightly around one of the brides legs as he increases the effort and strength of his thrusts. The animal nature crawles forth from his mind in need of satiation, and the opportunity cannot be wasted. "Yes bride.. Feel it.. Squeeze it.. Tell me what you want..." Rose's fur beads with sweat as she meets every thrust with one of her own, her breasts swaying and bouncing as she hugs her lover into her chest. "Yes..." she whispers hotly, her breath coming in a mixture of gasps and pants. "Yes... Make me yours, love... Give me your seed so I may bear your cubs... Please... I need you... Ooooh..." Shudders of pleasure wrack thru her body as she continues to push up unto the impaling length before her bare bottom and legs are driven back down into the satin sheets... Gouda's intensity begins to pound with driving force as tension and lust lends strength to his efforts. Feeling the closeness of his own release the finger tighten on the flesh hungrily as pace of the strokes intesifies. The heavy breathing strains as he groans in amorous need. "Yes.. Coming.. Yours now.." he pants out between the strokes. Finally the motions suddenly change as the muscles lock tighter, shoving forward with instinctive force to seal the bargain, the iron shaft suddenly bursts forth from within, spilling his gift as he groans with pleasure. Rose's shudders build as she nods passionatly; her body writhing under Gouda's as she's driven closer and closer to her climax. Finally, as she feels her mate's seed fill her in a joining of their passions, she arches up; meeting the final thrust as her own climax floods over her body... She squeels loudly as her velvet box caresses and massages Gouda's shaft in acceptance of this gift. As the thrusts subside, she eases back into the sheets and pillows as her eyes close; as sated look crossing her muzzle as she pulls Gouda towards her again for a soft hug... Gouda's own thrusts ratchet down quickly as the impetuous moment passes. Feeling his own lassitude growing he drapes down upon the bare chest, hugginb back warmly as he rubs his muzzle against her cheek, whispering. "So verry warm.. And sexy.. A lovely bride.." Rose chitters softly as she nuzzles softly into her mate's neck. "Mmmm..." she tiredly murrs out. "My husband isn't too bad, either..." Her legs rise up and wrap about Gouda's waist as she adds, "I hope you can do that again..." Gouda lets his fingers slide along the ribcage of his bride, softly caressing the warm soft fleshiness near the teats. "Mmmm.. Shouldn't have worked so hard today.. Already tired.." He licks out at her whiskers as he lays there. Rose smiles and releases the tired male mouse... "Since it's our wedding night, I'll forgive you..." She softly pets the back of Gouda's head lovingly as she smiles... "Sleep now, love..." she whispers out... "Sleep, for tomorrow is a busy day..." Gouda nods off as he whispers tiredly, "Good point.." he yawns out, then nuzzles into his mate as he falls asleep.