Castle Keep - Punishment Hall This is a large hall, its ceiling rising up to be lost in a cloak of shadows above. Torches line the walls, set in sconces here and there between beautifully crafted tapestries depicting scenes of torture and seduction. The flames gutter, making the shadows of even the most benign objects dance in an unseemly, sinister fashion. Small and uncarpeted, the flagstones are left cold and bare to the open air, shed of their decency. Tools and implements of both pain and pleasure lay all about the room -- whips, paddles, dildos, clamps, weights, electrified wires and more. In fact, there doesn't appear to be any part of this hall that doesn't serve some purpose. Marble statues of male and female furs about the room are decorative, but also serve a function. Their rock-hard phallus and cool, smooth recesses offer erotically painful art from which to hang a hapless slave. From the ceiling is hung a wrought iron lattice upon heavy chains, obviously adjustable in height and affixed with various kinds of restraints. Obvious Exits: Main Hall (W), Eastern Tower (E) Players: [OOC] Aloria(#2071P/BM), [OOC] Rose Rose carries Aloria with her. Rose cracks her knuckles and smiles... Aloria blinkies? Rose slides a paw along a wodden 'X' and smiles. "Are you ready for your punishment?" Aloria is gunna be staked? Aloria faints Rose slides away from the wooden 'X' and over to a leather swing of some sort. She gently picks up the bunny and slides her into it before strapping her tightly into place. In modern times, this device would be called a 'love swing', but let's describe the position the bunny wakes up to. She is hanging in a sling lige device from the ceiling. Her back is fully supported, and she has no worries if fAlling. Her arms are strapped tightly to the sling's frame, yet her head is left free so she can move it about. The bunny's legs are fastened tightly into cuffs that spread her legs widely while at the same time presenting the bunny's tail, bottom, and the backs of her legs fully to whomever is nearby. Along with this, somewhere along the way, the bunny's clothes have also been stripped of her, so her spread legs also show off her sex and tail hole, along with her bared breasts that sway and bounce as the swing moves... Rose has a good imagination, no? Rose figures since we're OOC, she'll use an OOC desc... Aloria awakens in the odd device. pulling at her arms but finding them firmly bound.. She looks around reliseing that she's naked and bared. Her legs spread and fully exposed. A slight chill billows down her spine. "Oh god.." she mutters. looking around to see if anyone else is here with her. OOC: Aloria says, "yum" Rose steps forawrd from the shadows looking directly between the bunny's spread legs towards her. Her shiny outfit glimmers and catches the light from the torches as she holds a bag in her paws. "Welcome, slave..." she all but whispers out as she runs her free paw down the inside of the rabbit's left leg; her pale white paw shining clearly against the black fer it runs thru. "Are you ready for your punishment?" OOC: Rose says, "I hope you log this, 'cause it's going to be a good RP, Usagi-chan..."" Aloria gasps, Tring to close her legs together as you near her. Whimpering when she finds herself unable. She figures the direct approach will work the best. "No." she squeaks out at you. Her tense form wriggleing a bit against her bonds. Rose's head leans backas a loug laugh echoes from her muzzle. As suddenly as it starts, though, the laughter ceases. "No...?" she chitters out as her eyes narrow. Her left paw rises up before quickly slapping the inside of the bunny's lower left thigh; not even two inches from her sex. The mouse smiles as her paw then rolls over to cover Aloria's sex possessively. "Wrong answer... You will be tamed tonight..." Aloria squeaks out gently with the slap, Giveing a gentle whimper when your paw slips over her sex. Unable to do anything about it. Her silken sex is much softer than it should be you think, the velvety delicates damply kissing your paw.. she sucks down her shivvering gasp. "I'll scream.." She fearfully notes. "Thu.. the guards will come." She hopes this is enough to scare away her captor. Rose smiles and points to a mirror to the right of the rabbit. "I paid them to watch, plus gave them a few slaves to... heh... 'take care' of the problems that might asrise as they watch me tame you."The mouse's paw slides up and down gently on the sex before her thumb digit starts to try to slide just past the outer lips as the mouse chitters out, "Besides, it feels as if you're starting to enjoy your new position in life as my personal sex toy..." Aloria glanses at the mirror. Her breath starting to grow ragged. Suddenly turning her head as you rub your palm against her dampening sex. The exposed folds of sensative silk breaking away under the pressure of your thumb.. almost suckleing on the digit. Her soft entrance seems just a bit too tight.. even for just your thumb. Her muzzle gawked now, and her breathing becomeing more than just raggen. "Noo.. Oh gods..." Rose smiles... "Yes, my dear..." Her thumb moves just inside of the outer lips as the digit slides up to the hood of the clitoris to back down again. "You need to learn your place..." she chitters out as she slides down to her knees. Suddenly, the mouse's tounge can be felt lapping at Aloria's puckered tail hole as her thumb continues it's slow tease... Aloria's legs tense up terribly. A sharp cry rings out as you tease over her clitty. The soft little nub bending easily under your thumb." As you kneel down she almost screams. "MmhAAhh!!" Her breath fierce now. "oohhh GOHD.. Plueease" colmes her pitous moans. Rose's lapping continues; her tounge now darting forward so the tip of it presses against the tight hole of your taail hole. Her right paw releases the bag she's holding and reaches up to caress on the bunny's tail possessively. As this happens, the thumb starts to press in deeper; straining against the tightness yet loving each second of it. The mouse pauses in her feasting on your tail hole and looks up. "You're a virgin, arn't you?" she chitters softly as a smile crosses her muzzle. OOC: Rose says, "I'm just getting started, too..." Aloria is actively sivvering from the sensations. Each new touch and lap against her tender bits causeing another sharp cry to escape her pursed lips. Her tail extra soft in your grasp, the fur melting around your fingers. Her little rump starts straining to tense away from you. She gasps deeply when you start to press your way into her sex. Her voice squealing out.. "Nuh.. No.. Please! Yes.. YES I am!" she somehow hopes this would stop your assault. Rose smiles. "Then I must withdraw my thumb, it seems..." She pulls out her thumb and suckles on it lightly as she stands up. "No, if you're a virgin, you need something 'special' to break your barrier..." As the mouse says this, her thick, hairless tail reaches around to slide up and down your sex before the tip slides in to replace the thumb. "There, now..." she chitters out as she reaches into the bag. "And, I have another treat for you as well..." Aloria sighs gently, relenting your attacks for a moment. She shivvers all over again however, just from your words. Whimpering lightly, She watches the thin tail, Braceing like she were about to be whiped with it. Her eyes squeezed closed, only to spring wide open again as the tip settles past her inner folds. The tight inner heat almost crushing your tail as it presses through. Rose shudders at the tightness as she pulls out a bunch of carrots. Each plump, juicy carrot is about 7 inches in length and has been carved to resemble a male phallus. "NOw..."she chitters out as she holds sthe firt over your muzzle. "It's time for your dinner, so open up like a good slave..." OOC: Rose giggles... OOC: Rose says, "Nice idea,Usagi-chan?" Aloria gasps gently, "Ohh god!" she squeaks out like she were chokeing on your tail.. As you dangle one of the carrots over her she tries to turn away. Her love of the vegetable very strong but she tries to hold back.. Whimpering. Moaning against the tail. Her panting causes her to open her muzzle for a moment. OOC: Aloria says, "eevviil ;)" Rose frowns at your turning head. "Bad bunny..." she chitters in an upset tone. "I was going to be nice, but if you're going to be that way about it..." Her other paw grips her tail and thrusts her tail forward roughly to shove deeply past your hymen. If your muzzle opens at all, she'll use her other paw to pop the carrot phallus into your mouth. OOC: Rose says, "Almost as evil as that..." Aloria's eyes open wide. Her muzzle also. No sound emerging however as her face contorts into a half shocked and half pained expression. Suddenly the bunny screams out sharply! Muffled by the thick carrot phallus. Her legs shivvering intensely now, the poor bunny torn in half. OOC: Aloria says, "not quite ;) naughty mousie" =>(OOC) Chat Channel (OOC) OOC: Rose says, "Er..." OOC: Aloria grins ;) Rose leaves her tail as deep as it is for now as her paws slide downto massage at the bunny's breasts. "Enjoy your carrot, slave..."she chitters out as she leans her head down to whisper into your ear, "One of those carrots is going to fill your last hole as well... You'll have no virginity left after tonight..." With that, the mouse begins to nibble gently on the rabbit's left ear as her paws stop massaging the breasts only to start tweaking at the nipples... OOC: Rose says, "Oh, it's so good to know your pet's weak spots..."" OOC: Rose is -SO- glad she's able to lie down in a bed in PRIVACY to do this tonight... Aloria's breathing is spastic by this point. Squeaking disfavorably around the carrot, though she laps against it without you knowing. Closeing her eyes and whimpering when you take her breasts. A sudden sharp gasp leaving her with the hot touch of tongue against her sensative ear. Her whole body jerking up at once. The combination of sensations almost too much for her to handle. OOC: Aloria says, ";)" Rose's tail suddely starts to slowly pull out of the bunny's sex a few inchesbefore easing it's way back in. The mouse continues this slow entry and exit of Aloria's sex as her nibbling works it's way to the inside of the long left ear where she starts to lick at the pink skin with long strokes of her tounge. While she does this, her paws start the process of pinching the engorged bunny nipples for a few seconds, then releasing them to let the blood flow back in. Then pinching them tightly again only to ease up after a few seconds... OOC: Rose says, "Starting to see why i have a reputation?" Aloria's body quickly goes into flux cunvultions as you pour on the sensations. The long tolling attack to her ear causeing the bunny go strangly still in her predicament. She moans, drenched in mind numbing bliss. Feeling her pale, swollen nipples pinched tensely for a few seconds on end. As you slide your tail free of her sex The convultions really kick in. Her stomach sinking in suddenly and her entire body jerking back all at once. OOC: Aloria says, "it's hard to pose with slippery fingers damnit" Rose rises her head and smiles at the shuddering bunny. "So..." she chitters out. "You seem to be enjoying this..." She withdraws completly from the rabbit as her eyes look at the bunny's face. "The choice is yours now, my slave... Shall I continue until you climax, or leave you here for some uncaring lords to find and use like just another slave... The choice is yours, but know that if you climax, from that point on you'll be my personal pet..." OOC: Rose o.o -.- 0.0!!! "Yummy... If i was there, I'd clean them off for you..." Aloria's breathing resettles slowly. Her eyes keeping that glossy, dream ridden look about them. She whimpers up at you. Her fur mattled down from sweat and arousal, "What choice do I have." She all but whispers, sucking down what's left of her air. Her voice unsettleing as she speaks her next, "Please.." she mutters quietly. "Please.. be gentle.." She knows you won't listen. But she may at least get out of this with her life now. OOC: Aloria says, "*blush*" OOC: Aloria says, "Curiously.. this doesn't count towards Ic right?" Rose smiles as she kneels back down between your spread legs. "You wish to climax,soI'll allow it, my pet... But, I must first fulfil an earlier promise..." She picks up another carrot-shaft and slides it in and out of the bunny's slick, smooth sex a few times to get it covered in juices. Suddenly, the bunny feels the slickened shaft press hard against her puckered tail hole as the mouse's long muzzle slips into the bunny's sex... OOC: Rose says, "If you want it to, it can... If not, oh well..." Aloria's muzzle gawks once more when the carrot it pressed firmly against her sex, Her pucker is even more tight than her sex. The hard pressing doesn't even break the surface very much. It only causes the bunny to squeal out painfully. Gasping and whineing aloud now as you take to oraly tending her sex. "Please!! Oh my god!" Her screaming voice echos and rebounds off the chamber walls. OOC: Aloria says, "It can't.. the second you pulled that tail thrust thing iccly she'd have passed out from the pain." OOC: Rose ah, wells and is at least showing SOMEONE on the MUCK has guts & imagination, hopefully... OOC: Aloria says, "Oh well I knew you did ;) hehe. " Rose's muzzle turns up in a smile as her nose starts to bob in and out of the bunny's sex as if she were a woodpecker pecking at a tree. As she does this, she continues to try to force the carrot into your tail hole; your cries causing her tail to sway back and forth in the air happily... OOC: Rose grrs! "Damnchat... I have to wrap this up soon, so I'm going to go for the gusto..." OOC: Aloria giggles and nibbles the mousie. She'll have to have an ooc talk with you about her .. craveings. Sometime.. but this.. MMmmm Let's just say that RL she's sitting on a towel for a reason. ;) LOL Rose speeds up the bobbing of her head as her left thumb reaches back up to start to massage, tweak, and caress your clit from it's hood. As she dues this, she thrusts the carrot as she forces the carrot into the puckered hole with all her might until the whole thing pops into the anal hole like a giant ben-wa ball... OOC: Rose notes her player is covered by a towel for... *ahem* similar reasons... "I'd love to see what we'd come up with if we both had several hours to kill and absolutely NO limits... Aloria screams as though her skin were being peeled from her as the carrot spits into her tailhole. Her legs fully tensed to the point of extream over excertion now. Yelping and Cring out each time your head bobs into her sex. All of her reactions, however, are nothing compared to the sound she makes when you start attacking her clit, trying to make the little bud show itself. A short, stiffleing gasp. Her eyes wide as saucers.. The little pinkish pearl slowly becomeing upright. Causeing her body to quake desperatly. She mutters something unatianable.. her violent cries gaining frequency and pitch. OOC: Aloria says, "Mmmmm" Rose starts a similar treatment on the clit that she did to the nipples earlier, tightly pinching for afew seconds, then releasing. With each tight pinch, her muzzle withdraws, and with each release of the pinch her muzzle re-enters. She continues this torture as she starts to hum, the vibrations flowing thru her muzzle into the bunny's sex... OOC: Rose has to go in 5-10 minutes, so... Last pose for Susan Jane... One more time to feel the pain... OOC: Aloria says, "my last name isn't jane.. and may I suggest something violent enough to make her pass out. :)" OOC: Rose wanted you to climax, but O.K. OOC: Aloria says, "If you think you can manage it. ;)" OOC: Aloria says, "Not to doubt your ability or anything.. after all, your the only fur on CK to TOUCH me while naked.. sheesh ;)" OOC: Rose allways does what her friends want... OOC: Aloria feels the same, So this time. rose get's to do what ROSE wants. OOC: Aloria awaits her fate. In the hands of an evil mouse. She may not survive this one.. Rose's nose, as it moves, slides into a little rough spot just inside the bunny's sex. She smiles, knowing that this is the 'G-spot' and rubs her nose against it as she continues her deep, rumbling humming. As she does this, she continues to caress and stroke the clit as if it was a mini dick, almost... OOC: Rose says, "Your fate: climaxing... ;p" OOC: Rose will do REAL evil when she returns... For now, let's go out on a nicer note... Aloria vision fades to pure white while the mouse applies friction unto her two most delicate regions. It's almost a pity the mouse can't see her face. Devoid of all concious expression but the feeling of something behind all this endless pleasure. Something big trying to break through. The rough patch of ultrasensative skin expands at the noserubbing. Her poor clit trapped beneath strokeing fingures. It's all too much. Her body shuts down to her suddenly. "ohh OHH GOD!" she manages to scream out as every nerve in her body seems to catch fire all at once. Her sex litterally suckleing on your muzzle, suddenly splashing it with a thin, milky silk. Hot to the touch and devine in flavor. The bunnies eyes become extreamly unfocused, much like one would look in the moments before a head on colision with a mack truck. The powerful waves of sensation causeing her hips to buck up against her will. Rose continues her 'torture' as she closes her eyes. Suddenly, the mouse shudders violently on her own. It seems that while her muzzle and left paw were teasing you, her right paw had started to tease herselfas soon as the carrot was imbedded fully into you. As her face and muzzle become soaked with your juices, she gasp and crumples to the floor spent from her own climax... Rose goes home. Rose has left. Rose carries you along with her. Rose's Hearth(#2088R/ACJLM) As you walk in, you notice this is a cosy home for the mouse and her family/staff. In the center of the room is a cheery fire pit that keeps the room allways warm, plus doubles as the cooking area. Looking up to the ceiling, you see there's a ventilation set up so the smoke flows up and out, yet the fire's not put out by rain. Along the left wall are several beds so her and her family allways have places to sleep. Looking to the right, you see dressers and cabinets lining the wall that hold the family's personal belongings. In the right corner is a small modest table that can be pulled out for large meals, or kept in the corner for quiet ones. Looking along the back wall, you see the mouse's private joy: her library of books. Books of every subject line the wall from ceiling to floor, and span the whole of the wall itself. Clearly, this mouse loves her books almost as much as her family. Looking around the comfortable home, you get a sense of wellness and togetherness this group must feel... Obvious Exits: The Shop (N) Players: [OOC] Aloria(#2071P/BM), [OOC] Rose Sleepers: [asleep: 3d] Gouda Rose carries Aloria with her. Rose smiles... "Well, that wasa nice ending... Rose snuggles and kisses. "Trust me, next time I'll get REALLY mean... I was nice this time..." Aloria oooos Aloria passes in and out of concious aura as you set her down to sleep. finally loseing the battle and drifting off. then end.. yummy. Aloria points to your last post.. "Uhm.. Promise?" Rose nods..."Cross my mousie heart..." Aloria damns.. evil? I may end up bleeding :P Rose notes you still havea 7 in. carrot cock up your ass... ;) Aloria wiggles her rump a bit.. "OOo" Rose gives you a kiss so yuou can taste your own juices. "I hope you had fun, Usagi-chan..." Aloria hell yes's Aloria's gunna have nightmares about mice now.. Rose smiles... Aloria notes the'll be GOOD nightmares Rose says, "Sexy mice..." Rose says, "Yes, I've converted another to the mouse cause..." Rose says, "Oh, you can set here as your home, if you want..." Rose snugs... "I have to go... Until Saturday, Adieu... *kiss*" Rose has disconnected. Home set. May your heart always guide your actions.