Note: First, Missy, Sissy, & Speedo are all Copyrighted by Mike Curtis. The following fanfic was written WITH his concent and permission. But, don't blame him, blame me. Second, this is a yiffy story. That means that it has sex in it. If you don't LIKE that kind of thing or are under the legal age, erase this now! Thirdly, this whole story was inspired partly by the Ranma/Pulp Fiction Hentai I'm writing & 'Giant Shanda Animal', which I got yesterday. Oh, and If anyone has a copy of the latest Pervert Club, E-Mail me if you want to sell it! My local comic book shop only ordered ONE measly copy, & one of the stupid employees BOUGHT IT; knowing FULL well that I was the ONLY one who WORSHIPED that series. (I got the only other copy of STP#21 when it came out, though!) Anyhow, I hope you like this Shanda the Panda story! Ja ne! The Road to Love By Rose de Stitches (Her Player, really! ;p ) Speedo drove slowly along, enjoying both the scenery & his companion. As he looked over at her, he felt his heart warm. This was his dream come true... Him and Missy on a date WITHOUT the threat of Sissy's appearance or anger. Sighing, he sat back & enjoyed the ride. "What's Wrong?" Missy worriedly replied at his sigh. "Oh, it's nothing..." he began as he cruised along the country road. "I'm just happy to be here with the most beautiful woman I know and love..." "OH, SPEEDO!" she cried, throwing her arms around him. "I love you, too!" And with that, she gave him a big kiss on the cheek. Suddenly, the car began to sputter. "Shit!" Speedo yelled as he pulled over to the side of the road. "Stay here...' he began as he popped the hood & left the car to investigate. Peering down into the engine, he began to frown. He recognized the problem immediatly; the new carborator he'd put in had flooded the engine. Sighing again, he went around to the back & opened the trunk. "What's wrong with the car?" Missy cried out the window. "Nothing..." Speedo sighed as he flipped his toolbox open and retrieved a screwdriver. Shutting everything down, he went to work on his engine. A few twists later, and he was done. Slamming the hood down, Speedo returned to the car & his new love. "Well," he began as he slid into the driver seat. "The engine's flooded. We won't be able to start'er up again for about 15 minutes..." "That's O.K." Missy began as he fiddled with the radio, trying to find a good station. "Speedo..." she began with a slight hesitation in her voice. "D-Do you find me attractive?" He looked over at her and smiled softly. "Of course I do..." he began, cupping her chin in his palm. "Why do you ask?" "W-well..." Missy began, a bead of sweat trickling down her fur. "I was wondering why... why you never... TRIED anything with me..." Missy looked down at her clasped hands in her lap & began to blush. "Missy..." he began, then lost the words. He realized something at that moment: his girlfrind; his lver needed him. He had to be there for her in the way that she wanted despite what Sissy might say afterwards. Speedo clipped her chin in his hand and lightly kissed her full on the mouth. "Missy..." he began after breaking the kiss. "I love you with all my heart and soul, and I DO want you. But, if you want to stop at any time, say the word and I'll..." Missy stopped him mid-sentence with a passionate kiss. "I may not be smart..." she breathed huskily. "But I DO know what I like!" And with that, she tackled him into the back seat. After rolling about for several minutes in a never-ending kiss, Missy ended up on top, straddling Speedo. Reaching up, she slowly unbuttoned the buttons on her blouse one by one. Once she had finished, she slowly slid out of her blouse & revealed an amazing fact to Speedo: Missy didn't wear a bra. Reaching up, he gently caressed each of her soft brests, enducing a low moan from Missy. Sitting back slightly, Missy slid a hand along Speedo's crotch, smiling as she felt the hord rod protruding from his pants. "Mmmm..." she sighed, licking her lips. You know JUST how to make a girl feel special." "Oh, baby..." Speedo sighed as he pulled her down for another kiss. Smiling afterwards, she slowly unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down; reveling in the scent of her man. The scent was intoxicating to her, and she lowered her face down close to his member & inhaled deeply. "Oh, yes..." she sighed, pulling down his boxers & letting his tool spring free. I her head, one thought pulsed through over & over... 'I bet it tastes as good as it smells!' Hesitantly, she licked at the head; causing Speedo to groan lowly. Something awoke in her, and she latched onto Speedo's member like it was a throttle and she was driving in the Indy 500. Stroking up and down, she licked at the head; savoring ever bit of pre-cum that emerged from his penis. She loved it, but she needed more... Getting up on her bottom, she pulled off her panties and threw them into the front seat. Then, she positioned herself over Speedo again. Sliding down, she impaled herself on him until she met resistance. Looking up at her, Speedo asked, "Are you sure?" She nodded slowly, bracing herself for what came next. Speedo trust up, breaking her hymen and causing her to scream in pain. Speedo held her to his chest untill the pain subsided in her. Then, with slow & easy strokes, he began to fill her again. Missy moaned deeply with each thrust, meeting him on every one. They began to piston back & forth; moving faster & faster untill they were like one being striving for the ultimate goal. Missy felt the orgasm rapidly aproaching, and humped against Speedo even harder. Then, it hit her like a ton of bricks. "Oh, YES!!!" she screamed, thrusting her full weight upon Speedo while her velvet box clamped down on him like a vice. "Missy, I LOVE YOU!!!" Speedy screamed as he reached his own orgasm & splattered her insides with cum; sending her over the edge & into another orgasm. They collapsed into a sweaty heap & enjoed the afterglow. Several minutes later, Speedo looked up and smiled. "That was... Incredible..." he breathed out & grinned. Missy looked over and grinned back. "Who says we're done?" she began bofore locking into another kiss with Speedo. "My god, Missy..." Speedo began. "I love you!" "I know..." she replied. "And I love you!" And thus they spent the remainder of the night. Prolouge: *BEEP-BEEP!!!* Speedo's car horn honked for Missy & Sissy to hurry up. It was a beautiful new day, and he had the roof of his car down. Suddenly, the pair thundered out of the house & into the car. Missy hopped into the back & kissed Speedo deeply. "Oh, Speedo..." She sighed. "Friday night was INCREDIBLE!!!" Sissy slid into the front and shook her head. "What DID you two do that night, anyway? Missy wouldn't tell me." "Oh," Speedo began as he drove off to school. "We just fooled around, you know?" Missy began to giggle slightly, but Sissy just sighed. "Fine, don't tell me then..." And with that, she slumped down & began to tie her shoes. It was then that she noticed the pink fabric underneath her shoe. Drawing it out the rest of the way, she let out a small gasp! "Who's are THESE?!?" Sissy screamed, almost knocking them off the road. "Um..." they both started as Sissy grew madder & madder. "SPEEDO..." Sissy screamed as then entered the school's parking lot & (Thankfully) parked. Then, she glared into his eyes and began to chant... "Have you read the Bible LATELY Speedo? EZEKIEL 25:17 'The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. AND I WILL STRIKE UPON THE WITH GREAT VENGANCE AND FURIOUS ANGER THOSE WHO ATTEMPT TO POISON AND DESTROY MY BROTHERS! AND YOU WILL KNOW THAT I AM SISSY WHEN I LAY MY VENGANCE UPON YOU!!!'" And with that, she launched herself at Speedo. Missy looked at the two & sighed to herself. 'Mabye I should wait to tell them that I missed my period yesterday...' Missy thought to herself as she began to think about what her new baby's name should be... The End! (For Now!) *** Well, hopfully Mr. Curtis isn't ready to kill me. (Actually, I think his wife may want to kill me more for this. He actually may have liked it!) Also, any comments, praise, Flames, or Death Threats can be directed to Peace out, and have a good day!---Stitches, the product of a dimented mind and a yiffy dream...