The vixen was close now, she could tell... But still she couldn't see her or make out the features of her face... Lying naked on her bed the thin sheet clung to her fur by a bond of sweat. Above her head a wobbly ceiling fan spun slowly, doing little but circulating stale, warm air. The breeze, warm though it was, disappeared as it had come, bearing false hope. The bunny could sense her love at the entrance to her room. She could make out her form, the slope of her delicate figure, the outline of powerful muscles rippling beneath the red fur, the length of her long legs... She, too, was covered in sweat - but little else - barefoot, barechested, a small towel draped around her waist, barely covering the sweet treasure between her legs... She sighed and slid one leg against the other, pressing her thighs together tightly, creating an erotic sensation of pleasure as she pictured her there, watching. She let her head fall all the way back, her long purple ears spread out over her thin pillow, the claw tips of her right hand tracing a pattern up her calf, her thigh...the inside of her thigh. Her hips shifted, the sheet still sticking to every exposed inch of her...clinging to the contour of her belly, and lower... Clinging now without only sweat... 'If only I could see you, Sara...', the rabbit thought, clenching her eyes tightly... But she wasn't there! She was no longer where she had pictured her... This had never happened before! Sara was always there, always watching, watching until she could do nothing more than release herself and shudder, gasping at what she forced herself to believe her touch would be like. But now she was gone, now she couldn't make out those familiar features by light cast from the hall's light... Her fingers were working furiously, but where could she have gone.... She was taking in loud, fast breaths through her nostrils, feeling the impending wave start to build inside of her... Even without an image of her love in her mind she knew she was still near; knew she was still sensing her as she did her, knew she was... Something had moved. Her eyes fluttered open, just for a second, and her breath caught ragged in her throat. Her mouth was the only part of her that was dry, involuntarily her throat tightened with suspense. She was here, now, with her in the small room... somewhere in the darkness... She knew she mustn't stop, mustn't allow her to know for sure that she recognized her immediate presence... She buried another finger, deeper, searched out the spot she knew fox fem would know how to find, and bit her lip... Weight... Invisible, phantom weight hovered above her. It was a pressure without contact... The bunny could hear no breathing, could find no evidence to prove she was standing over her save for the mere impression of her love's weight hanging over her and a feeling that she was looking down at her. She desperately wanted to open her eyes, to look up and meet her stare head on, but could not summon the courage to do so. All she could do was continue to probe deeper, faster, creating tiny wet noises beneath the sheet and drawing more desperate breath. Without looking, she could tell that her hand was reaching out, hovering above her, about to brush her shoulder. She stopped, motionless, knowing that her lover was frozen directly above her, her fingertips resting on the fur upon her shoulder... It was then that they both heard the ruslting in the tree outside. Both girls looked outside and saw the Sara's brother peering in at them with a guilty look on his face. The bunny began to scream wildly; causing the young male to bolt from the tree. The fox female smiled softly and silenced her lover with a kiss. "Relax Julie..." she beagan as she guided Julie's hand to her own aching sex. "It's not like he can get away... After all, we both know where he lives..." "Ooooh, yes..." the rabbit cried as the vulpine stroked her closer to orgasm. "Besides..." She continued as her bunny lover pushed her closer & closer to climax. "I have... OH, YES!!! Another way... Oh! More, MORE!!! That we can punish him... OH!!! YIFF!!! YES!!!" And with ear-shattering screams, both females plunged their hands deep into the other's sex & came... Later, after they both had awoken from the afterglow, they discussed just what they would do to the vulpine's brother the next day...