Music for the Soul By Rose de Stitches Based on Characters from the comic, 'Shanda the Panda'. Any and all materials resembling these characters are copyrighted by Mike Curtis. Shanda all alone in the room, crying that it wasn't so... But it was. Her Terri was dead. Her dear, sweet young cricket had died giving birth to a child. Yes, the doctor's were trying to resucitate her; but Shanda knew that it was hopeless... "Thanks for listening to FRRY, 77.9 FM!" The radio's blaring shook Shanda from her glumness. She started over to turn it off, then stopped when she heard the song begin... 'Lightning crashes, a new mother cries...' 'Her placenta falls to the floor.' 'The angel opens her eyes,' 'The confusion sets in...' 'Before the doctor can even close the door.' It was 'Lightning Crashes' by Live! Tears began to fill her eyes as she listened on; knowing deep in her heart that Terri would have wanted it that way... 'Lightning crashes, an old mother dies...' 'Her intentions fall to the floor.' 'The angel closes her eyes,' 'The confusion that was hers...' 'Belongs now to the baby down the hall.' Shanda cried softly as the words rang true thru her very soul. Terri would live on... Thru her child... 'Oh, I feel it comin' back again.' 'Like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind,' 'Forces pullin' from the center of the earth again...' 'I can feel it.' *Yes...*, she thought, wiping away the tears. *Terri wouldn't want us to cry... I CAN feel it...* Smiling softly, she slowly began to sing along with the song... 'Lightning crashes, a new mother cries...' 'This moment she's been waiting for!' 'The angel opens her eyes!' 'Pale blue clored eyes, presents the circle,' 'Puts the glory out to hide, hide!' Shanda's voice began to ring true as she stood up, almost competing with the small radio to out-sing her love of Terri. Throwing back her arms, she entered into the chorus with ernest... 'Oh, I feel it comin' back again...' 'Like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind!' 'Forces pullin' from the center of the earth again' 'I can feel it! Yeah!' Shanda was lost in the music. *YES!!! Terri will allways survive! She'll allways be with us in our hearts & soul and in the love we'll give her orphaned child! Praise be to the Lord* ' I feel it comin' back again!' 'Like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind!' 'Forces pullin' from the center of the earth again!' 'I can feel it! I can feel it! I can feel it!' As the song ended, Shanda was startled by a tap on her shoulder. Turning around, she was surprised to see Rainbow standing there. Shanda started to blush slightly from the embarassment, but Rainbow hugged her tightly. "Oh. Shanda!" she cried for joy. "Terri's alive! They saved her!" Shanda stood there in shock for a moment, then she began to cry again; this time for joy. "She's alive..." Shanda managed between sobs. "My baby's alive..." Rainbow hugged the fragile panda & stroked her head gently, knowing that Shanda was to overcome with emotion to do anything else but let it all out... *** I wrote this after reading Issue #21. I based it off of all the future storylines that have been placed. The song, 'Lightning Crashes' by Live, is off of the 'Throwing Copper' Album. It is used WITH their consent. Shanda, Rainbow, & Terri are all owned & Copyrighted by Mike Curtis. ;p FRRY, 77.9 FM is a play on a joke around here. (AKA 77 is better than 69 because you get * more!) Anyhoo, I wrote this REAL late at night, so if you don't like it... *sighs* This story WAS based on an actual event in MY life, though... After losing my grandmother, this song helped ME to pull it through all right... Hopefully it will do the same for Shanda... Anyhow, peace!---Stitches