I wrote the following story in PROTEST to several things... You'll see what I mean... I don't own any of these characters. I only wrote the story. Please read the disclaimer at the bottom for my explanation for what you are about to read, thank you. That Day May Never Come... By Rose de Stitches The girl sat alone in front of the desk, her bruised arm clutched in one hand, a pen in the other. She was dressed in a torn white negligee which, if it and her were not battered and beaten, would have complimented her nicely. She sighed and brushed back a strand of silver-white hair from her blackened eye and took to writing on the sheet of paper in front of her... 'Dear Minako...' she began, trying not to cry. 'You have got to save me from this madman! He controls my every thought, my every action! I am beaten and raped nightly; sometimes even hourly. I fear I may not live much longer at this rate. Please, try to rescue me. I was wrong to love Oscar. You and the other scouts knew he was evil, but I wouldn't listen to you... Now, I fear that my life will be the price! Please, save me... Love, Artemis.' With that, she slipped the letter into an envelope she'd already addressed and sealed it closed. Silently, so as not to awaken her captor, she slipped the letter out the mail slot JUST as the mailman arrived. Smiling, she turned around and saw Oscar's anger-filled face sneering at her. "And what was that?" he inquired in almost a growl. "N... Nothing, dear..." she started before he cuffed her ear with a sharp blow. "LIAR" he screamed at her as she fell to the floor. "I see I'll have to make a new room for you in the basement again. With that, he picked up her broken form and dragged her into the basement. There, in the center, was a steel cage. He pulled open the door and threw her inside before locking the cage tightly. "I'll be back for you later, my dear..." he said with an evil grin before departing. Artemis sat down on the floor and began to weep. She gingerly felt her ear and felt a bit of moisture coming from it. She pulled back her hand, and found that it was a few drops of blood. She sighed, and looked up towards the ceiling. *Oh, Mina...* she thought to herself. *Please get here soon...* Minako sat on the couch, waiting for the mail. She was expecting some new mangas in the mail, and couldn't wait to read them. Suddenly, the mail dropped thru the slot. She ran to the door and whisked it up quickly, trying to find her books. She stopped suddenly when she saw a letter in familiar writing. *Who is this from...?* she wondered. She pulled out a letter opener and whisked it across the top of the envelope; slicing the thin paper sheath open. Smiling, she sat down on the couch and took out the letter. That smile quickly changed into a look of sudder fear and terror as she read the letter from Artemis. She fought back the tears as she grabbed her car keys and ran out the door, not even locking the door after her. She jumped into the car seat and revved the motor to full hilt before peeling out into the road and almost getting into a wreck. "Don't worry, Artemis..." Minako called out as she blinked back the tears. "Me and the senshi will rescue you..." Usagi was sitting on her front porch when Mina's car came barreling down the road. She jumped up as Minako screeched into the driveway and almost hit her parent's car. Usagi ran over, about to yell at her friend, when she noticed that the wreck that almost happened paled in comparison to the wreck Minako was. "GET IN!" was all Mina said as she popped the car into reverse. Usagi hopped into the front seat just as Minako began to speed backwards into the street, flinging Serena into her seat. "MINAKO!!!" Usagi yelled. "What is wrong with you?" Minako handed her the letter before popping the clutch into drive. "Read this on the way to Raye's temple. We have no time to lose..." Usagi sighed and read the letter, and soon she saw the problem. Showing an unbelievably calm head, Usagi whipped out her communicator and called Ami & Makato. "Meet us at Raye's temple!" she practically screamed into the calculator-like device. "One of our own is in trouble! We need all the scouts on this one! I'll explain when we get there!" With that, she shut off the communicator and sighed. *I only wish Mamoru wasn't out of town* Usagi thought to herself. *Something tells me we're going to need his help.* The five senshi soon pulled up to Oscar's house. Luckily, Luna was at the temple with Raye discussing some things, so had been able to come along. Usagi smiled. She knew they would need every person, or thing, they could get. Minako had calmed down a bit, and her fears had now been replaced with pure anger and rage. They walked towards the door, noting how it looked just like a normal house. "What's up with this?" Makato said. "You'd think there'd be more than THIS!" That's when she gripped towards the door's handle... Suddenly, she was flung back as 10,000 volts of current surged thru her body. She landed with a thump a few feet away. The other senshi ran over to help her, but she held them back with an arm. "No," She began... "I'm fine" They tried all their attacks on the field, but to no avail. They scowled at the house and kept trying, for everyone of them knew Artemis's life would be the cost if they gave up now... Oscar frowned as he ran down the darkened passages to his basement... He had a good thing going, and he wasn't about to let any stupid senshi ruin it! Luckily, that force field he installed was working perfectly. But he wasn't about to take any chances. Reaching the main chamber, he saw Artemis trying in vain to break free of her cage. "Let me out of here, you pervert!" Artemis screamed as soon as she saw Oscar. "I told you before, it's over! Can't you be civil for ONCE in your pathetic life?" Oscar snarled cruely at Artemis before firing a lightning bolt at the cage; frying some of the hair off her. Artemis howled in pain, and batted a slighly singed hand at Oscar. "I can't believe I ever loved you!" Artemis screamed as Oscar turned on the view screen. There, in front of his house, the senshi were trying to break in to save their friend. *Fools...* Oscar thought. *I'll crush them all! And then Artemis will be mine, all mine!!!* He smiled as he flipped a green switch, causing a portal to open and his 'friends' to come to his aid... The senshi were bravely trying to bust thru the barriers in front of the house, but to no avail. Suddenly, a dark portal opened a few feet from them, and out jumped Felicia from Dark Stalkers. The senshi all assumed battle poses as Felicia reared back and hissed. "What am I doing back HERE?!?" Felicia cried out, glaring at Oscar's house as she did so. "I thought my business was donen with that pervert!" Usagi smiled to herself and dropped her wand to her side. "Felicia," she began as she outstretched her hand slowly. "We both have a common enemy: Oscar. Let's work together and rescue Artemis from his twisted clutches." Felicia smiled. *Revenge...* she thought. "O.K.," Felicia began. "I'm in..." With that, she leaped towards the house and flung towards it claws first. She slammed into the field and bounced off. Growling, she let out a low whistle that echoed across the hills... Suddenly, there was a loud rumbling that filled the area. "Um, Usagi..." Raye began. "What's going on?" Ami flipped on her visor and scanned about. "I'm picking up several... THOUSANDS!!! of entities heading here!!!" Suddenly, a cat-like human came into view. Then another. Then another. Soon, the front yard was filled with them, with more and more arriving with each passing second. One of the cat-people kneeled in front of Felicia and the senshi. "Your majesty..." he began. "What to you require of us?" Felicia smiled and patted his head. "There is a shield protecting that house. I require for you all to destroy it." He stood & bowed. "For you, my queen." With that, he turned around and yelled to the crowd. "My people, the queen has spoken! We are to destroy the shield around this human structure, even if it costs us our lives! FOR THE MONARCHY!!!" With that, he flung himself upon the shield, letting the energy course thru him. Other cat-people soon followed suit, and soon the whole building was covered in cat-people. the air grew almost unbearable with the scent of burning hair. If one cat-person fell to their death, another took it's place. Suddenly, there was a great rumbling from underground as the generator exploded from the strain. The Cat-People cheered at their victory, and Felicia turned to the senshi. "Go now..." she began. "Go and save your friend. I must attend to the dead and wounded here as the queen of my people." Felicia held back the tears as the senshi jumped over the fallen bodies and burst thru the front door. "God speed..." She whispered almost silently to herself. "And good luck." "You see!" Artemis cried from inside the cage. "Even those whom you THINK were your allies now turn against you!" "SILENCE!" Oscar roared towards the cage. "Be quiet or I'll..." "Or you'll what?" Artemis shouted back. "You've already imprisoned me against my will, changed my species AND my sex... What'll you do to me next, Hmmm?" Atremis brushed back her silver-white hair and stared at Oscar; almost daring him to reply... Oscar reached thru the cage so suddenly, Artemis didn't even have time to respond. Oscar's grip found Artemis's throat and clutched at it tightly, choking Artemis with all his strength. Artemis clawed frantically at Oscar's arm, but was unable to break free from Oscar's grip. She was just about to pass out from lack of oxygen when there came a loud explosion from outside of the lab. "Damn senshi..." Oscar began as he dropped Artemis to the floor of the cage. Artemis gasped for air, knowing that she almost died. If she didn't hate Oscar before, she did now. Oscar turned his attentions to the senshi that entered his private domain. "Stupid fools!" He called out. "You will never get her back!" "Her?" Raye cried. "What are you babbling about? We're trying to rescue Artemis..." And that's when they all saw her. The girl lay in the cage, gasping for air. Her nude body was lined with bruises and scars, which her silver-while hair caused to shine more brightly. Her blue eyes shone with hope as she saw the senshi, and turned to them slowly. "Minako..." she hoarsely called out. "Is... Is that you?" "My god..." Luna whispered to herself as she looked at the girl. "Soldiers, that girl IS Artemis! Don't ask me how, but it is!" Usagi stepped forward and glared at Oscar. "You went TOO FAR this time..." she began as pure white light began eminating from her body. Oscar sneered at her. "Artemis is just confused! She'll love me again! You'll see!" "Never..." Oscar whispered out. "I... hate you... with all my... heart and... soul..." Oscar twirled around towards the cage. "Then if I can't have you, no one can!!!" he snarled out as he threw a fire ball at the cage, knocking the poor girl to the floor again. "ENOUGH!" Usagi screamed as Oscar turned from the cage. "This ends now!!! You four help Artemis get to safety... I'LL deal with this scum." "Oh, Artemis..." Minako cried as she pulled open the cage and cradled the girl's head in her hands. "Don't die on us..." Artemis looked up and sighed. "As long as I saw your face again..." she began weakly. "Then I could die happy..." With that, she fell unconcious. "Artemis..? Artemis!!!" Minako screamed as the other senshi pulled her and Artemis away from the fight. Usagi and Oscar faced off. Oscar growled and charged his dark powers as a tail spurted from his bottom. "You stupid bitch!" he yelled at Sailor Moon. "We were fine until you came along! Now she'll NEVER love me again!" Sailor Moon glowed with positive energy as she faced off against Oscar. Not since she'd fought Queen Beryl had she been this angry at a foe. Suddenly, her wand began to glow as she transformed from Sailor Moon into Princess Serenity. She held the wand above her head as she glared back at Oscar. "You evil bastard! You raped and beat my friend. You changed his species and his sex. For this alone I should kill you! But then you have the audacity to blame ME?!?" "Yes!!!" Oscar screamed as he tossed a stream of black fire at her. She blocked it with her wand and glared at him. "So be it..." she began. "I am Sailor Moon, Princess of the moon kingdom! I will right wrongs and punish evil! And that means YOU, OSCAR!!! MAXIMUM MOON BLAST!!!" With that, she flung her wand forward and threw out a force beam that struck Oscar and flung him into the wall. Instead of letting up, she poured on the power, watching as the field crushed him into the wall more and more... Suddenly, she heard a sickening gurgling come from Oscar. Then, all of a sudden, his body exploded from the pressure. Blood splattered against the field and the wall, soaking deep into the bricks. Dropping the shield, she fell to her knees. Oscar, and the evil he brought to this world, was no more. A few weeks later, Artemis sat in Minako's house in her own bed. She had accepted the fact that she would be a human girl for the rest of eternity, and was trying to recover from the years of abuse. Minako looked in and smiled. *It's almost time to take Artemis to her Abuse Survivors meeting...* Minako thought as she tapped Artemis on the shoulder. Suddenly, Artemis dropped under the covers and began to scream. "No Oscar! Not again!" she screamed out as Minako tried to sooth her. Finally, Minako was able to calm Artemis and convince her that Oscar WAS gone for good again... Holding the fragile girl, she gently stroked the back of Artemis's head. "There, there..." Minako soothed. "Someday, it'll all be forgotten to you..." But in her heart, she knew that day might never really come. The end A Disclaimer: I wrote this after reading all of Oscar's 'fan fictions'. I wrote this WITHOUT Oscar's authorization, but for good reason. This story actually DOES follow the storyline to all of Oscar's tales. He still is a Sayajin, and Artemis is a human girl. But this story takes place after the 'love' leaves the relationship. This is what I think will really happen at the end of Oscar's 'love' affair with Artemis. Also, I wish to say that personally, I DESPISE people who abuse women and children sexually, physically, and mentally. What happensd to Oscar in this story is what I also wish would happen to ALL of those people. Finally, I DID portray Artemis in a realistic fashion. Don't believe me? Then go visit with someone who's abused on a daily basis. You won't dissagree then... Thank you for reading my rsge fic, and good night.---Rose de Stitches rosestitches@crosswinds.net is where you cand send C&C!