Mutant Milkmaids by: Rancid The County Fair was in full swing when he arrived. With a mere glance around, he knew that he’s made the right choice. This was a virtual cornucopia of toothless rednecks just begging for improvement. Dr. Pierce smiled briefly, flashing slightly sharpened teeth and strode out among the people. Dr. Pierce was a strange sight. Among the large, hairy inhabitants of this small Texan town, he looked more like a giant rodent than a man. His face was lean and pointed, with a beak-like nose, large ears, and round red glasses that totally hid his eyes. His hair was shock white, frazzled and long, tied back in a knotted ponytail. His body was thin, dangerously so. The way his lightly stained labcoat hung on his shoulders, he looked a bit like an undernourished hat-rack. No, he didn’t fit in with this small town, but he wasn’t here to make friends…well, that wasn’t necessarily true. But when Dr. Pierce made friends, it usually involved spare parts and floating things in jars. Occasionally he muttered to himself as he squeezed through the crowd. He said stuff like, ‘too thin’, or ‘bleag’, and occasionally ‘called me mad!’. The crowd parted, and Pierce saw what he was looking for. There was a large table with several fat hicks stuffing themselves with what he hoped was chocolate pie. He pushed through the gathered spectators and gaped at the sign before him. “Eating contest?” He pushed his red glasses up his thin nose. He returned his gaze to the contestants. “Fascinating.” The contestants were really gorging. By now, the man directly in the middle had already inhaled six pies and was scooping the seventh down his throat. The others were furiously trying to keep up, but even a large 500 gorilla in overalls was hard pressed to compete with this eating machine. Pierce’s lips split into a thin smile as he watched. The man was unremarkable at best, with a plain face and the physique of someone thrice his age. In a mere matter of moment, the young man gulped down five more pies, and ate another one even after the others had stopped. He was undisputed winner, breaking the previous year’s record. By the end, Dr. Pierce was bouncing from foot to foot, giggling. After the contestants all left, the winner still sat there and rubbed his enormously swollen stomach. After the others had gone, a shadow fell over the gurgling gut, and the lad looked into the piercing red stare of the doctor. “What is your name, boy?” The lad looked up. “Uh…Billy Joe.” Pierce beamed, leaning back. “Billy Joe! Wonderful, wonderful. Well, very pleased to meet you Billy. I am Dr. Anthony Pierce. I have need of a young man of your…talents.” Typical of the breed, Billy Joe blinked stupidly. "Huh?" Pierce seemed to grin wider, making him look a bit like a rabid rat. “And such a bright lad. Yes, you’re absolutely perfect. How old are you?” “19.” Billy was trying to squirm back, but his stomach rendered him immobile. Pierce nodded sagely. “Good age, that. Yes…” He seemed to look into the horizon, his face twisted into a mask of internal struggle. Finally he nodded and reached into his labcoat and whipped out a small card. BJ shrunk away from it as if worried it would bite or possibly explode. “Here’s my card. I’m in need of a ranch hand to help me with a very, VERY secret project. If you’re interested in working for me, come to this address. If you are not TOTALLY serious about working for me, do not come. I’ll have no slackers interrupting my projects.” Billy Joe took the card and looked at it. It was a black card with Dr. Pierce written in white, nothing more. The address was penciled in on the back. Billy looked up suddenly. “Hey wait, what does this pay?” Pierce half-turned and smiled. ”Oh not too much….but the benefits are outstanding.” He stalked away with sweep of his coat and strode into the sunset. Billy finally managed to attain his feet, staring at the card. He shrugged and started off for home. It wasn’t until three days later that Billy Joe managed to make his way down to the farm. It wasn’t what he expected. There was a house on a hill near a river with more satellite dishes and tubes you’d expect to see coming out of a house. The barn itself looked normal, except it was homier, as if it were more of a boarding house than some place to corral animals. There was a longer building that looked a bit like an old style military hangar, with lightning rods and odd solar panels. There weren’t any electric fences either, but there were poles that appeared to have beams of reddish light that glowed faintly in the early morning fog. There was also a slightly scorched sign that read ‘Trespassers Will Be Horribly Mutated’. Billy whistled, half impressed, half scared shitless. He parked his bike next to what looked like a gate in the middle of the laser fence. He hopped off and walked over to a console with a screen and speaker. “Er…Hello?” The line was dead. After a few minutes, Billy shrugged and picked up his bike. He was just about to leave when the screen flickered. The pale face of Dr. Pierce flickered briefly, and grinned. “I knew you’d come.” The screen went dark, and the gates opened. Billy hesitated only a moment, and strode through the gates, rolling his bike along with him. The gates closed, and soon he found himself on the front porch of the house with Pierce. Setting his bike down, the two figures walked to the barn, talking. Mostly Pierce just asked questions and Billy answered them. “Any family?” “Ur, my pop, but he’s usually too drunk to know where HE is, so’s usually I just so mah own thing, an’ he don’t bother me none.” “Friends?” “Some guys I hang out behind the bar on weekends.” “Any experience with animals?” “We gotta dog.” “Farm animals…” “Oh…yeah, me an’ Pop used ta go down to my Gramp’s farm, but he died.” Pierce nodded. “Good, good…” BJ was thinking how his Gramp’s death wasn’t ‘good, good’, and was about to argue the fact when Pierce threw open the doors. Billy’s jaw dropped as he saw inside. The barn looked more like a college dorm inside. Several rooms in a hall, a high ceiling, and what appeared to be a second floor. There Girls. Naked girls. With round breasts, pert bottoms, trim tummies, dark spots, small horns… Spots and horns? Pierce was already striding toward the girls, who shrieked and slid into various rooms, slamming doors. Pierce shouted. “Alright girls! Time to work! Get your plump rears in gear or it’s hamburger for the lot of you!” BJ snuck up, shaking visibly. “Doc…what?…” Pierce gave him half a glance. “Cowgirls. A creation of mine. I thought to myself…Farming is hard work…what I need is cows that milk themselves. So by combining the best traits of cows and humans, I came up with a race of cows that begs to be milked and is more than willing to do her part to solve world hunger. Farm hands and cattle all in one bouncy package…but sometimes they’re just a little too independent…”He gave Billy a meaningful stare. “That’s where you come in.” Billy nodded and was about to comment when the girls started to pile out. They looked just like human girls except for a very thin layer of spotted white fur, wide bovine muzzles, small horns, tails, and hooves. Each girl was wearing clean farm overalls and little else. This did very little to protect their modesty, because each cowgirl had a least a D-cup bustline, and the straps strained over their chests. One larger one wore a tight shirt, with ‘Got Milk?’ on the front. Billy had a hard time keep his eyes in his head, and something else in his pants. He shifted uncomfortably as Pierce addressed the cowgirls. “Before we begin, let me introduce our new farmhand…His name is Billy Joe. Now we all know what happened to the last ranch hand. Let’s try to get along with this one, ok?” He turned to Billy and beamed. “These are your new partners. Let me introduce…ah, this is Ellie May, And Bobbi, Jeanie Sue, Suzi Q., Mary Jane, Julie, and this…” He stopped in front of the girl with the shirt. She was at least a foot taller than the others, and built like wrestler, with breasts bigger than Billy’s head. “This is Butch. She’s the leader of the herd, and doesn’t take shit from anyone, least of all me. She knows her place, tho, so do what you can to keep the others in control, but just leave Butch alone…we’ll all be a lot happier.” Billy nodded. Butch was a head taller than he. She folded her arms over her breasts (quite a task) which smooshed them against her chest, tearing the collar of her shirt to reveal a healthy helping of cleavage. If Billy wasn’t so entranced, he might have noticed something more important about Butch’s body, but the doc clapped his hands, startling the new ranch hand. “Ok! To the processing plant. Double time! Get your asses strapped in, we start in 10 minutes. Any stragglers and I bring out the grill!” The girls giggled nervously and hurried out, bouncing on purpose and trying to attract Billy’s attention. Butch stayed behind, glaring at BJ for a long moment, then unfolded her arms, storming out. Pierce seemed to relax a bit when she left. Billy grunted. “What’s with Butch?” Pierce looked startled and pulled out a hanky, dabbing sweat from his brow. “She was my first…a prototype…it wasn’t fully successful…not in the way I wanted. But she’s the best one of the herd…not just a brainless ditz like the others. Still, she worries me slightly.” BJ was about to ask more questions, but Pierce was already striding out, pulling a clipboard from the wall near the door. Billy followed at his heels, but Doc merely muttered to himself. “Production is down…might have to get one of them pregnant. Increases milk production, don’t you know? Hmmm, still, hopefully it won’t be necessary. Always so messy, but it does increase moral…” Tucking the clipboard under his armpit and threw open the door to the long hangar. The interior of the hangar was made up of dozens of large stalls, each one with a small milking machine with several tubes and hoses. There was also a beanbag couch, to make the girls comfortable. The girls… Billy gaped. All the girls had unbuttoned their overalls, the strap hanging down. Occasionally their overalls would slip, giving Billy a sneak peek at their pink nether lips. All of them were fixing long tubes over their nipples, which slurped on wetly as the suction trapped the tender nipples. But there were too many… Billy walked in and took a closer look, and saw that most of the girls had several nipples on their breasts, four on each. Some were longer, like udders, others had two pairs of breasts with normal nipples. The only one who looked normal was Mary Jane, who had medium sized breasts, with two small nipples. “What…” Pierce strode up. “Experiments…I haven’t been able to make cowgirls really consistent until recently. These are the best of the herd. Different in appearances, but excellent producers.” Butch herself had four massive nipples on each breast, and watched the other girls with interest, making sure each one was strapped into their milking tubes before taking off her own shirt. The girls all settled down in beanbag couches, giggling and watching Billy and Pierce expectantly. All except Mary Jane, who stood there with her top down, and shaking her head at the milking machine in her stall. Pierce growled at Mary Jane, who stuck out her chin defiantly. He walked over to a console on the wall, typed in a command, and threw a large switch. The milking machines kicked into life, humming and slurping hungrily. All of the cowgirls gasped, lying back as they were milked. A few of them stripped totally for the experience, but some of the shyer cows closed the gate to their stall as Pierce and Billy walked toward the whimpering Mary Jane. Some even slipped their hoof-like hands down their overalls, starting to stroke between their legs. Mary Jane slumped back against her couch. She was shaking. Billy finally noticed how small she was compared to the other cows. She was smaller than him, and a lot thinner. She looked younger too. Pierce stopped in front of her, and glared at Butch, who glared back. He put his hands on his hips. “Two days you’ve refused to give milk! You eat my food, life safe here on the farm, and still you don’t give milk. Do you want to see what’s past the Green Door?” Pierce pointed at the Green Door. Billy wondered what was so important about it, but Pierce interrupted his train of thought. “That’s it, I’m at my wit’s end.” He kicked the couch out of the way and pressed a button on the side of the stall. Under the couch were four leather straps on the floor, and a small steel wall with a neck-sized hole in it rose from the floor. “Billy…Subdue her.” Billy looked to Butch. She didn’t look happy, but made no move. “BILLY!!!” Without thinking, Billy tackled Mary Jane. She mooed pathetically and rolled, bucking him off. Billy made another lunge, but as he grabbed her waist, her small horn gouged a chunk of flesh out of his shoulder. Howling angrily, he bit her neck reflexively, a weak moan coming from the scared cowgirls. Taking this opportunity, he pushed her onto her stomach, and pulled her arm behind her arm, twisting… “Enough…” Pierce grabbed her hair. “You are still cattle my dear…” He dropped her head, leaning back. “Put her in the stocks.” Billy lifting the unresisting girl’s head, putting it into the neck hole and closing the top on it. He started to strap her knees and wrists to the floor, and stood up, holding his bleeding shoulder. “Good…you’ve done this before I see…” He kneeled, putting the two small tubes on MJ’s nipples and turning on the machine manually. Creamy milk filled the clear tube, splashing as it was slowly sucked into the hose. Pierce stood and dusted off his knees. “Stay here Billy…I’ll go get something for your shoulder. Make sure she doesn’t struggle free. They don’t look it, but these cowgirls are much stronger than your average human.” He strode out, closing the stall door to keep the others from seeing MJ’s predicament. Billy shook softly, trying to hold in his anger. He held his shoulder, blood leaking past his fingers. He walked around to look Mary Jane in her tear-stained face. “You….little bitch…Ya coulda killed me…” Mary Jane was so startled she looked up, as best she could. She shivered and whimpered. “Help me…” Billy growled, about to rip loose with a barrage of foul language and verbal abuse. But suddenly he came up with a better idea. He reached down and started to unzip his pants. “Ah’ll help ya awright…The doc says getting’ you cows pregnant helps production. Ah figger Ah can knock ya up real nice.” Mary Jane shook her head. “No…please…” Billy grunted, walking behind her and kneeling behind her trembling body. “Maybe you’d like me ta Ah knock you up another way, then.” He slapped her ass hard. MJ shook harder, mooing softly. He nodded. “Didn’t think so.” He spread her plump ass cheeks, and leaned close. His already throbbing cock pressed between her cheeks, rubbing under her tail and brushing her already moistening sex lips. Her tail flicked weakly, tickling Billy’s large gut. Finally, he leaned back, and started to push his thick member past her damp folds roughly, spearing her on his shaft. The trapped cowgirl gasped, starting to struggle. The metal collar started to cut into her neck as she tried to escape, and the hinges of the collar creaked ominously. Billy saw the danger immediately, pulling out. He grabbed her tail and lifting it, pushing his cocktip against her tight pucker. “Stop moving right now or Ah rip inta this tight little ass of yers!” Mary Jane stopped moving immediately, trembling and sobbing quietly. Billy smirked and pushed back into her tight cow cunt, thrusting hard. His stomach slapped against her fat rump as he pushed into her. His hands slipped down, brushing along her breasts and the tube with its milk rushing past. The thought of him fucking this little cow while she was being milked sent a shiver down his spine, and he started to thrust harder. He pounded into her for several minutes, totally oblivious to the fact that the milking machines were starting to shut down around him, the personal milker in the stall buzzing in his ears. It wasn’t until the door opened that he realized he was in deep shit. It wasn’t Dr. Pierce. Billy would have given anything to see Dr. Pierce standing in the doorway. Butch, and several of the other cowgirls were standing there, with Billy kneeling in mid-thrust, and Mary Jane mooing sadly. Butch was furious, her muscles bulging all over her large arms, and across her exposed chest and stomach. Billy wouldn’t be surprised if Billy could crack coconuts in her cleavage, even her breasts seemed muscular at the moment. Billy pulled out of the dripping cunny and tried to think of an excuse. ‘It wasn’t me’ sounded really lame right now. He thought as quickly as he could, and one thing became shockingly clear. “Ah am so fucked…” Butch grabbed him by his partly unbuttoned shirt and lifted him two feet off the ground. “You have NO idea.” She pulled her hanging overalls down. Billy Joe nearly chocked at what he saw. Butch had a huge cock, as long as his arm and almost twice as thick. Of course it was less impressive on her since her whole body was massive, but to someone Billy’s size, it was a nightmare. “I am going to tear you a new ass, boy.” Butch lifted the petrified farmhand and positioned him directly above hir huge pink shaft, raised him high… “Stop…” They all turned around, and saw Pierce standing there with a first aid kit. He took a quick look around and took in the scene. A bruised and crying Mary Jane, a terrified redneck, and a vengeful herm cow ready to dish out some rear-rending justice. He shook his head sadly. “Very disappointing…” He set the kit down and unlocked Mary Jane. One of the other cowgirls immediately started tending the crying girl’s wounds. Pierce stood and glared at Billy and Butch, who hadn’t moved. “Well…” Pierce cleared his throat. “I certainly can’t let this happen. Last time you ‘educated’ a farmhand, you broke him well beyond repair before I got back…” Butch growled. ”Did you see what he did to Mary Jane? He’s getting off lucky!” She raised Billy Joe again, who started to struggle with renewed energy. Pierce shook his head. “No…He does need to be punished…but I think he can best serve out his term as part of the herd.” The gathered girls looked relieved and started to giggle. Even Butch looked surprised, lowering Billy slowly. “Wait…you mean?” Pierce nodded. ”Best way to increase production, add to the herd, and punish him all at the same time. Besides…I think Mary Jane would enjoy a sister.” The girls nodded, starting to cluster around Butch, stroking her large body lightly. Mary Jane stood finally, wounds treated and tears dried. She watched Billy expectantly, and Billy just looked confused. Finally, Butch nodded. Pierce smiles and lead the way to a larger stall near the back of the hangar. “Suzi Q, you and Mary help Butch to keep Billy still. I don’t want him getting hurt. Butch, you know the drill.” Butch set Billy down, handing him to the two strong females. She lay down on the large pile of pillows that lined the floor and spread her legs. Three of the other cows kneeled, one starting to fondle a breast, suckling at one of Butch’s milk-dripping nipples. The other two snuggled against her tummy and thigh, both caressing and licking the massive cock between Butch’s legs. Properly relaxed by the attentions, Butch leans back further, moaning softly and hugging the nearest member of the herd. Her herd. Billy watched the scene, cock rock hard again despite the danger of his situation. Mary glared at him one last time, then lifted Billy herself, starting Suzi. Holding BJ’s legs closed with one arm, Mary drew his outstretched feet toward Butch. The two girls licking the glistening cock reached down and spread Butch’s pussy lips, and with a warm slurping sound, Mary pushed Billy into the hot pink cleft up to his knees. Billy was stunned, “Hey! Waitaminute! Ya can’t do tha-ACK!” Butch moaned lustily, hir moist inner muscles flexing tightly around Billy’s legs. Mary Jane pushed him deeper, his feet pushing against Butch’s tight cervix, which parted suddenly to trap his feet in the waiting womb. Soon, Billy’s throbbing cock was sucked into Butch’s body. Mary Jane was crying angrily, whispering into Billy’s ear. “Bastard…bastard! See how you like being raped when Mommy gets done with you…” Billy was panicking. He could only sit there and stare. The two girls worshiping Butch’s cock slid up and straddled hir hips, entwining arms and legs around the massive member. Rubbing against it, nipples and cunnies wet with the attention, both cowgirls started to lick the massive tip. Their tongues roamed over the surface, into each other’s mouths, and back along the shaft as they ground their bodies against the hot member. As Butch’s muscles contracted, they sucked Billy deeper, his balls pressing against the stretched cervix. He shook and yelled out, cumming hard against Butch’s inner walls. Mary Jane gave him a disgusted look and shoved hard. Billy’s chest and head disappeared past the swollen folds. Only his arms remained out of Butch’s body, flailing weakly. Butch was in heaven. The twin girls rubbing hir cock, and the struggling man in hir pussy, and several other girls suckling at hir tits. Shi mooed loudly, and came hard. Hir cock exploded, hot malecum splashing the giggling twins, and female cream gushing from hir stuffed cunt. The muscles contracted, and Billy was sucked the rest of the way inside. Meanwhile, Butch bucked and moaned, soaking the pillows and the females in the room. Shi finally came down and rubbed hir tummy, which now looked more than 8 months pregnant with BJ. Butch could see the skin over hir belly move as Billy squirmed inside. The others, who had all been knocked off in Butch’s climax, and now all of them rubbed at the moving bulge. Inside Butch’s womb, Billy was wild with panic. He was running out of air, and he was totally trapped. He shifted, but a sudden pain in his navel caused him to curl up and lay perfectly still. He grabbed at his stomach and felt a long moist tube sliding into his gut. He tugged at the cord, but a sharp pain ceased further attacks. Then he realized he wasn’t having any problems breathing. Distracted, he curled back up. Suddenly he heard Butch’s muffled voice call out to him. “That’s right baby, you just calm right down…” shi cooed. “Mommy will take good care of you from now on. But when you come out, mommy is still going to beat your little ass black and blue for hurting little Mary Jane. But you’ve got a few months to think about what you did.” Pierce walked back in, having narrowly avoided a cum shower. He scratched his stubbly chin. “Well…things didn’t work out as well as I hoped, but all in all this was an advantageous turn of events.” Butch just glared. “You knew what was going to happen, didn’t you? That’s why you picked such a fat redneck bastard. He should be a good producer when she’s born.” Pierce sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, avoiding Mary Jane’s accusing stare. “If you’ve got a better way to get new cows for our farm, you tell me. And you know perfectly well that Billy…or should I say Billi Jo, will be your new fucktoy when she gets out.” Butch actually blushed and looked away. Mary Jane hugged hir and shivered. “Will Billi still be mean when she comes out?” Butch patted hir tummy and gasped as shi felt Billi squirm a bit more. “We’ll just have to wait and see, sweetheart. Wait and see.” To be continued…