BARBERA.TXT - M/F, Incest - August 2, 1998 A vixen's tail By SwampRat (cl) 1998 - Gay Furry Association Barbera shook her head in disbelief.. She couldn't be... Yiffy. The vixen hadn't been feeling too well, so she visited the Family Doctor. After some looking and rubbing and feeling that felt good enough to make her blush, the Shepherd stood back and nodded. "Well My dear - It seems you are Yiffy." The fox's jaw dropped. "Me? But I couldn't.. I never.. I mean..." He chuckled and fondled her breasts, running his thumbs over her nipples.. Barbera responded with a moan and arching towards him, feeling like her nerve endings had been set afire. He stopped, and for a moment the vixen wanted to beg him to continue - he Was a hunky shepherd and she had more than once fantasised about him... But all he did was help her off the table and slapped her rear, making her murr again. "Yep, Definitely Yiffy." Then hugged her for a moment. "It's not the end of the World.." She nodded then blurted, "Will I turn Gay?" He laughed again.. "That old Rumor.. Gay is a Lifestyle, Not a Disease. if you want to be Gay or Straight or Anything in between, I am sure your parents will be supportive - As will I." He had seen her naked more times than anyone outside her Family, having brought her into the world, and she giggled, nodding. Barbera dressed, and kissed the Doctor on the cheek and got another gentle pat. "You are a Healthy, Sexy Female who will probably break quite a few hearts before you settle down.." She *Blushed* again and nodded. The walk home was too fast for her liking.. "I doubt your breasts will grow to the size of watermelons and you won't go around humping against trees or any other silly thing someone may have told you.. Yiffiness means you will want sex more, and probably enjoy it more too." She laughed quietly, remembering the Doctor's words... But how could She be Yiffy? She wasn't well-built - Average breasts with black nipples; Average, if muscular butt; Average thatch of fur between her legs.. Nothing Special. She didn't know any other vixens who were like this.. a Couple of Todds, but everybody knew about them. Barbera thought for a moment about another female in bed with her.. And shuddered. Friends would be Ok, but not Lovers. Not gay then... The vixen thought about her Private fantasy and groaned, wanting to rub her hot clit.. Then stood, holding a tree as the full force of what she had just felt hit. She was a Yiff alright. Wanting to get off Right here in Public... A gentlemale Otter asked if she was alright and waved down a cycle-taxi to take her the rest of the way to her house. Barbera thanked him and sat as the robotic conveyance whisked her along. It was not against any law to make love to oneself or with another in Public, as long as it was done out of the way of traffic.. But the news of her - Affliction - combined with the sudden urge made her queasy. She Knew what her Parents would say - The usual stuff about support and loving her for who she was.. As long as she didn't go down the The Street of Desires and 'Peddle Her Ass' as her brother would say. Having an older brother was sometimes a pain because he wouldn't let her get into half the mischief he did.. Barbera would have to talk to him First... He would know what to say - he always did somehow. The cycle-taxi stopped, chimed softly then took off again as she walked up the pathway to the place she had been raised in. No one seemed around so she went to her room , and washed, the cloth feeling So Good on her body.. She thought about playing with herself here, but a communal shower was for washing, not sex.. Besides, there were other things to help her get off besides fingers... So she dried and combed and walked to her room with a towel, closing the door. She rummaged for a moment, and took out a dog-eared magazine her Brother had managed to purchase for her - She had been to embarrassed to do so herself - and laying the folded towel on the bed, straddled it, and stroked the laminated pages lovingly. Men - To be exact, Humans. Chubby, sometimes balding, sometimes with little hair except between their lovely legs. This was her Private Fantasy... One she didn't share Even with her best friends. Maybe because they were so Real - Their dicks were usually cute and chubby like their owners and She panted looking them over. So much skin to kiss and caress... Her crotch hair dampened as she moved back and forth on the towel, running a hand over her quivering butt, squeezing the cheek. Barbera turned the page and moaned.. Taking up the entire area was The most wonderful ass she had seen... She bent over, nuzzling the picture, wishing it was real. MMmmmmmm.. To have something like that to lay her head on, to lick between, tasting his salty sweat, to nip on those quivering mounds lovingly.. Her fingers dug into her butt, tail lifting as she rubbed back and forth against the towel, close to explosion... Another page turned, and she stood still. This was her favorite - The one she couldn't look at without having to change - There he was, on all-fours..Balls hanging down between his thighs, big butt parted, ready for her tongue. Her vagina contracted as she rubbed a nipple, thumbing it, feeling the first waves crash over her body. The vixen shuddered, as she slapped her butt, adding the sting to the too-intense pleasure.. She grunted, gripping the towel between her legs as she felt the wetness leak down, knowing the next page would make her howl.. Naughty fingers left her breast and tremblingly turned the page.. There was the same male, now sideways. His leg was moved back so his fat, hard cock was pointed towards the floor, balls still visible. He was looking at her, blue eyes twinkling. Barbera shivered and touched the tip of his cock with her nose, wishing she could have a holovid of his voice.. Alcan 4 was not a place Humans traveled to. Their goods came by - like the magazine - but she had never seen a Live human.. A Human to hold and caress and tell her what to lick and to suck and fuck her instead of the dildo she kept in the closet. "Hello Sis." Fingers came around to grip her tits, playing with the nipples as a hard canine cock bumped around her rear until it found her anus. "J.. John?" In it went, the pointed head opening her rear passage for the thick inches that followed. "Yes My Beautiful Sister." She had to giggle even as she moved her hips, being lifted up into a kneeling position.. He had always said she was beautiful and she had always told him he was full of it. "I see you are still enjoying the magazine I got you.." She nodded moaning as he pulled back and Thrust into her hot rear. A hand trailed down her belly and Barbera arched, gasping. "Please John.. Don't..." The hand stopped, just rubbing her stomach, as they both moved in slow rythem. "Don't What, My Beautiful Sister? Stop fucking your Wonderful Ass, Stop nibbling at your Lovely Neck, Or... " The vixen growled and pushed back on him, making John gasp, reaching back to slap his butt. "I... I am a YiffyFox." There. It was Out.. Teeth bit softly into her ear as a finger parted her sopping bush and stroked her clit. "So? You are My Littler Sister First.." A grunted pant as she squealed gripping the hot cock in her anal passage, wanting it All. "And a damn Hot Fuck, If I may say so." Hands gripped her hips, Teeth bit into her neck ruff as she felt the engorged knot forcing it's way into her as she Screamed in ecstasy, soaking the towel, riding the male's cock, feeling it pump it's load of hot, creamy liquid deep in her bowels. Barbera floated above her body, feeling the hands caress her, the movement as the magazine was closed and put aside, the movement as she was turned to lay over her Brother, listening to him pant. She wriggled, squeezing his dick, lifting her body up to play with his balls.. "Damn Sis.. Yiffy is one thing - " She laughed and squeezed him again. fondling him. "Mom and Dad won't be back for another 2 hours.. Which is about when You will get soft." That got a laugh. "I wish I Was that much of a stud... Maybe 10 more minutes." She lay back again, getting comfortable. Her tail was a little kinked, but she could live with it. "And how did You know I was a Damn Hot Fuck, as you put it?" She could feel the heat of his blush without having to see it and giggled.. Things said in passion are extremely funny afterward - Especially to rib one's partner about. "Maybe it was 'Fuck My Hot Ass, you Big Human!' You do get a bit loud when you use that dildo *I* Got for you.." A Becoming of Age present she cherished for many reasons.. The fingers moved over her body, making her moan and wriggle some more. "10 minutes you said?" John grunted as she squeezed him.. "Does this make us Lovers now?" He snorted and teased a nipple in retaliation. "You Are a good lay Sis, but I already Live with you.." She laughed and slowly pulled up, gripping the towel -To find a tongue already there! It wriggled up her ass and made her squeal, hands gripping her cheeks. "It's called 'Felching' Sis.. And I love your sweet ass even more now I got a taste of it!" Teeth nipped her cheeks until they were covered with marks, making the vixen screech and moan and mat her thighs even more, a rough palm helping to bring her to orgasm again.. "Gotta study for a History Exam tomorrow." John laid her down and nipped on her breasts, kissing the nipples.. "See ya later.. And I will fuck your Hot, Tight Ass anytime you want me to, My beautiful Sister." She patted his balls and lay panting.. * * * * "How did the Doctor's visit go?" Barbera opened her eyes to see the big dark male wolf whom she had called Father since she could speak standing in the door. Markham had stepped in when his partner had died, raising the family like they were his own. he called her his 'Bright Morning Star' as she had somehow gotten all the White Fur genes from the family. He came in as she sat up, knowing she was a Mess.. And he wouldn't say a word about it. When she came to dinner he might say the room looked a little messy, but that was it. He stood beside her, rubbing her ears, waiting for her to say what she wanted to say.. "Well..." She suddenly noticed how close his scrotum was to her nose. It was a furless leathery sack, with 2 thick nuts inside and smelled... The vixen sat a moment, inhaling his male scent, not wanting to say Anything.. Not wanting to blurt out, "I'm Yiffy." Even so, He would kiss her forehead, say "That's Nice.. As long as you are Ok.." And walk out.. She reaches up and combs his butt-fur, feeling the muscles move under her hand. "I...." And forgot what she was going to say as his male-meat slid out of it's holder, thick as her wrist. And the odor.. Her mouth watered. "You can tell me anything, You know that My dear." She did.. But how to put into words feelings and desires that suddenly swept through her.. Why had she never seen what a Hunk her step-father was before? "I'm Yiffy!" She exclaimed, burying her head between his legs, unsure if she wanted to cry or laugh.. And for a long moment nothing happened.. His hand continued rubbing her head and that was it. "I see..." came finally. Barbera was Still in turmoil - First she had been butt-fucked by her Bother, and now she wanted to suck off her Step-Dad? What kind of vixen was she? This time the tears Did come, hot and thick and the big male moved to wrap his arms around her, holding her to his chest. "It can't be That bad..." As she sobbed on his shoulder everything came out - The doctor's caresses, the sick feeling wanting to play with herself on the way home, the magazine, John screwing her into oblivion, how she felt about him and what she wanted to do... Markh didn't sush her or pat her.. He just held her in his lap and rocked her until the storm was over. "You ok now, Star?" Her childhood nickname made her giggle."Then. You don't hate me?" A hand gripped her butt, fingers digging in. "You know... John thinks I am a Hunk too - And he has a nice Tight Ass that I have howled over many times.." Then he kissed her. Not a peck on the forehead but a long , loving wanton lip-lock that makes Barbera's tail puff out and her nipples harden. "I was also your Father's Lover, and promised him I would watch over you 2 after he..." A moment of quiet sorrow, then he stood. "Well if that is all, I will be..." A hand touched his leg and he turned. Without any guilt, the vixen ran her hand over the huge wolf-cock and sat up, licking the tasty balls clean before sliding the dripping tip on her mouth and sucking softly at first, then harder, hungrily wanting to feel his semen spurt down her throat.. John heard the moans and shook his head, grinning. He would tell Sis later about Mother's decision to move to Rann - They were both of Adult age and in good hands with Markham, So she said. Another groan and he closed the book, thinking that a 3-way would be the way to go.. He stood and patted his balls.. "It runs in the Family." Then left to go play with his lovers. The End