GAYVAMP2.TXT - M/?, Human/Non-Human/Undead - February 17, 2003 Another Undead tale By SwampRat (cl) 2000 Gay Furry Association John found the spot quite by accident. He and Jim had been walking through the woods, half-daring each other all the way, as kids will. "Dare ya to pick-up that slug." "Dare ya to stick a branch in that hole." They laughed and Jim suddenly said he had to pee, so John continued on a bit and found.. The Spot. He had no idea why it was so, it just was. So he hollered over to his friend, "I dare ya to come over here with ya whacker out." So Jim did so, his dick swinging. He stood, legs apart, grinning. "Dare ya to touch it." John huffed but walked over and grabbed the smooth skin. They had done this for a while now, but Only as Dares.. They didn't want to wind up Queer or anything. Of course Queers were Grown-ups, they were just 'Kids' - well, Kinda - so that made it alright too. Jim groaned and closed his eyes, getting stiff from his friends' caresses. "Dare ya.. *Ah* Dare ya to drop yer pants." John did so rapidly, returning to stroking Jim's dick. It was about the same length as his but thicker. Sometimes he secretly wished his friend would dare him to lick it, like his dog did to him sometimes.. But he would never say it out loud. He groaned as fingers gripped his meat, stroking it in a way he enjoyed.. Soon they were both grunting and panting and squeezing each others butts - Just to hold onto, Mind - as twin streaks of white splattered into the dark earth. They continued jerking, one orgasm was Never enough for them.. But 3 almost did them in. "Oh Wow.. Oh Yeah.. Oh Man." Neither knew who spoke but it didn't matter, they were Best Friends. The summer sun felt nice on their bodies as Jim stripped, and patted his still dripping dick. "Still time for some swimming, and then we gotta get back home." John nodded, pulling his t-shirt off and his shoes. Then ran off.. "Last one in has to kiss Carla Linde!" Jim grimaced. "Kiss a Girl? I would rather kiss your scrawny butt." He hopped on one foot getting his stubborn sneaker off, then tore down the path, slapping his friends white butt. They splashed each other, fought verbally over who would have to kiss who and where.. Then got out on the rocks to dry a bit before climbing back into their clothes and walking back home - scaring frogs and examining crickets, and doing what all boys did in the woods. * * * * Red wanted into the club. Badly.. Of course he would have to go through 'Initiation'.. Which meant he had to by the other 2 sodas, jerk off behind the shed.. and allow them to spank him 5 times. Ok, he could live with that.. They stood at the spot and Red made the 'secret vow', then dropped his pants.. "Not too hard right?" They both winked. "Not hard, We promise. No peeking.. " "Hey! That's not a switch.." "How would you know?" Slapping Red's butt felt good. Then John did the same, rubbing his dick up and down the smooth butt-flesh. "Hey! He Likes it! Queer.." They sang, pointing to his hard dick. "I am Not!" he snorted, trying to think of something good enough to say back. Then he jumped as a hand gripped his erection. "Prove it.. Jerk off. Right here. Right now." Red grimaced, but took his wang in hand and worked it slowly, feeling the head, the shaft throbbing in his fingers. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth as his hand went faster, Then with a shuddering moan, blew jism clear across the dark circle. "Again!" The boys chorused, slapping his butt with their dicks, almost ready to pop themselves. And Red nodded, working himself up, jerking on his meat firmly, thumbing his cock-tip. It didn't take much for him to explode a second time, shooting not as far but a lot more cock-syrup splattered on the ground. Panting, he stood and let it dribble. Then watched the other 2 come around and standing side-by-side grip each other's dicks and stroke the strong hard-on's. It didn't take much before the first orgasm made them moan in unison, and a second time. But a third just wasn't in them, so they left off.. "Welcome to the Club, Red." They all shook hands then cocks, then raced down to the swimming hole, laughing and naked as newborns. * * * * Sparky was their Shepherd, all ears and eyes and tail. He loved his master dearly, but not enough to go into the circle of dark earth that jangled every nerve he had. He dug his legs in and Refused to budge. Until fingers curled around his sheath and tugged his doggy-cock out. That and a pair of sweet-smelling boy-dicks enticed him to forget his instincts and venture out.. Just a little. "Man it's big!" His cock turned red, blue veins standing out, furry balls swelling. His knot emerged, and swelled too, keeping his canine meat out for the 3 boys to awe at and touch - gently. Sparky whined, arching his back a little.. He could Smell sex here, and his master never teased him - always got him off. A hand gripped him, and he hunched into it, panting a little. He also licked at the 2 other dicks - Sweet liquid, usually followed by Salty made him want to bite the rolls of flesh, lust blinding him to all but the stroking hand on him.. He yelped, shooting runny dog-semen across the dirt, then was turned, cock pulled back as he continued to squirt.. Tired, he watched 2 of the young males play with each other, adding their seed and scent to the ground, while his master kept him desirous, making his moan softly as another orgasm made him pant heavily... "Wow.. he can pop longer than us." Envy tinged the voice, while the others nodded, watching the muscle slide back into it's sheath. This time Sparky fetched a stick and pushed at the boys with his cold nose, making one of them jump like a startled frog.. And the others would laugh.. Until he did it to them. For 2 sun-drenched months the boys 'watered' that patch of soil, added occasionally by Sparky, who was Still reluctant to enter the area. But school came and the friends left the area. * * * * Something moved in that dark patch of earth.. Stirred... Pulled itself up and in a swirl of ebony a creature came into being.. The bat stretched it pale limbs, shuddering at the feeling of being alive again. Well - Mostly alive. And the Hunger.. The familiar hunger that made it shake, made it's teeth press together. Made it lift up to it's full height, and jump into the too still air, flapping it's membranes, gaining altitude, searching for.. Yes! A woman out too late. She would be his first meal in... The wind shifted and it smelled her.. Her womanly odor, her female 'perfume' - And fell out of the sky, retching. As it lay, still feeling the burning desires, it shook it's head. What was wrong? What had happened to Him? Surely he hadn't gotten so low as to need less substantial fare.. Again, the pale form lifted into the dark sky, searching, seeking.. But wherever it went, Females were also. Cows and does and women seemed to abound and it drove him past fields that teemed with life, past houses that seemed to be multiplying like mushrooms beneath him.. Down to where a lone stallion stood, napping. Like his owner he was old as the hills, And knew soon he would join the dust, probably to have a condo erected over where he lay. He nibbled at a patch of grass but his teeth were gone, so it was pretty futile. When the figure appeared in his view, he felt no fear. What could It do to him? Release him from his last months of life, perhaps. But he was tired and more than ready to leave the place he once worked and was proud of it. He sighed, eyes closed, awaiting the bite, the promise the dark form held... Instead, he got a leathery 'hand' stroking his nuts and a tongue flicking inside his sheath. Even old he Was still a stallion and unreeled himself, into long caressing fingers. Into sharp nips and gentle strokes that aroused him like he had not been in a Long time. He gave his seed willingly, snorting and stomping a little at the bites he received, but not willing to remove his dick from the suction that felt soo good.. A sharp pain on the tip of his splayed head made him jerk, still more cum flowing down his long hose to be eagerly gulped down.. A tongue soothed his hurts and wounds and he felt himself slipping into sleep - a Deeper sleep than usual. But it was not the sleep of Death, merely exhaustion. The form seemed not interested in the throbbing veins that bulged against the huge male-meat.. No - It wanted what was inside the balls it caressed, coaxed into giving Just a little more seed for the hot yet cold mouth to suck out and drink deep of.. At last it could get no more and the longish tongue flicked at the slit, lapping up what was left.. Then it kissed the fat nuts, promising them a return engagement another day.. The wind came up and the man again became bat, still seeking sustenance.. But not Blood, which puzzled the centuries old being. Had something changed since he had been staked and burned? Yes he had his share of Male lovers when he was in his Prime, but now.. A scent came to him and despite his fat belly sloshing he swerved.. Never Enough for his needs. * * * * The teenager was walking across the vacant area, massaging his crotch and growling that he needed to get laid soon, or he was going to rape someone.. And suddenly there was this weird looking Dude standing, staring at him.. Staring.. Staring... The eyes compelled, demanded he walk closer. 'Drop your pants.' He did so, still struggling with himself - Until the thin fingers grabbed his nuts and a mouth inhaled his dick. Mutant Rat, or whatever it was, it could give head! A part of him was asking, "Wasn't it a Guy just a moment ago?' And part of him didn't care Who or What as long as it kept using those fingers on his balls.. Oh Man! Not his ass.. The finger probed and poked around, rubbing his prostate bump and he came harder than he could Ever remember before. Being young and horny he just Kept fountaining into the hungry maw, ignoring the Bites, the scratches as he blew out everything had and Then some... Falling to the pavement he looked up at the sky, noticing it was starting to get light.. Where had the night gone? For that matter where was that creature who made him blow out both barrels? Or was it all some strange dream.. His aching balls, the cold pavement and the wind told him otherwise.. Standing up he made his way home, but he would return many times to that spot to be embraced by his leathery lover.. Who smelled of Horse for some reason. The vampire made it back to the spot, still very unsure what had happened.. Why was it semen he craved? Why only Males did his claws yearn for? He turned to mist and returned to the earth, even though the sun did little to bother him - After being burned 'alive', the rays of the sun didn't even faze him. But he needs sleep. To ingest his meal. To not think for a while.. End of Story