MerWolf.TXT - M/M/m/f - NC/Rape, Snuff, Pedo - October 28, 2002 A very nasty tail of Wolves and Humans in the Wastes (cl) 1999, 2002 by SwampRat MerWolves stood on 2 feet but were more canine than Human.. As if the creator couldn't decide which he wanted them to be. Some said they were evil, Killing and raping and pillaging.. Others disagreed, pointing out that unlike Human monsters they didn't kill All they caught, and neither coins nor any other thing of value was ever taken - MerWolves had no need of such. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There were 4 of them in the pack - All males, as they Liked it that way. They Circled a small house, the owners either too unwise or too stubborn to stay off land that belonged to Them. They grinned sharp daggers at each other, waiting until the moon came over the trees before attacking. What few animals were around bolted at the smell of the carnivores - Or were 'helped' along, the pack ripping through tethers, destroyed pens. Their meat was not what tongues slavered over lips for... A human appeared, gun in hand. Well-built, rugged stock who believed that prayer sometimes needed a helping hand - or bullet. He came around the corner of the house, ready to blast Anything moving - And found a few chickens squawking indignantly about being awakened so late. The Man stood a moment, perplexed.. Then jerked as claws ripped his back open. There was no time to yell a warning as his legs went out from under him, pitching the human down the steps. There 2 creatures fell on him, ripping his clothes away to get at the muscular butt-cheeks.. A third watched from the stairs as his brothers licked and nuzzled the mounds of male flesh, before ripping muzzlefuls from the shuddering body to be devoured. When they finished, the meal was rolled over and an argument ensued over who would get the tiny penis.. The balls were another matter - Pressing their muzzles together as if kissing, each neatly engulfed a nut, sucking gently on it before biting it off and chewed it slowly, savoring the flavor before continuing their gory repast. A third argued that the body was now useless for mating with and the other 2 laughed, saying he could use it when they were done if he so chose.. One even grabbed the little penis, ripping it from the still shuddering body and tossing it at the complaining one.. Who snarled but accepted the prize, swallowing it in a couple of bites. The Wife fared no better. She stood with a large knife in the kitchen, ready to do battle if need be, knowing something had gone wrong.. But got no chance. Strong arms shattered the wooden window slats, grabbing her and pulling her out onto the ground. She stared in shock at the creature who squatted with his furry scrotum almost touching her face.. Then he ripped her dress down the front and leaned over to lick a nipple.. Before biting it off. She barely felt it, shock making her helpless as the pair of MerWolves feasted on her.. When they had eaten all they wanted, they stopped and cleaned themselves, drinking from the well, then turned to the structure itself, curious as to what else might be inside. The first room was kitchen and dining room and pantry, the males not bothering about what was in tins or on shelves.. The second part was divided by a curtain, and an oil lamp lit a strange scene - a lad of maybe 10 summers was holding a small knife.. Waving it in the air while a slightly larger hump peeked out over covers at both the boy and the intruders. One of the MerWolves laughed, almost a growl. "So, you be a warrior, do you?" The others came in, also laughing, baiting the boy who swung at them, trembling. "Be careful, He might scratch ya." One growled, moving a little closer to the corner, and the trembling occupant in the bed. "You leave my Sister alone!" the youth screamed, voice high-pitched in fear. They looked at one another and grinned. "And what will ye do to stop us?" A fast as lightning paw slapped the steel from the boy's hand, and they stood in a semi-circle, growling deep and low. It was only then he noticed they were male, and horror of a different kind ran through him. Beth was a year older and starting to blossom as a woman. But they would not care about such things.. She was only meat - a Plaything to be used, then killed afterwards... In desperation he threw himself at the nearest one - To be 'manhandled', face rubbed against a swelling dog-cock.. Then shoved back. "He likes ye.." One of them sniggered, stroking his own male-meat, the knot swelling at the base. Green eyes took in all this, widening somewhat at the girth and length of the red, pointed poles jutting from the furry crotches. Watched her brother fetch up against the wall a big male gripping his head, pushing it's dick into his mouth. "Suck it Pup.. Suck it and live." He gagged, trying to spit the dick from his mouth. "Doesn't suck good - maybe his ass is tighter." Beth tossed the covers aside and Stood. "No. Leave him be.." She bit her lip. "Take me instead." The boy squirmed in his captor's grip. "Beth - You. You can't!" She took a faltering step towards the leering MerWolves. "John.." She whispered, "If they take you like that, they will Kill you.. And I - I don't think I could take That." Removing her nightgown, she stood naked and shivering despite the warmth of the night air. The boy again struggled as one of them walked forward and gripped her breasts, toying with her nipples. Then yowled in pain as his head was yanked back. "Tis simple Pup - You get us off, You live. You don't get us off..." John nodded, taking the dog-cock in his mouth, trying not to think of what was going to happen to them. Beth found herself moving as one slid it's fingers between her legs, toying with her still small mound. It felt good despite what she wished.. "This 'un Likes it." Ugly, growled laughter was followed by a squeal as a pointed canine-head split her neither lips open and entered her virgin hole. The biting pain was followed by illicit pleasure as the hot maleness worked it's way deeper. Another appeared at her face, and she hesitantly licked the dripping thing, then took it in her mouth. She heard a muffled scream and almost turned her head - but a pawful of hair combined with a searing bolt of hurt as the big dick broke her open, deflowering the girl in one hard thrust brought her to the brink of darkness. John was also being de-flowered - By a Huge, slick dog-cock forcing itself into his quivering butt, pulling out, pushing deeper.. He was lucky. His ass was So tight and gripping the MerWolf came almost immediately holding onto the lad, panting heavily, and not moving for a good few minutes. Then he pulled out and stepped back, for another male to grip the firm boy-ass, part the cheeks and finding the bloodied hole, rammed another thick piece of male-meat into it.. He too didn't last but a few strokes, before spraying his cum into the soft guts and pulling out. They grinned at each other, playing some strange game with their fingers.. One of them growled, the other returning to the keening human. Pulling the young hips up he again found the entrance and pushed into it.. But this time he used his weight and strength to force his log of male-meat in to the knobby base.. With a snarl he gripped the frail body and fucked it rough and hard, ignoring the moans, the blood, the noises the human made.. His only interest is how tight the lad is on his dick.. With one final savage thrust the creature buries his cock to the sheath, tying with the limp child. Beth fared no better, the male in her working his cock deeply inside until the wolf-seed pumps through her cervix, filling it up. He holds her abused ass a minute then pulls free allowing the one who she was sucking on to replace him. This one wastes no time, spearing her vagina and thrusting in hard and deep. The now-woman collapses on her arms, unable to do anything but take the punishing mating.. She tries to scream as the knot enters her, opening her to the point of tearing. Again, a MerWolf pulses inside her, filling her with hot spunk. This one growls over her soft and low, holding her to him, teasing her nipples, hard, furry body pressed to hers. The other 2 watch and growl.. Then lift the boy up to lick at his crotch.. Finding no life they try out his mouth again. But the lad is long gone and doesn't even retch as the long dick probes his tonsils.. So they converge on Beth, each taking a hand and making her stroke them off. The one tied to her rolls over, and grins, laying himself on the floor. One squats at her mouth and makes her take it.. She sucks on the dick, more on autopilot than from any desires, while the other parts her cheeks and sinks his tongue in her rear.. For a moment pleasure flairs in her, then the long canine cock opens her Other virgin passage and she chews on the penis in her mouth as it sinks in.. "She is Better than He.. Maybe they Live to see Day.." They laughed and the 2 on either side of the girl started pumping at her, one grunting as his cock slid in and out of the tightest ass he could remember.. The other finding Beth's mouth a bit cramped but ok.. He had already blown a couple of times in the Boy and wasn't in any hurry.. A moan made them look over at said lad. The one who had tied to him had finally gone limp enough to pull out.. And was fucking the boy-ass roughly, but this time it was getting a response. "Male after all.. Come, share male with Female." The one buggering Beth snarled softly.. He wasn't about to give up His place.. Not when he was close to cumming. One last hard thrust and he forced his knobs in, moaning as he felt the other dick rubbing his now, held apart by only the flesh of the girl. The other laughed and moved to allow the boy to be moved around and have his not so small cock pushed into his sister's face. Beth barely noticed, sucking on whatever was placed between her lips, taking his dick and his little nut-sack in her mouth. John moaned.. Which stopped as the last male pushed it's big dick in His mouth to be sucked on.. And the lad did so. Some part of him was aware of the damage the monsters had done to both him and his sister. But he was alive.. So was She. And he knew all they had was each other.. So he sucked and struggled with the dick that slammed into his abused ass. And felt a spark of pleasure from the rubbing of his prostate, his dick warm and being sucked on as well. They would survive this. They would grow stronger. Maybe they would have revenge.. But for now, Live.. Do whatever they wanted you to do. See another sunrise, even if it is in pain. He gagged as the cum poured out, but he swallowed all he could, tiring the MerWolf enough it's dick shrank to a more manageable size in his mouth. It snarled and cuffed his head gently.. Then went out to wait for the others, sated and full. One by one the others finished with their sex-toys, Filling Beth so full she squished, making sure the boy had his first orgasm inside his sister's mouth. As their knots softened, they pulled out of the girl and with soft slaps on her butt and breasts, left.. The last one pulled out of the boy and turned him around. "Surely yer has another one in ye.. Been long since I supped cub-cream." John could only hold onto the furry head as lips and tongue and teeth combined to make him Explode into the wolfish muzzle. It was too much and he passed into darkness, his nuts emptied so well that years later he would get hard just looking at a wolf's muzzle. The 4 drank from the well, dragged the bodies off - Not to be eaten but for others to feed from.. In their own way they fed many creatures of the forest. Then back to their den, with many an ass slapped and a cock played with as they groaned and laughed and quarreled about which of the humans was the better lay. * * * * Day came and the 2 no-longer children moved.. Moaned. Found themselves alive somehow. They got up, cleaned up as best they could and healed.. The next day came and no Furry males molested them.. Except in their dreams. But they cleaned, and got things back to rights. Perhaps they would survive this after all... This time it was different 'wolves' who found the broken farm. Men who raided the out of the way places like these, knowing they would have little trouble - Kill the Men, Loot the house, Rape all inside, then torch the place. No witnesses, no one to testify against them. They watched for signs of Life, for Adults to come out, for Children to do their chores.. When nothing happened they came closer.. Then boldly went in the door, past the main room and into the bedroom. "Well, Well, Look what we have here." Beth screamed as one of the men grabbed her, yanking the blanket away and leering at her "So Missy, Where's you Parents? Gone for the day? Too bad.. For You." Another came from outside, dragging the boy. "Look what I found.. Only 2 of them. Guess we will have to take turns.. Wha?" Screams came from outside, Quickly cut off. The 2 men looked at each other and pulled wicked-looking knives from belts. A nod and they moved out to scan the area.. Nothing moved. Not the other Men, not the grass, Nothing. What the hell was going on here? One of them turned and went back to check on the Children.. And missed His fellow bandit being yanked out the door to be stripped, trussed and shoved in the back with the others who could only lay with wide eyes as 4 furry males growled and grabbed their balls and bit their asses.. Then vanished again. The last one growled himself, having a Bad feeling.. Well, so we kill the little ones and torch the place, No Problem.. Except a hand was on his. Squeezing it.. He screamed as the bones broke and he dropped the knife.. Then his pants were ripped from his body and he screamed again as a MerWolf shoved it's big cock in his ass, thrusting a few times.. Then tossed him to the next one. Who growled and thrust into his now bleeding ass. Then tossed him to the Third, who bit his shoulder, fucking him rough and hard.. Who tossed him to the Fourth one. This MerWolf slammed him against the wall so he lay half in and half-out of the shattered window and pinned his hips to the rough wood, slamming the thick doggy-dick into his no-longer virgin ass again and again.. Beth gasped as the male growled and looked her over, strong fingers caressing her body. "Ours.. We decide when you Die." She could only nod.. Then Gasp as a big cock slid in her Moving in such a way as to make her bite the furry chest and shudder as the first of many orgasms shook her young body. John's eyes went wide.. Then went down as fingers played with his cock, lips kissing it, sucking it in with hunger.. He too moaned and arched up, blowing his nuts out into the sucking muzzle. The 4 MerWolves took turns humping the 2 young humans, alternating by taking the one still half- hanging in the window.. When they were sated, they grabbed his well-fucked, very scratched ass and drug him out to the others.. They grin and Howl for others to come and help them drag the prey off.. And come they do - All shapes and sizes. Some male, Some Female.. All Horny and hungry for man-flesh. Beth watches as the men are dragged/grabbed/ taken off and sighs, thinking it's not such a bad thing after all, having furry if Horny guardians.. She patted John's naked butt and went back to bed - Screwing MerWolves was hard Work! The End